Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1023: Righteousness lasts forever


The Golden Crow in the sky was hanging above Yunzhou, and so was the hole in the ceiling. In the endless turbulence and strong winds, even the temperature became hot and cold, and shrouded Dazhen and the entire Yunzhou was a doomsday scene.

Ji Yuan located the place of Yunzhou Dazhen as the center of the world's destiny and tried his best to protect this place. Although Jinwu could not fully understand Ji Yuan's arrangements, once he entered this world, it was not difficult for him to sense the specialness of this place.

At this moment, even Yin Qing, when he looked up at the Golden Crow in the sky, felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Around him, the ministers and soldiers who came out of the government offices and the court were all looking at the sky with confusion.

On some streets of Dazhen, some ordinary people were at a loss, and some even knelt down and worshiped the sky, mistaking the Golden Crow in the sky for a god.

"Get up! Everyone, get up! This is not a righteous god, it's clearly a demon!"

"Don't worship it, don't worship it—"

Some scholars on the street became furious when they saw this scene. Some peaceful scholars even rushed into the crowd and started hitting people with their books.

In the Dazhen army, Yin Zhong tightly gripped the steel gun in his hand and issued military orders with an extreme roar.

"Anyone who kneels in the army will be beheaded—"

The Golden Crow overlooks all living beings, overlooks the human world, and even seems to be able to overlook people's hearts. Many years have passed, and the feeling now reminds him of the past when the Golden Crow passed by and all living beings dared not fail to worship it.

But many places below are still a bit of an eyesore, especially that one!

In Haoran Academy, Yin Zhaoxian walked out of his study, holding a book that had not yet been annotated in his hands behind his back. He looked up at the Golden Crow in the sky. He was the only person in the entire Yunzhou who looked up at the sky with a normal mentality. He even vaguely felt that the Golden Crow was also looking at him.

“Jinwu, this is no longer your era. Humans and all living things are not yours to enslave. The destiny of heaven and earth will not end here. Although I, Yin Zhaoxian, am incompetent, there will always be someone in the world who can deal with you!”

'That person is Mr. Ji!'

Yin Zhaoxian added this sentence silently in his mind, making his mind clear. With a feeling of fatigue, he sat down on the steps in front of the study, leaned against the pillar and slowly closed his eyes.

The fate of our life is determined by heaven, and we roll into this mortal world, but when we die our heart is free, and we travel the world with our noble spirit!

At this moment, endless white light rose from Haoran Academy, and the righteous energy of heaven and earth reflected from the ground to the sky. Even the Golden Crow in the sky that was about to attack Dazhen was slightly startled and subconsciously flew away a little.

"Between heaven and earth, righteousness will last forever!"

Yin Zhaoxian's voice crossed the sky along with the light of righteousness, and spread throughout the world. This time the light of righteousness was much stronger than the last time. As long as people have righteous thoughts, as long as people have righteous thoughts, at this moment their hearts will be like thunder rolling in to drive away evil spirits!

The great and righteous spirit spread throughout the world, the destiny of heaven and earth converged, and the vital energy of heaven and earth was purified.

At this moment, countless people's attention was attracted by the righteous spirit, even the underworld in the melee could feel it.

But for many people, at this moment they also vaguely understand what this light means.

Ksitigarbha monk stood up, clasped his hands together and bowed to the white light in the sky.

"Good, may the righteousness of the world last forever!"

Yin Qing clutched his clothes tightly with tears in his eyes, and Yin Chong in the army also closed his eyes.

Countless students throughout the world felt the same thing at this moment, and many even had tears in their eyes. Countless ghosts and gods also felt it, not to mention the masters from all sides.

But this great and righteous energy also aroused the spirit of justice in the world, and frightened all the demons and monsters, or all evil things, as if it was the power of heaven and retribution.

This righteous energy naturally also shone on Heihuang, ignoring all obstacles and shining into Ji Yuan's sword formation, causing Ji Yuan to slowly clench his fists.

"Master Yin..."

Yin Zhaoxian was willing to trust Ji Yuan and believed that even in this situation, Mr. Ji must have a plan to turn the tide and change the world.

The feeling of trust that arose in Ji Yuan's heart was just like the moment when Yin Zhaoxian received the letter left by Ji Yuan after they parted in Ning'an County decades ago.

Heavy, exciting, and heroic!

