Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 58: The old dragon woke up


When Hou Yu saw Han Yue running away, he didn't expect that he would go directly to Long Jiwei.

He thought that Han Yue would hesitate and weigh the weight of this matter. After all, Han Yue is such an adult, and he has participated in several top-secret military projects, so he will not be ignorant of the consequences of trespassing on secret places.

However, Hou Yu didn't expect that Han Yue actually brought a few men, armed with guns, and drove a car, and ran over so straightforwardly.

Once Long Jiwei enters dormancy, the old dragon will also lose consciousness and mobility, and they will be moved together to the laboratory of the nine research institutes. At this time, the laboratory is an absolute important place, very confidential and dangerous. On the one hand, it protects the biggest trump card combat power of the nine places, and on the other hand, it prevents the old dragon from releasing thousands of equivalent shock waves in case of being alarmed in a state of rage. If someone does not understand this dangerous concept, then to give a direct example, the rampage of the old dragon is equivalent to detonating thousands of tons of TNT explosives in the square. serious matter.

Therefore, when the laboratory has not yet been built, once Long Jiwei enters a dormant state, he and the old dragon will be treated as extremely dangerous explosives and carefully escorted to the Gobi Desert base in Qinghai. When Long Jiwei was forcibly stimulated to wake up two years ago, a violent electromagnetic explosion broke out at the Qinghai Gobi Base, and the signal interruption area covered more than half of Qinghai Province. The explanation at the time was that sunspot activities triggered flare outbreaks, which caused abnormal electromagnetic signals for millions of users. Fortunately, it was in the Gobi Desert at that time, so it was hard to imagine how serious the international public opinion and political consequences would be if this incident happened in Beijing.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule against Long Jiwei, that is, when Long Jiwei himself judges that the situation is out of control, he can force the old dragon to enter the dormant period with him. But if he is to be woken up, it must be some major task that he has to come forward, and it must be jointly signed by a handful of big leaders, so that the people below have the power to wake him up under heavy guarantees.

Several military projects that Han Yue has participated in are closely related to creatures like Laolong. Although the relationship between the Han family and Long Jiwei is quite bad, if you really count, he has more dealings with Long Jiwei. I am also very familiar with the steps that should be paid attention to in awakening Long Jiwei.

He used his privilege in the military project to get a fake license. In fact, everything from the official document to the approval expired last year, but except for a few people at his level, no one else could see it. With this expired official document, Han Yue led people all the way into nine subordinate laboratories - the process of using "break" is already an exaggeration, because he was hardly blocked from the beginning to the end, and many staff members thought he was Like the previous few times, he came with a certain confidential mission. He never thought that Han Yue was actually doing something that would kill his head this time.

When Han Yue thought about it afterwards, he felt that his courage at that time was simply incredible. The laboratory of the research institute is located in a very hidden building on the outskirts of the city. Once entering the gate of the research institute, anyone has the right to come up and check the official documents in his hand. As long as someone finds out that the official document is fake, no matter who it is, even if it's just a guard, they have the right to pull out a gun to kill Han Yue at that time.

But he didn't know how to be afraid at that time, he didn't have any other thoughts except to pick up Long Jiwei from the bed.

In fact, Han Yue's luck was not very good that day, because he broke into the center of the research institute unimpeded all the way, and before entering Long Jiwei's "bedroom", he happened to meet Lao Yu who came to check his work.

The deputy minister is Long Jiwei's immediate boss.

Although he is very depressed as a boss, basically he can't stop Long Jiwei from doing those illegal things, sometimes he has to clean up the mess left by Long Jiwei, and sometimes he is chased by the old dragon But his identity is there after all, if Long Jiwei is to be awakened, he is the one who must sign the official document!

In fact, when Lao Yu first saw Han Yue approaching, he already felt that something was wrong. But at that time, Han Yue's expression was too calm, and his behavior was too calm, so that he didn't react immediately, and even said hello: "Hey Xiaohan, do you have a mission?"

Han Yue nodded and strode past without saying a word.

Lao Yu suddenly felt very strange. He watched Han Yue pass by, and subconsciously stretched out his hand: "Have you brought your permission? Why am I..."

Before the words were finished, Han Yue suddenly grabbed Lao Yu's shoulder with his backhand, and at the same time stretched his hand into the open placket of his coat, as if holding something in his hand, and suddenly resisted Lao Yu's shoulder. Yu's body.

Lao Yu just felt that he was forcibly twisted all of a sudden. From outsiders, he seemed to be standing shoulder to shoulder with Han Yue, but only he could feel that the thing under Han Yue's coat was firmly against him. Chest, that's a gun!

