Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1020: The sky and earth rise


The green vine sword that had pierced the demon king's heart flew back and returned to Ji Yuan's hand. He took a step forward and swung the sword continuously. Suddenly, sword light burst out like a streak of silk, cutting off some fish that had escaped the net.

Anyone who can escape from the power of Tianqing Sword is definitely not an ordinary person. As expected, these monsters can often take one or two swords from Ji Yuan, but now Ji Yuan attacks without reservation, relying on the sharpness of the immortal sword. Even a demon king cannot escape the third sword.

This is the powerful killing power of the sword immortal. Immortal swords are rare in the world, and pure sword cultivators are also a minority. A sword cultivator at the level of a true immortal holding a fairy sword can display a killing power that is incomparable to ordinary fairy techniques.

When Ji Yuan was flying on the wind and killing the demons, a fairy light quickly approached Ji Yuan, and the old beggar was inside.

“Hahahaha, Mr. Ji, you finally came. It’s a pity that I haven’t beaten the old beggar enough yet, and you killed all the monsters around.”

Ji Yuan swung his sword twice in succession, killing a big monster. Then he put the sword away, held it behind his back, shook his head and looked into the distance.

"Then Mr. Lu, there is no need to worry. The few demons and monsters that I have killed are too insignificant for the two wastelands. You still have a lot to fight."

"That's right!"

The old beggar stopped talking nonsense and his face became serious. The dark color in the distance spread again, but then moved far to both sides, as if he knew that Ji Yuan, a fierce and not easy to mess with person, was here.

Ji Yuan looked in the direction where the darkness was flowing, and there was golden Buddha light that turned into a barrier connecting the sky and the sea.

A statue of the Mingwang Dharma King swung his palms continuously, and each palm strike turned into a golden light that far exceeded the already extremely huge palm. Each palm had the power to shatter mountains, and it continuously crushed the monsters and demons, and would pay special attention to those monsters that were able to avoid the giant palm.

"No wonder it's so rare to see the Vajra King statue. The so-called Vajra King statue is actually the angry Buddha. The clay sculptures in the temple are much more amiable."

The old beggar said this, and Ji Yuan smiled, which was a rare occurrence.

"It's nice that Mr. Lu is in the mood to joke, but don't let King Ming hear it."

"This is not a scolding, Mr. Ji, you have rested enough, right? If the demons don't come, we can go find them."


As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Yuan and the old beggar flew away again, heading to other directions.

In front of Ji Yuan, the old beggar seemed to be more motivated than before, and seemed to be competing with him. He used his magic to open and close, constantly crushing the demons, but Ji Yuan did not make a move. Instead, he kept looking at the clouds that were gathering in the sky, and soon he flew in the air alone, not walking with the old beggar.

The way of heaven has already collapsed, but at this moment Ji Yuan exudes a divine power that makes demons and monsters nervous, so wherever he passes, no matter it is the cunning demon king or those crazy and violent monsters, they will subconsciously avoid him.

The old beggar and some attentive righteous monks naturally noticed Ji Yuan's actions, and naturally no one disturbed him.

There were bursts of thunder above the clouds and lightning kept falling. Some of the thunder came from immortals controlling lightning, but there were also demons controlling lightning. The competition for the right to control lightning was extremely fierce.

The Imperial Thunder Curse slipped out from Ji Yuan's sleeve. The lightning light on it had not fully recovered after all these years, but Ji Yuan didn't care. He threw it lightly into the sky, and the Thunder Curse turned into a stream of light and flew into the sky.

“Boom boom boom…” “Boom boom…”

Regardless of whether it was the dark clouds within or outside the sight, bursts of thunder were heard at the same time, and the imperial thunder curse shattered directly in the sky. Purple thunders streaked across the sky, and the dark clouds became more and more dense.

"There is still thunder of heavenly tribulation!"

Ji Yuan muttered to himself in a low voice, holding the magic sword on his back with one hand and making the thunder gesture with the other hand, then he dropped his hands and said lightly in a whisper.

"Thunder method, heavenly calamity is coming."

