Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1021: There is nothing to cross between the mountains and the two realms


The whirlpools in the ocean are constantly increasing and strengthening. The world is indeed rising rather than growing, because it is like a terrifying current is constantly impacting, squeezing and tearing the original bed of the seabed. The dragon tribe and many aquatic tribes are like It is the small leaves in this current that are both lost due to the rapid expansion of the world and also washed away by this torrent.

The vibration was so violent that it spread throughout the world in an instant. Even on Fangtai Island, which was farthest away from where Fusang fell, everyone could feel that the world seemed to be shaking, and people's spirits felt like a trance and confusion. bad feeling.

Being in the two largest battlefields of Southern Wilderness and Black Wilderness, where most of the world's experts gathered together, the feelings of both warring parties were particularly obvious.

Both the demon and Zhengdao subconsciously slowed down their respective paces.

At the Southern Wilderness Tianji Formation, Ju Yuanzi, who had just come back to take a rest, the immortal cultivators from Changjian Mountain, Rong Yun and other experts who were still in the demonic flames all looked to the northeast, as did some demons.

"What's going on? Fellow Taoist Xuanjizi?"

"This is the wilderness..."

Xuanjizi, who controlled the Tianji Wheel, had a horrified look on his face. He looked up at the Tianji Wheel in the sky. The brilliant light on the wheel spread in waves, and the movements of the heaven and earth's qi emerged in the light. The originally chaotic qi of the world was even more complicated. A turbulent air flow from the wilderness rushed in, making the whole world seem to be shaking.

Where Hengshan Mountain is located, the mountain god of Hengshan Mountain also let out an almost roaring cry of pain.


The divine power that permeated the entire Hengshan Mountain instantly withered, and the shaking feeling continued to become clearer. All the mountain spirits and ghosts in the mountain also showed panic. Fortunately, Lao Niu and Lu Shanjun were still brave, and they did not even suffer from the shaking of the heaven and earth. He was distracted and instead took the opportunity to massacre the demons. Lu Shanjun even opened his mouth to swallow a considerable number of nearby demons.

"Lao Lu, do you know what's going on?"

"It should be that the world is broken, or that the ancient wilderness is coming back."

Lao Niu ran wildly outside the mountains with the hurricane, killing countless monsters and ghosts wherever he went with just his body. While fighting, he was communicating with Lu Shanjun at the same time.

"What will happen? Please explain clearly."

"It's not that bad. The wilderness is back, and the evil obstacles in it can't come back. Master will make arrangements. We just need to kill all the evildoers in front of us!"

"Hahaha, okay, old cow, I like simplicity and roughness!"

Over the land of Yunzhou, Phoenix Xihuang, who insisted on flying here, suddenly lost all his strength.


Xihuang shook, then fell from the air, and fell into the Chunmu River with a "plop". Some people on the beach did not see Xihuang fall from the sky, but only heard the sound of falling into the water and saw the sound of sinking into the water. , shouted quickly.

"Someone fell into the water—" "Save someone quickly!"

It's just that there are no ships on this section of the river at the moment. The Chunmu River is now rough and rough, so it's not easy to save people.

However, a green shadow flashed across the river, and soon the fallen Xihuang was supported at the bottom of the river. In the eyes of the big herring, this woman who fell into the water was a little strange. She didn't actually suffer from the pain of drowning and lack of oxygen. She just The breath is weak.

Xihuang opened his eyes for a moment, and there was still a ray of phoenix fire in his eyes. He could feel that although this Qingyu's Taoism was not deep, his aura was definitely not simple. This Taoism was definitely not something that ordinary demon cultivators could possess.

"Know Mr. Ji? Do you know where the spiritual root is? Take me... there..."

When the woman said Mr. Ji, Da Qingyu perked up. He couldn't just send the woman to the shore. Instead, he went to find Lao Gui. The other party should have something to do. He just waited for Lao Gui to see Da Qingyu. At that moment, he saw that the woman on his back was completely enveloped in a red halo, becoming blurry as if about to dissipate, and there was a phoenix flying in the halo.

When the old turtle saw this scene, he immediately knew that he should not neglect it, and hurriedly took the big herring to Ning'an County. He thought that the Phoenix wanted to use its spiritual roots to survive, but in fact it was just the opposite.

In the depths of the black wasteland, Ji Yuan stood on the top of that high mountain, and naturally felt the vibration of heaven and earth. He had been waiting here for so long and killed countless demons, but Yue Cang and others still hadn't shown up. , maybe just waiting for this moment.

However, it would be a big mistake to think that the true spirit and the true body can be united in this way, and then gather momentum to go out.

