Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 42: one shot


In the evening, the heavy rain finally poured down.

The distant headlights gradually disappeared in the sound of rushing water. Looking around, the sky and the earth were connected by the water line, and the whole world was shrouded in a layer of hopeless gray and black.

The mud floor of the cemetery was very muddy. Chu Ci was exhausted when walking up the hill, and almost fell to the ground several times.

In order to avoid being tracked by Han Yue, he only drove the car at the entrance of the hotel, then abandoned the car when he turned out of the downtown area and walked instead. He walked out of the huge urban area on foot. After arriving at the outskirts of the city, he took a taxi, but he didn't dare to take a taxi directly to the cemetery, and he got off halfway.

The long and dangerous trek exhausted Chu Ci's last bit of strength.

He staggered to the tombstone, sat down on the muddy ground, and couldn't get up again.

Li Weili's mother and son had an accident in Beijing. In order to destroy the evidence as soon as possible, the Han family cremated their remains the next day. Of course, it is impossible to put the ashes in any good place. The price of this cemetery is cheap, and the terrain on the top of the mountain is very remote. The feng shui must be very bad, and there are no graves nearby. Every year during the Qingming Festival and the Spring Festival, there are few people coming, and it is deserted. For the Han family, there should be no better place to throw away the ashes.

Chu Ci was exhausted, his face was covered with rain, but he didn't have the strength to raise his hand to wipe his face.

In fact, even through the hazy rain, he could clearly see the names of Li Weili and Li Gaoyang on the tombstone. The tombstone is so simple, the names and the year of birth and death are also hastily carved, Li Gaoyang's birth date was even wrong by one month.

Chu Ci remembered that when Li Gaoyang celebrated his birthday, there was only a small cheap cake every time. Those beautiful, fashionable and colorful mousse cakes, lively and fashionable birthday parties with laughter and laughter, were very important for the only child who is now pampered. Things that don't matter at all, for him, only exist on TV, which is extremely far away, visible, audible, and untouchable.

This younger brother actually worked very hard back then. Although he had a mediocre brain, he studied very hard. Other children have large draft papers, and some who are not particular about it can also write drafts in the back of their homework, but he does not have such a luxurious condition. Every time he leaves school, he will pick up some old newspapers thrown away by others on the road, and when he brings them home, he will make a draft on the edge of the newspaper. Because there is not enough space, his handwriting is always small, so small and humble, just like his poor and poor family.

Despite this, his academic performance was good, at least among boys. Children of his age are usually girls who are better, boys are still in the age of ignorance and crazy play, only he is very obedient and obedient, completes homework on time, never defaults, writes neatly, and never asks the teacher to call back and redo .

He has developed the habit of frugality since he was a child. He knows that redoing will cost paper, pen and homework. The mischievous boy from other people's family used more than a dozen notebooks in one semester, but he only used three or four. Other children were fighting in the classroom and tossing and throwing pen ends, but his pencils were always cut to the shortest, and he couldn't even hold them in his hands, so he reluctantly threw them away.

The year when Chuci graduated from university and found a job happened to be Li Gaoyang's high school entrance examination. It is said that he passed the examination well, and he should be able to enter the best high school there. Li Weili was still a little hesitant at the time. If the score card did not reach the first admission line, she would have to pay to get in. Those thousands of dollars were not a small amount for this family. Chu Ci called several times about this matter, asking Li Weili to let Gao Yang enroll in the best school, and if he really had to pay, he would have it.

But Li Weili still hesitated. Chu Ci then invited them to come to Beijing to play, originally planning to secretly hand over the money to Li Gaoyang and let him keep it himself. He knew that this younger brother was very sensible since he was a child, and he was not a kid who wasted money to play games in Internet cafes. Giving him the money was reassuring. Chu Ci himself came out of a good high school. He knows how a best high school will affect a child's future college entrance examination. A good university and major are important factors that can change a life in the future.

Afterwards, Chu Ci thought about it countless times. It would have been better if Li Weili and her son hadn't been called to Beijing.

It would have been nice if he had taken off that day to pick them up.

If Li Weili wasn't so frugal, if Li Gaoyang made a fuss about taking a taxi, it would be fine.

