Lantern: Behold the Bayonet

Chapter 7: Han family


Chu Ci didn't realize that Han Yue took out his medicine once. He slept at home for two days, the fever subsided, and he got up to go to work. He was still driving the second-hand white Honda, wearing a white coat over a light-colored shirt, dressed in a clean and gentle manner, and there was no sign of "people behind the scenes".

But after the dinner party, almost everyone in the unit spread the word. This Chu Gong, who is usually low-key and calm, does things unhurriedly, is not well-known, and only focuses on academics, actually has a lot of background behind him. It's so big that even the immediate boss can't stand it. Look, Xu Zhongyi pretended to be crazy with wine and beat him up. As a result, two teeth were knocked out in public. He was also forced by the leader to carry a big bag and a small bag to apologize to Chu Gong! Before this incident happened, Xu Zhongyi was very popular and sought after in the work unit as a leading relative!

Everyone whispered, looking at Chu Ci with different eyes than usual, and when they greeted each other in the morning, they couldn't help being a little affectionate in their words.

Chu Ci didn't seem to be aware of all this, or even if he was aware of it, he didn't bother to pay any attention to it. He greeted his colleagues one by one with the same courtesy as usual, punched the card and took the documents, and walked into the office without looking back. .

As a result, the colleague tsk-tsk secretly: "This is the master with a real background! Look at his demeanor! The guy surnamed Xu is just a distant relative of the boss, and he dragged 2.85 million like a king..."

Of course, Chu Ci's detached position in the unit is the result of Han Yue's greetings up and down. Ever since he found out that Chu Ci was taking antidepressant medicine that day, he observed Chu Ci's mental state from time to time, and found that this person actually liked going to work. When he was sitting in the laboratory, he seemed to be in a very calm and relaxed mood, and he did not have the suppressed silence and indifferent expression when he was at home.

Han Yue liked it very much.

He wished that everyone in the world would know that Chu Ci belonged to him, but he couldn't say so, he could only vaguely declare that Chu Ci was his friend, the closest friend. As for how close this "friend" is, it's up to the heads of the scientific research institute to figure it out.

When Han Yue came out of the bedroom while wearing a tie that morning, he saw Chu Ci sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee in his hand, lost in thought on his laptop. There was a half-open window beside the dining table, the morning wind brushed the broken hair on his forehead, his face was almost transparent white, his eyes were as black as a lake, and his lips were so thin and pale that one wanted to touch them with fingers. Han Yue stood at the door and watched him for a long time, and then asked, "Why are you in a daze?"

As soon as Chu Ci recovered, she immediately raised her hand to close the computer and said, "It's nothing."

Han Yue strode up and grabbed his computer hand. He always hated that Chu Ci kept something from him and ignored him, whenever Chu Ci said it was nothing, he couldn't help but want to investigate and see what was there.

I saw a forum post on the computer, the topic was to discuss the follow-up report of the second-generation official Hou Hongchang killing a migrant worker child, with a few photos of the child's parents hugging and crying, and Hou Hongchang took his female partner for a car ride in the middle of the night In the picture, Hou Hongchang is dressed in expensive clothes, and the comparison of the two makes people feel extremely glaring.

Han Yue glanced at the ten lines, and laughed: "Although the incitement is basically true, Hou Hongchang really does not intend to lose money. The person in charge of this case is his parents' old subordinates. He has already prepared evidence, so he said yes The child migrant worker ran out of the red light by himself, and crashed into the car."

Chu Ci closed her eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Didn't you say that there were many witnesses at that time? With the hard facts, can the people of the Hou family still turn black and white and talk nonsense?"

"A lot of witnesses? What are a lot of witnesses? The media has a gag order, newspapers are afraid to report, and even online speeches will be censored and blocked, and witnesses can still make a fuss in front of the Supreme People's Court? Hou Hongchang and others My parents are just this one son, although I think he is a social trash, but my parents regard him as a treasure—who told him to have a good birth.”

"... If it is handled like this, wouldn't the Hou family not have to pay a penny?"

"According to Hou Hongchang's temper, he doesn't want to pay compensation. If there is a big trouble, he may pay more than a hundred thousand." Han Yue sneered, "Hou Hongchang is still unwilling in every possible way for this hundreds of thousands. If it weren't for Hou Yu His father stopped him, this kid will definitely go and smash the migrant workers' couple's house."

Chu Ci remained silent, her face seemed a little disgusted, a little angry, and a little vaguely bored.

It was rare for him to say a few words to Han Yue, but this morning he asked a few more questions about Hou Hongchang, and his tone was very calm, Han Yue was so happy that he rambled on so much. When he came back to his senses, he found that Chu Ci was sitting there quietly. Although his face didn't change, his eyes were full of deep sorrow.

Han Yue was startled, and couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart, who knows if Hou Hongchang's crap would cause Chu Ci's depression? This person has always sympathized with the weak and hates the privileged class. He usually dislikes himself in every possible way. He must be even more depressed when he hears about the Hou family.

"Actually, it's not as tragic as you think. Recently, the couple of migrant workers got a sum of money from somewhere, about 200,000 or so. It is said that a mysterious person entrusted the newspaper to transfer it to them as a donation? Then they hired a Lawyers are suing, and there is a lot of noise. Now that the rumors are so tight, even if Hou Hongchang escapes this disaster, his future future will be over. There is absolutely no way to get an official career, and I think it is difficult to do business. Who would want to work with someone like Hou Hongchang? What about cooperation? Most of China knows that he is an unreasonable master who kills people."

Han Yue wanted to say something to comfort Chu Ci when his cell phone rang suddenly.