Ji Yuan just stood on the top of the mountain, not even looking back to the northeast, and said the order in a calm voice. As soon as the voice came out, it turned into thunder that resounded throughout the world. It could only be heard in the echo of the thunder. Ji Yuan's voice.

"By decree, Huang Xingye is the righteous god of Wuliang Mountain, and he will quickly block the world between heaven and earth."

Rumble, rumble…

In some people's ears, Ji Yuan's voice even overshadowed the vibrations between heaven and earth at this moment. Starting from the depths of the Black Wasteland, it ignored geographical restrictions and spread all over the world in an instant, even reaching the Wuliang Mountains.

At this moment, Zhi Jiu had just returned to Wuliang Mountain and was being severely scolded by Song Lun. However, after all, he had once been a master and a disciple. The rebuke was a rebuke, but he did not drive Zhi Jiu away immediately.

As soon as he returned to Wuliang Mountain, Shijiu's heart calmed down. The ground in the outside world was shaking, but here in Wuliang Mountain, he could only feel it, but the earth was so solid, as if the vibrations in the sky and the earth were all an illusion.

It didn't matter if he was scolded or even slapped severely. Now that the world is in such chaos, it would be fine if Zhi Jiu could hide safely in Wuliang Mountain. He kept saying "yes" to Song Lun and repented, but he also observed the situation in Wuliang Mountain and still I saw Zuo Wuji sitting cross-legged on the distant peak and Jin Jia standing like an ancient pine.

"Uh, Master... That must be Mr. Ji's divine protector. Who is the warrior next to him? His aura is so special!"

"Shut up, I'm not your master!"

Song Lun cursed angrily and looked back at Zuo Wuji, who was sitting quietly.

"That's Lord Martial Saint."

'Martial Saint Zuo Wuji? Why is he in Wuliang Mountain? He should be on the front lines of the two wildernesses, or he should be traveling around the world to wipe out demons! '

Shijiu was shocked, could it be that Zuo Wuji was greedy for life and afraid of death? It can't be possible...

It was also at this moment that Ji Yuan's voice reached Wuliang Mountain.

"By decree, Huang Xingye is the righteous god of Wuliang Mountain, and he will quickly block the world between heaven and earth."

Huang Xingye appeared out of thin air at the top of the highest peak of Wuliang Mountain, bowed to the sky with his hands raised.

"Huang Xingye, receive the decree!"


A black-yellow light fell from the sky, passed through the sea and passed through Wuliang Mountain's suspended magnetic array, and fell on Huang Xingye. In an instant, Huang Xingye's body was filled with divine light, and golden threads emerged from the light, eventually turning into brilliant gold. Silk clothes, divine light gathered above his head, and finally transformed into a high crown, and a gold seal and jade book appeared in his hand. The entire Wuliang Mountain was completely connected to Huang Xingye.

"Fellow Daoist Zhong, Qin Shenjun, I will separate the two realms right away."

"Let's go!" "Right now!"

Huang Xingye's mana and divine light surged, filling the entire Wuliang Mountain. Zhong Pingxiu and Qin Zizhou worked together to cast a spell, directly cutting off the Liangyi Suspended Magnetic Formation.

At this moment, the gravity of the entire Wuliang Mountain increased greatly. Mo Yu and Li Feng both felt their bodies sinking. The gravity that they had already adapted to now seemed like they were carrying more than a dozen big sacks on their backs, and they almost couldn't stand and fell down.

But the next moment, the Two Boundary Mountains actually floated up from the ground, and the next moment they disappeared directly into the sea.

Where Fusang collapsed, the vitality of heaven and earth has become violent, and there is even a sense of time and space chaos. Excited roars have been heard in the wilderness. Those living beings with lifeless energy have awakened from the wilderness. They can Feeling that breath, that breath of breaking free from the shackles, some ferocious beasts have even rushed towards the light in the distance.

At this moment, Wuliang Mountain appeared in the sky out of thin air, covering the light, and then fell from the sky with unparalleled power.


Less than an hour after the vibration of the fusang tree breaking through the barrier between heaven and earth, another vibration spread from the same place to all directions. This time the vibration could not be heard everywhere in the world, but Ji Yuan could feel it. Yue Cang and others You can feel it too.

At the same time, Qin Zizhou stood at the back of Wuliang Mountain, directing the starlight from the heavens and the black and yellow air to flow continuously towards Wuliang Mountain. Zhong Pingxiu and Huang Xingye stabilized the mountain together, and Wuliang Mountain seemed to continue to extend with the shadow in the starlight. It is a mountain, but it is like an airtight barrier that directly separates the two worlds, becoming a veritable mountain with two worlds.

