Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1037: Extra For the past that was once severed


To be honest, She Ji's skill in restraining her aura was excellent, and she hardly revealed any demonic aura. Even the Ning'an County gods who frequently passed by the temple fair did not notice it at all.

Even Hu Yun did not smell any evil spirit, but he had an intuition that told him to look in that direction. Sure enough, even if he met Zao Niang, the other party would not give up immediately.

Of course She Ji also noticed Hu Yun. It was hard for such a person who stood out from the crowd to go unnoticed. If he was not some beautiful woman in the world disguised as a man, then he was most likely the female cultivator who had taken action before.

She Ji had no intention of hiding her tracks, and she did not overreact after being discovered. Instead, she bowed slightly in the direction of Hu Yun and then slowly walked towards this side step by step.

Hu Yun frowned slightly and then immediately relaxed. He walked to a nearby table and smiled at the two Confucian scholars sitting there.

"Could you please help me? A friend and I would like to borrow this table to chat in private."

Facing the smile of the "woman" in front of them, the two Confucian scholars seemed to see the winter plum blossoms in full bloom in the academy, with white branches and red flowers that matched the beauty of spring. They were stunned for a moment before coming back to their senses.

"Uh, please use it, young lady!"

"Yes, let's go to another table and squeeze in."

"Girl please!"

The two Confucian scholars quickly stood up, took their things, and sat down at the empty seats at the next table, but they could not take their eyes away from the scholar in red.

Hu Yun has gotten used to it. He didn't use any magic, but was naturally charming. He used to need to be careful and restrained all the time, but now he is much more casual.

She Ji walked to the front of the stall, smiled and bowed to the father and son of the Sun family who saw her. Sun Yiqiu's eyes widened suddenly, and he didn't rub his eyes to confirm, and then felt a little embarrassed in an instant.

"Hmm? Brat, do you know that girl?"

Sun's father asked, and Sun Yiqiu was a little speechless.

"I don't know how to put it, I guess I've seen it before."

Sun Yiqiu was full of doubts. Wasn't this the girl he had seen in his dream? Why did she appear here? Was it not just a dream

Hu Yun glanced at Sun Yiqiu and pointed to the opposite side.

"Please take a seat."

Then Hu Yun casually tossed his clothes and sat down first. She Ji smiled faintly and sat down opposite him.

"I have no ill intentions towards Mr. Sun. I just want to find a perfect husband. First, to fulfill my dream of marriage, and second, to complete my cultivation. So I want to find a man with a good fortune to marry. When I first met Mr. Sun, I just wanted to give it a try. Later, I became more and more unable to control myself. I couldn't help teasing him more, but I never hurt him. Please understand, Immortal."

She Ji was secretly observing Hu Yun. She thought she would meet the green-clothed female cultivator from before, but she didn't expect that a red-clothed female cultivator would appear today, and she was equally unpredictable. The background of this Sun family was really not ordinary.

Hu Yun grinned slightly. The word "immortal" barely satisfied him.

"Aunt, sir, your noodles are ready."

Sun Yiqiu brought the freshly prepared braised noodles and placed them on the table. He looked a little embarrassed and couldn't help but take a peek before lowering his head. He didn't dare to look at either of the two women at the table any longer. He put down his bowl and quickly turned around and left.

"Hey, Mr. Sun, little..."

When She Ji gave the reminder, Sun Yiqiu had already stepped on a chopstick on the ground.


Sun Yiqiu screamed and almost fell down, but Hu Yun reached out and held him up.

"Shopkeeper, please watch your way. Don't let yourself be distracted."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir..."

Sun Yiqiu thanked him repeatedly, but did not dare to look at Hu Yun. He just hurried back to the cabinet cart. His father kept shaking his head and sighing.

Hu Yun turned his gaze back, and She Ji's eyes also moved away from Sun Yiqiu, but there was still a smile on her lips.

"Girl, I'm not hungry yet. Can I give this noodle to you?"

Hu Yun pushed the noodles in front of Sheji, then reached out and took a pair of chopsticks.

"No, I..."

