Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 13: bleeding


Chu Ci took another half step back, frowned slightly, and stared at Han Yue.

When Han Yue spoke again, he was impatient and said sharply, "—Come here!"

Zhao Ting watched in horror, wanted to persuade but hesitated to speak, his eyes kept wandering between Chu Ci and Han Yue. His presence made Han Yue even angrier, and he rushed forward and pulled Chu Ci, his fingers like iron pincers tightly grasped his shoulder, and said, "Follow me in!"

Chu Ci struggled fiercely, but couldn't break free. He didn't know whether it was because of pain or disgust, his brows furrowed even tighter, and a deep line appeared between his brows.

Han Yue is familiar with this pattern. Chu Ci is a person who often frowns, and most of the time when he is unhappy, he doesn't say a word, he just watches in silence, his brows are slightly frowned, giving people a calm but unhappy feeling.

He never gave Han Yue a smiling face, not even a better look. He usually doesn't speak at home, and when he really has to speak, he tries to use the shortest words to solve the problem.

His sense of existence is so slight, sometimes he doesn't speak or move, just sits there blankly and looks out of the window, his eyes are quiet, slightly vicissitudes. Han Yue found that Chu Ci was very concerned about the height outside the window, and sometimes he even felt that when Chu Ci looked out the window, he really wanted to jump down, and it was over.

This feeling made Han Yue very anxious, he wanted to get angry and throw things, and he really wanted to force Chu Ci to soften up with him and talk to him. Of course, if Chu Ci is willing to treat him with a gentler attitude, smile more, chat and say good things when there is nothing to do, then he will definitely not lose his temper and throw things, and he will try his best to coax Xiao Qinger well, heaven The moon was picked off for him.

Han Yue sometimes felt suffocated. You see, obviously as long as your attitude is softer, it will be easier for both of us; but you are stubborn with me, talking and laughing with others, don't you mean to make me hate bleeding

"I'm outside now, I won't get mad at you." Han Yue tugged on Chu Ci, whispered a threatening warning in his ear, and then pulled him violently: "Come here, come in with me!"

Chu Ci was staggered by him, and was dragged into the gate in a stumble.

Han Yue's heart jumped into flames, and he went on a rampage along the way, holding Chu Ci's hand and walking forward, completely oblivious to the fact that Chu Ci's hand bones were creaked by him. Before entering the gate of the banquet hall, he took a deep breath and managed to put on a less scary face, then grabbed Chu Ci and walked in.

"Hey, Mr. Chu is here! As long as it's open, it's good to come, just wait for you to cut the cake!" Pei Zhi first greeted him with a smile, and then found that the atmosphere between the two was not right, Chu Ci's face seemed a little pained, And Han Yue's eyes were full of fire, and he twisted Chu Ci's hand so hard that his veins swelled.

Hou Yu followed up without knowing how deep it was: "Han Er, you are not kind, where did you go fooling around, huh? Leave all the brothers here to graze..."

Pei Zhi stopped Hou Yu one step at a time, winked at him, and shook his head slightly.

Han Yue forced a smile: "I didn't go far, go downstairs to smoke a cigarette, sober up."

Pei Zhi pulled him over, laughed and laughed: "You've finished drinking, and someone came to pick you up, so it's time to come back and have a drink with your buddies, right? Come on, everyone has gathered together, and you are the only one missing! Hey Hou Yu , Mr. Chu just got off work and hasn’t eaten or drank yet, so you take him to order some dishes.”

Han Yue was still holding on to Chu Ci and was unwilling to let go. Pei Zhi patted him and said, "Just let him relax, no one here will eat him! No one will dare to treat you Han Yue if you eat ambition and leopard courage." Er's darling, do it!"

Han Yue was originally drunk and angry, so burned that he couldn't make up his mind, and after listening to Pei Zhi's persuasion for a long time, he suddenly realized that he let go of Chu Ci's hand.

It didn't matter if he let it go, he suddenly found that his finger was stained red with blood. After a careful look, it turned out that when he pulled Chu Ci just now, he used too much force, pinched a piece of flesh from Chu Ci's knuckles, and blood flowed down the back of his hand.

Han Yue was taken aback: "You, are you okay?"

Chu Ci covered her hands, shook her head, and didn't speak.

