Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 36: drug


When Chu Ci was discharged from the hospital, she was empty-handed and only brought some personal items, and her pajamas were all left in the hospital.

He did have this temper, he didn't bring home the pajamas he wore in the hospital, he either threw them away or threw them on the way. Han Yue originally drove him off that day, but Chu Ci politely and unquestionably rejected him on the phone, saying: "We have nothing to do with it, it's not good to trouble you like this."

Han Yue felt a pain in his heart at that time, as if a needle had pierced into the softest and most fragile part of his heart in an instant, and he was so painful that he couldn't speak for an instant.

After a while he forced a smile and said: "...that's fine, you don't have much stuff anyway, so be careful on your way."

It wasn't until he said it that he realized that his laughter was worse than crying. Fortunately, Chu Ci didn't respond and hung up the phone directly.

On the day Chu Ci was discharged from the hospital, only Ren Jiayuan came to see him off, and it was not easy to help him carry his things, so he could only silently accompany him to the hospital gate. When he was about to break up, he finally couldn't help asking: "Finally broke up with Han Yue, what are your plans in the future?"

"...not sure," Chu Ci said softly, "I want to quit my job and stay at home. Anyway, I still have some money. Let's take a step."

"Isn't your job very good, just resign as you say?"

"I don't know, I just don't feel like going outside. All in all, let's see. Maybe I will leave Beijing."

Ren Jiayuan opened his mouth, and after hesitating again and again, he finally said slowly: "Your body is not healed yet, you can't be tired or angry, if you need to take care of yourself recently, you can call me at any time..."

Chu Ci was walking down the steps of the hospital. Hearing this, he turned around and waved to him, and smiled: "Thank you, I can take care of myself!"

The wind passed through the street, blowing his hair and collar in an instant. Ren Jiayuan stared blankly for a while, and saw him crossing the road, waving for a taxi, and quickly disappeared.

Ren Jiayuan watched the taxi turn the corner until it was completely out of sight, then slowly turned and walked towards the hospital. Before I took two steps, I ran into the head nurse and hurried over to him and said, "Director Ren! Just now your friend Mr. Han came and took away the two sets of pajamas left by the patient just now..."

Ren Jiayuan snorted: "I knew it!... It's just pajamas? Didn't you take away all the sheets and quilts in our hospital?"

The head nurse seemed to have a sense of sarcasm in his words, and she couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "... Oh, no, it's the hospital's public property."

"Okay, I see." Ren Jiayuan waved his hand, and sneered in a low voice without looking back: "If I knew today, why bother? Hmph..."

Ren Jiayuan's worry was justified, those who had just been discharged from the hospital were relatively weak, and Chu Ci's health status was even more dire because he had walked through the gate of hell again.

His newly rented house was farther away from the unit, and the journey was quite inconvenient. Moreover, it was empty inside, and there was no time to tidy up anything. Although he hired a moving company, some small things still need to be done by himself, cleaning, cleaning, buying some odds and ends, everything needs to be done by himself. This was really heavy physical labor for a patient who had just been rescued from a suicide attempt. Chu Ci rested while doing it, and it took more than a week to move the house.

A week later, he returned the key to the apartment that Han Yue originally put under his name to the property management. Han Yue rushed to the apartment after hearing the news. When he entered the door, he found that everything belonging to Chu Ci was basically emptied. . The bedroom was empty, the wardrobe and drawers were wide open, leaving behind a layer of floating dust after the removed furnishings, which would suddenly fly up when the wind blew.

Han Yue stared blankly at the big bed. The sheets, pillows and other things were all chosen by Chu Ci at the beginning, but now they are all kept. The neat big bed formed a harsh contrast with the empty room. Han Yue slowly walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, stroking the pillow that Chu Ci had slept on before, his throat felt like a hard sore It's like something sour is blocking it. It took him a while to realize that his vision was very blurry, and he wanted to raise his hand to wipe his eyes, but his hands trembled violently.

He buried his face deeply into the pillow, hugged the pillow tightly, and his fingers were almost convulsed.

After such a long time, in fact, the smell of Chu Ci has dissipated, and nothing remains.

He originally thought that he could live in that apartment for at least a few years, and when he officially decided to transfer back to Beijing, or when Chu Ci saw a better and bigger house, they would change to a better new home. But even if he changed houses, he didn't plan to sell or rent this apartment. He had so many good memories in this apartment, just thinking about it would make people intoxicated, no one could touch the happiest holy place in his memory.

Unexpectedly, the world is unpredictable, and the world will be turned upside down in just half a year. The person he wanted to spend his life with moved away from here without him.

Han Yue didn't know where he should go back. Since he was an adult, he rarely went back to Han's house. The room he had when he was a child has become a decoration now, and no one has lived in it for many years. Besides, as soon as he went back, he could see the weeping faces of the commander's wife and sister-in-law. The atmosphere in the house was dull and oppressive, as if covered by a thick cloud.

Han Yue stayed in the hotel for more than half a month, and the night he heard that Chu Ci's new home had been settled, he drove downstairs to Chu Ci's new home. It was a very ordinary residential building with a very ordinary appearance, gray and half-new. Han Yue parked the car downstairs, looked up at the orange light in the direction of Chu Ci's bedroom, as if looking up at some kind of belief, and sat motionless for a long time.

