Landing in the Fantastic World

Chapter 174: Kill Li Haobo


Li Haobo roared angrily, his five fingers turned into claws, his eyes were red, his face became ferocious, and the blood vessels all over his body were extremely obvious.

Blood continued to flow from his veins, covering his whole body in an instant, turning him into a bloody man.

Exuding momentum several times greater than before!

"Blood Madness Technique."

Mu Yu said calmly that when he was in the Lingtian Secret Realm before, the disciple of the Blood Demon Palace had used the Blood Madness Technique.

A way to consume the power of blood to gain a short-term increase in power.

"You actually know the Blood Madness Technique."

Li Haobo had a ferocious look on his face at this time and said: "Your deception will have no effect in the face of real power."

Li Haobo exploded with several times his previous strength and punched Mu Yu again.


The sound produced by this punch hitting Mu Yu was much stronger than before, deafening and thunderous.

However, Mu Yu still stood there, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Ding! You absorbed the opponent's attack, and you gained 5,000 experience points."

"This punch is okay, come again!" Mu Yu encouraged.

"Ah! You're going too far!"

Li Haobo completely collapsed and lost his mind at this moment. He waved his fist crazily and hit Mu Yu's body with extremely high frequency.

"Ding! You absorbed the opponent's attack, and you gained 5,000 experience points."

"Ding! You absorbed the opponent's attack, and you gained 4800 experience points."

"Ding! You absorbed the opponent's attack, and you gained 3500 experience points."

"Hey, what's the matter with your endurance?" Mu Yu said with some dissatisfaction: "How come each punch is weaker than the last, and each punch is less powerful than the last."

"Do you want to take a rest first and recover your spiritual power before fighting?"

"Pfft!" Li Haobo was so angry that Mu Yu was so angry that he vomited blood. The Blood Mania Technique itself consumed a lot of blood power. Now that he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, his head started to feel dizzy, as if there was insufficient blood supply.

"you you… "

Li Haobo pointed at Mu Yu and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"What the hell, you're stuttering. You have so many problems at such a young age, and you still stutter when you don't have the endurance."

"I think your life in this world doesn't have much meaning anymore, so let me be a good person and send you on your way."

Mu Yu spoke with a gentle smile, like a spring breeze.

But at this moment, in Li Haobo's eyes, he was as terrifying as a demon from hell.

"You are the mysterious number one person in the internal beta rankings."

Li Haobo suddenly woke up and remembered the internal beta player ranking list released by the GST company.

All information about the first person in the rankings has been erased.

All of them had guessed before that the first person must be an official insider.

At this moment, he finally understood that the first person was not an official insider at all, but Mu Yu.

Just didn't expect it.

The first person was so terrifying, so powerful that he couldn't resist at all.

"Please, let me go!"

Li Haobo knelt directly on the ground, putting down his dignity and begging for mercy.

"Ever since you threatened my good brother Chen Tianjun, you are already dead in my heart." Mu Yu's voice was cold to the bone, without any emotion.

"Sanyang Finger!"

A red sword light shot out from Mu Yu's little finger and penetrated directly into Li Haobo's chest.

Li Haobo's eyes instantly dimmed and he fell to the ground coldly.

He couldn't believe it until his death. He just died like this and said goodbye to the mysterious world.