She Ji was about to say something polite, but she saw Hu Yun's next action. He was clearly handing out a pair of chopsticks, but it was like a cold light piercing through the calm surface of the lake from bottom to top, like an unparalleled long sword stabbing at her. Taibai Jin rose up and circled with the sword, with wind and thunder hiding behind it, and its sharp edge breaking through the thunderbolt.

The sword was so fast that Sheji felt the urge to run away immediately, but there was no way to avoid it!

Behind her, there were bright lights and bustling crowds; in front of her, a freezing cold wind was about to strike. She Ji resisted the urge to leave immediately. Firstly, if she dodged such a powerful sword move, she would be left with no way out and would be outnumbered; secondly, there were people coming and going behind her; thirdly, she also bet that the other party would not ignore the people around him.

Sheji grasped the hem of her clothes tightly with her left hand, twisted her right hand out, and let her sleeves flutter like a butterfly. The magic power at her fingertips surged wildly. The moment she touched the chopsticks, she felt an icy cold light entering her body, but she endured the pain and turned her arm, releasing the strength while twisting, and finally got a pair of chopsticks in her hand.

At this moment, the terrifying power of the sword melted like snow, and a pair of chopsticks was already in Sheji's hands. Even the pain disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

"Ho, ho, ho..."

Sheji breathed slightly, and a drop of sweat seeped out of the corner of her forehead.

Hu Yun smiled and gave a compliment in a nonchalant manner.

"not bad!"

Swordsmanship was not originally Hu Yun's forte, but after having been in contact with Ji Yuan for a long time, he was inevitably influenced by it. However, his swordsmanship was not pure swordsmanship. The way of swordsmanship was real and unreal, like a dream, but also real and illusory.

Sheji’s reaction just now might not be the best one, but in Hu Yun’s opinion it was pretty good.

"Well, I'm not saying you're that strong, but there aren't many people in the world who can take my sword like you."

"Thank you for showing mercy, Immortal."

Hu Yun was very pleased, at least he didn't criticize the girls too much.

"From your aura, you don't seem to have much hostility. You don't seem like a demon that harms people for a living. But, as we've always said, humans and demons are different. If you marry a mortal man, it will still damage his vitality."

"So I need to find someone with a deep affinity, who can bear it and help me, and who can complement and support me until I can repay him. It would be best if the person I find is someone I like. This Young Master Sun is the right person..."

She Ji stole a glance at Sun Yiqiu, who seemed a little absent-minded, and her voice became a little lower.

"That seems to be the case, but it's also a fallacy. You only talked about what happened to you, but why didn't you talk about Sun Yiqiu? What will happen to him if you rashly enter his life?"

Sheji spread her arms, looked down at herself, then looked up again and said very confidently.

"A beautiful and graceful wife who I never get tired of looking at, who has no worries about food and clothing, who is rich and prosperous, who will accompany him until old age, and if he wants, they can be together forever. As long as it's not too much, I can listen to him."

"That seems to be the case, but it's also a fallacy. If you weren't there, Sun Yiqiu and Li Dongdong would still be ordinary and happy together."

Hu Yun retorted, but She Ji responded with a smile.

"I competed fairly with Li Dongdong. I didn't use any magic and I didn't harm the girl. It's not my fault that I can't beat her. It's even more ridiculous to say it's because of my appearance. Food, sex and nature are also natural. I was born beautiful, which is my capital. How can it be wrong to use it to please my sweetheart?"

You! What you said seems to make sense!

Hu Yun suddenly felt that he was a little tongue-tied and couldn't help but think of his good friend Yin Qing for the Nth time. If he were still alive, he would be able to make this guy speechless with just his mouth.

Hu Yun took a deep breath.

"Aren't you afraid that the Sun family's ancestor will come back and chop you to death with a sword?"

She Ji was stunned and spoke subconsciously.

"Aren't you and the previous immortal the ancestors of the Sun family?"

Hu Yun had a smile on his face, his big eyes slightly closed.

"We are not."

"Then I have to try it first!"

