Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 49: Gastroscopy


Ren Jiayuan felt that he was really discouraged. He had just finished the operation in the middle of the night, and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. Unexpectedly, he was called out by Han Yue before he had endured it for two hours.

That's not to mention, when I went to Han Yue's house, I had to watch this soldier put on an affectionate look of a lover, which made Ren Jiayuan disgusting.

In the early days, he really felt a little unclear about Chu Ci. It may be that this person is really good-looking, has an interesting personality, and has a sharp tongue, which makes Ren Jiayuan feel like he can't help but want to touch him, and he can't let go of his hand.

What's more, Ren Jiayuan has always been very disgusted with Han Yue's actions, and at the same time he has great sympathy for Chu Ci, and often can't help but want to get him out of Han Yue's clutches. This mentality of protecting the weak is very complicated, and Ren Jiayuan is a bit of an idiot, so when Chu Ci committed suicide by cutting his wrist and was just discharged from the hospital, he couldn't help but want to take care of him himself.

It's a pity that Han Yue is like a predatory beast. As long as he bites, his teeth will not let go. It is obviously impossible to snatch someone from his mouth. Every time Ren Jiayuan saw him treat Chu Ci like a saint, his teeth itched with hatred, and he said to himself, you are so fucking embarrassed, what are you pretending, don't pretend! No use pretending to be the Virgin Mary!

Chu Ci couldn't sleep all night because of stomachache, took medicine in the morning, and fell asleep deeply. Ren Jiayuan didn't want to wake him up, so he asked Han Yue about his vomiting last night, and wanted to see what he vomited.

Han Yue said with an innocent face: "It was dealt with early, how could it be possible to stay?"

Ren Jiayuan resisted the desire to beat him, and gnashed his teeth to educate him: "If you don't know how to take care of people, send them to the hospital. The food residue and blood color vomited out are the important basis for determining the type of stomach disease! I don't think you beat people again. Is Cheng stomach bleeding?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! I didn't touch him!"

"Why did he vomit, vomit blood, and have a stomachache after eating that?"

"How do I know! I want to know that it's your fucking turn to be the chief of surgery!"

Ren Jiayuan snorted and said: "The diseases of the gastroenterology department can't be seen just by looking at them, so they have to be sent to the hospital for examination. If you don't feel distressed, let him carry it at home. Chronic diseases such as stomach cramps and gastric ulcers can be treated by taking medicine. Come and delay. But in case of any more serious illness, if you delay it, you will die."

Han Yue was terrified when he heard that: " there any more serious illness?"

"It's hard to say. Hasn't Mr. Chu been suffering from stomach problems all the time? Stomach lesions have been around for a long time, so it's hard to say whether he will develop stomach cancer." Ren Jiayuan also felt that it was a bit serious. He thought about his words and said: "Early detection and early treatment , there is still a way to survive in the early and middle stages of gastric cancer. Anyway, I advise you not to procrastinate at home. If you are afraid of getting Chu Gong out and being found out, I will call a few doctors who have passed the qualifications and have a strict mouth. Come out and give him a gastroscopy."

Han Yue took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, his hands were shaking a little, and when he turned on the lighter, it didn't light up.

"I want to send him to the hospital, but I'm afraid that the Hou family will find out. Hou Hongchang's mother has formed an alliance with my mother. Recently, he has been asking me all the time. If there is any air about this matter, I'm afraid they... "

He lit the lighter with a click, moved to his mouth to light the cigarette, and took a deep breath.

"...Forget it, you are a doctor, I should listen to you. In case there is something more serious... I can't afford it if this continues."

This was the first time Ren Jiayuan saw Han Yue like this, and he couldn't help being a little shocked.

His father is the health care doctor of Old Commander Han. He grew up with the two brothers of the Han family. He really can't comment on Han Qiang's personality, but he has a very clear understanding of Han Yue.

Han Yue is a person who will not be afraid of anything. He was born without the nerve of timidity. For him, there are only two kinds of things in the world: what he can do and what he cannot do. Once he felt that this matter could be done and should be done, he would rush forward without hesitation, and the bullet flew past his face without blinking his eyes.

