Landing in the Fantastic World

Chapter 183: Xuanhuo was born


Hearing this, Mu Yu held his chin with his fingers and pondered for a moment.

When the young man in purple robe saw this, he thought that Mu Yu was frightened by his threat. There was no fear on his face, and the look of arrogance filled his face again.

No matter how capable you are, you are still afraid of me, Zixiao Pavilion.

After Mu Yu finished thinking, he saw the arrogant and majestic expression of the young man in purple robe and couldn't help but kick him away.

"You...are you really not afraid of the revenge of my fellow disciples of Zixiao Pavilion?"

The young man in purple robe struggled to get up and stared at Mu Yu with a look of resentment. The young man in front of him who was younger than him actually made him suffer all kinds of insults.

"Your sect in Zixiao Pavilion is thousands of miles away from here. Why do you want to come to this desolate land?"

Mu Yu was deeply curious about the mission that the Zixiao Pavilion disciples were here to perform.

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the young man in purple robe, but he immediately avoided Mu Yu's eyes, as if he was hiding something.

This move made Mu Yu's desire to understand more clearly increase.


Mu Yu placed a hand on the shoulder of the young man in purple robe. A bone-chilling chill flowed out from the Ice Emperor wristband and then penetrated into the body of the young man in purple robe.


The young man in purple robe felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, shivering from the cold, and his heart suddenly stopped.

"I said, I said..." The young man in purple robe completely surrendered.

"We at Zixiao Pavilion received news that someone discovered traces of the Xuanhuo in this Beiluo wasteland, so the master of the pavilion sent us young disciples to conquer the Xuanhuo..."

The young man in purple robe did not dare to disobey Mu Yu and told Mu Yu everything.


Mu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Some strange fires will be born between heaven and earth due to good fortune. There are four kinds of strange fires, namely heaven, earth, black and yellow.

Sky Fire is said to exist in the world and can destroy everything in the world. It even has intelligence no less than that of humans. It is the king of strange fires. However, Sky Fire has never appeared in Tiannan's tens of thousands of years of records.

Earth fire also has extremely terrifying destructive power. Once it is born, even the strong ones in the Holy King realm will covet it.

Although Xuan Fire is not as good as Earth Fire, it is extremely rare in Tiannan. Only by subduing it can one obtain an extremely powerful increase in combat power.

Yellow fire's improvement in combat effectiveness is relatively not that obvious, but it is also extremely precious to alchemists. If one can master a kind of yellow fire, it will have a great effect on improving the quality of the elixir.

There is another type of beast fire. For example, the Black Lion Beast Fire that Mu Yu currently possesses is an outstanding one among the beast fires, and can already rival many yellow fires.

"You really brought me good news, so let me save your life first."

Mu Yu has also been coveting the mysterious fire for a long time. Now that he knows the news about the mysterious fire, how can he give up easily.

"If you go west, there will be a city where some sects are recruiting people. If you pass the examination, you can join the sect." Mu Yu pointed out the players before leaving.

Then, he led the young man in purple robe towards the direction of Xuanhuo.

Ximen City.

A city located near Beiluo Wasteland.

Blue Mountain Inn.

Seven or eight Zixiao Pavilion disciples were gathering together.

"Junior Brother Han, you have been going to the Beiluo Wasteland for so long and you haven't come back yet?" The leading young disciple with an imposing manner frowned and was somewhat dissatisfied.

He is Xi Luohui, the direct disciple of the Master of Zixiao Pavilion, and he is also the leader of their operation.