Landing in the Fantastic World

Chapter 22: Rock attack


"Okay, I have already answered you. Miss Zhuang, please go back to your carriage."

Mu Yu answered all the questions in one breath.

Zhuang Qin was obviously a little dissatisfied with Mu Yu's answer. He pouted and said, "You are all bad guys, so you know how to deal with me."

After finishing speaking, Zhuang Qin had tears in his eyes, looking pitiful.

Mu Yu saw that Zhuang Qin was about to cry, and was a little overwhelmed. He thought of Shangguan Yi'er, who had pear blossoms and rain yesterday.

There was nothing he could do about these crying girls.

Girls these days are always wiping away tears, are they trying to gain sympathy from others

Mu Yu asked: "Since Miss Zhuang loves practice so much, why doesn't she join a sect?"

Zhuang Qin cried and said: "I want to, but my father won't let me. My father said it would be good for girls to learn some talents in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. What would it look like to fight and kill all day long?"

"I'm afraid it's not just like this!"

Mu Yu touched his nose and said: "After you enter the spiritual practice, I am afraid that you will be separated from your family, heaven and humans. The road of spiritual practice is long, and you will be cut off from worldly things. But the life of a mortal is very difficult. It’s so short, maybe your dad just wants you to be by his side forever.”

After Mu Yu said this, Zhuang Qin finally understood the real reason why his father did not allow him to practice.

Zhuang Qin wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "But even if I enter cultivation, I will not... forget my father. I will visit him from time to time."

Mu Yu said: "When you are in the martial arts world, you can't help yourself. Once you have truly entered the world of cultivation, many things can no longer be decided by you."

At this time, the caravan has entered the outskirts of Luanfengling.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound all around, shaking the heaven and the earth.

Mu Yu, who was sitting on the carriage, sensed it immediately.

Mu Yu immediately rushed out of the carriage and looked up. More than twenty huge rolling stones rolled down from the hillsides on both sides and hit the caravan.


Seeing such a dense rolling stone rolling down, screams of fear rang out in the caravan.

The rocks rolled down extremely fast, destroying all the grass and trees in their path.

Each rolling stone is several meters high. At such a speed, not to mention these helpless servants and maids, even those tall warriors cannot stop them.

Zhuang Qin, who had just stepped out of the carriage, was so frightened that his face turned pale and pale.

In this scene, even Mu Yu, with his current cultivation level, could not block all the rolling stones.

"Everyone, gather around me!"

Mu Yu shouted loudly.

Everyone else was like headless flies at this time. After hearing Mu Yu's words, they all came to the side of Mu Yu's carriage.

Mu Yu had no reservations when the rolling stone was less than ten meters away from Mu Yu and others.

Mu Yu waved his hands and fired out several air blades that seemed to tear apart the space, swallowing up all the rolling stones on both sides and turning them into nothingness.

Other rolling stones rushed towards other carriages, directly crushing the horses into flesh and blood, and crushing the carriages to pieces.

Although Mu Yu did not block all the rolling stones, he still saved everyone's lives.

Everyone looked at Mu Yu with grateful eyes. This young boy saved them all with a wave of his hand.

Mu Yu's expression still did not relax. The crisis in front of him had just begun and was far from over.