Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 53: From north to south


For the next two days, all the news was shocking to Han Yue.

First of all, Pei Zhi didn't know about Chu Ci's escape at all. Due to family pressure, he had been staying out of town for a while, and he didn't even know about Chu Ci being caught by Han Yue in the cemetery.

Secondly, Han Yue searched half of the city but couldn't find any trace of Chu Ci. He may have left Beijing by long-distance bus and his whereabouts are unknown. How easy is it to find a person who deliberately hides his whereabouts in the vast crowd

In the end, the news of Han Yue's extensive search for Chu Ci finally leaked out, and the secrets of this period of time were also exposed. The commander's wife was so angry that she didn't even care about her demeanor, and went directly to Han Yue's apartment to make a big fuss, and even destroyed his house.

Old Commander Han supported his sick body to stop him. When he arrived, he saw Han Yue kneeling on the ground. The Commander's wife pointed at him and cried and cursed: "I never gave birth to such an unfilial son as you! My elder brother was murdered." , you still protect that murderer! Are you crazy or something, turning your elbows out! Even if he killed someone with a car, he is still your biological elder brother, but in the end you value other people's lives so valuable! You There is something wrong with your brain, you are crazy!"

Han Yue knelt on the ground without saying a word and let his mother speak, while Ren Jiayuan stood by the side helplessly, trying to persuade but dared not. He had a black and blue bag on his forehead, which looked rather funny. It was smashed by the commander's wife when she threw something.

Old Commander Han rushed forward in three steps at a time, grabbed the commander's wife and said, "What are you missing here!" Then he turned back and called the guards: "Send her home to me!"

The commander's wife burst into tears: "Your eldest son was killed, and your second son's brain is broken. You don't care? You don't care? Are you still human? You..."

"Enough, you don't think it's embarrassing! If the boss was sent to prison for a few years as I said, how could it be like this now!"

"My son, why let him go to jail? Let me see who dares to let him go to jail!" The wife of the commander pushed old Commander Han away, rushed over and pointed at Han Yue, and shouted bitterly: "Go find me, If you find the man surnamed Chu, you will be sentenced to death! The boss’ life can’t just be forgotten, I want his whole family to pay for my son’s life!”

Han Yue suddenly looked up at his mother, and said in a low voice, "Mom, the whole family paid for our family a few years ago."

The commander's wife was taken aback, and old commander Han took the opportunity to rush up to support her, and pulled her out of the door together with the guards.

Ren Jiayuan breathed a sigh of relief, quickly pulled Han Yue up from the ground, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, I secretly called Commander Han! Phew, is my head swollen? It really hurts..."

Han Yue got rid of his support, because his calf was sore and numb from kneeling all the time, he staggered and fell down on the sofa.

"Actually, my mother is right." Han Yue smiled wryly, his voice full of self-mockery: "In order to protect him, I even ignored the boss who was killed, and even my own mother's wishes. , I am an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous thing. My mother was right in scolding you, you shouldn't have called my dad here. "

Ren Jiayuan said: "I don't agree with what you say. There is a saying in ancient times that a prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people, and Han Qiang killed two people. This is nothing in ancient times? Didn't you read that in the martial arts novel? The heroes killed corrupt officials and hung their heads on the city wall to show the public. It reflects the simplest and most realistic view of good and evil of ordinary people. Of course, I am not saying that Han Qiang is a corrupt official, I just don't agree with your mother's point of view. On this matter, I agree with your father."

"My dad asked me to release Chu Ci a long time ago, but I..." Han Yue closed his eyes forcefully, and took a deep breath: "I tried so hard to save his life, as long as possible, I wish I could give it to him on his behalf." Hou Hongchang and those people paid for their lives, but what happened? He just put my hard work on the ground and stomped on the ground! He insisted on going down the road of no return!"

With a loud crash, Han Yue kicked a thermos on the ground flying.

The stainless steel bottle slammed into the wall, fell to the ground with a bang, and rolled in a circle.

