Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1017: The righteousness remains


Yunzhou is vast, but Dazhen is located in the south. It is natural for Ji Yuan to leave Yunzhou very quickly with the sword light. However, when leaving Dazhen territory and about to fly over the sea, Ji Yuan looked back and saw that as the stars in the Milky Way fell, a bright but not dazzling white light rose in the direction of Dazhen Kyoto.

'Master Yin...'

Ji Yuan frowned slightly in his heart, then he sighed, and the sword light flowed, flying out of Dazhen and Yunzhou.

It was already dark. In the Haoran Academy in the capital of Dazhen, Yin Zhaoxian was in a dream. However, even though he was dreaming, his originally calm and righteous spirit began to become turbulent like the meeting of wind and clouds.

In the dream, Yin Zhaoxian seemed to have gotten rid of his mortal body. As the light of righteousness continued to rise, he looked up and saw the sky full of stars, as if they were within reach.

"Is this the Milky Way? It is indeed extremely brilliant!"

When Yin Zhaoxian was dreaming of incense, the great righteous energy seemed to merge with him, like another stream of galaxy light, constantly spreading across the sky and swimming in all directions. As the environment in Yin Zhaoxian's dream changed, the great righteous energy also kept changing, as if it could ignore the limits of the earth.

The world is in chaos right now, and night is the most dangerous time. Even in a originally peaceful city, it is not impossible for evil spirits to appear at night. But even so, there are still countless people in the world who read by lamplight at night.

But at this moment, everywhere in Dazhen, everywhere in Yunzhou, and even in all parts of the world, no matter where they are, as long as there are those who are eager to learn and have not rested, they can vaguely feel something.

A scholar opened the door of his study and looked up at the sky. He felt that the stars were brighter tonight than ever before. Some learned and upright scholars could faintly see a white light.

Even those who practice martial arts and reach a certain level can feel this great righteous energy.

Wherever this righteous energy passed, the movements of demons and monsters in the world eased a little, and the dark clouds in the nights all over the world dissipated, allowing brighter starlight to shine on the earth.

Some military strategists fighting outside and their armies, as well as soldiers in ordinary armies not led by military strategists, all felt a moment of peace as a result.

It’s like being able to think of family members far away, like a child calmly listening to the teacher’s earnest teachings, like the smile between people who respect each other after greeting each other, and like the sudden realization after a doubt is finally understood. That’s the feeling of being human…

Even in the underworld, one could feel the light of righteousness passing by. At a certain moment, the fierce fighting between ghosts and evil spirits eased, and the spirits of all ghosts were boosted.

At the source of the Yellow Springs in the underworld, the sound of Ksitigarbha monk chanting scriptures paused. He opened his eyes, raised his head slightly, and then closed his eyes again.

"Buddha have mercy on me!"

This white light is the light of righteousness, and it is not something that only scholars and people of spiritual practice can feel. As long as there is righteousness in your heart, you can "see" it.

On the boundary of the Milky Way, Zhao Tianshen was also looking up. Although Yin Zhaoxian seemed to be able to touch the Milky Way in his dream, in fact, this light was higher than the Milky Way.

"I hope that in the future, righteousness will always exist in the world!"

Everything in the outside world, except the starlight, was blurry in Yin Zhaoxian's dream, but he didn't care. He knew he was dreaming and could clearly travel freely in his dream. Even though he was old now, he felt good.

Yin Zhaoxian felt as if he had passed through some kind of restriction and came to a barren mountain, where he saw a man sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

In Wuliang Mountain, Zuo Wuji's heart moved, he opened his eyes, then slowly stood up and saw a white light in the sky, but it seemed that he saw more than just a white light. Just by looking at it, with Zuo Wuji's divine realm, he could feel that his state of mind had undergone subtle changes, which aroused his righteousness and courage.

"Haoranzhengqi? Wensheng?"

In the dream, Yin Zhaoxian looked at the man standing up on the top of the mountain. His upper body was bare and his muscles were bronze. He looked like a bright star on earth, with a restrained but hot flame burning within him.

"Martial Saint?"