Lao Yu was taken aback, but before he could yell out, Han Yue lowered his voice and shouted sharply, "Hush!"

Lao Yu was stunned, and he was dragged to the door involuntarily. Then Han Yue winked, and a confidant behind him immediately pushed the door open. Lao Yu was held hostage step by step, with Han Yue The more they walked into the room together.

Long Jiwei was lying on the hospital bed, with more than a dozen tubes connected to his body, and many precision instruments were connected to the side. The old dragon shrunk into the smallest state, about as thick as two fingers, sleeping soundly in a transparent cover next to Long Jiwei's bed.

As soon as the two of them walked in, those subordinates all retreated out of the room, and then closed the door.

Lao Yu broke free all of a sudden, and said sharply, "Are you crazy! What do you want to do?!"

Han Yue pulled out the gun and pointed it at Old Yu, and said coldly: "I want to ask Long Chu to do something, and now I want to wake him up. If you keep quiet, I guarantee that you won't lose even a single hair. But if you dare to call someone, I will definitely shoot you first! Do you believe it or not?"

Lao Yu's voice trembled: "What are you going to do? Ah? What are you calling Long Jiwei to do? Do you know that this is going to lose his head?"

"You don't tell, I don't tell, he doesn't tell, no one knows what happened today." Han Yue raised the muzzle of the gun violently, Lao Yu held his breath reflexively, and only heard him say: "But you Don't worry, what I asked him to do is guaranteed not to violate the confidentiality regulations, and will not implicate you. If this matter breaks out, even if you insist that you were coerced by me, I will be the only one to kill or cut."

Lao Yu yelled: "Fart! I was coerced by you!"

Han Yue smiled, put the gun back, and then searched around the room for what he needed, and said while searching: "Don't be nervous, take it easy. In fact, my wife is sick. Do you know what it is? ?Advanced gastric cancer. Has spread."

Lao Yu couldn't believe his ears—in fact, if Han Yue said that I would chop off Long Jiwei's head and sell it to the Japanese, or that I would kidnap Lao Long and sell it to the US Department of Defense, then Lao Yu might be more accepting Some. He would rather believe that Han Yue was bribed by the Americans to bring the old dragon to treason, but he couldn't believe that Han Yue ran here at the risk of losing his head just to wake up Long Jiwei to treat his lover.

This is like a team of armed robbers rushing into the bank vault, pointing guns at the salesperson, saying don't be nervous, I don't need a lot of money, just give me a few cents!

After all, Han Yue is a person in this line of work, and he quickly found what he needed from around the room—several silver suitcases with different numbers marked on them. He placed these suitcases around Long Jiwei and the old dragon, with all the openings inward, and then used tweezers to pick out a few withered yellow things that looked like dead leaves from the petri dish, and stuffed them all into the old dragon's place. In the transparent glassy "nest".

Looking at his skillful action of preparing the solvent, Lao Yu's scalp was blown up: "Aren't you? Are you really going to wake him up?! Do you know that if the old dragon goes berserk, we will be roasted in an instant? He Damn, I really want to kill you now, kill you!"

Han Yue poured the solvent into the syringe and said without turning his head: "Who told you that you are unlucky, but you will be bumped into by me today."

Regardless of Lao Yu's desperate jumping there, he pointed the syringe at Long Jiwei's artery, pierced it directly, and then injected the solvent into Long Jiwei's blood vessel without leaving a drop.

Almost instantly, Long Jiwei's body bounced slightly.

At the same time as he opened his eyes, the old dragon in the glass dish raised its head violently, like a snake-like animal that was disturbed in hibernation, its whole body bent into an inverted U. In an instant, it sent out a high-speed collision shock wave that could not be seen with the naked eye. The glass cover shattered with a snap. , Immediately after that, blood burst out of his nasal cavity and ears.

Han Yue experienced this in the Qinghai base. He closed his eyes for a moment in pain, and felt some warm liquid rushing to the top of his head, followed by buzzing in his ears, and he could hardly hear anything. He knew that it was blood flowing backwards into the brain, and people with poor health might even have a cerebral hemorrhage at that time.

This pain lasted for more than half a minute. Han Yue couldn't hear anything, and his vision was a little blurred by the pain. He vaguely saw Long Jiwei sitting up from the bed, beckoning to the old dragon lazily, as if scolding in Miao language A few words or something. The old dragon happily jumped up from the glass dish, and his body grew as thick as the mouth of a bowl in mid-air. He rolled onto Long Jiwei's body with a snap, and rubbed his face affectionately.

