Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 9: Time flies, and the achievements are high by leaps and bounds


Almost everyone didn't see clearly how Gu Yang did it.

Everyone only saw that Gu Yang got in front of Boone, tore through his defense, and pushed him out.

"Excellent, so this trick is used like this." Su Jie was excited, he had already seen that what Gu Yang used just now was the trick of digging and hoeing the ground, and the movement method is to carry the burden, and there is a challenge With the power of the burden, the trick of digging and hoeing can have penetrating power and knock people into the air.

In fact, both tricks are the same thing.

Boone was stunned by the beating, and it took five minutes to get up from the ground. He completely lost the viciousness just now, and he didn't mention any compensation, and honestly began to carry the burden.

Gu Yang also seemed to pretend that this hadn't happened, and continued to carry the burden and rush back to school.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" After returning to school, Joss ate dinner as usual. Joss gobbled it up while discussing it with Su Jie. Completely immersed in the process of enjoying the food, Joston lost interest for a moment.

After a while, Su Jie finished eating, sat down and massaged his stomach, swallowed his saliva, and stood up to speak until his stomach was no longer full.

"Where did you learn this way of eating?" Joss asked strangely.

"This is an ancient health regimen learned online. Do you want to learn from me? It is said that it can fully digest food and enhance physical strength." Su Jie strictly followed Ou Deli's warning, not to tell anything about him.

"It's so amazing, but it's too troublesome. I have good digestion and don't need this set." Joss was not interested, and shook his head: "Let's go, let's rest for a while, and then train with sandbags as usual."

Joss used Su Jie as a mobile sandbag every day, and it became more and more enjoyable. Especially recently, he obviously felt that Su Jie's speed and strength had improved, so this mobile sandbag became more and more valuable.

Back in the dormitory, Su Jie continued to write in his diary.

"July 9th, there are too many things to learn today. In addition to a set of joint exercise warm-up exercises, coach Odley is training me horizontally, so that I can control the relaxation and tension of the muscles and skin of the whole body at any time, and then Gu Yang Tell us how to carry the burden. This trick can be used in actual combat. The tall Boon has no strength to fight back. It seems that Chinese Kung Fu really exists, not bragging. Also, we Chinese have practiced it for thousands of years War, and the self-defense techniques passed down from folk fights, cannot be all fake. The eating and sleeping method that coach Odley told me, I must strictly implement it, and I can’t be slack in the slightest. It’s still a word, see the real chapter for details , Su Jie, you will definitely become a master! Believe in yourself!"

In the evening, he trained with Joss as before. During the sparring training, he looked for opportunities to use the "shoveling head" move, but found that it was useless at all. He seized the opportunity and received a lot of punches. Fortunately, he was still wearing three layers of protective gear, so there would be no problems.

"This move is definitely capable of actual combat, just like sweeping legs, straight punches, and swinging punches. It's a pity that I need to seize opportunities, precise bursts, and speed improvements. I lack too much of these. It’s only the ninth day of practicing martial arts, and it’s already a miracle to have such progress.”

After Su Jie came back from training, he still insisted on recording his experience in the diary, and then he fell asleep satisfied. He still used the "big corpse method", and soon entered that extremely peaceful mode.

"Gu Yang is a good coach."

On July 10th, Su Jie got up at 3:00 in the morning as usual, went to Ou Deli's small courtyard outside the school, and while doing joint exercises similar to Tai Chi, he reported to Ou Deli yesterday's training of Gu Yang.

After hearing this, Odley kept nodding his head.

"Lifting is like carrying a burden. This is the most important point in Chinese Kung Fu boxing. It is not easy to carry a burden. It requires not only strength but also the coordination of the whole body to move it. On mountain roads and in muddy ground, it is even more kung fu. If this technique is used in fighting, it is indeed terrifying. In traditional martial arts, it is called whole energy, and in modern fighting it is called whole body coordination. Whether it is judo, muay thai , or mixed martial arts, free combat, all pay attention to this. But Chinese Kung Fu can integrate it into farm work, and every move in daily life is practice, which is a profound philosophy." Odeley said: "The hoeing The trick is like carrying a burden, you can experience it in detail later. But start warming up now, and then do the platoon and horizontal exercises!"


The rubber stick hit Su Jie's back, it was so hot and painful that he wanted to die.

But Su Jie didn't move at all, he used his mind to feel the part being whipped, and trained for muscle tension and relaxation.

Odeli was whipping and teaching at the same time: "The most basic thing about horizontal exercises is to let you feel the sensitivity of the muscles and skin fascia of the whole body. It is your thought that every part of the skin of the whole body must have a response. , This is the feeling of Qi penetrating the whole body. Then you can train yourself without me. This is of great benefit to improving your physical fitness." Odeli said: "All the sports in the world, Whether it is ancient yoga, Chinese Kung Fu, or even the church’s prayer practice, this level is the most difficult. Chinese Taoist Kung Fu is called opening up the big and small circles. Yoga is called chakra connection. The church is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Exercise means that the brain absolutely controls the neurons of the whole body. There is nothing magical about it. But in fact, it is very difficult to train. Without a super coach, it is impossible to do it alone."

Su Jie listened quietly, recorded it in his heart, went back to write in his diary at night, and then looked up the information.

The biggest benefit of his study with Odeli is that, regarding traditional martial arts, some of the mystical and mystical things in Chinese Kung Fu can be clearly explained by modern neurology, psychology, kinesiology, and anthropology.