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, indecisive emotions are simply too rare for Han Yue.

It's like a ferocious prehistoric dragon suddenly stopped eating meat and ate grass instead.

To the surprise of Han Yue and Ren Jiayuan, Chu Ci was very resistant to going to the hospital for an examination.

With great difficulty, Ren Jiayuan made the excuse that the second son of the Han family was coming to have a gastroscopy, and he didn't want outsiders to be present, so he drove out the idlers and tried his best to arrange everything, but who knew that Chu Ci was stuck in the middle of the way, and he didn't want to say anything Come to the hospital.

Han Yue grabbed the steering wheel, his heart was as anxious as being roasted by fire: "Other things are up to you, this is not acceptable! I said to go to the inspection, so I have to go to the inspection, there is no need to discuss!"

Chu Ci was wrapped in a large camel-colored windbreaker, she had become very thin recently, and her entire face seemed to be covered by the large collar that was turned up. From Han Yue's perspective, one can clearly see his eyelashes drooping down, very sparse and slender, and because they are too delicate, people dare not touch them.

He didn't speak, and he didn't express his opinion. He just resisted silently, which made Han Yue even more annoyed: "What the hell are you thinking? You haven't eaten for two or three days, and you just drink some milk to survive. You're still fucking looking for death." Ah? Let me tell you, your life is not your own, but mine! You can't let it be ruined casually!"

He leaned over the passenger seat, pulled Chu Ci up from the other side of the car door, and lowered his head to fasten his seat belt. This action caused his hot air to spray on Chu Ci's body when he breathed, as if he was burned, and made Chu Ci's hand move slightly awkwardly.

Han Yue's sense was sometimes sharper than that of a wolf, and he grabbed Chu Ci's arm, then reached under his sleeve, and stroked along the bare skin of his arm bit by bit.

The skin felt smooth and warm to the touch, but also a little cold. Han Yue could even imagine the gun calluses in his palm rubbing against his skin, leaving almost invisible marks.

Will it hurt? ... Such a thought flashed through Han Yue's mind quickly.

Probably not, but I can't tell... If it's someone else, it doesn't matter. Do the old men still care about such trivial things? ... But this is Chu Ci, this is the Chu Ci he likes so much that he can't let go of his mouth all day long...

Han Yue gently stroked Chu Ci's arm with his fingertips, and many thoughts flashed through his mind in a mess.

Sometimes he also felt that if he had fewer calluses on his hands, less force when he was aggressive, and gentler when he spoke... wouldn't he be more pleasing to Chu Ci

If time goes back to the past, if Chu Ci had the chance to choose from the very beginning, he would definitely choose someone else without hesitation, and he wouldn't even glance at a man with a temper like Han Yue...

No, no, no need to go back to the past, even if given a chance now, he would leave here without hesitation, without even looking back.

Thinking in Han Yue's heart, there was a sore and bitter feeling gradually pervading from the bottom of his tongue, as if he had a mouthful of Coptis chinensis in his mouth.

"Can you let me go?" Suddenly Chu Ci said softly, "It's hard for you to press me down."

Han Yue was startled, sat up straight quickly, and coughed unnaturally.

"I didn't intend to ruin my body," Chu Ci whispered again, "I just think it's boring to go on like this."

"...what's the point?"

"It's boring to live."

Chu Ci paused, and added: "Anyway, they are going to die."

Han Yue turned his head to look at him with heavy eyes, obviously not happy, but not angry either.

After a long while, he whispered: "If you are worried about those things of the Hou family, let me tell you, anyone who wants your life, I will definitely fight him to death - including you."

Chu Ci raised his head in a daze, and looked at Han Yue for a few seconds, then Han Yue turned his head away, and stepped on the accelerator fiercely.

Ren Jiayuan couldn't wait, couldn't wait, and made several phone calls, but Han Yue said he was still on the road and was driving a car, so it was inconvenient to answer. Ren Jiayuan knew that Han Yue was an extremely careful driver, but he was more worried about what Chu Ci said again, which agitated Han Yue to fix him on the way, so he insisted that Chu Gong come to answer the phone.

