Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 48: sigh


During the few days when Old Commander Han woke up, Han Yue visited the hospital every day, and many people said that the old man of the Han family had given birth to a good son.

In ordinary people's homes, Han Yue would definitely not get such a reputation. The old father suffered such a serious injury, and the children have to wait in front of the bed 24 hours a day? That can't even be called filial piety, it's the obligation of being a child!

But in that kind of family, Han Yue's performance is rare. Just like he has never eaten a bite of rice cooked by the commander's wife since he was born, the old commander Han's concern for his son is not as good as that of Han Yue's bodyguard when he was a child. Before Han Yue joined the army at the age of eighteen, he lived at home, and the father and son had occasional conversations. Han Yue never called him father, and usually called him the old chief. Later, when he grew up, the old chief stopped calling him, and changed his name to our old man.

During the time when Old Commander Han was hospitalized, the guards, nannies, doctors, personal nurses, and chores... all of them could squeeze out an ICU. It doesn't matter whether Han Yue goes or not. Even if he only calls every day to ask about the situation, others will not think it is abnormal.

But not only did he go every day, but sometimes he would personally wipe old Commander Han's face and hands. Just those two labors moved the Commander's wife into a mess.

No one knew that Han Yue actually felt guilty.

He caught the man who seriously injured his father, but he didn't intend to hand over the prisoner, and even secretly hid him for protection.

Old Commander Han recovered quickly.

At his level, even trivial things like a cold and fever would cause earth-shattering disturbances. Countless experts and scholars paid close attention day and night, and countless good medicines were offered for free. Not to mention such a major event as severed ribs and two holes in the chest cavity. If Old Commander Han can't be cured, it is unknown how many people in the medical system will step down.

The country has always attached great importance to this aspect. In the mid-1990s, a department-level veteran cadre who participated in the revolution 37 years ago could reimburse all medical expenses at will. The money was directly paid by the provincial government veteran cadre. There was no upper limit on the amount, and sometimes it could even cost millions of dollars! Of course, only half or one-third of the medicine is actually implemented, and many people will benefit from it.

But the state's generous treatment in this regard can be seen from this.

After Old Commander Han woke up, Han Yue tried his best to visit him in the hospital every day. Soon the old man was able to sit up, and then he was able to roll out in a wheelchair to have a hair dryer. Occasionally, Han Yue caught up with the wind blowing time, so he pushed the wheelchair himself and strolled in the hospital garden with Old Commander Han.

One day, Old Commander Han was in such good spirits that he asked the guards to step back while taking a walk, leaving only Han Yue by his side.

"I see you are a little angry recently?" When there was no one around, Old Commander Han suddenly asked: "Did something happen to you, Han Yue?"

Han Yue has been in a bit of a hurry recently due to the frantic search for the murderer by the Gao family and the Hou family. Old Commander Han's words hit his pain point all of a sudden, and his face changed slightly: "No, something happened to the military project."

"... That's it." Old Commander Han nodded, and suddenly asked, "The child surnamed Chu, have you found him?"

"…No. We're… trying our best."

"Oh, it's a good thing to do your best." Old Commander Han closed his eyes for a while, and when Han Yue was about to push him back to the ward, he suddenly heard him say slowly: "I mean, if you really catch him Let Xiao Chu live, let him go."

Han Yue squeezed the handle of the wheelchair, and suddenly his whole arm muscles stiffened, and it took him a while to adjust his normal voice: " did you say that?"

"Because I heard your mother talk about Han Qiang that day. Of course, your mother doesn't know what I mean, so I'll just tell you." Old Commander Han sat upright in the wheelchair, and said again: " Your elder brother hit someone back then, and then I asked someone to pay you money, but your mother refused to let me. I said at the time that if the thing is done, I will be punished in the future. In fact, I really wanted your elder brother to spend a few years in prison. , at least I learned a lesson, and I won’t be so confused in doing things in the future. But... alas, I was old and confused, and finally let your mother bribe Gao Liangqing to do this kind of thing, and finally killed Gao Liangqing .Now that I think about it, I really regret it!"

Han Yue couldn't speak a word, so he just listened.