The terrifying mountain range of Wuliang Mountain turned into an insurmountable iron wall, making it impossible for the ferocious beasts and demonic beasts that first rushed down the mountain to even approach the mountain. The closer they got, the greater the resistance, and in the end they couldn't even touch the Two Realms Mountains. Unable to move even an inch, he could only roar at the Two Boundary Mountains and the light on the other side of the mountain.

On Wuliang Mountain, Zhong Pingxiu, Qin Zizhou, and Huang Xingye gathered together. Fayan looked at the terrifying aura in the wilderness, and even though they were prepared, they were still shocked.

"Thanks to the presence of Wuliang Mountain, otherwise the consequences of letting these things rush over would be disastrous!"

"Yes, there may be some flaws in Wuliang Mountain originally, but Mr. Ji has already arranged the heaven, using all parties in the world as reflection stars, and using the power of the world's terrain to jointly control Wuliang Mountain. Let alone come to this side of the world, they just want to Going up the mountain is just wishful thinking!”

Zhi Jiu and Song Lun were on the top of a mountain not far away. They could also hear the conversation of the three experts. This made Zhi Jiu, who had just become anxious, relax again. Although it seemed that the location was not very good, Wuliang Mountain was still the best. It was safe, but he looked at Zuo Wuji over there and found that Jin Jia was looking into the distance, but Zuo Wuji always sat there cross-legged with his eyes closed, and even his breath became weaker and weaker, like a mortal, a person facing the outside world. Everything is unresponsive to mortals.

"Master, why didn't Lord Martial Saint react at all?"

To Zhi Jiu, Zuo Wuji was just a person who couldn't even be considered a kid in terms of age. But facing Zuo Wuji at this moment, even though the opponent had no aura at all and was even like a mortal, Zhi Jiu felt more and more in awe and vaguely thought of meeting him. The feeling of fate.

Song Lun also looked serious. He knew that although the three masters including his master were chatting and laughing, they were also paying attention to Zuo Wuji.

"Lord Martial Saint, you are gathering momentum..."

Deep in the black wilderness, Ji Yuan was still standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the earth and the end of the sky in front of him. He took off his kit and gently pressed the little paper crane when it wanted to get out. Go back, throw it back again, and the kit immediately shoots out and disappears into the horizon.

"You haven't shown up now? As long as Ji is here, Wuliang Mountain will forever block the two realms. You can't get up the mountain just by relying on those evil obstacles filled with death, and there is no second hibiscus tree that can fall."

Ji Yuan's voice spread out, but this time he didn't use any Taoist sound, and it didn't spread to all parties.

A shadow first appeared above Ji Yuan's head, and a large number of dark clouds gathered in the sky before he knew it, followed by a strong wind from the south, and then the Qianli Swamp began to boil.

"Yue Cang, it seems that there is no way to fight Ji Yuan after getting his true body back!"

"Mr. Ji is very far-sighted, so it's natural that he wouldn't expect what we think. He's just giving it a try."

"Hahahaha, what else is there to say? Now that he doesn't have much Xuanhuang Qi to protect himself, and his injuries have not healed, it's time to take action."

Yue Cang, Yi Qi, Xiang Mo, Xiang Liu and Jian appeared in the sky and in the distance respectively. They were not fake bodies, but bodies full of true spirit. For this moment, in order to face Ji Yuan, they would also Go all out and hold nothing back.

"Ji Yuan, your moral conduct is indeed slightly better than ours, but being too conceited is the way to death. We have already prepared a gift for you!"

After Xiang Liu spoke, the fierce demon sneered and turned into a shadow and rushed towards Ji Yuan.

"The ferocious formations from all directions in Zhongyuan were created just for you, Mr. Ji!"

"Hahaha, it's a pity that the righteous ones didn't rush in together, otherwise it would be better to kill them together!"

"Stop talking, this is enough, start the formation!"

Five evil creatures gathered together, but Ji Yuan seemed to be standing on the mountain indifferently. Although the five people also had doubts, the matter was already on the line. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks were false, and Ji Yuan was not good.

The twisted magic light and demonic energy directly turned a thousand miles into nothingness, cutting off the outside world. Five people formed an formation to cover Ji Yuan inside. For just a moment, Ji Yuan even felt that his breathing was a little short. He neutralized Qing Zheng's power. Qi establishes the Tao, and usually his Tao prevails over all filth, but at this moment it seems to be the other way around.

"I can finally come out. It seems they really don't know I'm here?"

As Haizhi's voice sounded, the scroll flew out of Ji Yuan's sleeve and turned into a heroic man.

"Haizhi? That's it."

"Hahahahahaha, it turns out to be Haechi!" "Hehehehe..."

Yue Cang and others suddenly burst into laughter. It turned out that Ji Yuan relied on Haechi, but it was a pity that even adding Haechi could not change the world.