Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1049: Extra The past twenty that have never been broken off


Hu Yun turned his head and looked at Sun Yiqiu. It turned out that although Sun Yiqiu was not good-looking, he was quite popular with women. This pretty and healthy-looking girl was actually interested in him. At the same time, he was secretly narcissistic again. He was really popular with both men and women.

"Sun Yiqiu, this girl is pretty good, lively and lovely, a good candidate for a daughter-in-law."

Although Hu Yun was also very curious about She Ji's affairs, he still had some feelings for the Sun family. In comparison, he hoped that Sun Yiqiu could marry an ordinary woman and live a stable life.

"Excuse me, sir. They, hahaha..."

Sun's father laughed. He already regarded Li Dongdong as his daughter-in-law. He brought the prepared offal to Hu Yun's table. The latter picked up the chopsticks, took a bite, and looked at Sun Yiqiu again.

"Sun Yiqiu, I think that girl seems to have misunderstood what happened between you and me. You'd better explain it clearly when you have time."

Sun's father also reacted, looked at Sun Yiqiu and cursed.

"This silly boy is getting more and more unruly. Dongdong is the same. How can this silly boy be worthy of a beauty like you?"

Hu Yun is no longer surprised by misunderstandings about his gender and is more concerned about other issues.

"Sun Yiqiu, when did you get the magic bag you are wearing? Who gave it to you?"

Ever since the last takeaway, the Sun family father and son knew that the woman in red was not an ordinary person. When he asked this, Sun's father immediately asked back with concern.

"Sir, what's the problem with this brocade bag? By the way, I heard from Yi Qiu that it was given by the man who wanted to pester you last time. He also took a bowl with him. He left and came back again. It's really a bit weird."

Hu Yun understood. Last time, it was okay. It was normal for the Wei family to have some relationship with Yunshan Temple. It was also normal for them to take out this brocade bag, and it was also normal for them to take out some other rare items.

"No problem, just carry it with you. This brocade bag is very beautiful and natural. The amulet inside must have some magical power. It is better than what you can buy at the temple fair."

"Oh, all right."

Father Sun felt more relieved. For some reason, he was more willing to believe the words of the woman in red.

"Dad, I'm going out for a while."

"Go ahead, and remember to speak nicely."


Sun Yiqiu couldn't help but chase out. Hu Yun glanced at Sun Yiqiu and knocked on the edge of the bowl with chopsticks.

“Ding ding ding…”

The sound of knocking on the bowl was very clear and could be heard from far away. Soon, a big yellow dog, two big spotted dogs and a big black dog came over one after another and surrounded Hu Yun, making a "wooo wooo" sound.

Hu Yun picked up the mutton offal in the bowl with chopsticks and threw it to the dog beside him.

Several dogs rushed to eat it and barked at Hu Yun.

Normally, when such a big dog arrived at the stall, the Sun family would have driven it away, but when they saw that it was Hu Yun who took the initiative to invite it over, Sun's father did not move, thinking that this girl was kind-hearted.

This kind of dog is usually raised by someone, but the family only provides one dinner and lets the dog go out to find food by itself during the day.

The other diners had already paid and left. While Sun's father was tidying up the counter and organizing things to prepare for closing the stall, he occasionally glanced at the woman in red over there. She seemed to be very intimate with the dogs. Then he saw the woman lower her head and seemed to be whispering something to the dogs.

"Hey, there are all kinds of people these days."

Just as Mr. Sun was thinking this, he saw that all the dogs ran away.

"These dogs really like our guests."

"Hahaha, no fight, no friendship, a smile can save all grudges!"

Hu Yun said this proudly, confusing Sun's father. What do you call this

"Sir, these dogs will go home after nightfall. They won't starve to death. Life is better now, and we can still leave a bowl of leftovers for the animals at home."

Hu Yun smiled without saying anything. He finished the few leftovers in the bowl, paid the bill and left.

It is indeed not a good idea to show up all the time. Just now, that girl misunderstood him. Hu Yun plans to observe secretly. Although Zao Niang was in charge of this matter at the beginning, Hu Yun knew that Lu Shanjun had been giving him advice before, and this matter may have a greater impact on him, Hu Yun.

