Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 33: Apologize


Chu Ci was actually awakened by the pain.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a strong sense of dizziness, and the nausea made him want to vomit. There was a moment when he could barely see what was in front of him, and it took a long time before he could barely see himself lying on the big bed in the bedroom at home. The window was completely covered by thick curtains, and the light was so dim that he couldn't tell what time it was.

He was handcuffed behind the head of the bed with one hand, while the other was placed under the quilt. The dizziness and pain continued to come from the back of the head, Chu Ci barely concentrated and recalled, it should be Han Yue who hit him.

In fact, he couldn't vomit anything, he only retched a few times and then lost his strength, leaning softly on the bed and panting.

At this time, the door clicked open, and a bright light leaked out of the dim room, and then Han Yue walked in and closed the door again.

Chu Ci turned her head almost eagerly, fixed her gaze on Han Yue, and said hoarsely: "Water...!"

He never told anyone that since the day Han Qiang was killed, he could no longer stay alone in a small and dark space. Whenever he stayed alone in a room with no sound or light around him, he couldn't help but think of Hou Hongchang, Zhao Ting, Han Qiang, the dripping ferocious large swaths of blood, the glaring The red finally solidified into the innocent faces of Li Weili and Gao Yang in a pool of blood.

That was actually Chu Ci's imagination, he actually never saw Li Weili and Gao Yang lying in a pool of blood. In order to cover up Han Qiang's criminal evidence, only a short day passed between them falling to the ground and being forcibly cremated. When they were reduced to ashes in the crematorium, Chu Ci didn't know anything and was full of anticipation that his teacher and younger brother would come to Beijing to see him.

I was so happy at that time, but the life that followed was full of endless, dark despair and pain.

During the endless torment day after day, sometimes Chu Ci would even be shocked by the changes in herself. Sometimes he feels in a trance that he has become a person he doesn't even know himself, and the vicious and cruel thoughts that occasionally pop up in his mind even make him feel very frightened. He was vaguely afraid of such a self, but he was helpless. No one can help him, no one can enlighten him, Han Yue's existence has given him unimaginable huge psychological pressure, pushing him a big step further into the dark abyss.

He dared not let himself be alone like this. Whenever there is no one around, no sound, no light, he feels that evil and cold-blooded self emerges from the depths of his soul, using a cold and seductive voice to trick him into hating more, suffering more, and wanting revenge even more.

He has no way to control the darkest and most painful side of his soul, so he can only leave here as soon as possible, and hide in a remote corner of China, waiting for time to slowly wipe out the hatred, waiting end of own life.

He couldn't be handcuffed alone in such a small and dark bedroom, every minute and every second made him more scared, panicked, and unable to control his spirit.

Han Yue poured a glass of warm water without saying a word, and put it near Chu Ci's mouth.

Chu Ci didn't drink, but instead asked, "When will you let me go?"

Han Yue stared into his eyes for a while, then suddenly touched his chin and forced him to open his mouth, and then forced the water down.

Chu Ci was choked immediately, and turned his head in embarrassment to avoid the water flow, but Han Yue's hands were like iron tongs, unable to move at all. In the end, only half of the water entered Chu Ci's mouth, and the other half spilled onto the pillow And Han Yue.

"Cough cough! Cough cough! Cough cough!..." As soon as Han Yue let go, Chu Ci immediately coughed, his face flushed red, and his body curled up involuntarily. His face and temple hair were wet, and he looked a bit embarrassed and pitiful. Han Yue stood there motionless and stared at him for a long time, then suddenly threw the cup away, straddled the bed and threw Chu Ci Pressed down.

"You... what are you doing! Cough cough..." Chu Ci was startled, coughing and pushing him with his hands. Han Yue grabbed Chu Ci's hand, moved it to his mouth and kissed it roughly, his teeth left deep bite marks on his fingertips and joints.

This kiss was so rough, he turned Chu Ci's wrist over and kissed all the way down, the sound of saliva and panting was particularly obscene in the darkness. Chu Ci's clothes had been replaced with pajamas, the material was very soft and light, Han Yue easily reached under his clothes, kneaded his side muscles for a while, and then stretched all the way down into the waist of his trousers.

Chu Ci pulled the handcuffs vigorously, his expression completely changed due to anger and humiliation: "Han Yue, we have already broken up!"

