Lan Ke Qi Yuan

Chapter 1061


Lao Long and Lu Shanjun were fine, as they had already reached the pinnacle of cultivation, and were just one step behind Ji Yuan. Although they were left behind, they were still able to catch up with him by flying at full speed. But Zao Niang was not so lucky. When she reacted, there was no one in the yard. She could even vaguely sense the direction of the three people, but after a few breaths she could not even sense that, which showed how fast the three people were leaving.

But the next moment, Zao Niang also realized something. She left Ju'an Pavilion and quickly moved away. She immediately arrived outside Sun's house. She stared inside with wide eyes. Sun Yiqiu's vitality had disappeared.

It turned into a soft breeze and blew into Sun Yiqiu's room. When the other people in the Sun family were still sleeping, she stood in front of Sun Yiqiu's bed, staring blankly at the young man lying straight on the bed.

"how come?"

Sun Yiqiu was originally a healthy person, young and in good health. How could he die suddenly and strangely

Then Zao Niang gradually realized something. This death was not an ordinary one. It was because he was completely deprived of his destiny. Or in other words...

Zao Niang raised her head and looked around the Sun family's environment. The energy in the Sun family's mansion was weak and chaotic. It could be said that the Sun family had been deprived of their luck. Sun Yiqiu was the only descendant of the Sun family, and he died as a direct result of this disaster.

Zao Niang now thought of a sentence Mr. Ji said before he left, and murmured it again.

"It has planned everything. It has planned everything... It... I think it is what the master is after."

Zao Niang was a little annoyed. She stood in Sun Yiqiu's room for a long time, then looked at the bed. Sun Yiqiu seemed to move.

A cold wind blew outside. Zao Niang sighed, took a step back and disappeared into the room.

After a few breaths, with the blowing of a cold wind, several ghost messengers entered Sun Yiqiu's room.

"It's really strange. The Sun family has always been a stable and blessed family. But Sun Yiqiu died just like that."

"Yes, if it weren't for the Netherworld Strategy, we wouldn't have known about it, ah!"

Several ghost messengers were talking as they walked, and they had already arrived at Sun Yiqiu's room. The leading ghost messenger stepped forward and called his soul back.

"Sun Yiqiu, it's time to get going."

In addition to Sun Yiqiu's corpse on the bed, there was another slightly blurry Sun Yiqiu who was sticking to the body and swaying from time to time, but his soul and body had been separated.

Sun Yiqiu seemed to have just woken up from a dream. He sat up and looked at the bed in surprise.

"My fellow officers, what are you doing?"

"Sun Yiqiu, you are already dead. It's time to go. Follow us to the underworld."

"Me? I'm dead?"

The policeman in front of him had a terrifying face and a grim tone. Sun Yiqiu was frightened and stood up instinctively wanting to escape, but as soon as he jumped off the bed, a cold iron chain was wrapped around his waist and he was unable to move.

The soul-catcher walked up to Sun Yiqiu, grabbed his face and turned it towards the bed, allowing Sun Yiqiu to see the corpse on the bed which had not yet completely stiffened. Sun Yiqiu's soul also froze on the spot.

"You are already dead, so don't worry about your past. Just follow us on our journey."

"No, no, I won't! I won't die, Dad, Mom - Grandpa -"

Sun Yiqiu began to struggle violently, but there was no way he could get rid of the soul-catching rope. The ghost officials were used to it, but they couldn't waste any time today.

"Sun Yiqiu, your soul power is weak and extremely fragile. The longer you stay in the world of the living, the more dangerous it will be. You will either become a fierce ghost or turn into ashes. Go to the underworld and soak in the Yellow Springs. Let's go!"

The ghost ignored Sun Yiqiu's struggle and took him away.

Not long after, Zao Niang showed up. She did not try to stop them because there was no point. The separation of life and death is the law of nature and the iron law of the underworld. Besides, it would be better for Sun Yiqiu to go now. She had no reason to stop the ghost from collecting the soul.

... ...

In the sky, Ji Yuan used his spirit to control his body and used his body to transform into his spirit. His body and spirit roamed the heaven and earth. His remaining magic power was used to the limit, and he kept getting closer to the golden light at a speed beyond the comprehension of people who practiced cultivation. However, he kept losing control of the energy, and even the golden light no longer appeared.

Ji Yuan was chasing and calculating that wisp of energy at the same time, and he even felt that he was almost unable to calculate it.

"Great! Ji, please lend me the Book of Heaven and Earth!"

As he spoke, Ji Yuan spread out his left hand and waved his sleeves toward the sky.

In the distant holy land of Yunshan, above the Yunshan Observatory, a sound suddenly came as if from thousands of miles away, and then a stream of light rose to the sky like a dragon, as if a meteor reversed and flew away across the sky.