"In the final analysis, our family owes Xiao Chu the first. Your elder brother killed two of his family, but he only killed one of our family. My old man even took one life back. It can be seen that it is our Han family." I got the cheap one. When is it time to repay the injustice, I have to forgive and forgive others. If I don’t restrain myself and reflect on it, today a Chu Ci came out to take revenge with a knife, will someone else come to the door with a pistol to ask for debt tomorrow? I am young and just When I joined the army, I also felt that there was justice and morality in this world, but after so many years of ups and downs, and when I was old and happy, I forgot to respect the morality and justice in this world. Now that I think about it, I shouldn’t Ah! All these blood debts are ultimately my fault!"

Old Commander Han paused, his voice was very low and even hoarse.

"You should have done assholes to others in the past two years. Han Yue, stop when it's time to stop. When you were young, your mother favored the boss, and I didn't care about her. I treated you poorly without knowing it. Now I I'm old, the boss has already left, I don't want to lose a son like you again! I don't want to see you chopped into dozens of pieces one day!"

Han Yue was startled, and it took him a long time to call out: "Dad..."

The father and son looked at each other for several seconds, Han Yue gradually stabilized his expression, nodded and said: "If I catch him, I will try my best to do what you said."

Old Commander Han stared into his son's eyes and said solemnly, "I hope you will really do what you say."

"...But Dad, the Hou family is also looking for him, and Hou Hongchang's parents will not let him go. Even if you are willing to let him go, the two families may not be willing. The matter of Hou Hongchang is a big case..." Han The more he spoke, there was a sudden pause, and then he let out a long sigh: "I know what you mean, you are willing not to pursue it, but it will not prevent the Hou family from pursuing him. After all, you don't want me to marry Hou because of Chu Ci. Let the family turn their faces."

Old Commander Han shook his head and didn't say much, just said: "Hou Hongchang's family is a puddle of mud, you don't need to mix with their family."

Old Commander Han was sitting in a wheelchair, and Han Yue pushed him slowly back to the ward. The father and son, one in front of the other, seemed very relaxed and relaxed, but in fact they were full of mist in their hearts.

After returning to the ward, Han Yue watched the nurse put the old man to bed, re-infuse injections, intubate, and after a series of trivial matters, he let the nurses go out, leaving only the two of them in the ward.

Old Commander Han asked, "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

Han Yue was silent for a while, then suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Old Commander Han.

He has never knelt down on anyone, and he would rather bend his knees than bend them, even if he bleeds and sweats, he does not shed tears. Kneeling and kowtowing, Old Commander Han suddenly sat up from the bed in shock, and asked repeatedly: "What are you doing! Get up! Get up!"

Han Yue knelt on the ground unmoved, and said in a low voice, "Dad, I'm sorry for this matter!"

Old Commander Han couldn't tell what it was like for a while. After a long silence, he sighed: "What is there to be sorry for? Even without you, he would find our family sooner or later! Besides, you are such an adult , who else can I force you to fall in love with?"

Han Yue shook his head vigorously and said, "I'm not sorry for this..."

"what is that?"


Because before he left the house and came to the hospital just now, he was still anxious about Chu Ci vomiting after eating

Because when all the truth was revealed, he felt a little bit of resentment towards Han Qiang who bumped into someone back then

Because during the period when the Commander's wife was going crazy, he lied repeatedly that he hadn't caught Chu Ci so far, and even said that to everyone without changing his expression

Han Yue was educated since he was a child to contribute to the family, to take on the heavy responsibility of a man to the family, to honor the ancestors, and to honor the lintel. He always thought that he had met these requirements, but he found out in the end that he was the only one who betrayed his parents and relatives.

Sometimes he looked at Chu Ci who was sleeping soundly in front of him. He was sleeping so soundly that he was clinging to his arms, and he could instantly pinch his defenseless neck with a little force. This man killed the elder brother of his mother, injured his sixty-year-old father, killed a master who could not afford to offend like Hou Hongchang Gao Liangqing, and cut off a hand of the wealthy businessman Zhao Ting. Whether it is law, morality or social justice, there is no doubt that he will be required to pay in blood.

But Han Yue couldn't do anything.

He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't do it.

Although the idea of wanting to kill Chu Ci with his own hands entangled in the depths of Han Yue's soul like a gangrene, a more desperate and sad force stopped Han Yue's impulse from beginning to end, making him unable to restrain himself every time. When he put his hand on Chu Ci's neck, his heart would throb so hard that he couldn't breathe.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to him without Chu Ci.

Living too coldly, maybe he can't help but die with Chu Ci.

That night Chu Ci once again vomited out all the food she ate.