Su Jie held a heavy hoe, and after standing on the stake, Ode used a rubber stick to beat him all over his body.

Ou Deli's technique was very ingenious. Su Jie was beaten so painfully that he didn't want to die, but he didn't suffer any serious internal injuries. On the contrary, it made Su Jie's muscles and bones much stronger. With the help of medicine and diet, Su Jie recovered quickly.

In terms of food, Odeli also prepared well for Su Jie.

He seems to be determined to train a world-class athlete to prove that he is no worse than artificial intelligence.

The morning passed like this.

First is Wen Lian, then Heng Lian, eating and resting, and then Wu Lian.

Afterwards, Su Jie returned to school, just after dawn, coach Gu Yang's training also began.

Gu Yang's training is very simple. The first seven days are just digging the ground. The second seven days is to carry the burden and go to the countryside.

This kind of training is very boring, and there is no interest at all. If Su Jie didn't get the secret from Odeli, he might think it was useless, and he would feel slack like Boone, but now he is The more you practice, the more fun you get.

At night, he still served as Joss' sandbag, and occasionally returned two punches, but his fighting level was still far from Joss's.

Su Jie didn't care either, as long as he progressed slowly, it would be fine.

His diary records his daily changes.

"July 10th, the training is still the same, there is no change. It is too bitter. Fortunately, Coach Odley's breakfast is delicious and nutritious. I eat a lot. This breakfast is ordered at Nie's private restaurant in the town. , but it is said that it is very expensive, and ordinary people can't eat it at all. According to coach Odley, there are many high-level people in this city, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. He came here to visit some high-level people to learn traditional knowledge. There is a thousand-year-old temple on the mountain, and many martial arts have been passed down from that ancient temple, and even the trick of hoeing the head that I learned was created by the monks of the past generations while doing farm work."

"July 11th, apart from the usual training today, Coach Odley told me many hand-to-hand combat styles of the hoe. It turned out that he could pounce on the enemy from various angles, and there were many more For example, after hitting someone's face with a slap, grabbing and picking the eyes, if the punch is empty, it will immediately change to an elbow and a chest hit, and then change the body method, knees to hit the enemy's crotch. It is really vicious. Really. It’s too ruthless, it can’t be used in fighting competitions at all. But to use this kind of move well, you have to go through the baptism of many actual battles.”

"July 12th, in Coach Odley's physical training today, there is an extra thing called Crouching Tiger Kung Fu, which is to crawl on the ground on all fours, which is similar to plank support and is very strenuous. Coach Gu Yang still Let us shoulder the burden of training, there is nothing new. Coach Odley’s food is getting better and better. He really wants to train me, and I will definitely repay him in the future. Moreover, a foreigner is so determined to pursue Chinese culture. As a Chinese, I have to work harder. Also, under the volleyball of coach Odley today, I seem to be able to feel the resonance of flesh and blood and breathing in my whole body, which is not as piercing as it was a few days ago It hurts, but I feel some comfort. Is it an illusion?"

"On July 13th, I seemed to have mastered some rhythms of body breathing. When I was fighting with Joss, when he hit me, when I was punched, my muscles would subconsciously tense, and then suddenly relax. It really doesn't hurt anymore. But this state is sometimes ineffective. It seems that I still can't control the relaxation and tension of the muscles at will, and I have to practice more. Coach Odley said that this is called in the ancient Chinese boxing manual. Qi can’t penetrate the whole body, there are breaks. Sometimes I searched some ancient old boxing manuals on the Internet, and found that the language is profound, and I don’t understand it well. It seems that I need to strengthen my ancient prose skills. It’s easy to use, I sleep soundly, and I’m not tired all day long, but I use the active oil too frequently, basically one bottle a day.”

"On July 14th, I looked in the mirror and found that I had grown muscles, and my figure was a little taller, and my skin seemed to be much smoother. Coach Odley said that it was because of my excellent mentality and perfect balance of endocrine that caused All the functions of the body are full of vitality. Coach Gu Yang sometimes looks at me with doubts in his eyes. But he didn’t make a fuss about me, he just let us bear the burden, and the road to the countryside is getting more and more difficult. Sometimes, I even have to carry burdens and walk on mountain roads, which made me feel the hard work of the farmers. In addition, coach Odley taught me a set of massage techniques, allowing me to recognize the acupuncture points on people. I learned it very quickly. Very interested, it will help me understand how the body structure works."

"On July 15th, Coach Gu Yang is on vacation. I can study with Coach Odley for a whole day. Joss is a lunatic who trains crazily every day. It is said that he secretly went to some martial arts gyms in the town to fight with people. He also told me that there is a bar in the town, and there are boxing matches in the bar every night, and you can make money if you win. Moreover, there are many boxing gyms in the city, and there are various small competitions. As long as you can fight, you can easily get ahead I feel that I have only practiced for half a month, so I will not join in the fun. Coach Odley is leaving next month to go to Tibet and India to find supernatural powers. I have to hurry up and learn more from him. Something. I still can’t understand what supernatural power is. Odley, a person who has been rigorously trained in science, would actually believe in supernatural things. Anyway, I don’t believe that the end of science is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is theology. In other words, anyway, I have practiced for so long, martial arts is the use of mental quality and physical quality, psychological quality can enhance physical quality, physical quality can also strengthen psychological quality, that's all."