Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1022: Broken again


At this moment, Ji Yuan let out a long sigh and a smile finally appeared on his face.

"I was really scared before. I was afraid that you cowards would not have the courage to come out and look for me in the end. Delaying it for one more year, one more day, or even one more moment would be a disaster for the world. But fortunately, you finally came."

While Ji Yuan was speaking, Yue Cang and the others did not stop their actions. The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, revealing a huge Yue Cang mirror. Human figures appeared in all directions, and everything around them seemed extremely distorted. Rays of light rolled towards Ji Yuan and Xiezhi.

Xiezhi resisted with his fists, and Ji Yuan waved his sleeves to sweep away the lights, but the lights gradually turned into long and narrow shadows, as if they had life. Yue Cang and others stepped on the light to approach Ji Yuan and immediately attacked them.

The Yue Cang Mirror above has an extremely strange ability. Sometimes Ji Yuan is facing a head-on attack, but the moment he waves his sleeves, he finds that the scene in front of him is distorted, and the attacking scene is still in front of him, but a sense of crisis suddenly rises from behind him. He has to wave the scabbard to block the attack, and this kind of attack happens dozens or even hundreds of times every breath.

"Ji Yuan, don't bluff. Even the starlight from the Milky Way can't shine through this formation. It's wishful thinking to try to use the power of heaven and earth to deal with us."

"Humph, you want to lead the way of heaven and earth alone. You have great ambitions, but I just don't have the ability to eat it!"

"It is rumored that you have a spiritual root tree. Don't worry, even if we transcend the heaven and earth, we will take the spiritual root with us..."

Yue Cang seemed to be more "kind-hearted" than the others, and said to Ji Yuan who was still resisting.

"Mr. Ji, you and I are acquainted. Although we cannot be fellow Taoists, we still have a friendship. If the world is finally broken, when I leave, I can also protect the people you care about. How do you think?"

The Xiezhi couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but roar loudly.

"Roar - I am about to vomit after hearing this. You bad guys, how can you still be so kind? You just want to shake Ji Yuan's faith. Dream on!"


The mountains under the feet of Ji Yuan and Xiezhi were shattered, and the two of them rose directly into the air, constantly moving under the pressure of the formation and fighting with each other.

In the battle, mountains collapsed, forests were destroyed, the ground cracked, and the sky collapsed...

The impact became bigger and bigger, the range became wider and wider, the power of the fight became more and more exaggerated, and the frequency became higher and higher.

"Ji Yuan, are you okay? They want to kill us!"

From the very beginning, the main pressure was on Xiezhi, and although Ji Yuan fought back from time to time, he focused more on observing the so-called Zhongyuan Four-Directional Evil Formation. If he didn't see the formation clearly, it might make it difficult for the sword formation to cover completely, thus giving the opponent a chance to escape.

However, at the moment the Fusang tree collapsed, Ji Yuan's Dharma eyes had already begun to heat up, and the sun and the moon faintly appeared in his eyes. He was able to understand the mysteries of the universe and all things in a mere moment, and the same was true for this ferocious formation. In a short period of time, he had restored the formation diagram in his mind and understood it clearly.


After responding to Xiezhi lightly, Ji Yuan had a sword note and a sword book in his hand. He threw them lightly, and the two scrolls turned into streams of light in an instant. Before Yue Cang and the others could react, one had flown into the sky and the other had flown to the earth.

The scroll became blurred, and in an instant it seemed to extend to the limits of heaven and earth, and then slowly opened. The content on it was not the original text on "Sword Intent Letter", nor was it the original content of "Sword Book" written by Ji Yuan, but two pure sides, one white and one black.

The sky is white, the earth is black, and the two energies manifest the fusion of heaven and earth.


From the beginning till now, the Green Ivy Sword, which had never been unsheathed, slowly rose up. The dozens of twisted streams of light shot by Yue Cang's people unexpectedly all turned into nothingness in front of Ji Yuan and Xie Zhi, which immediately made them retreat far away in alert, while also looking up at the sky.

"what happened?"

"Is it Ji Yuan's doing?" "Is he setting up the formation?"

"How is it possible? How can you set up another formation in our Zhongyuan Four-sided Fierce Evil Formation?"

"What kind of formation is this?" "Quick attack, don't let him set up the formation!"

Yue Cang and the others were not fools. They had long thought that Ji Yuan might use a formation to trap them, so they had already scouted the surrounding area for several months before showing up. They had also already made a plan to set up a formation to trap Ji Yuan to death.

But at this moment, a formation was set up within the formation, and it was set up within the Zhongyuan Four-Directions Evil Formation of Yue Cang and others. This absurd thing just happened. With a slight panic in their hearts, their offensive became more and more fierce.

But compared to the time before when Ji Yuan and Xiezhi were in danger, the evil lights in the formation now often melted under the sword light before they even got close to Ji Yuan and the other two.

Ji Yuan pinched the sword gesture and sent the Qingteng Sword rising slowly. Before the immortal sword was completely unsheathed, its sword light was already so strong that the sword body could not be seen clearly, and the scabbard disappeared into the air together with it.

"This is the Absolute Heaven Sword Formation, and it is also a gift from Ji to you."

Ji Yuan's cold voice finished speaking, and the entire array changed from its previous distorted and dim color, to colorful streams of light rising between heaven and earth.

There was no ordinary sword intent or sword energy in the sword formation. Instead, there was a feeling of vitality rising in the formation. However, when it came to Yue Cang and the others, and even to Xiezhi, there was an indescribable killing aura rising in their hearts, forming a sharp contrast with the outside world, a sharp contrast that made people's hearts stop...


Xiezhi laughed wildly.

"You wimps, you idiots, do you know how Zhu Yan's incarnation died? You idiots, you want to fight me? Hahahahahahaha..."

