Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1054: Extra The past twenty-five that has never been broken off


The two old people were indeed pitiful. After settling them in the inn, Hu Yun, Sun Yiqiu and others asked the inn helpers to take good care of them. They also promised to visit them every day and help them check with the county government to see if their daughter was there. When everything was almost ready, they would send them home.

Of course, Hu Yun and others must have left enough silver in the inn. Hong Shusheng was very active in this regard. He took full responsibility for all the silver. He even said that he would cancel the room in the original inn and move to this inn to live with them so that they could be taken care of.

When the few people left the inn, two tearful old men saw them off to the door of the inn with many thanks.

"Good people! They are all good people!"

"My benefactors, whether or not we can find our daughter, we will pray for you every day!"

"Okay, okay, don't see me off. Go in and have a rest."

"Yes, the sun is about to set. You should go back quickly, Xiaoer. Please take good care of them."

Two helpers in the hall were supporting the old man on both sides, and they responded quickly.

"Don't worry, sir. I will definitely take good care of you!"

Hu Yun and his companions walked away, and the two old men were still bowing before they returned to the inn.

On the way back, Sun Yiqiu was relaxed and felt very happy after doing this good deed. Li Dongdong still felt sorry for the two old people, but he was also in a good mood.

"It's comfortable to do good things!" "Yeah!"

Hu Yun looked at the two of them, shook his head slightly, then looked back in the direction of the inn and sighed slightly.

There was indeed nothing abnormal about the two old men. Their words were sincere and they were not lying. For ordinary people, their lives were indeed miserable. It was just that they suddenly appeared outside the noodle stall and almost ate the portion left for them, which really scared Hu Yun.

In fact, Hu Yun did not think carefully about the possible consequences of this. It was just because he was in charge of the Sun family and he instinctively did not want the Sun family to break the rules set by Mr. Ji.

The scholar was secretly feeling regretful in his heart, it was really just a little bit off.

"And you?"

Hu Yun suddenly looked at the scholar, who was slightly startled and subconsciously stunned.


Hu Yun looked at the scholar unhappily, but he knew that this guy was not a bad person, so he spoke patiently.

"Didn't Master Hong say that he wanted to change inns to accompany these two old people? Why is he still following us? If he walks any further, he will go back to the noodle stall."

The scholar's face suddenly turned red and he looked at Hu Yun with embarrassment.

"Yes, yes, young master, I forgot about it without realizing it. Then, I will go now!"

The scholar scratched his head and turned away. After walking a few steps, he turned back to look at Hu Yun and others who were still standing there, his face turning the color of sausage.

"Uh, Miss Hu, you will come to see those two old people tomorrow, right? A gentleman should not break his word. You promised them today, right?"

"Yes... I will come tomorrow."

Hu Yun agreed weakly and watched the scholar turn around with satisfaction, his steps brisk.

“Puchi…” “Hahahahahaha!”

Li Dongdong and Sun Yiqiu laughed at the same time.

"Mr. Hong is usually very serious and polite, but today he is shy. Miss Hu, he must be interested in you!"

"Even an idiot can see that!"

Again? Hu Yun's mouth twitched, and he turned and walked away quickly. Explanations were superfluous. Unless he changed his appearance every time he went out, or simply took it out to compare, almost no one would believe his "explanation" of being a man. Besides, this was not without its benefits. At least when there was a gap in information, there would be deviations or even failure in the prediction of his fortune by an expert.

When he arrived outside Tianniufang, Hu Yun left directly without showing any intimacy. Looking back at the situation outside Tianniufang, Hu Yun shook his head secretly.

The situation just now was just discovered by Hu Yun. If he was not there, the bowl of noodles would have been given away to the Sun family. This might actually be the result of natural development.

After returning to Ju'an Pavilion, Hu Yun pushed open the gate and walked in. Thinking that he would have to deal with that scholar Hong tomorrow, Hu Yun felt a little overwhelmed and really wanted to beat that guy up.

When I looked up after entering the room, Ji Yuan and Lao Long were playing chess in the yard again. Lu Shanjun was still watching them, and Zao Niang was cooking in the kitchen.

No one else paid any attention to Hu Yun, except Lu Shanjun, who looked up at him. Then Hu Yun closed the gate and came in to complain, telling them everything that had just happened.

Lu Shanjun sneered.

"If they really want to give away that bowl of noodles, then let them do it. If they easily have this idea, they will not be able to keep it. Sooner or later, they will break this rule themselves."

Hu Yun walked to the stone table and sat down.

"Mother Zao, I'm hungry. I want to eat honey date cake!"

