Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1060


Although Hu Yun looks careless, he is not stupid. He is a master of illusion, so he knows that the opponent's appearance has no illusions and changes after just the initial contact in the fight. Unless the opponent's way of change is comparable to Mr. Ji, it is very likely that this is not Mi Huang's real body, but either an incarnation or a fake body.

Even if it was a real celestial demon, Hu Yun was not afraid to fight it with his special means. At this moment, he was full of anger and burst out with strength to fight against Mi Huang's incarnation.

Hu Yun used his demon body and his own skills, and even summoned shadow guardians. He combined illusions of both reality and illusion, and the shadow of an eight-tailed red fox crossed the sky.

Mi Huang swung his hand, and his own Dharma image extended, transforming into a huge hairy claw, which hit the falling red fox's tail fiercely.


The movement shattered the clouds and dispersed the rain, and also shook the mountains and rivers, causing the Banana Leaf Mountain to shake.

Hu Yun in red stood in the sky. The eyes of the red fox in the sky turned into flames, and red mist overflowed from the corners of the giant fox's mouth. The scenery became blurred wherever it passed, like a rapidly expanding red fog or a continuously burning and spreading flame. The entire Banana Leaf Mountain seemed to be shrouded in a sea of nothingness and fire.

Hu Yun opened his mouth and hummed softly, and the sound spread in all directions.

"Others are afraid of you, but I am not. Die!"

The Void Spirit True Fire is one of Hu Yun's own unique skills. Although he has always been practicing true fire with a mentality of admiring the power of Ji Yuan's Samadhi True Fire, this true fire is not inferior to or even surpasses the Samadhi True Fire in some special aspects.

There is no temperature or burning sensation, but it produces extreme burning and terror on the soul. When you try to resist the flame or escape from the flame, the flame has already burned your body and soul.

Even Mi Huang's incarnation felt great pain at this moment. His calm expression became hideous, and his facial skin began to turn brown and tear.


Mi Huang could hardly control his hands and couldn't help scratching his face and body. The slightest touch would cause his skin and even flesh to fall off.


Mi Huang's eyes widened and his expression became more ferocious. He looked up at the cold Hu Yun in the sky and laughed in anger.

“Hahahahahaha, do you think this is Ji Yuan’s Samadhi True Fire? Get out of here—”


With a huge roar, terrifying demonic energy burst out from Mi Huang's body, rushing in all directions like an explosion, and quickly condensed into flames, the fire was as big as the sea.

The God of Banana Leaf Mountain had just arrived outside and had not had time to stabilize his spiritual energy when he encountered a fight of this level. He was almost scared to death.

With such a fight going on, how could the mountain god Gong Weng dare to stay outside Banana Leaf Mountain? He fled immediately. Even in the valley, the earth-shaking feeling was still very obvious.

Mr. Gao had been very anxious, fearing that something might have happened to the mountain god. At this moment, the mountain god reappeared after burrowing into the earth. Although he was covered in dust, he was finally fine. He was greatly relieved.

"Mr. Gong, what happened?"

The mountain god was panting, and after taking a deep breath, he grabbed Mr. Gao and walked quickly inside, speaking anxiously as he walked.

"Hurry, hurry, you and the Queen Mother, run away quickly. Someone is coming to our door. It must be that Mi Huang monster. Immortal Hu Yun is fighting with him. Don't waste time."

"Let's go find the She Niangniang right away!"

The two of them went to Sheji's studio together, but they couldn't get close at all because that direction was already golden.

"My Lady, My Lady, Mi Huang has come to our door and my Immortal Master Hu Yun is fighting him. You must escape quickly, or Immortal Master Hu Yun will be distracted from protecting us!"

The two of them couldn't get through at all and could only shout outside.

Above Jiaoye Mountain, outside the range of the fight between Hu Yun and Mi Huang, a storm had already occurred due to the terrifying fluctuations of spiritual energy, and the area within hundreds of miles was filled with strong winds and heavy rain.

The two people fighting outside could not feel the golden light in the Banana Leaf Mountain Canyon at all, but people far away outside the storm could faintly feel a golden light in that direction.

In Desheng Mansion, the ancestral home of the Wei family, the head of the Wei family and some elders have not left yet. They are somewhat hesitant about whether to present the treasure to Ji Yuan.

At this time, a faint light overflowed from the secret vault of the Yun Pavilion in the ancestral home, attracting the attention of the Wei clan members.

The Wei clan leader and some clan elders immediately went to the secret vault, only to find that the restrictions were intact, and when they got closer, they felt nothing. A group of people looked at each other outside the secret vault under the Yun Pavilion.

"Be on guard, let's go in and take a look!"

Although it was unlikely that anyone could come in here, the Wei family members were still cautious and alert. Then the clan leader cast a spell and slowly opened the sealed door of the secret vault.

The red door slowly opened, revealing rows of quaint display shelves inside, and on every grid of every display shelf there was a light of forbidden magic flowing.

After checking around, everything seemed to be fine, except for one spot which was the focus of discussion these days.

A few people walked past the last row of display shelves together. Behind it was a small golden door. It seemed that there should be no problem inside, but they would not feel at ease unless they took a look.

The Wei clan leader personally opened the door again, but this time he had to cooperate with at least two other clan elders. They had to offer their tokens, combine the clan leader's token with the two clan elders' jade pendants, and cast the correct spell to open the golden door.