Apart from the portrait, this was the first time that Yin Zhaoxian saw Zuo Wuji, and the same was true for Zuo Wuji, except that the two could not communicate, and the white light did not stay, but gradually left Wuliang Mountain in the sight of Zhong Pingxiu and Zuo Wuji.

Finally, Yin Zhaoxian saw Ji Yuan. For the first time, he felt that he could keep up with his friend. For the first time, he could empathize with the immortal master. It was as if he was standing next to Mr. Ji, watching him galloping with sword light under his feet.

Just at this moment, Ji Yuan suddenly turned his head and looked at Yin Zhaoxian.

"Master Yin, you are a mortal body and cannot exert such strength. Go back to sleep."

Ji Yuan stretched out his hand and pointed at the white light. In Yin Zhaoxian's eyes, Mr. Ji stretched out his hand and touched him directly, gently tapping his forehead.

A strong pulling force came, and in just a moment, Yin Zhaoxian woke up.

The sound of roosters crowing could be heard outside and the sky was getting light. As relaxed as Yin Zhaoxian had been in his dream just now, he was as tired at this moment.

Yin Zhaoxian forced himself to sit up from the bed. His body seemed a little unstable and his philtrum felt a little warm. He reached out and touched it, and found a hint of blood on his fingertips.

"Dad, I'm here to greet you!"

Yin Qing's voice came from outside the door, as if he had been waiting outside and spoke the moment he sensed the movement in the house.

"Qing'er, how come you have time to come here? You have a heavy responsibility and important national affairs. Go back now."

Yin Qing outside the door was reluctant to leave.

"Dad, I'm here now and I want to see you!"

“It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

Yin Zhaoxian spoke with a smile and opened the door with a creak. Yin Qing quickly bowed and looked at his father carefully. Although his father had not put on his coat yet, he seemed to be in good spirits.

"Okay, let's go back."

"Yes, I'll leave!"

When Yin Qing walked out of his father's courtyard in Haoran Academy and looked back, his father had already returned to the house. Yin Qing sighed and left in a hurry.

After Ji Yuan turned on the white light again, he looked back in the direction of Yunzhou with his eyes flashing slightly.

The way of heaven collapsed, but the so-called civil and military fortunes were also derived from the way of heaven. It’s just that the will of the two saints of civil and military affairs, who were the core, also played a leading role.

Yin Zhaoxian is a literary saint in the world. Although he cannot practice cultivation himself, and sometimes his supernatural powers are not as good as those of a scholar who has just comprehended literature and Taoism, his righteous spirit is unrivaled in the world, and he also has a sense of the mysterious. What he knows is not limited to the things around Dazhen, but he knows the changes in the weather and the ways of heaven and earth.

But as Ji Yuan had understood long ago, although Yin Zhaoxian was a literary saint, he was completely different from Zuo Wuji, the martial saint. He did not have the ability to control such exaggerated and righteous Taoism. If he tried to control it by force, it would only end when his life was exhausted.

This righteous energy is indeed very important, but given the current situation in the world, this righteous energy can inspire faith in people's hearts, but it will not have the power to fundamentally change the situation. Ji Yuan also does not want Master Yin to pass away because of this.

Ji Yuan urged the sword and his escape speed increased again. A rainbow appeared between the sea and the sky. But even so, Ji Yuan's Dharma eyes were still as sharp as fire, and he could still detect a wisp of demonic energy that appeared occasionally in the sea.

The direction was almost the same, Ji Yuan did not hesitate at all, and reached the sky above the demonic energy almost instantly, but he did not stop, but directly raised his sword upwards.


The Qingteng Sword was unsheathed, and as Ji Yuan pointed the sword downward, a faint sword light flashed across the sea.

In an instant, the ocean current stopped and the bottom was visible, and the sea was split into two by a sword.

Wherever the sword passed, a ball of dark demonic energy trembled. Since he was able to escape the trap of Yuan with just one sword, it seemed that his skills must be quite good. He wanted to add another sword, but seemed to have noticed something and loosened his sword instead.

The Qingteng Sword and Ji Yuan were in tune with each other, and at this moment the sword also returned to its sheath.

When Ji Yuan's escape light went away, the faint rainbow light gradually disappeared, and the sea surface that was separated by the sword merged together as if collapsing.