Now Han Yue felt uneasy, and hurried over to see the injury. Seeing that Chu Gong's face was pale, Pei Zhi feared that something might happen to Han Yue again, so he hurriedly pulled him to the wine table: "I looked at it, and the skin was broken, and the Band-Aid will be fine once stretched. Hurry up and drink." Go, everyone is waiting for you." Then he turned to call Hou Yu: "Let Lao Zhao go up and give Chu Gong a blood boost!"

Hou Yu and the others immediately took Chu Ci to the dining room, while Pei Zhi involuntarily dragged Han Yue to the wine table, and reluctantly turned around every step of the way.

Seeing him like that, Pei Zhi couldn't help sighing again and again, and said, "Han Er, if you really don't want to get along with someone, you can let him go. What's the point of beating people who use knives and guns like this all day long? You can still do it." Those who have become friends, give you such an overlord a hard bow, and you will become enemies!"

Han Yue was bored for a while, and said, "I really like him."

"You like him, but he doesn't like you." Pei Zhigang saw Han Yue's gaze after saying this, and quickly waved his hands: "Don't look at me like that, I'm telling the truth. It takes a year or two for people to get you started Well, raising a kitten and a puppy has developed a relationship, has Chu Gong cultivated any relationship with you? Don't stare at me, if you have the ability, you can sneak Chu Gong over and ask."

Han Yue stared at Pei Zhi for a long time, then snorted and said, "I... I won't ask!"

Having said that, Han Yue still had some activity in his heart.

This meal of wine was also uneasy, Han Yue was thinking about Chu Ci's injury, and at the same time annoyed Zhao Ting for prying his corner - although Zhao Ting might not think so. He always wanted to sneak away to find Chu Ci by himself, but he is the protagonist today, and everyone is here for him, so many eyes are on him, how easy is it to leave

Finally, when the banquet was over, the cake was cut, and those who should go to the gaming table should be called Miss, and the crowd dispersed in twos and threes to have fun, Han Yue took the opportunity to get rid of the drunken gang, and went alone One person came to the restaurant.

Who knew it would be okay if he didn't come, but when he came, he saw Chu Ci sitting on the edge of the bar in the restaurant, talking to Zhao Ting with his head tilted. He looked very casual at this time, with two slender legs crossed comfortably, his chin raised slightly, and a friendly smile on his face, completely different from his usual upright and unsmiling appearance. Under the light, he looked really so pretty. And Zhao Ting was sitting next to him, saying some funny things on purpose, laughing flatteringly while talking, so intoxicated that he didn't know the north, south, east, and west!

When Han Yue saw it, his heart was shattered. He felt that the alcohol had burned all the way to the bone marrow. He hated him so much that he almost vomited blood!

Zhao Ting suddenly turned his head to see Han Yue, and hurriedly stood up: "Yo, this..."

Han Yue's eyes were bloodshot, he just stared at Chu Ci closely, his chest heaved and heaved, obviously trying to suppress his emotions. His appearance was too terrifying, Chu Ci turned his face to the side, frowned, and retreated towards Zhao Ting.

With this step back, Han Yue was completely enraged. He's just a sweet-talking, sweet-talking little boy. How the hell do you treat him like that? !

Zhao Ting probably felt that something was wrong, and his face changed slightly: "Why are Han and Second Young Master Han here? It just so happens that I have something to do, or I will... I will..."

Han Yue stared at him fiercely like a ghost, and sneered after a while: "Why are you leaving? Aren't you two talking happily? Why do you want to leave as soon as I come, avoiding me?"

Zhao Ting felt his body go numb when he stared at him like this, and couldn't speak clearly: "Where is this? Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, really misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding?" Han Yue shifted his eyes to Chu Ci, and almost forced out a few words from between his teeth: "—Tell me, why did I misunderstand you?!"

Chu Ci slightly turned her head in disgust, and said after holding back, "You're drunk, take a taxi and go home by yourself. I'll go home first."

Han Yue couldn't let him go, so he rushed up and grabbed him, picked him up and carried him on his shoulder. The force was so strong that Chu Ci's stomach just hit the hard bone on Han Yue's shoulder, causing him to yelp on the spot in pain.

Zhao Ting panicked: "Second Young Master Han! Don't, don't, don't! If you have something to say, talk it out, talk it out!"

"I have nothing to say to you about this matter." Han Yue pointed at Zhao Ting, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked extremely scary: "Old Zhao, let me tell you, you'd better stay away from my people, and be careful of me when you get angry. Fuck you!"

His last few words were already very loud, and many people nearby could see them clearly. Zhao Ting's body was trembling, and his face was bluish and red.

