Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1057: Extra The past twenty-eight that has never been broken off


"Mr. Ji, are you okay?"

Hu Yun asked carefully and Ji Yuan glanced at him.

"Mr. Ji, do I look like I'm in trouble? Lord Qin's words, combined with my own vague feelings, actually have a second meaning. The world may not tolerate me, but it may not be what he thinks."

Seeing that Lu Shanjun was about to speak again, Ji Yuan could only smile helplessly.

"Alright, alright, I won't do anything. I don't have much strength left."

Ji Yuan was also amused. Could it be that in the eyes of this good disciple, he was such a troublemaker

But Zao Niang was quite happy.

"Sir, you can just stay in the small pavilion and rest. There is nothing worth doing."

Hu Yun stuck out his tongue. He was of course happy that Mr. Ji stayed at home all the time, but if this happened, Lu Shanjun would probably come more often and might even stay here often.

Hu Yun comes back almost every year. If he hasn't been back for several years, he will stay for a long time next time. This way he might meet Lu Shanjun all the time, ask him all kinds of questions and test his cultivation. If he doesn't make any progress, he will look like a tiger ready to eat you. That's too scary!

"Mr. Ji, do you really have very little strength left? I don't quite believe it."

Lao Long said with some sarcasm on the side. He knew that Ji Yuan was a guy who liked to hide his abilities. He would not believe the nonsense just now. Then he said.

"But Lord Qin's current condition is not good. What plan do you have, Mr. Ji?"

Qin Zizhou is also a person that Lao Long admires. He does not want to see Qin Zizhou completely lose himself after thousands of years. Although Qin Zizhou himself said that this is an inevitable result and he is powerless to change the situation, nothing is absolute in the world. If there is still one person in this world who can save Qin Zizhou, that person must be Ji Yuan.

"Well, it does require careful consideration."

While Ji Yuan was deep in thought, he pointed to the table and motioned for him to sit down and talk.

This kind of topic could only be discussed by the three people with the highest cultivation levels present. Even Zao Niang, who had a better ability to understand, could hardly understand it. Hu Yun was even more confused and even felt a slight headache after listening to it.

In fact, it would be better if Qin Zizhou could be present to discuss the matter together, but in his current situation, if he stayed with Ji Yuan for too long, it would make it easier for Ji Yuan to "appear" between heaven and earth, so he made a long talk and left.

After listening for a while, Hu Yun felt his head swelling. He knew that his cultivation was not up to par, so he quickly sealed off his spiritual senses so that he could only hear the sound but not understand the spirit. This was to prevent his future cultivation from being hindered by these profound principles.

By the time Hu Yun reacted, it was almost evening.

"Oh, I almost forgot I have something else to do!"

Hu Yun called out, said hello to the people in the yard, and then hurried out. Although he was afraid of trouble in everything, he still cared about his promises.

When Hu Yun came out of Tianniufang, he saw Sun Yiqiu and Li Dongdong looking towards Tianniufang at the Sunji noodle stall a little further away. Since Hu Yun didn't tell them where he lived, they couldn't call them and could only wait there.

The two were very happy to see Hu Yun coming.

"Miss Hu! I thought you weren't coming."

"Let's go."

Hu Yun looked at the noodle stall. There were still a few diners placing orders there, but it would probably close soon.

The three of them walked together, looking at the still bustling streets of Ning'an County as they walked. Pedestrians were returning home one after another, and they slowly arrived at Miaosifang and in front of the Confucian Temple.

The Confucian Temple is actually not part of the Shinto religion, because the cultural tradition of the world has spread and combined with other human religions to form a state of a hundred schools of thought. The Confucian Temple is a symbol that carries the symbol of the world's righteousness. Real literati do not come here to burn incense and worship Buddha, but only to worship with respect to the sage of literature.

However, the Confucian Temple is not visited only by real scholars. Common people who have children who need to go to school will also come here, and even some half-scholars come here to worship gods. As a result, Confucian Temples in various places have similar habits of offering incense. Even the Confucian Temple in Ning'an County has a large incense burner outside the temple, and there are also temple priests who are specifically responsible for taking care of it.

When Sun Yiqiu and his two companions came here, Hu Yun followed them. It was Sun Yiqiu who bought incense to pray for Scholar Hong. The three of them lit the incense, bowed to the statue of Wen Sheng in the main hall of the Temple of Literature, and then left the main hall together to put the incense into the incense burner.

Hu Yun usually does not worship other gods, but he bows down sincerely to the statue of Wen Sheng, after all, he is his elder.

Just when Sun Yiqiu was lighting the incense, a stick of incense next to him suddenly broke.


Sun Yiqiu cried out. It turned out that the broken incense head had burned the back of his hand. The pain was so severe that he let go immediately. Before he could insert the three incense sticks firmly, they all fell down.

Li Dongdong hurriedly checked Sun Yiqiu's hand, while Hu Yun frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to pick up the three fallen incense sticks, and with a slight wave of his hand, the broken incense stick was rekindled.

But Hu Yun already had a bad feeling in his heart. He turned around to look at the statue of Wen Sheng, then made some calculations with one hand in his sleeve.

Oh no! They are in danger!

Hu Yun used the three incense sticks to tell the fortune, and it turned out to be very bad luck.

"What are you guys supposed to do? I have something urgent to do and I need to leave immediately."

"Hey, what's going on?"

Before Sun Yiqiu had the chance to ask more questions, Hu Yun, who had left this sentence, had already walked a long way away and quickly disappeared among the other pilgrims.