Ji Yuan raised his head slightly, and it seemed that he could see the white light in the sky. He could even ignore the limitations of space and see the golden crow soaring proudly in the sky.

In a trance, Ji Yuan's artistic conception had unfolded. He saw the sky, the earth, and his own Dharma image standing tall. The three seemed to transform from virtual to real and become compatible with the heaven and earth, and then transform from real to virtual and become a piece of brilliant light. This light converged with Ji Yuan as the center, and a more relaxed feeling slowly emerged.

Ji Yuan seemed to understand something, or as if he should have understood it. He looked towards the direction of the sun in the sky, and his eyes felt blurry and painful, as if he was completely blind.


Another crow's cry was heard between heaven and earth. After this cry, no matter whether there were dark clouds or not, and no matter where it was, the sky above the earth and the ocean suddenly darkened. This was because the light of the sun in the sky was gradually dimming.

A golden light left the Sun and rushed into the heaven and earth.


The crows' cries sounded again, and the Golden Crow above Yunzhou had to shift its attention away from Dazhen.

“Woooa ...

The golden crow also let out a loud cry, and the golden light in the sky had transformed into a gigantic golden crow divine bird, which directly crashed into the golden crow that spread its wings in the sky.


The two golden crows collided with each other with their sharp claws, and the fierce fight that was about to break out caused the originally dark sky to explode with light...

Ji Yuan was calm in the sword formation, no matter what happened to Wuliang Mountain, no matter whether the destiny of heaven and earth would eventually end, but at least he, Ji Yuan, was not dead. As long as he was still there, the destiny of heaven and earth would not be decided by the evil spirits.

"Ji Yuan!"

"Ji Yuan, don't miss this opportunity!"

"We are sincere and willing to swear a blood oath!"

"count… "

Ji Yuan interrupted Yue Cang and others.

“Well, you have fought a battle, but success or failure is meaningless to you. What is happening in the world, what is happening to me, even if you still have a real body, you may not be able to see it. I will send you off to the mountain road!”

Ji Yuan now has only one thought, which is to get rid of Yue Cang and others as soon as possible, and then destroy the Golden Crow and the ancient ferocious beasts and monsters that have rushed into the world, and rebuild the universe. He will go all out, regardless of success or failure!

As soon as the words fell, Ji Yuan's Absolute Heaven Sword Formation's aura changed again, and it had already transformed into the real world...

In Wuliang Mountain, the originally indestructible mountain has been destroyed by more than half, and the back half of Wuliang Mountain has collapsed directly.

Huang Xingye, as the main god of the mountain, was the first to be hit. He was already exhausted and it was already a great effort for him to maintain part of the mountain's momentum.

Qin Zizhou drew the starlight and fought against the sun, but was equally powerless.

Zhong Pingxiu put all his effort into maintaining the overall situation, and naturally he was seriously injured in the collision, and he had almost lost his breath.

Song Lun's heart was trembling, he didn't know how to deal with the situation, and the two younger generations, Mo Yu and Li Feng, were even more at a loss.

As for Shi Jiu, he was already completely disheartened and knew that he was doomed.

In front of Wuliang Mountain, the terrifying aura in the wilderness is no longer blocked by Wuliang Mountain; the roar and growl from the ancient times seem to have reached the ears.

Shi Jiu even laughed at himself. He had been running around, but in the end he came to a real death place where there was no chance of survival. If he had stayed in Hengshan, he might have had a better chance of survival. At least he had the fierce Lu Wu and Bull Demon King...

Shi Jiu never thought of escaping again. Although he had not been here for long, he already knew what was in the wasteland opposite and he could not escape. Even though the great righteousness existed in the world at this moment, Shi Jiu's heart was extremely cold.

In a trance, Shi Jiu suddenly discovered that on that mountain, Zuo Wuji was still sitting cross-legged there, as if from the beginning, all external things could not affect him, and the golden-armored god who was like an iron tower was also standing next to the tree.

Zuo Wuji did not move at all, and even when the Sun Star fell, he did not take action. However, he is not a coward who is afraid of death. He was not like that before, and he will not be like that now. He is a Martial Saint, a Martial Saint on earth, and a Martial Saint between heaven and earth.

Ferocious beasts and monsters from the ancient times have already set foot on Wuliang Mountain. Even though the terrifying gravity still exists, and even though the gravity becomes more exaggerated the higher you go, Wuliang Mountain is no longer insurmountable and can no longer separate the two worlds.