"I can't even imagine! He may have been ill and has no medicine! It is possible that he has been caught by someone, tortured by them, and then sent to be shot! He may have no money, no identity, and was Someone cheated and robbed, and all kinds of accidents happened, making every day not working! When I thought of this, I couldn't sleep all night. When I closed my eyes, I saw him lying there covered in blood. It just drives me crazy!"

Han Yue punched the sofa heavily, and roared hoarsely: "He just wants me to have no peace for the rest of my life! He's just going to push me to a dead end, to a dead end!"

Ren Jiayuan was terrified.

He wanted to comfort Han Yue, but he couldn't say a word.

In fact, it was not only the commander's wife who came to trouble Han Yue, but also several families, and Hou Hongchang's parents were of course one of them.

What Chu Ci angered was not just one or two families, but a whole class. This class is accustomed to mastering unimaginable privileges and occupying most of social resources. Because they are too accustomed to calling the wind and calling the rain to say the same thing, they are especially unable to forgive those who violate their will.

The principles and will of this class are above the law, and Chu Ci not only broke these wills, but also made this class feel a bloody, strong threat that could wake people up from their dreams.

Therefore, for the Hou family and the commander's wife, it is not enough to just catch Chu Ci and sentence him to death. If Chu Ci was caught by them, he would face revenge that was ten thousand times crueler than being executed by shooting.

However, from the time of his disappearance to the present, people from all walks of life, including Han Yue, have gone crazy looking for him, but they have never heard of any trace of Chu Ci being found by any party.

Where is Chu Ci now

Has he settled down well? How is the condition? Is it possible that he has been... caught

When everyone gathered at the station, train station and other places to investigate and make unannounced visits, no one expected that Chu Ci had actually not left Beijing.

He answered Ren Jiayuan's call at the station, then threw away Han Yue's cell phone, and returned to the city by himself, giving everyone the illusion that he had left Beijing.

However, this illusion was not concealed for long. In fact, as soon as he got out of the car in the urban area, he was blocked by people at the entrance of the alley. Everyone in the group was plainclothes, but they were all well-trained and powerful. The leader showed his ID and asked, "Engineer Chu?"

Chu Ci nodded.

"Very well, we are from the Ninth Division of National Security. You may not know much about the Ninth Division, but you will know the other name: our director's surname is Long, and his name is Long Jiwei."

When Chu Ci heard the name, he didn't respond for a few seconds, and then he let out a sigh of relief, and his whole body suddenly relaxed, and asked, "Did Long Jiwei ask me for something? Sorry, he told me last time." I didn't have time to use that passport in the end."

The man in the lead was dressed in gray clothes, and he looked very gray and inconspicuous, but he spoke very calmly: "Long Chu was injured a little, and he hasn't woken up these days, but he gave an order to monitor the movements of the Han family. So we can know your whereabouts in the first time. Long Chu once said that in case something happens to the Han family, we must arrange for you, and we cannot let you leave Beijing uncontrollably. Of course, if you must If you want to leave, we can send you back to Guizhou."

Chu Ci couldn't help frowning: "How is Long Jiwei's condition, is it serious?"

The gray-clothed man showed an apologetic expression: "Everything related to Longchu is confidential. But what I can tell you is that the news of your disappearance cannot be kept secret for long, and the Han family, Hou family and others will know soon. For your safety's sake, it's better to decide on your future direction as soon as possible."

I don't know why Chu Ci felt that this person looked at him with vague respect. He thought he had nothing to respect from such a high-level security personnel, so it was very strange. Could it be that he thought he had a good relationship with Long Jiwei? Then this buddy has a big misunderstanding...

Little did they know that it was actually Chu Ci who misunderstood.

The assassination of Hou Hongchang, Han Qiang and others caused a heavy sense of guilt in his heart. It was a crime for him, but it was a joyful thing for more people. This can also be seen from the many favorable comments on the Internet when Hou Hongchang was killed.

