Landing in the Fantastic World

Chapter 924: The power of time and space


On that day, Qing Yuanzi taught Mu Yu his skills. In addition to helping Mu Yu break through to the realm of the Saint, he also stored a large amount of energy in Mu Yu's body.

These days, Mu Yu has broken through to level 93 by absorbing this energy.

Coupled with his ability to fight beyond levels, he is comparable to monks at the peak of the Saint Realm.

The mountain that Emperor Mo Luo incarnated finally couldn't withstand Mu Yu's terrifying holy power, and exploded into pieces, turning into flying rocks all over the sky.

Emperor Mo Luo's body quickly flew backwards. The expressions of Emperor Demon Spirit and Emperor Mo Fen changed. After the two of them worked together to catch Emperor Mo Luo's body, they looked at Mu Yu cautiously.

Why has this person not been seen before? Where did he come from

"Who are you?"

The Demon Spirit Emperor said solemnly.

Mu Yu smiled and said: "You three should be the last three emperors of the nine emperors of the Necromancer clan."

"What do you mean?"

Neither Demon Spirit Emperor nor Demon Burning Emperor understood what Mu Yu meant.

"Emperor Mo Tian, Emperor Mo Yu, Emperor Mo Yao, Emperor Mo Kuang, Emperor Mo Wan, and Emperor Mo Hua have already left one step ahead of you, and it will be your three's turn next."

Mu Yu looked at them calmly and confidently, and smiled lightly.

"You killed the Six Emperors by yourself?"

Demon Spirit Emperor, Demon Burning Emperor, and Demon Luo Emperor were all a little unbelievable.

"No! You are wrong."

Mu Yu crossed his arms and walked in the void, saying: "I am not killing the Six Emperors, but you Nine Emperors!"

Although his voice was calm, it carried an irresistible majesty like a god, which made the three of them feel cold.

Their pupils shrank suddenly, and their figures instantly disappeared on the spot.

They chose to attack first.

A strange blood-red handprint appeared in the palm of the Demon Spirit Emperor's palm. The Demon Burning Emperor turned into a purple-black fire that rolled across the sky. The Demonic Emperor turned into a black spear, piercing the sky and coming through the air.

Mu Yu curled his lips and did not dodge at all. Looking at the three terrifying forces rolling in, he pointed out and the vast power of time and space filled the entire sky.

For a moment, it was like traveling through thousands of years.

Under the eternal sky, the endless river of time and space flows against the current.

"Flower in the mirror!"

The power of time and space around him condensed crazily, forming an invisible realm of time and space, standing high in the void.

At the top of the sky, a flower of time was flying all over the sky, casting a huge shadow in the mirror of time and space.

Between heaven and earth, everything is changed by the laws of time and space.

Under the twisting of the laws of time and space, the three energies of the three demon emperors seemed to have traveled through eternity, and were finally lost in the long river of time.

The Demon Spirit Emperor, Demon Burning Emperor, and Demon Transformation Emperor aged at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their skin became wrinkled, their muscles atrophied, and their entire bodies became extremely weak.

"How can this be?"

"We are obviously immortal, why is this happening?"

The three demon emperors roared unwillingly. They could not believe that one day they would grow old like humans.

"In the face of the passage of time, nothing can live forever."

Mu Yu said softly, the laws of time and space still stopped, the long river of time still shuttled across the sky, and the eternal years passed by in a blink of an eye.

The three demon emperors slowly turned to stone from old age, and finally turned into a handful of loess, melting into the earth.

Seeing that the three great demon emperors of the Necromancer Tribe, who were majestic and arrogant before, bid farewell to the world in this way, everyone was a little confused.

I couldn't wake up for a while.

What kind of power is this