Even though most of them had a decayed and dilapidated aura, the vast majority of demons in the world today were incomparable to these ancient creatures. The most excited one among them was a giant Zhu Yan. He was at the front, leaping between the countless mountains and letting out a roar that shook the heavens and the earth.


But at this moment, Zuo Wuji slowly opened his eyes and slowly stood up. As he slowly stood up, his aura instantly climbed to the limit.

"I was once taught that Wusha Yuan Gang is incredibly powerful, but it also has huge flaws. I later realized the perfect method, but I did not eliminate these flaws. Instead, I realized the truth... Mr. Ji once said that the way of heaven still has flaws, so how can many things in the world be perfect..."

Zuo Wuji seemed to be speaking to Jin Jia, or as if he was muttering to himself, as he walked step by step towards the tree next to Jin Jia.

Zuo Wuji had used all his strength to pull out this ancient tree, but he couldn't. Now, he gently placed his hand on the tree, and the ancient tree actually began to slowly dissipate, and the wood chips turned into nothingness in the wind. However, the tree did not completely disappear, and finally a flat stick of suitable length appeared in Zuo Wuji's hand.

Zuo Wuji suddenly looked at the man in golden armor on the side, and saw that the other party had already grabbed his golden hammer.

"Brother Jin, the masters are weak now. I hope you can protect them, as well as Mo Yu and Feng Er."

Jin Jia glared and was about to charge forward, but when Zuo Wuji said this, he subconsciously looked back, hesitated for a moment, and then responded.

"Okay, you, be careful!"

Zuo Wuji smiled when he heard that, and suddenly felt mischievous, and looked Jin Jia up and down.

"Brother Jin, we have known each other for so many years, but I have never seen you smile. How about you smile for me today?"

Jin Jia was stunned for a moment, grabbing a golden hammer and scratching the back of his head. What kind of request was this

But after being stunned for a moment, seeing Zuo Wuji's clear eyes, Jin Jia still grinned. He had a smile but no sound, but Zuo Wuji burst into laughter at this moment.


The laughter continued, but Zuo Wuji had already tapped the ground and leaped forward. No one knew how far he had leaped, but he only knew that the mountains kept receding behind him, until Zuo Wuji stood at the forefront of the spreading ancient evil spirit.

At this moment, Zuo Wuji looked at the righteous light in the sky and combined his martial arts beliefs with the Wusha Yuangang that had exploded to the extreme. This time, the Wusha Yuangang took the "defect" that had been pointed out before, and took the extreme path to integrate all his vitality and destiny into it.

"Liangjie Mountain is here, Zuo Wuji is here!"

Zuo Wuji held the ground with his flat staff. Although his body was smaller than the monster, his aura was so strong that it seemed as if his body had been reversed. An insurmountable barrier seemed to rise where he stood.

"Zuo, Wu, Ji—I want you to die—"

Zhu Yan had already rushed here, and the first thing he saw was Zuo Wuji standing on the top of the mountain. Although his true spirit had been destroyed, some remaining memories of that time still emerged, among which was Zuo Wuji's figure. This was exactly the case when enemies meet and they are extremely jealous of each other.

Zuo Wuji narrowed his eyes and looked at the seemingly terrifying Zhu Yan, a smile appearing on the corner of his mouth. He was deeply shocked when he saw Mr. Ji and Zhu Yan fighting, and had long wanted to meet Zhu Yan again.

“Well done!”

With a kick of the flat staff, the rocks of the Wuliang Mountain, which were stronger than diamond, were shattered. Zuo Wuji's body and spear turned into a dragon and pointed it at Zhu Yan who was rushing towards him.

"boom… "

It was like thunder in the mountains. The tiny Zuo Wuji did not retreat a single step, but Zhu Yan, with his astonishing physique, flew backwards and smashed into the ancient demon rushing towards him from behind.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the demon rolled over, and Zuo Wuji followed in an instant, spinning with the flat staff on his shoulder. The light of Wusha was infinitely condensed, sweeping towards the ferocious beasts, ancient demons, evil demons and mountains within his sight...

He carries a staff on his shoulders to hold up the heaven and earth, he possesses martial arts to slay the demons, he stands alone here to divide the two worlds, he is the invincible Zuo Wuji!