... ...

Today, Sun's father cleaned up the noodle stall by himself, and at most old man Li helped out in the second half.

When it was almost time for dinner after returning home, Sun Yiqiu came back from outside with a smile on his face. He had explained everything clearly and Li Dongdong had coaxed him.

Li Dongdong is really romantic, but he is not really the kind of person who makes trouble. The fact that Sun Yiqiu came to explain specifically has already made him less angry, and most of his anger has gone away after the explanation was clear.

Then Sun Yiqiu gave the brocade bag to Li Dongdong, and repeated what he had just heard from Hu Yun with exaggeration, saying how effective the brocade bag was and gave it to her for protection.

Li Dongdong's mood improved immediately, and Sun Yiqiu's mood also improved. They were all happy when they returned home.

People should be more realistic. The woman in the dream was extraordinarily beautiful and charming, even if he had seen someone very similar in the night market, it was ultimately like a dream. Such a woman would not possibly be interested in him, Sun Yiqiu. Besides, Sun Yiqiu felt that he was only attracted to the woman in his dream because she was too beautiful. If he really talked about feelings, he would definitely prefer his childhood sweetheart Li Dongdong, who was also going to be his wife.

However, this joyful scene happened to be seen by She Ji, who had quietly come to Ning'an County again. Although her injuries had not healed yet, she could not help wanting to see Sun Yiqiu. She did not expect that when she came back, she would see Sun Yiqiu being courteous to Li Dongdong.

She Ji felt very unhappy, so she hid herself and stood outside the Sun family's house watching.

This time, She Ji did not come simply to have a tryst with Sun Yiqiu, but came to say goodbye with the idea of seeing him one last time.

Before, after the mountain god Gong Weng came back, he implicitly reminded She Ji that it would be better not to involve the Sun family. Mr. Gao supported She Ji very much, but the original plan had been disrupted by the thunder tribulation.

She Ji knew that the enemy had already set their sights on this place. Unless she kidnapped Sun Yiqiu directly, she would not have the time and space to slowly talk about love with Sun Yiqiu here. But what would it mean if she kidnapped someone directly

“Woo woo…”

The sound of dogs barking was heard, and She Ji looked around. Unconsciously, there were several big dogs wandering around her. These big dogs had extremely keen sense of smell. They were actually sitting outside the Sun family's door and surrounding She Ji. This surprised her a little.

"I won't hurt them."

She Ji said this faintly, and her figure disappeared into mist with a gust of wind.

But that night, She Ji met Sun Yiqiu again in her dream, and this time she directly used a sophisticated method of entering dreams.

She Ji was unwilling to accept this. She was unwilling to accept her feelings, and even more unwilling to be slowly forgotten by Sun Yiqiu in the future.

Out of an inexplicable panic and strong reluctance, even when Sun Yiqiu showed the usual reaction of a man's erotic dream, She Ji did not just laugh it off in the dream, but chose to take the initiative to step forward this time... ...

In the dream, Sun Yiqiu stared blankly at the stunningly beautiful woman approaching him, his heart beating rapidly and his breathing rising and falling, until the other person hugged him closely and he trembled slightly.

"Girl, I, uh, I..."

"My name is Sheji! I'm leaving you today, and I'm afraid we may never meet again, Master Sun!"

Sheji's voice became low and blurred, and the breathing rate of the two gradually became as close as their bodies, their fingertips intertwined, and their clothes became messy as they were torn...

Skin rubbing, pubic bones hitting, raging waves, loud and unrestrained, drizzling rain, rolling clouds... ...

Although it was only a vague feeling in a dream, it made She Ji intoxicated and even made Sun Yiqiu wet.

Before dawn, She Ji fled Ning'an County with a sense of guilt. Even she felt that her methods were a bit selfish, mean and unbearable. She had clearly said that she would compete with others fairly and had said so many nice words, but in the end, apart from not taking people's essence, what was the difference between her and those demons who only knew how to seduce men

But I have no regrets!