Hu Yun called out, then glanced at the complicated chessboard, completely unable to understand it, and then looked at Lu Shanjun.

"Yes, yes, that's true. But I think the timing of the two old men's coming today is a little strange. Who knows if they are just ordinary old men with miserable family backgrounds? Alas, this is how mortals are. Birth, aging, sickness, death, sorrow and separation. It's better to practice and live forever without worries!"

Ji Yuan held the chess piece without putting it down and said with a smile.

"Each has its own merits. Some people think that the world is like a dream, while others think that the world is as beautiful as clouds. You think that the life span of ordinary people is very short, but birth, aging, sickness, death, love, hate, and vengeance make up a person's long life. Even the most ordinary people have their ups and downs in life, which is wonderful and cannot be told to outsiders!"

The old dragon grinned.

"That's the truth, but Mr. Ji, you don't know how to make your move, right?"

Ji Yuan was very honest and just threw in the towel and admitted defeat. Has this old dragon become so mean now

Zao Niang brought over a plate of date cakes. Hu Yun quickly took a piece and said to Ji Yuan.

"Sir, if the Sun family really gave away that bowl of noodles just now, you wouldn't blame them, right?"

Ji Yuan looked at Hu Yun in surprise while holding the date cake, and slightly widened his eyes to reveal his pure and innocent eyes.

"Mr. Ji, am I such a petty person?"

"Ha, then it's all right. I was worried for a while."

Hu Yun stuffed the date cake into his mouth. When he was about to take more, Lu Shanjun's big hand had already pressed on the plate.

"Of course, Master won't blame us, but how can the Sun family be safe? Once this happens, their good fortune will disappear, and they will gradually become just an ordinary family."

"The blessing is gone?"

Hu Yun was startled. He looked at Lu Shanjun, then at Ji Yuan, and then at Lao Long. Then he felt something and looked up at the sky.

"You're not that stupid."

Hu Yun asked doubtfully, ignoring Lu Shanjun's ridicule.

"But if I hadn't gone just now, the Sun family would have given the old man noodles out of kindness, which is a good deed!"

"Good and evil will be rewarded, and the underworld will make its own decisions. However, as far as the heaven and earth are concerned, although there is a saying that heaven and man are in harmony with each other, ordinary people are just a drop in the ocean compared to the heaven and earth. How insignificant."

"How can this be? Isn't this world so unfair?"

Lu Shanjun smiled.

"Unfair? No, the Sun family is still blessed. Although this act of kindness is insignificant, it is orthodox legal principle to promote the prosperity of humanity, and doing good to others will also bring great blessings. Just by giving away this bowl of noodles, the descendants of the Sun family can forget about the continuation of the blessings!"

"This price is a bit high..."

Hu Yun muttered.

Ji Yuan stood up while chewing the date cake, holding half of the date cake in one hand and putting it behind his back. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he raised his head slightly and looked at the sunset and the afterglow.

"If the sky had feelings, it would also grow old. The righteous path of the world is vicissitudes! The heaven and earth have their own principles, and human relations are also free. Follow the way that does not go against your heart. Immortals cultivate the truth, and humans also cultivate the truth. True people are true people, and they are free and carefree..."

Ji Yuan turned around and looked at Hu Yun with a smile.

"Talking about methods and principles is important. Apart from that, I am just a tiny drop in the ocean. It's good enough for me to have a clear conscience. Why should I care what the world thinks?"

Lu Shanjun's heart trembled slightly, and he bowed to Ji Yuan.

"Disciple, I will teach you!"

"Okay, I'll cook tonight and Shanjun will help me with the next game."


Lao Long savored what Ji Yuan had just said, then he sighed slightly. His chess sense came back and Ji Yuan had slipped away again.

Hu Yun felt very educated, but couldn't think of anything specific, so he quietly approached Lu Shanjun.

"Shanjun, what the gentleman said makes sense, but do you understand? Does it mean that I shouldn't have meddled in other people's business just now?"

Lu Shanjun grinned.

"What I mean is that sometimes, when you feel that you are capable and dare to take on something, don't be too hesitant!"

"Are you talking about the Sun family or me?"

Lu Shanjun glanced at Hu Yun indifferently, shook his head slightly, and sat down beside the chessboard. Although he was insightful, he was extremely stupid.

"Hey, hey, Shanjun, are you looking down on me with that look? Tell me clearly, or I will... I will not ask any more questions..."

Seeing Lu Shanjun looking at him coldly, Hu Yun's arrogance was instantly extinguished and he ran to the kitchen in shame.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... ... "

Lao Long laughed loudly. It was so fun to be around Ji Yuan. He wondered if Ruoli had received the message.