The younger brother who silently endured the heavy pressure that life brought him, the younger brother who endured countless hardships for him even though he was not related by blood, the younger brother who was clearly aptitude but spent countless nights studying hard, and finally passed the best exam. The younger brother in high school, who was only fifteen years old, was crushed mercilessly by the wheels at the very beginning of his life.

When he was alive, he didn't even have a good birthday, but after his death, he had to endure the humiliation of having his birth date wrong. He was bumped to death in vain in front of the capital he had always dreamed of, but the perpetrator who took his young life didn't even bother to find out his birth date.

Chu Ci tried hard to wipe the date of birth on the tombstone, the rough rocks abraded his fingers, and soon a ray of blood was severely scratched on the tombstone. Chu Ci didn't even feel the pain from his fingers to his heart.

His movements became more and more trembling, and finally he firmly grasped the edge of the tombstone, pressed his head against the cold rock, and cried out convulsively.

The torrential rain all over the world seemed to be howling, and the sound of rushing water was like a tide, swallowing and submerging everyone, and then slowly receding without a sound.

Everything has turned into a distant and faint background, all happiness and joy have been frozen, and all colors have since turned into gray and white. In the end, only the piercing pain accompanied him to go down, to everyone, and all the past was completely destroyed by blood.

Chu Ci couldn't cry, he opened his mouth and panted sharply, his face contorted and convulsed. In the end he coughed out forcefully, the cough was so hoarse that it made people frightened, until finally he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blackened blood.

They're not coming back, Chu Ci thought.

—The person who loves me the most in this world will never come back.

There was a faint screeching sound of braking from the bottom of the hillside, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching from a distance. It sounded like there were more than one or two people coming, maybe a group of pursuers.

Chu Ci really had no strength, he stood up for a while, then fell to the ground again.

In fact, he didn't have any desire to survive at this time, he just didn't want to be caught by Han Yue, at least he didn't want to be caught by the Han family. There is a path going down behind the hillside, most of which has been covered by the weeds of the wasteland, and the exposed section of the road is also very muddy due to heavy rain. Just as Chu Ci took two steps, his foot slipped and he fell down.

This fall was not a vegetarian one, Chu Ci felt a blackness in front of his eyes at that time, and only after recovering slowly did he feel a sharp pain in his calf. The protruding rocks on the trail cut open the flesh of the calf, and the blood gushed out, but it was quickly diluted by the heavy rain, and at last it did not leave too obvious marks on the muddy ground.

Chu Ci tried to stand up, but as soon as he moved, he was in pain.

The group of pursuers had probably found the hillside, and the sounds of footsteps and conversations became more and more obvious. Chu Ci gritted her teeth, dragged her injured leg and walked step by step to the grove under the hillside.

He probably didn't really hurt the bone. After the initial pain passed, the wound gradually became numb. Because of the excessive blood loss, his whole body was cold, his hands and feet were weak, and he could not use his strength. He couldn't help leaning against a tree when he walked into the woods, panting hoarsely.

Looking up the hillside through the bushes, there was indeed a group of people rushing up the hillside, and Han Yue was the first to bear the brunt. He was not wearing a raincoat, nor was he holding an umbrella. Someone behind him held an umbrella and handed it over his head, but he waved it away impatiently.

He walked to the edge of the tombstone, and seemed to look down at the two tombstones for a long time, then squatted down, and touched the fresh footprints on the ground.

"Second Young Master Han, what is this place? Can we find the fugitive?" One of his subordinates also followed, touching the footprints on the ground like a model, "Is this left by the fugitive? Should we spread out and search for it?" ?”

Han Yue stood up and said briefly, "No."

"But the fugitive may have heard us coming up. He is alone and there is no car nearby. He must not be far away! If you don't chase at this time, if he runs out..."

"Don't call him a fugitive."

"What if I run to a nearby farm—ah? What?" The man was stunned: "Why?"

"At least here...don't call him a fugitive."

Han Yue didn't explain further, he took a deep breath, stood on the hillside and looked around.

After all, he was a professional field fighter, so his eyes quickly stopped on the overwhelmed withered grass on both sides of the hidden path. Looking along the direction in which the path extends, farther away is a grove in heavy rain.