The thunderclouds in the sky were swirling, and the terrifying pressure was extending in all directions from the zenith with Jiyuan as the center.

next moment.

"Crack... Boom..."


Thunder rolled down from the sky like rain, and even the locations where the demons were most densely concentrated lost their darkness and were illuminated by the endless thunder.

Ji Yuan took a step forward, his body moving faster and faster, ignoring all the monsters and demons around him, and headed directly towards the south where the monsters were coming from.

"My fellow Taoists, Ji Yuan will go and meet the mastermind behind this matter."

After saying this, Ji Yuan's figure had already disappeared into the distance, which made the old beggar who heard his voice surprised at first, and then subconsciously chased after him.

Dao Yuanzi in the distance watched Ji Yuan stepping over countless demons in the air, and then looked at the countless divine thunders falling from the sky. Although the power to control thunder was in his hands within the area where he was, at the moment when the imperial thunder curse rose, he willingly gave up his power and allowed Ji Yuan to cast spells to control thunder. However, he had to coordinate a considerable number of righteous paths and would not go with Ji Yuan.

"Mr. Ji, I am here to help you too!"

At this moment, Foyin Mingwang has become one with the Dharma, and has become a huge golden-bodied Mingwang statue two hundred feet tall. He kicks away the huge waves with a thunderous sound, and with a wave of his hands he can sweep away the demons that are in panic caused by the thunder.

In addition to the old beggar and Foyin Mingwang, there were also many other righteous people who followed the immortal light and Buddha light in front of them. They were like a huge arrow formed by colorful light, rushing towards Lu Zhou of Heimeng Lingzhou.

Ji Yuan naturally also noticed the fellow practitioners following behind. Now that this area was covered by thunder magic, the pressure was much less, so if they wanted to follow, they could follow.

But Ji Yuan would not wait deliberately. Instead, he swung the Qingteng Sword forward, then pointed the sword and the sword light burst out, tearing the darkness in front. His figure disappeared into the sword light and directly broke into the depths of the group of monsters and demons.

After a few days, the lightning gradually faded, because Ji Yuan had escaped from the range of the imperial thunder curse. The front once again turned into a dark area that covered the sky and the sun, with monsters and demons like a sea and a tide.

The immortal light, Buddha light and even divine light behind them had disappeared long ago. It was not because they fell into the monsters, but because they were too calculating. In addition, the density of monsters increased greatly after they left the range of the thunder curse. Perhaps they were entangled again.

Ji Yuan could often sense the passing of extraordinary monsters and demons in the sea or high in the sky, but at this moment he would not specifically look for those monsters that avoided him. He would only kill the monsters and demons in front of the sword light.

The density of monsters did not always become denser as Ji Yuan got closer to Heihuang. On the contrary, it sometimes became sparse, and often groups of monsters would deliberately avoid Ji Yuan.

After all, even though many demons are quite violent now, it is better to avoid an immortal with such aura if possible.

"Hahahahahaha... Mr. Ji, are your injuries healed?"

A monster high above his head had already flown past, but suddenly his eyes became confused, and he turned to Ji Yuan and asked with a big laugh.


The sword flashed, and the monster was split in half, but Ji Yuan's escape light still went towards the black wilderness.

"Oh, Mr. Ji is so angry!"

Another monster flew over from a distance, mocking as it opened its mouth, and also fell into the sea after a flash of sword light.

"Hahahaha, why are you so anxious, Mr. Ji? Even though the world is about to collapse, it can still last for many years. We have plenty of time to play."

"Humph, it's a pity that Ji doesn't want to play with you."

Ji Yuan pointed to one side, and a blurry shadow seemed to extend from his arm and fingers, as if in the afterimage there was a finger pointing at the monster's brow.


The monster's spirit immediately dissipated and it fell into the sea.

"Since you don't want to play, then maybe there is only one way out, Mr. Ji, why don't you consider it again?"

"It's true that a dead end is the way to go, but it's not me who will go there. It's me who will send you there."