That's different from when he confronted Han Yue with cold violence before, when Han Yue forced him to vomit whatever he ate, this time he really couldn't control his vomit, and what he vomited out were all undigested things .

Han Yue was so frightened that his hands were shaking, he wanted to call Ren Jiayuan, but Ren Jiayuan had a very important operation tonight, and leaving the scene rashly to rush over would definitely arouse suspicion.

Chu Ci vomited up all he needed to vomit, feeling a pain like a needle prick in his stomach, he couldn't help covering his abdomen, and curled up tightly on the sofa.

Han Yue hugged him with one arm, brought hot water with the other, and coaxed him in a low voice: "Take a sip, it will warm your stomach anyway..."

Chu Ci took a sip from his hand and shook her head weakly.

Han Yue quickly put the water cup on the coffee table, hugged Chu Ci with both hands, and tried to make him lean in his arms comfortably.

Chu Ci let Han Yue play around in a daze. After a while, he felt the pain subside a little. He opened his eyes and saw Han Yue's anxious and worried eyes.

There was something soft in those eyes, which was really rare for such a tough, iron-blooded and violent-tempered person like Han Yue.

Chu Ci suddenly closed her eyes and laughed.

Although the smile was very short, and so faint that it was almost invisible, it still surprised Han Yue, and even thought he had read it wrong: "You... are you... are you okay? Are you... still feeling uncomfortable?"

Chu Ci shook his head. Although he didn't look at Han Yue, his expression was very gentle.

Han Yue was so flattered that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. Chu Ci was like a hot potato in his arms, he couldn't help but want to touch it, but it was so hot that he dared not touch it, even his heart was beating so hard.

"I, I'm going to call the doctor, I'm going to see if Ren Jiayuan's surgery is over!"

Han Yue was about to run away in a panic, but suddenly he heard Chu Ci call softly: "... Han Yue!"

As if he had been ordered in the army, Han Yue immediately turned his head away quietly, his fingers trembling slightly because of nervousness: "Yes, yes, yes, ... what's wrong?"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Chu Ci's pale lips, and said, "Don't call the doctor, just sit down."

"Do you still hurt? Does it matter? Do you feel hungry in your stomach? Do you want me to..."

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Chu Ci shook his head, the sharp pain in his stomach was still throbbing against the nerves, but his face was pale except for that, "I'm a little cold, you accompany me Let me talk."

Han Yue brought a thick blanket, wrapped Chu Ci carefully, then hugged him in his arms, silently rubbing his face.

Han Yue's hair was very prickly with burrs, which made Chu Ci's face a little stinging, but it distracted him from the stomach pain.

"What are you talking about..." Han Yue's voice was muffled, and he hesitated for a long time before saying, "Our old man is awake, why don't you always get better, I get annoyed when I think of this..."

Chu Ci closed her eyes and smiled silently.

He always had a premonition that he might not get better this time.

He has seen his father get sick from stomach cancer, struggle, and finally bid farewell to this world. He has shocking memories and premonitions about that process.

"Why don't you invite Ren Jiayuan to your house to have a look at dawn tomorrow. How can you rest assured that if something goes wrong, what do you want me to do?"

Han Yue complained, but there was no real resentment in his voice, but he was more worried.

Chu Ci thought it was funny for no reason, so he asked: "If I am alive and well, how can you explain to Hou Hongchang and Gao Liangqing's family?"

Han Yue fell silent.

"You can't solve any problems if you procrastinate like this day after day. You should know in your heart that Hou Hongchang and his family will not forget me as a criminal just because of the passage of time."

"... Then what should I do," Han Yue smiled wryly, and the voice sounded a bit painful, "I hate you so much, but I can't help but watch you die. I like you much..."

Chu Ci lowered his eyes and looked at Han Yue.

Under the orange-yellow light, the man's usual cold, deep, sharp-edged lines were slightly distorted, as if he was worried about something he couldn't do anything about.

This was the first time that Chu Ci saw Han Yue like this, not so overbearing, not so violent and tough, and not so disgusting.

He sighed slightly in his heart, and looked away.

At this moment, Han Yue suddenly asked in a low voice: "...Chu Ci, you have known me for so long and killed so many people, have you...have you ever fallen in love with...someone?..."

Chu Ci was stunned for a while, then slowly and softly smiled and asked: "What do you think?..."

Although the ending sounded with a smile, it sounded very tired.

More like a slight sigh.