The sky was getting darker, and the torrential rain made the sight extremely blurred. Han Yue was in a daze for a moment, thinking how could there be such a heavy rain in such a season

He suddenly opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "—Chu Ci! I know you are here!"

Han Yue's voice was full of energy and penetrating power, and could be heard even in the grove for a while.

"I'll give you a chance to come out by yourself! Don't force me to go down and look for it!"

He snatched a folding shovel from his subordinates behind him, lifted it high and shook it: "You can choose not to come out, but I will start digging these two tombs from now on! If you really can't come out, you can also hide in the There, watch me dig out their ashes!"

It was quiet on the hillside, only the sound of heavy rain hitting the treetops and the ground could be heard.

"Aren't you nice to others?" Han Yue smiled, but lowered his voice a little, " just have the heart to watch their ashes being dug out, and they won't have peace in the ground?..."

He opened the folding shovel with a click, dug hard under the tombstone with a shovel, and then threw out a shovel of soil.

He brought more than one folding shovel, and soon several of his men came over to help him dig. This group of people worked very quickly, and opened Li Weili's tomb in a short while. Han Yue waved them away, and then stood alone in front of the tombstone, squatting down to get the urn.

Who knew that at this moment, a sharp wind suddenly slashed across Han Yue's face, followed by a snort, and a short knife was firmly nailed to the mud floor, the handle of which was still trembling slightly!

The subordinates around all drew out their guns one after another, as if facing a big enemy: "Who! Who is there!"

Han Yue stopped them with a wave of his hand, and then slowly stood up.

At the edge of the woods under the hillside, Chu Ci withdrew the throwing action, supported the tree exhaustedly, panting violently.

His mouth seemed to move, and Han Yue could tell from the shape of his mouth that he said the word "stop".

He looked so embarrassed, his whole body was drenched by the rain, his clothes were clinging to his body, his hair was dripping from top to bottom, he looked thinner and thinner than usual.

Han Yue laughed, even though the smile made one's scalp tingle at the sight of it. He strode down the path steadily, and his subordinates wanted to follow, but they retreated timidly.

Every time Chu Ci saw Han Yue take a step forward, she subconsciously took a step back. At the end of the retreat, his back had reached the tree, and there was no way to retreat, so Han Yue slowly stood in front of him.

Chu Ci's calf hadn't stopped bleeding, and the legs of his trousers were completely stained. Because of excessive ischemia, his face was terribly pale, his brows and eyes were very haggard, and he couldn't stand still, so he could only lean on the tree trunk and gasped weakly.

Han Yue just looked at him like this for a long time without blinking his eyes, as if he wanted to engrave his appearance at this moment into the flesh of his heart forever. It wasn't until Chu Ci's body trembled more and more frequently that he almost collapsed at last that he said in a low voice: "—Chu Ci, I have a question that I've been wanting to ask you since I was in the hotel."

Chu Ci's eyes were a little slack, she clenched her teeth and said nothing.

"I want to ask, Pei Zhi said that you endured humiliation and stayed by my side for the past two years, just looking for opportunities to take revenge, is that true?"


"Chu Ci," Han Yue repeated slowly, and asked, "Is that so?"

Chu Ci narrowed her eyes, and after a while she sneered and said, "Yes!"

"... Oh." Han Yue said, "I see."

He raised his hand, as if he wanted to touch Chu Ci's cold and pale face, but before his fingertips touched it, Chu Ci suddenly turned around and ran into the grove.

His movements were already very staggering, and Han Yue was far more swift and agile than him. Before Chu Ci had time to run two steps, he was pressed down from behind by an unimaginably huge force. Han Yue immediately hooked his foot, and Chu Ci's knees softened and fell to the ground.

But his fall was not solid, because Han Yue caught him halfway, then forcibly turned his body over, and pressed him face to face on the ground.

This series of movements was too fast, Chu Ci convulsed because of the severe pain, his body jumped up like a dehydrated fish, and then Han Yue pressed him tightly in his arms, with such strength that he could strangle him to death !

"It's useless." Han Yue pressed against his ear, panting heavily, "—I caught you."