As soon as the small door was opened, everyone saw that the inside was already golden. On a wooden platform at the end, a large box that was originally black had been dyed gold. Light like golden threads continuously overflowed from it, but the restrictions on the box seemed to have no reaction at all.

"This is?"

The Wei family's people couldn't help but walk into the room, and then the golden light suddenly disappeared, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion. However, so many people saw it, and they were all capable of cultivation, so it was impossible for an illusion to occur for no reason.

The Wei clan leader and several clan elders carefully surrounded the wooden platform, looking thoughtfully at the black box in the middle that seemed to have not changed at all.

"Master, is this some kind of omen?"

"Master, in my opinion, the old ancestor is extremely intelligent and must have anticipated today's situation. He only left this item to us, his descendants, due to his limited lifespan. Now that Mr. Ji has reappeared in the world, it is a good time to offer this item!"

"Yes, this thing just showed abnormality, which is obviously a sign!"

"Master! Don't hesitate!"

This time even the elders who were against it fell silent. Patriarch Wei hesitated for a long time, but finally nodded.

"Well, with this omen today, we will no longer hide it. Now it happens to be the time for a celestial assembly, and spiritual energy from all directions will gather in the celestial realm and stay less in the human world. Without further delay, we will carefully take this item out and send it to Ju'an Pavilion. It is also a good opportunity for us to see Mr. Ji's face!"

When the Wei clan leader said this, all the elders of the Wei clan, including himself, were actually slightly excited.

It seems that Mr. Ji has long disappeared from the world, but there are too many legends about Mr. Ji in the world. Who wouldn't want to meet Mr. Ji, the immortal who stood at the pinnacle of Taoism and whom the Wei ancestor was thinking about so much before his death

Led by the clan leader, several members of the Wei family bowed and kowtowed towards the treasure platform.

"Heaven and earth and our ancestors are above us, the descendants of the Wei family, we take this item today to present it to Mr. Ji, without any selfish motives!"

After the worship, the Wei clan leader personally stepped forward and gently lifted up the black box. Then a group of people left the secret room together, then left the secret vault, and then arrived at the door of Yun Pavilion together.

The moment when the Wei clan leader and others stepped out of the Yun Pavilion with the box.


As if it had escaped from the suppression of the Yun Pavilion, a column of golden light shot out from the box, illuminating the Wei family's ancestral home and turning it into a golden color.

"No! Seal it!"

As soon as the Wei clan leader finished speaking, before they had time to retreat to the Cloud Pavilion and the people around him had no time to take action, they saw a substance covered with golden lines flying up into the sky along the golden light. The black box was not blocked at all and was even penetrated by it but remained intact.

In the Banana Leaf Mountain, Sheji was directly taken into the air. The two golden lights were thousands of miles apart, but they rushed towards each other from afar.


She Ji screamed as she was carried away by the golden light, at a speed faster than she could fly on her own.

This scene made Hu Yun and Mi Huang, who were fighting, stop subconsciously. Then they immediately turned into two beams of light and chased after She Ji at the fastest speed.

However, the speed of the golden light was extremely fast. Hu Yun and Mi Huang were actually being pushed farther and farther away. She Ji, who was in the golden light, also felt more and more uncomfortable. The fragments of the treasure in her body were breaking out of her body bit by bit. Finally, after flying for hundreds of miles, the fragments of the treasure completely flew out of She Ji's body and flew away. She Ji staggered and was thrown out of the golden light. The golden silk light connected to her body also broke in the middle. Part of it went with the golden light, and part of it quickly retracted into She Ji's body.

Hu Yun and Mi Huang, who were flying from behind, did not see the specific situation clearly, but they both saw She Ji being thrown out. Two red lights, one deep and one shallow, came one after another. Mi Huang passed by She Ji and lightly slapped her palm, hitting She Ji's back who had not yet reacted.


She Ji was beaten so hard that her demonic energy shattered and she vomited blood. She flew past Hu Yun's escape light like a torn bag. Hu Yun gritted his teeth, turned a corner and caught She Ji, but was thrown away by Mi Huang.

In an instant, the afterimages of the golden and red light disappeared from Hu Yun's eyes.

At the same time, in the Sun residence in Ning'an County, Sun Yiqiu was lying on the bed, sweating profusely, tossing and turning, as if he was having a nightmare. Then his body began to twitch violently, and then he kicked his legs and became completely motionless.

Ji Yuan, who was in Ju'an Pavilion, suddenly stood up from the stone table in the yard.

"Master?" "What happened to Mr. Ji?"

Ji Yuan glanced at Lao Long and Lu Shanjun, then took a step forward and arrived outside Ju'an Pavilion. He glanced in the direction of Sun's house and then at the distant sky.

"Good boy, it actually tricked us!"

"The fate of Lord Qin is over because of this thing. Come with me and catch it. It will be difficult to find it if we let it escape!"

Ji Yuan had no time to say anything as a strong feeling drove him to chase after him immediately. Although he did not have much magic power, he had already realized the origin of Tao. A trace of magic power was mysterious in his hands. With one step out, he was able to travel between heaven and earth. Lu Shanjun and Lao Long just took a slow step and they felt as if there was a distance between them and Ji Yuan.

Without saying a word, the two of them immediately flew away to chase after him. They couldn't tell what Ji Yuan was chasing, but at least they could sense Ji Yuan's location at the moment.

Extra: The Past That Has Never Been Cut Off