Maybe if you look more attentively, you will be able to see Chu Ci's figure occasionally leaking from the window. Maybe if you listen more carefully, you can hear the sounds of Chu Ci walking and opening the door, boiling water for cooking, and clearing away the dishes.

I don't know how his new home is furnished, maybe he doesn't have the energy to clean it up. Will he be used to living with such a particular person

I don't know what he ate at night, whether he has taken it seriously, whether his nutrition is comprehensive or not, whether he has had some nourishing soup. What did he do for entertainment after dinner, reading those idle books? Or play games? His body hasn't recovered yet. I don't know if he remembers to rest early to ensure sleep

The sky gradually darkened, and Han Yue sat in the dark car, as if he was in a dream in a trance. This long and silent looking up gave him an illusion, as if he was still with Chu Ci, as if they hadn't separated, and he still had the right to go upstairs to open the door and say "I'm back".

The sweet illusion made Han Yue indulge in the illusion, and the time slipped by unknowingly, and the light in the bedroom finally went out. In the middle of the night, the community was completely silent, and night insects were making long calls in the grass. Han Yue sat deeply in the car seat, letting his thoughts wander in his mind. Is Chu Ci asleep? Is he used to sleeping in a new bed? Is the heating turned on in this house? Will I catch a cold when I sleep alone? …

Han Yue was so dazed that he slept in the carriage all night. Although he was wearing a coat, the outdoor temperature in the middle of winter night was low after all. He woke up intermittently several times in the early morning, and finally woke up completely frozen. From the dim light outside the car window, one could see that the time displayed on the watch was past six o'clock in the morning, and Chu Ci would be leaving for work in more than an hour. If I persist for another hour, will I see him go downstairs...

This secret and small expectation made Han Yue's heart warm again. He slowly drove the car out of the community and walked around. When the heating came on, he went back to Chu Ci's downstairs and continued to wait. The sky was getting brighter, and the sound of morning exercises and stalls gradually came from the community. People passed by from time to time, and they looked back curiously at Han Yue's cool jeep from afar. Although the person in the driver's seat could not be seen through the one-way glass, Han Yue was still a little conditioned nervousness, and he didn't even feel his heart beating like this when he joined the army for the first time on the battlefield.

When will Chu Ci come down? It takes nearly an hour to drive from here to the unit, it should be soon...

Han Yue was afraid that Chu Ci would recognize the jeep, so he parked the car at the other end of the complex ten minutes earlier, then walked to Chu Ci's building on foot, and sat far away in a relatively hidden place beside the flower bed. The closer it was to eight o'clock, the slower the time passed. In the end, he checked his watch almost every ten seconds, and kept looking up at the corridor, fearing that he would miss the moment when Chu Ci walked out of the stairs.

Finally, at the beginning of eight o'clock, the corridor door was pushed open, and Chu Ci came out with a computer bag, a coat and a scarf, haggling with Bai Qi. He looked a little thin again, his face was paler under the black overcoat, his expression was calm and his steps were hurried.

In fact, his second-hand Honda was parked more than ten meters away from the entrance of the corridor, and he got there in the blink of an eye. But in those few seconds, Han Yue fell into it in an instant. At that moment, he completely ignored the whole world, and only Chu Ci was the only one in his heart and eyes.

Until Chu Ci drove the car away, there was only an open space at the top of the stairs, Han Yue was still sitting there numbly, his whole soul was filled with endless emptiness after a brief ecstasy.

The happier the moment, the longer the severe pain that follows.

From that day on, Han Yue would come to Chu Ci's downstairs almost every few days, and sat there from late at night until dawn. After seeing Chu Ci's appearance at work for just a few seconds, he walked slowly alone. drove away.

It's like a drug addict who only relies on that intoxicating illusion to maintain the motivation of his entire life. For the sake of instant satisfaction and happiness, he would rather sink his entire soul into eternal darkness.

On a chilly late night at the beginning of spring, Han Yue waited a whole night downstairs at Chu Ci, but the next morning his ardent expectations were in vain. Chu Ci didn't come downstairs after eight o'clock, and she didn't come down until nine o'clock. The curtains in his bedroom had been drawn, indicating that he was up, but somehow didn't come downstairs to drive to work.

The more Han Yue waited, the more anxious he became, just like a drug addict who gave everything but didn't get that little bit of drugs.

Is something wrong? Is Chu Ci sick? Have you asked for leave? He regretted why he didn't come two days ago. Did this abnormality only happen today? If I come every day, can I find something wrong earlier

Han Yue was running around in a hurry downstairs, wanting to rush upstairs to knock on the door but didn't dare to act rashly. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and made a call to the Chemical Research Institute: "Hello, Mr. Liu? It's me, Han Yue!"

Mr. Liu hurriedly agreed: "Hey, Second Young Master Han! You..."

"It's okay, I just wanted to ask you why Chu Gong didn't go to work today? What happened, did he ask for sick leave?"

"Oh, no!" Mr. Liu sounded very embarrassed, he hesitated for a moment before saying: "In fact, he handed in his resignation letter a while ago, and he has stopped going to work two days ago, and it is said that he will go back to his hometown to find a job... "

Han Yue was stunned for a moment, and he didn't even notice that the phone fell to the ground with a thud.

Since Chu Ci left, he thought that he was numb from the pain, and basically he didn't feel anything when he was pricked with a needle or burned with fire. Who knew that at this moment he would know that he would still be in pain, panic, and irreparable, deep despair.