Ji Yuan was too lazy to kill the other monster that was approaching nearby, so he maintained the sword's light and instantly left it behind.

Afterwards, demons controlled by the evil spirit kept talking around Ji Yuan, but no matter whether they were mocking or cursing, Ji Yuan seemed to turn a deaf ear to them.

Until the moment he saw the Black Desert Coast, Ji Yuan suddenly flashed and approached a little demon in the sky, then grasped the Green Ivy Sword and pierced it.

The blade of the immortal sword penetrated the monster and revealed a filthy demonic aura in the sword light.

"ah… "

A scream came from the evil spirit, and then the aura dissipated.

Ji Yuan sneered and flew into the sky above the Black Desolate Continent. He patted his chest lightly, and the artistic conception of heaven and earth emerged. A huge alchemy furnace raised its lid and endless flames gushed out.

The Samadhi True Fire turned into a sea of fire, covering the coast of the Black Wasteland. As Ji Yuan flew towards the depths of the Black Wasteland, the sea of fire surged like a tide, constantly swallowing up the Black Wasteland and extending forward.

Some demons who were planning to cross the sea retreated in a hurry. Some demons who jumped from the sky were still burned by the Samadhi True Fire even if they flew high enough, and they screamed in pain.

"Ji Yuan!"

The sound of the Xiezhi in his sleeve came out, Ji Yuan let out a long sigh, stopped urging his magic power, and continued to fly forward. The Samadhi True Fire on the coast of the Black Desert also eased down, spreading slowly, and the fire was no longer exaggerated, but there was no sign of it being extinguished.

Even without Xiezhi's reminder, Ji Yuan knew that he had to pay attention to conserving his magic power. He displayed powerful immortal sword techniques in succession and used the Samadhi True Fire. He did it with hatred, but also for others to see.

Xiezhi knew that when Ji Yuan attacked like this, whether he had the protection of his fellow practitioners or not, the mana recovery and consumption would not be proportional, and the people on the opposite side would naturally know it. Although they knew very well that with Ji Yuan's intelligence, he would never dig his own grave, but this was an account that was laid out in the open, and it could be clearly seen and calculated.

The Black Wasteland is vast. It can be said that the Black Dream Lingzhou is the largest continent in the world. It is difficult for anyone in the world to tell exactly how vast the territory is. Ji Yuan continues to go deeper into it, and he can still see demons running out from the depths.

After going deep into the Black Wasteland for ten days, Ji Yuan stopped moving forward and just stood on a high peak, overlooking the Black Wasteland.

"I'm already here, and you guys still don't dare to show up? You're even more cowardly than a turtle bastard!"

Ji Yuan's loud voice spread in all directions, but received no response, and even the evil demon's breath disappeared.

But Ji Yuan was very patient and just stood here waiting. Apart from this mountain, the surrounding terrain was flat, with thousands of miles of woods and countless swamps. It was indeed a suitable place.

It was the end of summer, and the battle between good and evil between heaven and earth was extremely intense. Apart from the two wastelands, more and more monsters and demons appeared in various states. After all, not all monsters in the world came from the two wastelands, and places like the Jade Fox Cave were not the only ones. The number of monsters hiding in various places was also countless.

It was also under this situation that the aquatic creatures had reached the depths of the desolate sea following the high tide, and the speed of following the tide was getting faster and faster.

Even though the two wastelands rose up only after the dragon clan followed the tide and left, with so many real dragons in the dragon clan's tide, it was naturally impossible for them not to sense it, so the dragon clan seemed a little anxious at this moment.

Although the dragon clan and the immortals and Buddhas did not always get along well, they had at least lived in peace for many years. The dragon clan was even more ruthless than the righteous when dealing with demons, especially in the balance of power between the two wastelands, the shadow of the dragon clan was indispensable.

When the way of heaven collapses and the righteous way declines, the dragon clan will be the first to bear the brunt, so at this moment they have also gathered all their strength to drive the tide towards the desolate sea. They want to use this unprecedented tide to completely shake the water elements of the world and "reduce the fire" for heaven and earth.