My goodness, is this a lie

"You must know "The Legend of Bai Ji" and "The Fate of the White Deer", right? Lady Bai fell in love with a mortal man and stayed with him until the end of her life, proving that love between a human and a demon can also be beautiful and moving. When I first read these books, I fell in love with them. Lady Bai could do it, so why can't I?"

"Not everything about Lady Bai is as beautiful as described in the books. Uh, have you read The Legend of Lady Bai?"

Sheji nodded. This book had a profound impact on her name.

Hu Yun was really pissed off in his heart, not for anything else, but because he also knew "The Legend of a Hundred Concubines", but this was not the orthodox "White Deer Romance", but a very famous derivative version, which was very well written and had many explicit plots. Because it was so well written, many people even believed that it and "White Deer Romance" were written by the same novelist, and Zao Niang also had a copy.

Now Hu Yun could understand some of the ways this monster and Sun Yiqiu got along with each other. He learned it from the book.

"Now that I have an admirer like you, I don't know whether I should be happy or not..."

"Mrs. White will surely applaud my courage in fighting for the one I love!"

The corner of Hu Yun's mouth twitched.

"Ahaha, next time I'll ask her..."


"If I have the chance to really meet Lady Bai, I will definitely ask her for you and see her reaction. I guess she may not agree with you."

Hu Yun made a lie.

"I believe that Lady Baiji will support me."

Hu Yun knew that the real name of White Snake was not mentioned in several novels, and due to the spread of ignorance and fear among people, most people thought she was called Bai Ji.

Suddenly, Lu Shanjun's voice floated into Hu Yun's ears. The latter's eyes flashed slightly, and then he spoke lightly.

"After seeing Zao Niang, he didn't try to avoid her and came to Ning'an County right away. I think it's not just for the sake of marriage with Mr. Sun. If you want to borrow some help from us, you might as well speak up. If you speak up, we may be able to help you."

Hu Yun paused, a cunning look flashing in his eyes.

"You were originally a five-colored spirit lynx. You have practiced for many years and have just achieved enlightenment. You will definitely not wander around just for a dream of marriage."

Hu Yun's meaning was very clear. You haven't cultivated to that level yet. Only someone at Bai Ruo's level would have a knot in his heart caused by love, and the monster in front of him is still far from that level.

"Can you see through my true form?"

She Ji was really shocked this time. Seeing through the demon body also requires conditions. If it truly transforms into a human without any special flaws, even if the demonic aura is leaked, at most people will know that it is a demon. The true body can only be known after it shows its true form.

"That's not difficult. Now go back. You have already leaked a bit of your aura after taking my sword. It is not convenient for you to stay here any longer."

The parade gods and land gods of Ning'an County have already noticed this place. At this moment, the faint scent of sandalwood can be smelled outside the stall. She Ji did not want to cause any more trouble, so she suppressed her thoughts, stood up, bowed slightly, and left quickly.

"The store settled the bill and left the money on the table."

Hu Yun didn't want to argue any more with the gods, so he put down the money and left. He was just here to test the waters anyway.

"Hey, sir, I haven't eaten the noodles yet..."

Father Sun shouted, and seeing that the two beautiful women had left, he couldn't help but shook his head. Looking around, he saw that his son's eyes were still a little dull, and he couldn't help but knock him on the head.

"Everyone's gone, don't be stupid, go clean it up."

"oh... ... "

Sun Yiqiu rubbed his head and patted his face, then walked towards the table with a sense of melancholy. Before he reached out to the bowl of noodles, a pair of hands had already picked up the chopsticks on the table and started stirring the noodles and the sauce, followed by a faint sigh.

"I bought the noodles but didn't eat a single bite. Wow, it makes me drool. The first bite of this five-cent braised noodles must be worth at least four cents!"

As he spoke, the pair of chopsticks had already picked up some noodles and put them into his mouth with a slurping sound.

There was a faint and extremely crisp sound.

"Master, the price has gone up now. A bowl costs eight cents."

Sun Yiqiu looked up and saw a strange man sitting at the table. He was wearing a plain white shirt, his eyes slightly closed, his gray hair swaying in the breeze, and he was eating noodles leisurely.