The Taoists with great experience in Yunshan Temple noticed this scene one after another. Some were surprised, some were confused, some were nervous, some were in deep thought, some were suddenly enlightened, and some became extremely excited after being confused.

Taoist Qingsong and the current headmaster of Yunshan Temple, who had not asked about the affairs of the mountain gate for a long time, arrived at the old observatory as soon as possible. When they looked inside, the Book of Heaven and Earth had disappeared, but among the two portraits hanging on the wall, Ji Yuan's portrait had a faint charm.

Taoist Qingsong let out a long sigh.

"Master, does this mean that there is hope for the return of the Great Master?"

"Shh, be careful with your words!"

Taoist Qingsong smiled, bowed towards the hall, then turned and left.

In fact, the Wei family had already delivered a message before, saying that Ju'an Pavilion had reappeared and the eldest master seemed to have returned, but Yunshan Temple did not take any action. In fact, only a few people knew the news and it had not spread within the temple.

Firstly, there have been more than one similar false news in the past thousand years, and there have been many people pretending to be Ji Yuan. Secondly, even if it was true, no one would dare to disturb the master.

But at this moment, Taoist Qingsong and others felt relieved. Although the secret could not be revealed, Taoist Qingsong was impatient to leave Yunshan Temple. He had to find Sun Yaya immediately, and hoped that the other party had found the thing.

Yunshan Temple is the ancestral home of Taoism. Although it has always been calm and has no ambitions, there is one thing it has been secretly insisting on. After the split and disintegration of Tianji Pavilion, the responsibilities that were originally shared were also pressed onto Yunshan Temple along with a considerable part of Taoism. Sun Yaya has profound cultivation. Although she is not a member of Yunshan Temple, her lineage is the same and she also has an important mission.

... ...

In the sky, not long after Ji Yuan waved his sleeves, a ray of light that seemed like a meteor in the sky, but much faster than a meteor, came from far away and approached. Every time the light flashed, it moved across a long distance. The continuous flashes formed a stream of light, and in an instant it was in Ji Yuan's hand. It was the Book of Heaven and Earth.

Today, the Book of Heaven and Earth is no longer the same as it was when Ji Yuan created the Book of Heaven and Earth. Although the outline is still like a book, it can hold the upper and lower volumes, and the yin and yang energies are constantly flowing, making it impossible to look at it directly. But after a few breaths in Ji Yuan's hands, all the light disappeared and it turned into a book with a gray cover with only the words "Heaven and Earth" on it.

Holding the Book of Heaven and Earth in hand, it was as if the feeling of heaven and earth supporting each other had returned. With a flash of inspiration, Ji Yuan was able to calculate the changes in advance, and the pursuit was easier.

Mountains, land, water, forests...

The various scenes changed sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, and sometimes even like a dream. If they had not followed Ji Yuan closely and Ji Yuan had not left a wisp of energy, Lu Shanjun and Lao Long would not have been sure that they would not lose him. They were shocked in their hearts and realized more and more that what they were chasing was definitely not ordinary.

Well, it was different for Mi Huang, who had been chasing for half the night. At the beginning, he almost felt that he was within reach of the golden light, and for a time he maintained a very close distance, even leaving possible competitors behind. But the more he chased, the more confused he became. The golden light was still in his eyes, but it felt like it was getting farther and farther away, as if the ever-faster distance was an illusion.

When the chase reached almost dawn, Mi Huang looked at the golden light escaping in front of him and suddenly stopped.

"No, I can't go on like this. My spiritual sense has been deceived by it!"

Mi Huang kept calculating on the spot, but the more he calculated, the more vague it became. As he calculated, the trace of Qi that he could originally grasp was actually escaping! Mi Huang was shocked. He had never seen such a situation before. The Qi he calculated seemed to be alive, just like the silk in his hand was about to be pulled away.

Mi Huang realized that something was wrong and soon understood that he could not forcibly divine the treasure. His mind raced and suddenly he had an idea and decided to do the opposite. The more he wanted to take it, the more confused he would be. The harder he chased, the farther away it would be. So he would calculate in the opposite direction and start again from She Ji.

One thing after another kept passing through his mind, and he connected all possible calculations together. Mi Huang was no longer relying solely on cultivation, but was really doing divination and calculation. He kept selecting information, distinguishing thousands of possibilities, and finally he was shocked and realized someone he had overlooked.

"Sun Yiqiu? Could it be that I broke the Sun family's fate not because I wanted to, but because I was influenced? Could it be that She Ji was influenced to know Sun Yiqiu? Could it be that it was originally for... ... In the beginning, was it me who discovered it and She Ji, or was it that discovered me?"

Mi Huang was a little bit incredulous, a little bit frightened, and at the same time, he felt more than ten times more excited.

"Okay, okay, I must get you! Hahahahaha..."

Before the wild laughter died down, Mi Huang had already disappeared from the spot.

Extra: The Unbroken Past 32