Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1034: Extra The past that has never been broken off 5


Zao Niang

The two Japanese patrolmen looked at each other and saw confusion in their colleagues' eyes. Obviously, they had never heard of it. However, a faint fragrance made people feel calm.

The mysterious woman in front of them only revealed a name, but neither her aura nor her intuition seemed like that of an evil spirit, and the two Japanese patrolmen did not want to make enemies with her.

"So it's Fairy Zao, my apologies!"

While Ri Xunyou was saying "I'm sorry", a ray of light and a talisman had already been released and flew towards the direction of the City God Temple.

At the City God Temple in Ning'an County, the golden body of the City God stepped out of the underworld and appeared above the roof of the temple. At this time, the whole Ning'an County was filled with spiritual winds and the breeze carried a refreshing faint fragrance.

A stream of light flew towards the City God Temple. The City God waved his hand, and the light changed direction and went straight up. When it reached his hand, he knew the content just by sensing it with his divine sense.

The next moment, the City God subconsciously shuddered all over and perked up, and hurriedly straightened his clothes. However, when he was about to take a step forward, he stopped, frowned and hesitated slightly, then pointed a ray of light in one direction.

At this moment, the two Japanese patrolmen were planning to extract some more information when they suddenly felt something. They saw a stream of light flying over and golden words flashing in it.

The two Japanese patrolmen were slightly surprised. After looking at each other again, they saluted towards the interior of the Sun residence.

"The fairy must be here for something. If you have any instructions, please feel free to speak up. If not, we will take our leave now."

Zao Niang smiled.

"You go ahead."

"Yes, I'll take my leave!"

The two day patrolmen took two steps back, then turned around and left in the blurry light. However, they couldn't help but feel somewhat puzzled about the identity of the woman. However, judging from the instructions of the City God, she must be someone of some importance.

After a while, the two daily patrols arrived outside the City God Temple. They did not enter the underworld, but followed the instructions to the top of the temple to meet the City God.

"Lord City God!"

"Well, tell me what the person you saw looked like."

When the City God asked this, the two daily patrol officers did not dare to neglect and quickly supplemented each other's answers.

"This person is dressed in light green clothes, with long hair half tied up, and a magic hairpin on his head. His aura is restrained. He does not control the wind or the air, but the aura is circling around him. He does not cast any magic to avoid the darkness, but his feet do not touch the dust when they land on the ground. He does not show his power, but he has his own magic. People dare not look down on him. He must be a master."

The City God stroked his beard gently and nodded slightly.

"Sir, do you recognize this master?"

A Japanese patrolman couldn't help but ask a question, and the City God first nodded slightly and then shook his head slightly.

"This person was mentioned in the scrolls left by the city gods of this county. Well, there is also a fragment of his name in the Hongwu County Chronicles of Ning'an County, but I only heard of his name but never saw him..."

As the City God spoke, he looked towards a corner of the county, but he didn't see anything special.

"Uh, sir, could you tell me the details?"

"Hahaha, it's not inconvenient. It's not a secret. It is said that there is a hidden immortal temple in Ning'an County. Although it is not ranked among the current paradises, it is governed by heaven and earth and is not affected by yin and yang and the five elements. It is an extraordinary place. One of the people who practiced there is called Zao Niang. All right, you can leave now."


The City God stopped talking, waved away the two sun patrols, and just looked into the distance as if thinking about something.

Nowadays, except for many old masters with profound Taoism skills, few people know the meaning of the name "Jiyuan". However, the City God of Ning'an County knows it relatively clearly and understands its significance because of the special nature of Ning'an County itself.

I once wanted to find Ju'an Pavilion but failed. Even though I knew its former location, I had no way to enter the pavilion. This time, I have to find a suitable opportunity to visit it.

With this in mind, the City God went back to the underworld first and made his own arrangements.

... ...

Zao Niang sat there bored, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, watching the clouds slowly floating in the sky, and took a nap. Before she knew it, she had been staying at home for many years.

Behind me, the Sun family was having a lively meal, and then they began to clean up the house together in preparation for the New Year. Like the Sun family, every household in Ning'an County was preparing for the New Year, and the entire Ning'an County was filled with a festive atmosphere.

A gust of wind blew, blowing up the fallen leaves in the yard.

Zao Niang suddenly stood up, grabbed the duck leg that slipped out of her sleeve, pointed her left hand as a sword, and performed a few sword moves in the yard, causing some dead branches and leaves in the yard to fly along with the sword.

A child from the Sun family stared blankly at the fallen leaves flying around in the yard, as if a little dragon was rejoicing in the wind.

"Grandma, grandma, brothers and sisters, come and see, the wind is so strange!"

Sun Yiqiu glanced outside and thought the wind was just a little strong, blowing the fallen leaves everywhere, so he ignored it.

At night, some of the guests in Sun's house went home and some stayed overnight, and the Sun family members also went to bed one after another.

After soaking his feet, Sun Yiqiu lay down early. He still had a lot of things to do tomorrow. Today, he also heard from his second aunt that she would help him talk to the Li family. He felt very happy because his second aunt was a famous matchmaker.

However, before lying down, Sun Yiqiu's mind drifted away again. He felt inexplicably guilty when thinking about Li Dongdong.


Sun Yiqiu slapped himself hard on the face twice.

"Sun Yiqiu, you are such a piece of shit. The girl you dreamed about was not Dongdong! Don't do that again! Well, Dongdong would never dress like that! Uh, if Dongdong dresses like that... Bah, change your mind!"

As he was daydreaming, Sun Yiqiu became more and more sleepy and gradually fell asleep.