When this thing jumped up, the few "dead leaves" that Han Yue put on the glass dish just now had completely shrunk, as if their vitality had been sucked away in an instant, and they shattered into powder with a slight touch.

Such a big movement obviously couldn't be concealed from the people outside, only to hear the door was slammed open with a bang, and many staff members rushed in as if facing a formidable enemy. When they saw Han Yue and Lao Yu in the room, they were stunned Now, I'm not sure if Long Jiwei's unexpected awakening was an order from above, or if there was some accident. These staff members were all armed with live ammunition, one by one stalemate there, and the atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

Long Jiwei tore the writhing old dragon off his face, threw it aside lazily, and said, "It's okay, I'll wake up and have a meal."

The old dragon landed on the bed for a second, and then quickly twisted onto Long Jiwei's waist, looking at the intimacy, as if he didn't want to leave for a second.

The staff in the laboratory still felt very strange, and looked hesitantly at Han Yue and Lao Yu's faces: "Then you..."

Han Yue didn't say a word, just stood there with a face as heavy as water. Lao Yu glanced at him, coughed, and said, "This... I will report this situation to the higher authorities."

Long Jiwei also waved his hands very laxly, and said, "Go out, remember to get me a bowl of noodles and add some spice."

Here, Long Jiwei's words are more effective than anyone else's. The staff hesitated for a while, and finally agreed to leave.

"What's going on, is there a mission?" When there were only a few of them left in the room, Long Jiwei finally turned to Lao Yu and asked.

Old Yu Xin said that I don't want Lao Tzu to dip into this muddy water! So he turned his head and folded his hands, pretending that he didn't hear it.

"No mission, nothing." Han Yue gently put the needle on the glass dish, raised his head to look at Long Jiwei, and said in a low voice, "I came here without permission to wake you up."

Long Jiwei also seemed a little surprised, but then his eyes changed, as if he found it very interesting: "Hey, do you have anything to say to me? Or do you have anything to ask of me?"

Han Yue took a deep breath, gritted his lower teeth tightly, and said, "My wife is sick with advanced gastric cancer. You used Laolong's microwave to control the spread of advanced brain cancer. I think you should also be able to deal with gastric cancer. .If you can cure him, I will kill or cut you whatever you want.” He pointed to the door, and said, “I just got a piece of material today, including receipts and letters from the Hou family, and various evidences of human relationships. Haven't you been collecting these things all the time? If you want, I'll bring them in for you now, just a word."

Long Jiwei didn't say a word for several seconds after he finished speaking. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and asked Old Yu, "How long have I been asleep?"

Old Yu was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Two years, one month and eight days."

"Two years, one month and eight days." Long Jiwei repeated it in a low voice, and then laughed: "Look, Han Yue, more than two years have passed, how do I know if your lover is still the same as two years ago?" What about one?"

Han Yue didn't expect him to say this suddenly, and was stunned for a moment.

"If your lover is still the one you would rather fall off the cliff to protect on the Panshang Highway two years ago, then needless to say, I can understand." Long Jiwei paused, then changed the subject: "—but if You have changed your lover, and now you can risk your life to break into the nine laboratories for her, then I have nothing to say, you Han Ershao is born to be a lover. I don't want to accompany a lover Sheng is crazy together, you should go to the cool side."

Before Long Jiwei spoke, Han Yue looked very calm, but his palms were already sweating from nervousness. Long Jiwei's words were like a shot in the arm, and Han Yue woke up all of a sudden, and his voice trembled a little when he spoke: "He... His surname is Chu, you should know it? It's been two years The one before, you know him, right?"

Long Jiwei looked at Han Yue strangely, the eyes were similar to Hou Yu's eyes when he looked at him, as if he just met Han Yue for the first time today.

After a long while, he took a deep breath, then let it out slowly and thoroughly, and said slowly: "I did control the advanced brain cancer of 'that one', but the process was very lucky, I really don't know if it happens again Can it be successful... You know, if one is not careful with this kind of thing, not only can it not eliminate cancer cells, but it can roast people's internal organs on the spot."

Han Yue was so nervous that his whole body was going to be stiff, his nails pierced deeply into the muscles of his palm, but he didn't notice it.

"Although my favor has been repaid, if it is the one on the Panshan Highway two years ago, I can give it a try." Long Jiwei bounced off the old dragon who came up to rub his face again, and said casually: "But the chances of success are limited... half to half."