As soon as he left the Wensheng Temple, Hu Yun's feet moved like the wind, and his figure became less and less conspicuous in the eyes of the people around him, until he was completely ignored. Then he stepped on the wind and flew out of Ning'an County directly.

Calculating the direction and the time, the scholar and the old couple had already boarded the boat and had sailed downstream for a long distance. The crisis was vague and unreal. I didn't know what kind of danger it was, nor did I know if it was too late.

A strong wind blew up under Hu Yun's feet, and his speed was getting faster and faster. The vague sense of crisis was also getting stronger, and he seemed to hear exclamations and screams in his spiritual sense.

... ...

On the street outside Tianniufang in Ning'an County, the Sun family noodle stall was preparing to close, and Sun Yiqiu and his father were cleaning up the tables and chairs together.

At this moment, two men in tight clothes came over. They were both strong and fierce-looking, and both carried knives. A man with a beard and knife scars on his face shouted before he even reached the stall.

"Shopkeeper, two bowls of noodles, two servings of offal, and two bowls of braised meat. Make them quickly!"

The two men sat down immediately with their swords drawn. After the father and son of the Sun family looked at each other, the father Sun said with a stiff upper lip.

"Sir, we may not have enough ingredients left to make a meal. Why don't you go find some food somewhere else? The inn over there still..."


The bearded man gave Sun's father a cold look, and his companion beside him also stood up.

"I just heard that this is delicious. If that's the case, brother, let's go somewhere else."

The bearded man nodded and stood up, but seeing Sun Yiqiu's relieved look, he suddenly walked to the cart and took a look, then his face became furious. There were two compartments in the drawer of the cart filled with white flour. Even if he didn't understand business, he could tell at a glance that they were clearly the ingredients for two batches of flour.

"How dare you lie to me?"

The bearded man drew his sword while shouting angrily, and with a swing of the sword, a table next door was instantly split in half, and fell to the ground with a "bang", scaring the father and son of the Sun family to death.

"Sir, calm down, sir, calm down! This is the rule of our Sun family. You must keep a copy..."

"Hehehe, you still dare to tease me?"

The bearded man turned his wrist and the blade twisted. Father Sun only felt his eyes dazzled by the blade light, then his cheek felt slightly cold, and the hair on his left temple was cut off at the root close to his scalp and fell to the ground.

Father Sun touched his cheek with a slight tremor. The warrior's murderous aura had enveloped both the father and son, bringing a strong sense of fear, which was the threat of death.

"I'll give you a lot of money, are you going to do this or not?"

The bearded man looked at the father and son of the Sun family. His companion wanted to persuade them, but now he sat back in his original seat.

Father Sun pulled Sun Yiqiu behind him, gritted his teeth and said with a smile.

"Sir, wait a moment, we will do it right away... Yiqiu, you go home first."


"Where are you going?"

The two men stared at Sun Yiqiu and obviously did not want him to leave, so Sun's father had no choice but to pull Sun Yiqiu to the back of the cabinet car.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, it will be ready soon!"

Both of them were terribly frightened, and there were almost no pedestrians around, so they could only speed up and pray that the two vicious men would finish eating and leave.

The noodles were tumbling in the pot, and soon two bowls of noodles came out of the pot and were served with toppings and sauce.


The sky darkened and thunder rumbled faintly.

"Sir, the noodles are ready. There's only one bowl of offal left. Eat it first. I'll cut the braised meat for you!"

Father Sun carried the tray to the table and put it down on the table.

“Boom boom boom…”

The sky was filled with oppressive thunder, as if the lightning was constantly rolling, causing the few passers-by to quicken their pace.

In the Ju'an Pavilion, several people who were concentrating on calculating the mysteries of heaven were startled. They frowned slightly and looked up at the sky. Lu Shanjun raised his eyebrows and suddenly stood up.

"Where's Hu Yun?"

Outside Tianniufang, two bowls of noodles were already placed on the table. When Sun's father said "Sir, enjoy your meal", he only said "sir" when lightning flashed across the sky.

"Crack, boom—"

There was a loud thunder in the sky and a strong wind was blowing on the ground, blowing the oilcloth on the shed of Sun's noodle stall into pieces.

The bearded man was originally looking at the changes in the sky in amazement, and suddenly he felt dizzy.

"Hehehe, hahahahahaha..."


The bearded man stood up with a wild laugh, picked up two bowls of noodles, then gently let go and threw them to the ground.

"Snap" "Snap"

The noodle bowl shattered and the noodles scattered on the ground, thunder roared in the sky, strong winds raged on the ground, and heavy rain finally fell.

After the bearded man threw his face, he shook his head, looked at the ground, and suddenly became angry.

"How dare you throw it in my face? You're looking for death..."

"Brother, stop it! Brother, you fell down by yourself!"

The companion looked around and then at the sky, quickly grabbed his eldest brother, and walked out regardless of the pouring rain.

"Brother, this is too weird. Let's go."


The bearded man actually felt something was wrong, so he cursed and left immediately.

The only people left in the noodle stall were the Sun father and son, who were feeling lucky to have survived a disaster.

In the Ju'an Pavilion, Lu Shanjun, who was about to take a step forward, froze in place.

Ji Yuancang opened his eyes slightly, looked far away in the direction outside Tianniufang, and instantly understood something.

Extra: The Past That Has Never Been Broken Twenty-eight


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