Han Yue cursed resentfully: "Are you fucking worried that I'll abduct someone on the way?" Then he handed the phone to Chu Ci: "The surname Ren wants to talk to you."

Chu Ci answered the phone, and called out very flatly: "Doctor Ren?"

Ren Jiayuan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard his voice, and asked, "Are you really going to the hospital?"

Chu Ci said, "Yes."

"Where did you go?"

"It will take ten minutes."

"Why did it take so long, those little doctors were so bored that they started playing cards..."

Han Yue suddenly turned his head and sternly said to the phone: "Be careful, I will make them unable to play cards for the rest of their lives!"

Chu Ci shouted louder than Han Yue: "Go in your car!"

His aura has never been so shocking, and he yelled at Han Yue so that he shrank his head, turned back to drive, and muttered embarrassingly: "I knew it, you just want to cut my face in front of Ren... "

"..." Ren Jiayuan choked for a long time, and asked in a low voice, "...Chugong?"

"It's okay. Han Yue just pressed the line."

"... Oh, the thread is pressed." Ren Jiayuan coughed and stammered, "Then, then I'll wait for you to come. You should move a little faster."

Chu Ci agreed gently, hung up the phone, and put the phone in the groove beside the driver's seat.

Han Yue didn't even dare to put his phone back into his pocket. He put both hands on the steering wheel and sat upright with a serious expression, staring at the two white lines on the side of the driveway, not even daring to roll his eyes.

Sure enough, Ren Jiayuan ran to warn the little doctors. When Han Yue and the others arrived, all the instruments and equipment were ready, and the doctors were all waiting there with smiles on their faces. There was not a single card on the table. .

Chu Ci was still a little bit reluctant, but she didn't show it in front of people. Han Yue asked him to have a CT scan, and he went in without saying a word.

When no one was around, Ren Jiayuan pointed upstairs and winked at Han Yue: "Auntie is in the hospital today."

"Accompany my dad?"

"Isn't that right? Your nanny also made several dishes and brought them over."

Han Yue played with the lighter in his hand and said, "That's fine, I'll go up and have a look after the inspection."

Seeing his manner of speaking, Ren Jiayuan seemed to have something hidden in his heart, so he couldn't help asking: "Hou Hongchang's family and your mother... have you been looking for you again these days? I heard that you came to visit every day after the commander woke up. Did the old man force you to do anything?"

Han Yue hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "My dad is fine. Tell me when it's time to repay the grievance, and let Chu Ci go before causing a big disaster. I guess there must be something wrong with Hou Hongchang's family. The old man doesn't want to get involved with their family because of this matter. It's a pity that my mother can't see so much, she is very close to Hou Hongchang's mother, and it is said that she had a fight with my father two days ago because of this."

"It's my aunt's fault. Can Hou Hongchang fuck it? Even Hou Yu said she was confused." Ren Jiayuan sighed and murmured: "I'm not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs... "

Han Yue doesn't go online as often as Ren Jiayuan does, and he doesn't know much about the current popular words. When Ren Jiayuan said this, he instinctively stared. But he changed his mind and thought again, isn't Chu Ci's ability a "god-like opponent"? Isn't Hou Hongchang's mother's behavior after his accident a "teammate like a pig"

Thinking of it this way, I had fun instead.

The two of them stood and exchanged greetings for a while, then a little doctor came out from the door and beckoned Ren Jiayuan to go over.

Ren Jiayuan strode forward and asked casually: "What are you calling me for? I have been unfamiliar with this for many years, and you can't watch the movie."

"No, it's just that we discussed it and decided that it's better to have another fiber optic gastroscope. But this gastroscope will have to wait at least half an hour..."

"As long as it is accurate, there must be no less inspections." Ren Jiayuan made up his mind, then turned to Han Yue and asked, "Hey Han Er! Did Mr. Chu drink water before he came?"

"Since last night, there has been no water or rice, why?"