"Then you unilaterally asked for a breakup, and I didn't agree." Han Yue held down Chu Ci's handcuffed hand to prevent his wrist from being worn out due to excessive force, and at the same time, with the other hand, he tore off the pajamas and threw Going under the bed: "I won't agree, don't even think about it, you will never agree..."

When he said this, his demeanor was different from usual. Although he was not particularly irritable, and could even be called a little gentle, he was so gentle that it made one's hair stand on end.

He bent down to kiss Chu Ci's lips, Chu Ci turned his face forcefully, and the kiss fell on his cheek. He was particularly thin recently, his cheeks were very pale and cold, but it didn't calm down the anger in Han Yue's heart at all, instead it made his lust mixed with anger burn even more.

He hugged Chu Ci's body tightly, bringing him closer to his chest, and stretched his hand impatiently under him. The expansion was too sloppy, Chu Ci groaned intermittently in pain, the voice was more than usual, something that people couldn't bear to hear. Han Yue felt as painful as a knife, so he lowered his head to kiss his lips, and even stuck his tongue in to stir it, so that he could no longer make a sound.

Such an intimate gesture, such a close distance, seems to be separated by a barrier that can never be broken, even separating them in two different worlds in the most intimate moments.

The sound of viscous friction, the sound of skin caressing, and the sound of lewd water echoed in the bedroom. The space was small and compact, and the temperature seemed to be rising little by little. The shadows of the furnishings could not be seen clearly in the dark room. For a moment, it seemed as if the whole world had disappeared, and the hatred and hatred lying among them had become blurred shadows, which they could not see clearly or remember, covering them like a gray mist, but they could not feel it. Can't touch it again.

"Chu Ci, Chu Ci..." Han Yue hugged Chu Ci's body tightly, kissing his sweaty forehead while repeating his name, "Chu Ci, please, Chu Ci..."

What do you want? Chu Ci thought in a trance.

Please don't leave

This is really ridiculous. It is Han Yue himself who uses power and status to occupy the position of the oppressor, but he begs like a weak person, as if he is the one who is suppressed, imprisoned, and forced .

Chu Ci closed her eyes, sweat streaming down her eyelashes, covering her pale face.

The pain and discomfort in the body became numb in the end. At the beginning, when Han Yue ejaculated in his body, he was unbearable, but later he didn't feel it at all. His body was like a puppet being manipulated by others, without consciousness or thinking. .

He didn't even know when time passed, his soul seemed to float slowly, paused in the void, and looked down at his dying body without emotion.

In fact, this feeling is very good, you don't have to think about anything, you don't have to feel anything. There was no ghastly voice coaxing him to revenge, nor any rage or despair. The soul is as calm as a pool of deep water, calmly waiting for death.

"Chu Ci, Chu Ci..." Han Yue asked in a low voice, "Why are you crying?"

Chu Ci's eyes were slightly open, without the slightest focus, his eyes were loose and gloomy. Tears fell from his eyes drop by drop, soaking most of his face, but he didn't feel it at all.

Han Yue lowered his head to kiss away the tears little by little, and felt Chu Ci's body tremble slightly, as if he was enduring extreme physical pain. This person has never been happy since he was with him, and he has never seen Chu Ci smile, be happy, or have other expressions of joy. He is always very calm and silent. Sometimes I hear him moaning like weeping on the bed, and sometimes I actually see him shed tears. It is not because of the stimulation of pleasure, but a feeling of sadness.

Han Yue opened his mouth, and finally asked in a low voice, "Chu Ci, do you hate me?"

He waited for a long time, but Chu Ci didn't respond.

Maybe he couldn't hear at all, maybe he was in a trance and couldn't answer even if he heard it. Of course, the greater possibility is that he didn't bother to answer Han Yue's question at all, just like his usual firm silence.

Han Yue hugged Chu Ci tightly in his arms, watching the early morning light faintly peeking through the gaps in the curtains, and heard Chu Ci's weak and cold breathing.

It took him a long time to feel Chu Ci in his arms, and whispered in an extremely weak, almost inaudible voice: "...No."

Han Yue suddenly raised his head to look at him, but only saw Chu Ci slowly closing his eyes, with a blankness on his face after extreme exhaustion.

...Maybe I heard it wrong, Han Yue thought.