Han Yue didn't talk nonsense with him, and strode upstairs with Chu Ci on his shoulders without looking back.

Upstairs is the private room. Han Yue threw Chu Ci on the bed, closed the door with his backhand, and rushed over with a murderous look.

Chu Ci jumped up reflexively and ran out, but was stopped by Han Yue, who threw him on the bed with all his might. This was a big move, Chu Ci's head hit the head of the bed all of a sudden, there was a muffled bang, and he covered his head and curled up.

The pinched off piece of flesh on his finger joints was still wrapped in a Band-Aid, with a little blood red on the surface, flashing very eye-catchingly in front of Han Yue's eyes. Han Yue's rationality burned by the alcohol returned to the cage a little bit, and his movements froze: "... What's going on? Where did you hit, show me."

Chu Ci turned a deaf ear, covered her head tightly, and buried her sideways face in the pillow.

Han Yue became irritable all of a sudden, and forcibly broke his hand covering his head. Who knows that Chu Ci is also a bit strong. Han Yue turned his whole body over and still didn't break it apart. He was worried and anxious for a moment, and cursed: "I'll just see the ****! Fuck it, give it to that little boy!" Why don't you show me?!"

Who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, Chu Ci waved his hand fiercely and gave him a solid punch!

That punch happened to land on Han Yue's cheek, and the force was unexpectedly strong. Han Yue was knocked over to the side of the bed at once. bloody smell.

Now it's a hornet's nest! Who is Han Yue? Zhu'er, who grew up playing knives and guns with a bunch of crazy kids in the compound of the Military Commission, and a high-ranking official's son who defeated himself in the field army with both hands and fists, he has learned to fight before he has learned to speak! Before learning to get along with normal people, he has already learned how to smash people with guns! Chu Ci punched him fiercely and fiercely, and Han Yue's first reaction was to jump up and kick him!

Chu Ci's punch was still a bit technical, and Han Yue was just trying his best. When he kicked, he didn't even notice where he was kicking. For a moment, he only felt that he had kicked some soft part hard, and he didn't even feel a bone.

Although he was in a state of pretending to be crazy with the help of alcohol and jealous, Han Yue suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his heart trembled violently. Only the abdomen in the human body is completely boneless, but can the abdomen be kicked? The internal organs, heart, liver, intestines and stomach are all contained in it!

Sure enough, as soon as he stepped down, Chu Ci screamed, and then he huddled tightly like an electric shock, clutching his abdomen and completely motionless.

Han Yue woke up drunk, completely awake, and immediately rushed over and asked in a stack of voices: "What's the matter? Where did the kick go? Where did I kick?"

Chu Ci fell sideways on the bed, her whole body arched completely, her hands pressed tightly on her stomach, she couldn't say a word, she could only grit her teeth. His face was completely pale, and cold sweat dripped down from his forehead, which made people feel terrified.

Han Yue panicked all of a sudden, and wanted to hug Chu Ci to check the situation, but he couldn't open Chu Ci's bowed body after shaking his hands for a long time, which showed that he was indeed in severe pain. Han Yue regretted so much that he wished he could still kick him hard. His hands shook for a long time before he remembered and hurriedly turned around to make a phone call.

When Ren Jiayuan's cell phone rang, he was still sitting downstairs drinking. His father was the imperial doctor of the old Commander Han, so he grew up with the two young masters of the Han family, and his relationship can be regarded as close. It is impossible for Han Yue not to invite him on his birthday.

When he saw Han Yue's number on the phone, he thought that Han Yue couldn't find him everywhere, so he called. When he picked up, he casually said "Hello" and asked, "Three missing one?"

"Your mother's head is missing!" Han Yue's voice sounded extremely unusual, and he even sounded a little trembling: "Hurry up and call your hospital to send a car over here! I'll beat Chu Ci!"

"Chu Ci? Who is it? Haven't you beat up too many people?" Ren Jiayuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized with a cry: "You beat up your friend again?"

"Stop fucking nonsense, hurry up and call an ambulance!"

"What kind of damage do you have to call an ambulance? The chief of surgery is dead at my age? General trauma can be wrapped in gauze, and if nothing happens, it will be earth-shattering and everyone will know that you are not adding to others. Is it a psychological burden... "

"Fuck you!" Han Yue was furious. "Nine times out of ten, my stomach bleeds. I can't move now. If the ambulance doesn't arrive within ten minutes, I'll kill you!"

Ren Jiayuan was stunned, and the card was wiped off.