"It's nothing." Ren Jiayuan turned his head and waved to the little doctor: "First take an injection of atropine, and then do a gastroscopy in half an hour."

The waiting time is always extremely long.

At first, Han Yue always wanted to go in to accompany Chu Ci, but Chu Ci didn't want him to accompany him, which made Han Yue very impatient, walking around in Renjiayuan's office, smoking cigarettes and drinking tea, during which time he slipped and dropped a glass cup.

Ren Jiayuan was so distressed that he held the fragments and shouted, "My Hermes..."

Suddenly the door of the office was knocked twice, and a little doctor came in and asked, "Director?"

Ren Jiayuan quickly tidied up the debris and asked, "Are you all ready? How did it turn out?"

"To be on the safe side, let's do an endoscopic ultrasound." The little doctor said hesitantly while looking at Ren Jiayuan's face, "I also checked the gastroscopy, but..."

Ren Jiayuan's complexion suddenly darkened: "Endoscopic ultrasound? I think your skills are not up to standard, so you can just toss the patient there. If the gastroscope can't see it, you should really die. Why don't you bring me the CT film? !"

The little doctor waved his hands again and again, and winked at Han Yue.

Han Yue was lighting his cigarette with his head down, his back turned to this side. When Ren Jiayuan saw the little doctor's expression, his heart skipped a beat.

"Hurry up and go!"

The little doctor closed the door and ran away.

Han Yue raised his head: "What happened? Why hasn't it finished yet?"

Ren Jiayuan glanced at him, without speaking, leaning on the chair and staring at the ceiling.

Han Yue kicked the chair impatiently: "What's going on, tell me! Isn't this intentional to torment people?"

"Oh, what are you kicking me for! Why don't you kick yourself!" Ren Jiayuan sat up and slapped the table: "Why are you struggling for so long, because they can't make up their minds! Stomach problems are fooling you That's it, anyway, it won't scare you to death, but if it's serious, you have to think twice before telling you, do you understand?"

"… serious?"

"Why isn't it serious? You said that a person like Chu Gong doesn't socialize outside, and he doesn't smoke or drink. Why would he get stomach problems? Isn't it because of you! You fucking have the guts to kick me!"

Han Yue's heart sank, and he felt that Ren Jiayuan's words made sense, and he couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart.

Depressed mood, emotional depression, and irregular work and rest time are all external factors that can cause stomach problems. And if Chu Ci is depressed, it is probably because of the Han family.

Besides, when Han Yue kicked him at the birthday party back then, he was kicked until he had stomach bleeding and had to be rescued for emergency treatment, and he was hospitalized for more than half a month afterwards, and I still remember it vividly.

Ren Jiayuan puffed out his nose, hummed and asked, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Han Yue sighed and said, "It's gone." Then he walked slowly back to the sofa and sat down.

The examination was relatively quick this time, and after a while, the little doctor came knocking on the door with a CT scan in his hand, with a very serious expression on his face.

Ren Jiayuan told him to sit down, put another glass of water in front of him, and asked, "What do you guys think?"

The little doctor pointed to Han Yue and asked, "This is..."

"Oh, the patient's family."

The little doctor nodded to Han Yue and said, "Families must be mentally prepared."

When Han Yue heard this, there was a buzz in his head, and his hands and feet were cold.

He thought the expression on his face must be extremely ugly, but he was powerless to hide it. The little doctor's light words were like a knife being stabbed in his heart instantly, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't care about anything else.

In fact, Han Yue didn't need to hide anything, because Ren Jiayuan also had a surprised and angry expression at this time: "What did you say? How to prepare mentally? What's going on? Could it be..."

The little doctor spread the film on the table, sighed and said: "Don't panic, don't panic, it's still in the middle stage, and there's still time for surgery."

Han Yue stood up suddenly, and asked sharply, "What mid-term?"

The little doctor had seen all kinds of family members of patients, so he didn't panic at all, and said calmly: "The cancer of the fornix of the stomach body is in the middle stage, and the moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, in short, it is the middle stage of gastric cancer. Don't be nervous, relax your mind, It is recommended to undergo a barium examination after two or three courses of chemotherapy, and if the condition is good, surgery can be performed."