From that day on, Chu Ci never went out of the room again. He was handcuffed to the head of the bed all day long, and Han Yue rarely left. Most of the time he stayed there silently, sometimes staring at him, I don't know what I'm thinking.

In the first two days, Chu Ci occasionally pulled the handcuffs violently, and that was when Han Yue was not around. Later, Han Yue found that his wrist was worn out, so he put a thin flannel in the handcuffs. When he was doing this, Chu Ci had already calmed down, and fell asleep all day long, even when he woke up, he didn't say a word, his eyes scattered in the air silently.

Han Yue thought that it must be Chu Ci who surrendered first, but who knew that it was himself who collapsed first in the end.

When he looked at Chu Ci, even though the distance between them was so close that even a piece of paper couldn't fit in, it still gave him a feeling that Chu Ci was far away from him, and even if he tried his best to reach out, he couldn't touch it. Every night when he vented his empty desire on Chu Ci, sweat and semen intertwined, the incomparable obscenity and eroticism made their body temperature seem to be on fire, but Chu Ci's eyes were always cold and blank, without focus, nor He never glanced at Han Yue.

Han Yue wanted to listen to him, wanted him to look at him, wanted to see him put his eyes on himself again, and then smiled again. This kind of desire is even more than physical hunger and thirst, making his soul anxious and eager to go crazy.

He recalled when he saw Chu Ci for the first time that year, he just thought that this engineer was so fucking beautiful, he looked good in his uniform, and it must be fun to work. Later, he really experienced this kind of pleasure, and he had imprisoned people by his side for such a long time, and the number of times he went to bed was already beyond count.

However, after so many physical satisfactions, he has a stronger and more anxious soul desire, which is more exciting than simple physical needs, and even more uncontrollable. He could even give up the chance to touch Chu Ci, all he wanted was to hear Chu Ci call his name, smile at him, or even allow him to sit beside him and read together when he was reading a book. These insignificant things made Han Yue feel a more exciting pleasure than going to bed, making his whole soul tremble and tremble. It was like a hot current flowing through his heart, making Han Yue shiver with happiness even in the coldest winter.

At first, he thought that only when Chu Ci gave up and gave up, and promised not to break up again next time, would he release the handcuffs.

After a few days, he thought, as long as Chu Ci said a word, even if he gave a little reaction, he would uncuff his handcuffs, and then confess his mistake to Chu Ci, and promise to take care of him and treat him well in the future.

However, as the days passed, Han Yue almost collapsed. In the end, he just wanted Chu Ci to look at him, don't be nostalgic for life like a living dead, don't turn a blind eye to him like air. As long as Chu Ci's eyes fell on him a little bit, and he showed that he recognized him a little bit, it would be fine.

From disappointment to despair, from panic to fear, Han Yue wished he could grab Chu Ci and shake him awake, and yelled into his ear, but Chu Ci didn't respond at all, at most he closed his eyes gently, Neither look nor listen.

Even at the climax, he seemed to completely ignore the existence of Han Yue, curled up in the depths of a dark room, everything around him had no effect on him, and his body and soul were completely separated.

Sometimes when Han Yue saw him being pressed under him, he had the feeling that this person was actually far away from him and could never be found again.

That night, Han Yue couldn't remember how long he was tossing until he was exhausted and fell asleep with Chu Ci in his arms. In the middle of the night, he suddenly woke up, Chu Ci was still lying in his arms, but he couldn't hear his light and weak breathing.

Han Yue was suddenly frightened out of his wits, and when he touched it, Chu Ci still had a weak pulse, but the temperature of his skin was so high that it was almost hot to the touch.

Han Yue got up and turned on the lamp, only to see Chu Ci's body curled up into a ball, his face was extremely red, he was trembling slightly because of high fever or cold, he looked extremely uncomfortable.

Han Yue's teeth were almost chattering: "Chu Ci! Chu Ci! What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Chu Ci slightly opened his eyes, then quickly closed them again. Han Yue hugged him anxiously, then dipped his hands in cold water and patted his face lightly. After several pattings, he opened his eyes again. His eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was hoarse and changed his tone, saying : "Han Yue, I feel so uncomfortable..."

The voice was so weak that it was startling, as if a thunderbolt had struck down, Han Yue was woken up in an instant. During this period of time, he seemed to be bewitched and couldn't control himself. At that moment, he suddenly became clearer than ever before, and his thinking was extremely clear. He immediately turned around and called Ren Jiayuan on his mobile phone.

