Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1041: Extra The past that has never been broken off


When everything was calm, Sheji, still frightened, huddled in a small cave deep in the mountains, trying her best to hide her breath.

Although the thunderclouds had dispersed, Sheji still did not dare to move. About half an hour later, the soil on the wall of the cave slightly bulged up and turned into an old face.

"My Lady, it should be safe now."

"Uh, ho, ho..."

Sheji began to breathe heavily, she covered the wound on her body, blood was oozing out.

"Thank you, Mr. Gong, for saving me. Thank you very much..."

"Alas, I am ashamed to say that this is all I can do. If the Queen wants to thank someone, please thank that fairy lady. If she hadn't helped, the consequences would have been disastrous. She said that her master and I have some connection. Who is she..."

In the canyon with a different world, the anxious Mr. Gao finally waited for She Ji and the old man to come back together. Several of She Ji's men and a few mountain ghosts immediately came to greet them.

"My queen!" "Lord Mountain God!"

"My Lady, Mr. Gong, how is your injury?"

She Ji shook her head, dismissed her attendants, and sat cross-legged in the center of the canyon. A maidservant beside her brought her a pill, and after she took it, she closed her eyes and began to recuperate.

An old man at one side sat down at the chessboard stone table, looking a little dazed.

"Who is it?"

"Gong Weng, are you okay?"

Mr. Gao looked at the old man with some concern. Although Sheji was injured and bleeding, she seemed to be stable. But the old mountain god seemed to be worried.

"It's okay. The thunder of the Thunder God is really powerful. If it comes a few more times, my old bones won't be able to bear it. If it weren't for the help of that fairy lady, it's hard to say whether the Queen and I could escape."

"Who is that fairy lady?"

Mr. Gao looked at the old man, but Sheji, who had recovered some of her injuries, spoke first.

"That immortal is another person who is protecting Young Master Sun. During the Lantern Festival tonight, she sat at the noodle stall and chatted with me for a while. I had been flying for a long time and didn't know she had been following me. I didn't expect her to help me and hide my aura for me..."

The old man felt a little disappointed when he heard this.

"So that's how it is. Then the fairy lady's words are just excuses.

... ...

Hu Yun flew back to Ning'an County in a beam of light, still thinking about the magic performed by the God of Thunder. She recalled her contact with She Ji, and even more so recalled that the mountain god would actually show up to block the thunder. Would this little god really block the thunder for the purpose of preventing the mountain from being destroyed

Then Hu Yun thought about how he had just said that the mountain god had a past relationship with his master. This was of course nonsense, but once he said this, he was more or less involved.

"Oh, it's so troublesome, so troublesome!"

Hu Yun gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and by the time he arrived in Ning'an County, he was already angry with himself.

Before he even landed from the sky, Hu Yun had already smelled the fragrance of flowers that permeated the county. Looking at the entire county from the air, there were green leaves and red flowers everywhere in the white snow. Hu Yun was stunned for a long time before flying towards Ju'an Pavilion.

When he pushed the door open, Hu Yun had already started complaining.

"Oh, it's all your fault, Tiger Jun. What did you ask me to chase? Do you know what kind of trouble I've run into? Oh, it's so troublesome!"

"I heard that it was you who was clamoring to test it out, so why are you blaming the mountain king?"

"That's different. My own is..."

Hu Yun paused in the middle of his words, then pushed open the door. An extremely familiar figure was sitting in the yard. Hu Yun couldn't help but rub his eyes, fearing that it was an illusion.

"Sir! You're back!"

"Little Hu Yun has grown so big."

Ji Yuan looked at Hu Yun with some admiration, while Lu Shanjun on the side sneered sinisterly.

"It's a pity that I was born with the wrong gender."

"If Hu Yun changed his clothes, many women in the world would feel ashamed of themselves."

Zao Niang was also laughing. Hu Yun clenched his fists and kept comforting himself to stay calm, saying that he could not beat either of them. Then he smiled and turned into a red fox and leaped towards Ji Yuan, while not forgetting to tell him what had just happened.

Unable to resist the sleepiness, the people of Ning'an County began to go home to sleep one after another, and the noise in the county gradually subsided.

Inside the Ju'an Pavilion, Ji Yuan looked up at the sky.

Some are still alive, some have passed away, some are practicing hard and some are reincarnated. The ways of heaven and earth are no longer the same as Ji Yuan was familiar with, yet the heaven and earth still seem to be the same as he was familiar with.

Zao Niang was making date cakes in the kitchen. The previous ones had been eaten by Hu Yun and Lu Shanjun. A fiery red fox fell asleep under the date tree. Lu Shanjun refused to sit down and stood quietly beside Ji Yuan, occasionally glancing at his master out of the corner of his eyes.

Ji Yuan leaned against the stone table with one hand and took a nap. He felt a little tired. Although he had slept for hundreds of years, he still felt sleepy after waking up. He shook slightly a few times and then opened his half-closed eyes.

"Master, if you are tired, go back to your room and sleep!"

"Yes, Ji is no longer the great monk with boundless magical powers. Please sit down."

Lu Shanjun shook his head.

"Disciple wants to stand beside Master for a while."

Since being accepted into the Wall Gate by Ji Yuan, Lu Shanjun asked himself that the time he spent with his master was very few. Now he wanted to spend more time with him. Besides, even Qingteng Jian was not with his master. Even though Lu Shanjun believed that his master was unmatched, he would not leave his side. Even the Zhongzhou Divine Mountain, where he was responsible, was not as important as his master.

Lu Shanjun looked at Ji Yuan again and saw that his master was resting his hands on his head, as if he had fallen asleep.

As the saying goes, what you think about during the day you will dream about at night. Ji Yuan dreamed of traveling across China. He had heard Hu Yun's story before, and now in his dream he had already arrived at the top of the mountains, as if with just one step forward the world was within his reach.

In the sparse clouds, a pair of eyes overlooked the earth, with mountains and peaks lined up one after another, and mountain streams and rivers crisscrossing.

When the battle took place back then, there were battles not only on the major battlefields, but also in various places across the world. In addition, several great gods in the world cast spells, which, although without destructive aftermath, were by no means inferior to moving mountains and filling the sea. In addition, the energy of heaven and earth changed greatly, and the veins of the world changed a lot. The terrain changes in all directions of heaven and earth lasted for more than two hundred years.

Then there came into being a new "topography" pattern in which the two realms of heaven and earth controlled yin and yang, the mountains under heaven controlled the world, and the sacred mountain of Zhongzhou was located in the middle.

Although the changes are relatively mild, the changes over the past two hundred years are enough to force many countries to redraw their maps and even trigger some wars.

But even so, in Ji Yuan's eyes, the entire vast mountain range could vaguely be seen to be shaped like a large banana leaf.

“It turns out to be Banana Leaf Mountain.”

Ji Yuan thought of what Hu Yun had said before. The nonsense he had said to scare the two gods of thunder seemed to be quite interesting.

A fragrance wafted over, Ji Yuan took a breath, opened his eyes and woke up, and Zao Niang had already come out with a plate of freshly made date cakes.