For a moment, Han Yue's ears were buzzing, and he could only hear the little doctor talking, but he couldn't understand a word.

Suddenly he felt his eyes shake, and it took a few seconds for him to realize that his feet were weak, and he sat on the sofa involuntarily.

"The patient is very young and in good health. There is no cardiovascular disease, so the risk of surgery will be very low. Fortunately, the discovery is not too late. In the late stage, even total gastrectomy may not work." Little Doctor After hesitating for a while, he said again: "It's mainly the patient's mentality. If the mentality is good, gastric cancer is not a problem at all in the mid-term. If the mentality is not good... the mid-term can also drag people to death."

Ren Jiayuan is no better than Han Yue at this time. Although he has some premonitions in his heart, premonitions and facts are two different things after all.

"Director, let's discuss the treatment plan again?" Seeing that his expression was not good, the little doctor hurriedly opened the CT film.

Ren Jiayuan forced a smile, nodded and said, "... Ah. Good, good."

"You talk first, I'll go see Chu Ci." Han Yue suddenly stood up, strode to the door, and opened it with trembling hands. As soon as he turned the doorknob, he suddenly stood still as if remembering something, and turned his head to stare at Ren Jiayuan with despair.

Ren Jiayuan knew what he was going to ask, so he nodded firmly and said, "Don't panic, you can also do chemotherapy at home, and you can always find a way!"

Han Yue couldn't even utter a single word, so he nodded tremblingly and rushed out.

In the afternoon, the corridors of the hospital were quiet, and there was no one there. Sunlight streamed down from the window, smearing large swaths on the snow-white walls. Chu Ci sat alone on the bench, her hair was reflected in a light golden brown, and she looked very warm.

Han Yue was in a panic at first, but when he saw him, he suddenly stopped, and then walked slowly, step by step, to his side, holding his head gently in his arms.

Chu Ci sighed and asked, "Is it stomach cancer?"

Before he said this, Han Yue was full of panic and his mind was buzzing. But when he heard Chu Ci's question, he suddenly calmed down again, like a gust of cold water gurgling through his scorched lungs, and he suddenly became calm, resolute, and rational.

"Don't be afraid, the doctor said it's in the middle stage and can be resolved with surgery. I will mobilize the best doctors and the best medicine. You don't have to be afraid of anything."

Han Yue lowered his head, kissed Chu Ci's hair, and repeated mutteringly: " don't have to be afraid of anything."

"I'm not afraid," Chu Ci explained seriously, "I'm just a little regretful."


"Well. When I was in school, I thought that I would do this and that when my life was better. There were still many dreams that had not been realized. I didn't expect that life would be over all at once. I was a little caught off guard." Chu Ci paused. After a pause, he smiled again: "But it's quite hypocritical to say that, I have committed suicide once, seriously."

Han Yue's heart was so painful that he couldn't even breathe, it was as if his heart was grabbed fiercely, squeezed and crushed viciously, until it turned into a puddle of dripping blood.

"I heard that the chemotherapy process is quite painful, so why don't you turn yourself in to the Public Security Bureau. Anyway, the result is the same." Chu Ci was silent for a while, as if comparing the difference between the two in her mind, and sighed softly for a long while: " If you send me to surrender, you can still confess in front of my family; if you insist on letting me undergo chemotherapy, maybe I don’t appreciate you in my heart, and your family will still attack you.

Listening to each word, Han Yue seemed to be thinking of him, but for some reason, like a sharp knife, every word was like a knife piercing his bloody heart.

"... Your life is mine, and only I can take it. If I can't even keep you, what's the point of my being alive?" After Han Yue finished speaking, he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple tightened greatly Swipe up and down, "—Okay, I don't want to talk to you about this right now, let's go home."

Chu Ci stared at him for a long time, her eyes were very calm, completely devoid of emotion or anger. After a long while, he took a breath, nodded and said, "... well, let's go home."