“Hua La La La…”

Amid the sound of flowing water, the demonic energy at the bottom of the sea continued to vibrate.

"Plan, plan for fate..."

After a long time, the demonic energy slowly recovered and turned into a human form. It was actually Bei Mu. Even Ji Yuan would not have thought that the demonic energy just now was actually a real demon, which did not make any commendable resistance when he swung the Sea-Splitting Sword at it, and its subsequent reaction was even more so.

Bei Mu's state just now was not because he was really so vulnerable, but because he was completely shocked by Ji Yuan's sword intent, which was as vast and powerful as the way of heaven. In short, he was frightened.

Ji Yuan used to be the knot in the heart of the real devil, and now Ji Yuan is also the source of Bei Mu's fear. Bei Mu has thought about encountering Ji Yuan many times, and even fantasized about avenging his previous shame, but when he knew about encountering Ji Yuan at this moment, he found that he couldn't even muster up the courage to fight with him, because he could see that Ji Yuan was in a hurry and hoped that Ji Yuan could leave quickly.

Sure enough, Ji Yuan did not delay after striking with the sword and fled directly, which made Bei Mu very happy. However, what followed was a strong distortion of his self-esteem and unwillingness, so much so that his demonic energy was disordered and his eyes were bloodshot.



The sea surface exploded, billions of seawater was pushed away by the demonic energy, forming a huge circular vortex from the bottom of the sea to the surface, revealing Beimu on the bottom of the sea. He roared, he roared, his hands clenched into fists but he had no intention of leaving. Even the explosion at this moment was done after confirming that Yi Yuan's speed of escape had already gone far away and it was impossible for him to return...

Indeed, Ji Yuan could sense the demonic energy behind him, but he had already gone far away and did not look back. He just slowed down his speed slightly, as if he was waiting for something.

After a moment, there also seemed to be a wisp of demonic energy gathering around him. Ji Yuan looked to one side and saw Aze slowly emerging from the demonic energy. The expression on his face was very complicated, with excitement and shame. There were all kinds of negative thoughts in the depths of his eyes, but they were not shown on the outside.

Aze just followed him, thinking that even if Mr. Ji attacked him, he would not leave, let alone fight back. But Mr. Ji did not attack him, just looked at him. He wanted to speak, but did not dare to make a sound for a long time.


It was Ji Yuan who spoke first.

"It's been a long time since we last met. I'm sorry you've suffered."

"Sir... Aze is ashamed of your teachings..."

"Perhaps I have let you down, but now is not the time to discuss right and wrong... I see that you have entered the devil's way but have retained your humanity, which is a blessing in disguise. Well, the devil took my sword, you can go now."

"Sir, I want to help you!"

Aze's face, which usually had no expression, now looked somewhat anxious. When he saw Ji Yuan, all the evil thoughts in his heart were suppressed.

Ji Yuan shook his head.

"You can't interfere in Ji's affairs. If you have a chance, do me a favor. If there is still a future, if there is always a demon in the world, and if you can't get rid of it, then you should stand at the top."

Aze's face calmed down. Mr. Ji's words made him feel uncomfortable. It was not because he hated Ji Yuan, but because he understood what Mr. Ji meant. It was equivalent to telling him that his path to evil was almost irreversible. He was not obsessed with the devil, nor was he crazy. He was not one of these "little devils" or "good devils".

Originally, Aze still had some hope because Mr. Ji was around, but now, he feels a little disappointed.

"If the world misleads me, what if the righteous path destroys me?"

"I have never felt the same way as you, so how can I be qualified to preach to you? You should think about it yourself. Go quickly and don't let him run away. You have been with him for a long time, right?"

Aze moved his lips, he really wanted to stay a little longer.

"If that happens, can I come back and ask you, sir?"

Ji Yuan smiled and nodded. Being with these children often helped him relieve the haze in his heart, and this was the case for Aze at this moment.


Hearing Jiyuan's words, Aze also showed a sincere smile, and the magic light turned and went in the opposite direction.

Ji Yuan's sword light had unknowingly increased its speed again. He looked ahead thoughtfully. Would he, Ji, still be there by then

"It doesn't matter, Aze has remained righteous, how can I waver in my faith!"

... ...

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