Chu Ci stretched out his hand to pull Han Yue, and said in a low voice, "I want to take a bath."

How could Han Yue dare to let a person with a high fever see the water, and immediately coaxed him in a low voice: "Don't take a bath, if you feel uncomfortable, I will wipe you with warm water, and I will go right away."

Who knew that Chu Ci was very persistent, panting and said: "Let me take a shower, please... I don't want to wait for others to come in and see... see me like this..."

Han Yue froze for a moment, nodded slowly, and said, "Then I'll turn on the bathroom heater for you."

He made an urgent phone call to Ren Jiayuan, went to the bathroom and turned on the local floor heating to over 25 degrees, put a pool full of hot water, and then returned to the bedroom to wrap Chu Ci in a thick blanket and hug him Sent into the bathroom in my arms. He originally wanted to wash Chu Ci up, but who knew that Chu Ci was so insisting on being alone that his voice changed sharply: "Get out! Don't look at me! I don't want you to see me like this!"

"I'm a little worried, I just stand on the side, just watching here, I..."

"Get out!" Chu Ci coughed fiercely, and a dull sound seemed to vibrate from his chest, "Get out!"

Han Yue was terrified by his appearance, so he could only exit the bathroom step by step, and sat down next to the door anxiously to wait.

This night seems to have passed extraordinarily long. Han Yue spent his days at the door of the bathroom like years, neither could he hear the sound of bathing water coming from inside, nor could he wait for Ren Jiayuan to come. In the end, when he was almost about to call to get angry, Ren Jiayuan came in a hurry, and when he opened the door, he immediately asked, "You're working for Chu Gong again, aren't you?"

Han Yue said tremblingly: "I didn't hit him, but I..."

Ren Jiayuan knew the seriousness of the situation when he saw him like that, and immediately interrupted him: "Where is the man?"

Han Yue pointed to the bathroom.

At this time, it had been nearly half an hour since Chu Ci went in to take a bath, and there was no sound in the room, and there was no movement at all. Ren Jiayuan knocked on the door, called Chu Gong twice, then turned his head and asked Han Yue: "Has he finished washing? How do you let a person with a high fever take a bath?"

Han Yue was at a loss for words. In fact, it was really difficult for Chu Ci to see outsiders like that. Han Yue tossed him all night, and his whole body was in a mess.

"I don't know what you've been doing recently, but he may have an infection, and the situation will be worse if he gets wet." Ren Jiayuan slammed on the bathroom door twice, and said, "Hurry up and get him out, or he might have to be sent to the hospital right now! Has he passed out already?"

Han Yue's complexion changed instantly, and he knocked on the door while shouting loudly: "Chu Ci! Are you awake? Chu Ci!"

There was silence.

Han Yue raised his foot and kicked the door fiercely, and only heard a bang after two kicks. The door panel hit the wall and bounced back. Han Yue pushed the door open and rushed in.

Ren Jiayuan followed behind and walked in, but within two steps, Han Yue froze suddenly.

At that time, he was standing behind Han Yue, and Chu Ci was in the bathtub in front of Han Yue. Ren Jiayuan couldn't see what was going on with Chu Ci for a while, but could only see Han Yue standing there motionless, as if something had happened that made him unable to speak or move for a moment.

Ren Jiayuan asked: "What's wrong?"

Han Yue didn't answer, just stood there for a few seconds, suddenly lunged forward, then his knees gave way, and he fell to his knees by the bathtub with a plop.

Ren Jiayuan only took one look, and felt a chill rushing up from the bottom of his heart, and he almost couldn't stand still.

I saw that the water in the bathtub had been dyed a light red, and Chu Ci was lying in it in pajamas, with her head up, her face peaceful as if she was asleep. He rested his elbow on the edge of the bathtub, but his wrist was hanging in the water. There was a bloody bite mark on it. Judging by the appalling amount of bleeding, the depth might have bitten off a large blood vessel.

Han Yue seemed to have been stunned, and his whole mind was unconscious. He tried to hug Chu Ci out of the water several times, but failed because his hands trembled violently. In the end, it was Ren Jiayuan who rushed forward to pull Chu Ci's wrist out of the water, and ordered sharply, "Go and call the hospital! Arrange plasma and first aid! Go now, hurry up!"