The water element in the world represents a force of life. At that time, thousands of dragons will control its energy and roam around heaven and earth, suppressing evil spirits and making heaven and earth survive. They can even straighten out the destiny of heaven and earth. Once the destiny of heaven and earth is in harmony, the energy of heaven and earth will be clear and bright. In the theory of the way of heaven, it is regarded as the return of the way of heaven, and everything will naturally develop in a good direction.

These plans have never been mentioned, nor have they been thought about in this way, but the dragon clan has many old dragons who are never lacking in wisdom. They can figure this out on their own and repeatedly deduce the remaining destiny, with a high degree of certainty.

It can be said that the dragon clan at this time has already placed themselves at the level of the savior of the world, rushing towards the desolate sea with extremely powerful wind and thunder.

"My Queen! Ahead is the place where the sun rises that I saw that year. I wonder if the tide will just go there, or will there be some other changes?"

The female dragon under Ying Ruoli's feet spoke, and similar voices continued to be heard on the long water line of the dragon clan. The real dragons from all sides also knew this place.

However, the tide showed no sign of stopping. It was daytime now, and the image of Fuso did not appear at all, so there was no reason for the tide to stop.

Sure enough, the tidal force rushed past the location where the Fuso scene appeared at first, and nothing happened. There was still an endless sea ahead.

Just at this moment, Ying Ruoli's heart suddenly skipped a beat and she felt something was wrong. After a few breaths, she suddenly looked up at the sky.

"sun… "

Originally, there was an evil sun in the dark wilderness and a true sun in the sky, but at this moment, the positions of the two had undergone an extremely exaggerated change in the Dragon Girl's sight, and were pulled far behind her, as if at that moment, the tide had crossed an unimaginable distance.

"Ruoli, something is wrong..."

Lao Long's voice came from a distance, but the next moment.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

“Hua La La…”

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains trembled. The aquatic creatures and tides that stretched for tens of thousands of miles seemed to have hit something and shattered in an instant.

"Ang—" "Roar—"

"ah… "

Countless water creatures and dragons either roared or screamed, countless whirlpools appeared in the sea, an exaggerated earthquake occurred in the sea, and the gathered water elements were also constantly turbulent.

The atmosphere here was extremely chaotic. Real dragons and some old dragons with profound Taoism flew up one after another, but more than half of the aquatic creatures could not escape the earthquake, and some of them were even constantly sucked into countless whirlpools.

"What's going on?" "Why is this happening?"

"Everyone, don't panic. Keep your water energy steady. We..."

“Clackla… Clackla…”

A sharp and piercing creaking sound interrupted the Dragon Girl's words. The aquatic creatures who were still able to take care of themselves subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound. Cracks began to appear in the distant sky. They then discovered that the cracks were also connected to the sea and even extended to the seabed below. This was the culprit for the whirlpool.

A dark shadow emerged in the sky and became more and more obvious.

"Be careful!" "Go—"

The real dragons and old dragons fled one after another, the next moment.

A loud "bang" shook the world. The black shadow pressed down directly, bringing with it a force and pressure far exceeding Ji Yuan's Tianqing sword. The sky screen shattered and exploded like a mirror that was hit.

The black shadow was the ancient Fusang tree. It fell down and directly shattered the barrier between heaven and earth. The turbulent energy that was more than ten times more exaggerated than before formed a storm and swept away the aquatic creatures, just like the leaves being blown away where the big tree fell.

"What… "

The dragon girl's body kept shaking, her hands tightly clenched the folding fan, her chest heaving and she could hardly control herself. The old dragon was not much better than her, and the other real dragons were also completely stunned.

But that’s not all. After just a few breaths, the true dragons discovered that they were getting farther and farther away from the place where the Fusang tree fell. The speed of this distance reached an exaggerated level almost in an instant. In the blink of an eye, they could no longer see the Fusang tree.

“It’s the heaven and earth that are rising!”

Old Huanglong cried out loudly, but apart from expressing surprise and even horror, he was actually a little at a loss.