At the moment when Xiezhi was laughing wildly, outside the sky, the Evil Yang Star was still hanging high above. Above it, Jinwu saw Fusang falling down and crushing the heaven and earth, but was blocked by Wuliang Mountain. He also saw Yue Cang and others setting up the formation and plotting against Ji Yuan, but they were trapped in the formation by Ji Yuan's design.


“Woooa ...

A crow's cry above the Evil Sun pierced through heaven and earth. The moment the crow's cry sounded, Ji Yuan suddenly looked up, his heart skipped a beat, and then he felt a sense of being pulled as if he had slipped and fallen off a cliff, and the Evil Sun in the sky began to move.

Instead of flying from east to west like the sun, the Evil Sun Star flew from south to north, and its speed was getting faster and faster, and it was also getting bigger and bigger. As long as the creatures in the world looked up, they could see the movement of the Evil Sun Star. Later, some people with good eyesight could even see a rolling fireball moving in the sky.

While Yue Cang and the others were struggling to hold on in the Ji Yuan Sword Formation, one hour, two hours...

“Woooa ...

Another crow's cry was heard, and the Evil Sun Star crashed into the sky wall that was supposed to be invisible.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the Fusang tree fell and the Wuliang Mountain fell, the third earthquake resounded between heaven and earth. The Evil Yang Golden Crow brought the sun star and smashed it directly onto the wall of the sky. The wall of the sky, which had been ravaged many times, could not withstand the impact of a sun.

A huge hole was smashed into the sky, and an indescribable huge fireball fell from the sky, and above the fireball stood a huge golden crow.

At this moment, in the place where the two wastelands were fighting, in the Buddha Kingdom, in the cave heaven, in the Jade Fox Cave Heaven, in all the continents of the world, in Ji Yuan’s sword formation...

Everyone's eyes were looking towards, or sensing, the "sun" setting in the sky.

Although it is insignificant compared to the Sun Star, the Golden Crow spreads its wings for dozens of miles, and its aura covers the sky and the sun. The fire of the entire Sun Star is ignited by the Golden Crow.

The Sun Star smashed through the wall of the sky, and then actually smashed into the boundary of the Milky Way. The god Zhao De, who was attracting starlight on it, was simply unable to resist such a force. He could only cast a spell to grab the boundary monument of the heaven and escape quickly.


There was a loud bang in the sky, the heaven was pierced, and the starlight in the world was in disorder. Even Qin Zizhou, who was guiding the starlight in Wuliang Mountain, felt that he had suffered a heavy blow and was directly attacked by the pressure. If he had not been held back by Zhong Pingxiu and Huang Xingye, he would have almost flown out of Wuliang Mountain.

But this is not the end.

“Woooa ...

The Golden Crow roared again and pointed its three legs at the Sun. The huge fireball actually rushed towards Wuliang Mountain. Huang Xingye, Zhong Pingxiu and Qin Zizhou were horrified when they saw this.

"You two, we must stop them!"

"We must stop this evil star at all costs!" "We must not retreat even if we die!"

A mountain god, a true immortal and a divine monarch, all burst out with their life's cultivation, and when there was still some starlight left in Wuliang Mountain, they gathered the power of the mountain to fight against the huge star whose flame had already been extinguished.

Finally, the Evil Sun Star crashed into the Wuliang Mountain.

At this moment, time and space seem to be compressed, all sounds seem to disappear, all colors seem to be deprived, leaving only black and white.

The three great masters were blown away by the light one after another. The front half of the indestructible Wuliang Mountain collapsed in the shaking, the ground shook, and the sea evaporated...

The heaven and earth were still shaking. The Golden Crow stood high in the sky, with its wings spread and suspended like the sun descending to the earth, overlooking all living beings with endless mockery in its eyes.

Countless people were in a trance, not knowing what was going on in this world...

Deep in the Black Wasteland, in the Juetian Sword Formation, Ji Yuan was now in endless confusion. Over the years, he had always been quite confident, never lacked the belief in victory, and was always one step ahead of others.

But at this moment, Ji Yuan even lost his mind. Even the terrifying sword energy in the sword formation became disordered because of Ji Yuan's confusion, which gave Yue Cang and others who had been struggling to hold on a chance to catch their breath.

“Ji Yuan, now that the Golden Crow has fallen and the Sun Star has smashed your so-called Wuliang Mountain, all the beings from our era will come back. This world has no chance anymore!”

"Ji Yuan, release the sword formation and join forces with us. Stop dreaming about ruling the world!"

"Ji Yuan, we are willing to put aside our prejudices and live in harmony with you. If you want to protect some lives, we can help you rebuild the cave!"

"Ji Yuan, we are sincere and honest, and we are not lying!"

Realizing that Ji Yuan was in an unstable state of mind, Yue Cang and the others spoke out in a hurry. This sword formation was too terrifying. Even if they joined forces, they had already felt the threat of death several times in a short period of time. They were simply unable to contend, let alone break out of the formation. Even if the Golden Crow from the outside world was the only one who dominated the world, they would probably die in Ji Yuan's sword formation first.

No one would be willing to die before the final blow, even if the real body is still there and can come back. But if you put yourself in his shoes, the Golden Crow may not be kind enough to wait for them to recover. The thought of their own death, the thought of missing out on a plan and then coming to face a perhaps more terrifying Golden Crow, made the advice of Yue Cang and others seem sincere. Only the evil demon had madness and excitement in his eyes at this moment.

"Ji Yuan!"

Xiezhi patted Ji Yuan's shoulder, and then he was slightly stunned. He found that the look in Ji Yuan's eyes was a little gloomy.

"A wise man makes many plans, but one mistake can ruin the whole situation..."

Ji Yuan's voice was trembling slightly.