Looking at Chu Ci from the outside, she is definitely a gentle, refined, calm and gentle intellectual. However, the incident of killing Hou Hongchang with a single knife is really blatant and fierce. Comparing with Chu Ci's thin and elegant image, people feel a strong sense of awe feel.

"I'll go back to Guizhou." After pondering for a while, Chu Ci sighed, "This place in Beijing... Actually, I should have left a long time ago."

The gray-clothed man nodded in agreement: "Then I will take two people to escort you back to Guizhou, and prepare a fake identity and file for you. From now on, you will be a brand new person with a clean record."

Chu Ci smiled: "Thank you!"

The gray-clothed man and several plainclothes followed him to the street outside the alley. Suddenly Chu Ci turned his head and asked gently: "I have committed several murders in Beijing. Hou Hongchang, Gao Liangqing and Han Qiang..."

"Actually, we don't know about this." The man in gray shrugged and asked, "Didn't they run a red light to violate traffic rules, and then unfortunately died in a car accident?"

Chu Ci burst out laughing, but that smile soon turned into a wry smile.

No one but him could understand the meaning of that bitterness. The gray-clothed man gave him a suspicious look, and made a "please" gesture to a black red flag car on the street: "Then engineer Chu, we are now Let's go to the airport!"

At this time, eight years have passed since Chu Ci went to Beijing to study at university with her schoolbag on her back.

During these eight years, he swore that the teacher who was as filial as his own mother would leave him forever, but the murderer's younger brother entered the house, leaving a strong stroke in the darkest days of his life.

When he went to Beijing eight years ago, he was extremely thin due to malnutrition. He spoke with an accent of a foreigner, and his expression was slightly reserved. He stood unaccompanied on the bustling streets of the big city, ignorant and flustered.

And when he left eight years later, with several lives on his body, countless blood stains on his hands, his eyes looking at this world were no longer clear, but cold, and his heart was as hard as iron.

The huge silver-gray plane moved slowly on the runway, and through the small window, one could see the twilight surrounding the airport and the lights just coming on. As the plane began to slowly fly away from the runway, the earth seemed to be gradually overturned, and the lights of Wanjia gradually disappeared under the feet, and it didn't take long for it to become a vast sea of light.

This city that carved deep marks in his heart, this city that took away almost his entire life, was like a huge mouth trying to crack open in the night, and during those eight gloomy years, he was almost crushed to pieces Swallow it into the stomach. Chu Ci shook her head vigorously, dispelling the uneasy memories, and then heavily closed the window shutter.

... What should Han Yue be doing at this time

The moment before the baffle closed, Chu Ci couldn't help but think so while looking at the lights of the last tier of cities outside the window.

Has Ren Jiayuan found out and untied him, right

Is he angry? Are you chilling? Is there any resentment or even despair

Did he remember his elder brother who was murdered, and did he remember that he still had the obligation to hate

Chu Ci laughed at herself inwardly, sank deeply into the armchair in the cabin, and closed her eyes.

... Thinking about what to do with so much and nothing, in short, there should be no possibility of seeing that man again in the future.

The plane whizzed through the night sky, gradually drifting away in the vast sea of stars. At the same time, on the ground, in an ordinary residential apartment, Han Yue was sitting on the desk in front of the window, with one foot dangling by the window sill, with several empty beer bottles and a large pile of cigarette butts scattered around his hand .

He looked up at the night sky, he didn't know what he was looking at, his face was extremely haggard, but the lines of his face became more hard and sharp because of this.

Ren Jiayuan carefully accompanied Han Yue to prevent Han Yue from drinking too much and falling off. He saw Han Yue looking up at the sky, and then he also looked up: "What are you looking at, the plane?"

"...It's nothing." Han Yue smiled hoarsely, "I thought it was a meteor, but who knew it was an airplane."

"How can you see shooting stars in the city these days?"

"Yes." Han Yue exhaled softly, which sounded like a sigh: "It's all my illusion..."