He was woken up again while he was half asleep.

"Hey, sir, wake up!"

"Hmm... is it daybreak?"

"Where has it ever been dark?"

The woman's smiling voice rang in his ears. Sun Yiqiu opened his eyes and found himself lying on a large bluestone in the mountains with the woman sitting next to him.

"Huh? Where is this?"

Sun Yiqiu sat up suddenly and looked around in panic. How did he get to the mountains

"Didn't you say you would take me home? Did you forget about it while you were taking a nap? We'll be there in another three to five hundred miles after crossing this mountain."

"Three or five hundred miles? So far? My second aunt is going to propose marriage for me tomorrow!"

The woman was surprised, then frowned slightly and looked sideways at Sun Yiqiu.

"Matchmaking? The young master is going to get married?"

Sun Yiqiu just scratched his head and smiled, which was considered as his agreement.

"Well, congratulations, young master. However, a good man like you must find a good match. I just don't know which girl has such a blessing. I envy her so much..."

Later on, the woman's tone was filled with a hint of loss and even resentment.

Sun Yiqiu was a little flustered and answered quickly.

"Girl, you're joking, you're joking. How can I be worthy of you? You must be an extraordinary person. A country bumpkin wouldn't dare to hope for that..."

Although Sun Yiqiu had never seen the world, he knew that if an ordinary person were dressed like the girl in front of him and was so beautiful, could he wander around alone

If you meet someone with impure intentions, you will be eaten up in minutes.

"Sir, don't belittle yourself. If, if I really love you, am I willing to stay with you forever?"

The woman turned around and looked at Sun Yiqiu expectantly. Her chest rose and fell, showing that she was very uneasy inside, which made Sun Yiqiu's blood boil and he could not calm down.

"Girl, girl, you and I have known each other for a short time. No, it doesn't have to be like this... Gulu, I have no talent or appearance... You..."

Sun Yiqiu held his crotch, unable to move his eyes away, and spoke hesitantly, with each word being extremely difficult.

But this made the woman's eyes light up, and her face burst into spirit. This boy could still keep calm even at this point. He was not some cold and aloof master, nor was he some virtuous gentleman. He was a young man with the budding youth. His body showed his desire and embarrassment at the moment, but he had his own charm and was restrained. The more he looked at her, the more emotional she became. She didn't want to lose to a country girl she had never met before.

Just when the woman couldn't help but want to use some tricks, she suddenly felt something unusual. She turned around and looked in another direction. There, there was a woman in a flowing light blue dress leaning against a big tree, looking at them.

"Who are you?"

The woman had no idea when the other party arrived and how long he had been watching from the side. And it seemed that it was because of her other actions just now that the newcomer revealed his presence.


Sun Yiqiu also turned his head to look in that direction and saw a woman in light blue clothes standing there, blending so harmoniously with the forest and mountains, as if he was looking at a painting and the person in it.

Zao Niang frowned and looked at the two of them.

"You used this skill to lure the spirit away quite well, and you didn't hurt his body or soul. It doesn't look like you want to harm him. So what do you want to do? The master said that if possible, it's best to find out the reasons for everything, so as not to hit him too hard."

As she spoke, Zao Niang pointed in the direction of Sun Yiqiu, and a faint light flashed and hit Sun Yiqiu on the forehead. The latter's figure blurred for a moment and disappeared in an instant.

The woman did not stop the whole process, and Sun Yiqiu in Ning'an County just slept more soundly.

"Harm? Your Excellency's words are too harsh. I just want to find a suitable husband. First, to fulfill my dream of marriage, and second, to help me improve my cultivation to a higher level so that I can face the future!"

Zao Niang smiled. She had read many novels and even storybooks. After observing the situation, she was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, she walked a few steps closer and asked with interest.

"From your expression just now, you really are in love with him, but he is just a trace of consciousness here, and he can't do anything. Do you want to bring him here and execute him right away?"

Zao Niang walked over slowly, looking from one woman to another with a mischievous smile.

"You... who do you think I am? If I devote myself to someone, he must marry me in a formal ceremony on our wedding night!"

The woman felt a little ashamed and angry when facing Sun Yiqiu's provocative moves. While arguing, she stood up and looked at Zaoniang warily.

"Ah? I didn't realize that..."

As Zao Niang spoke, her eyes often lingered on the woman's exposed parts.

"But no matter what you think, if you attack the Sun family for no reason, I can't just ignore it. If you succeed under my nose, how can I face my old friends in the future!"

"No wonder Mr. Sun looks ordinary but is blessed with a spiritual power. It turns out he is not that simple. This is all a misunderstanding. Sorry to bother you!"

The woman was surprised for a moment, apologized, and turned to leave.

"Want to leave? Not that easy!"

Jokes aside, Zao Niang would not give up easily. Seeing the other party was about to leave, she immediately stepped forward, instantly reached behind the other party, and pointed her finger to create a spiritual wind around him.

The woman was obviously on guard. At this moment she suddenly turned around and punched, with white light flashing in her eyes.

"boom... ... "

There was a violent wind blowing in the mountains. The moment the fists and fingers touched, spiritual energy surged, causing grass and trees to fall and rocks to fly.

Zao Niang didn't move at all. Rays of spiritual light poured out from her body. She frowned and fled quickly. After she was dozens of miles away and saw that no one was chasing her, she dared to carefully check her right hand.

I saw a small red dot on the knuckle, which was slightly painful.

Zao Niang used the index finger of her right hand to play with a strand of her hair, looking into the distance thoughtfully. This monster was actually planning to show mercy to her