When he saw the number, it turned out to be his landline at home, and he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

The person who will call him with this number is counted by five fingers, and the most likely one is Han Ershao's biological father, Old Commander Han.

Han Yue avoided Chu Ci, walked quickly to the balcony, picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Han Yue, it's me." Commander Han is over 60 years old, his hair is completely gray, but his voice is still full of energy and sounds extremely rigid, "Your mother asked me to call you, why haven't I seen you recently? people?"

Han Yue is almost thirty this year, but still retains the habit of his childhood. When talking to Old Commander Han, he can't help but stand up straight: "I recently... live outside."

"It's been half a month since I returned to Beijing, and I haven't seen you go home for a night! Your mother told you to come back quickly, and the whole family finally got together for a meal."

Han Yue hummed.

Commander Han was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "How did I hear that you have someone outside, and it's a man?"

It was a little hesitant to ask this question. Commander Han used to never ask the juniors about such messy things outside. If he hadn't heard from his old comrades that Han Yue was very serious this time, he would have done nothing when he was in the army. Break it off, and live with that person all day after returning to Beijing...

After all, Han Yue is not a young man in his early twenties. Several children of his comrades-in-arms have already married and started families. He is the only one who is still single, so the elders can't help not paying attention.

"...Well," Han Yue said, "People are not honest now, and I will take it home for you to see when I am honest."

There was a sound of closing the door with a click outside. It was Chu Ci who had finished his breakfast, changed his clothes and went to work.

Although he couldn't refuse to live with Han Yue, he ignored such a living person as Han Yue to the extreme. He obviously lives under the same roof all day long and sleeps on the same bed at night, but he treats Han Yue like air, turning a blind eye and hearing nothing.

"He's a nice guy. He's still an engineer. He didn't come out of the world, so don't worry." Han Yue looked at the gate, making sure that Chu Ci left without even saying hello. Leng Yi, "—but the bone is a little hard."

"Don't do such bastard things over there!" Commander Han reprimanded, and then softened his tone: "Come back tonight for dinner and stay at home for two days. After returning to Beijing for such a long time, even the door of the house is closed." Don't board, it's too ugly."

Han Yue sneered, and said "yes" in a dispensable way.

As soon as Chu Ci arrived at the unit, he received a call from Han Yue: "I'm not going home tonight, you can get something to eat yourself. Fuck it, the old man told me to go back, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave for two days."

Chu Ci was standing in the dressing room, taking off the white coat with his name brand pinned from the hanger in one hand, and holding the mobile phone in the other hand, humming indifferently.

"I'm not a teenage kid anymore. Do I have to take him home every three days to listen to the old man's training? What the hell!" Han Yue paused, and his tone became gloomy: "What are you, what do you think? I don’t know how happy you are, are you? Let me tell you, don’t think that if I’m not at home for two days, you will be turned upside down. I will call you when the time comes, and if you dare not answer, be careful when I come back and kill you!”

When he said the last few words, his tone was not so fierce, but a bit of strong intimacy.

Chu Ci said lightly, "I see."

"What do you know? Say a few more words and you will die, right?" Han Yue was still dissatisfied: "You think you will be free as long as the old man tells me to go home? Next time you go back with me, you have to pass this hurdle Yes, don’t think you can escape.”

Chu Ci's fingers holding the phone froze, and his nails turned blue and white.

"Why, have you nothing to say?" Han Yue waited for a while, but didn't hear his answer, and his tone became complacent, "The old man has been a soldier all his life, and he wanted to have a scholar in his family, but our boss is just a mess. I became a soldier again. The other day I heard that you are an intellectual engaged in scientific research, and the old man was quite happy, saying that this is right, science and technology are the primary productive forces."

"... I see." Chu Ci endured before interrupting Han Yue, "It's time, I'm going to the evolution laboratory. Let's just say that."

Without waiting for Han Yue to speak, he hung up the phone and threw the phone into the locker.

Han Yue was hung up by Chu Ci not once or twice. Although he has a domineering temper, at most he can only control the issue of Chu Ci's fate, he can't force him to greet you with a smile, can he? The mouth grows on someone's face, even if you are the king of heaven, you can't force him to smile for you, can you

Han Yue scolded his mother, stepped on the brakes and stopped at the gate of Han's house.

Speaking of his "fucking", only a small part of the reason was that Chu Ci hung up on him, and the root cause was that he had to go back to Han's house for dinner.

It cannot be said that Han Yue and his family have no feelings at all, but the feelings are not deep at all. He seldom lived with the Commander and his wife when he was a child. For his father, Han Yue’s deepest impression is the stern face and full of lectures; for his mother, he can only think of Mrs. Commander’s exquisite dress and care for the family. Attitude.

Han Yue was treated differently from his brother Han Qiang when he was a child. When Han Qiang was born, Old Commander Han hadn't been promoted yet, and he spent more time with his wife and children, so the family could hardly be called getting along day and night. Although Commander Han treats his son in the same manner as he treats his subordinates, Mrs. Commander values the eldest son more. After all, women have different feelings for their first child, and the relationship between mother and child is also cultivated more deeply.

Han Yue's situation is quite different. He was only one year younger than the eldest, which meant that the commander's wife was pregnant with her second child just two months after Han Qiang was born. When the eldest child was born, Mrs. Han had a hemorrhage, and only two months was not enough to take care of her body. This second child came at an inopportune time.

Mrs. Han's first thought when she found out that she was pregnant again was to beat the child—she was born in an art troupe, and she was a group flower back then. care.

However, for a family like theirs, how easy is it to have an abortion? The Commander's wife made a fuss for several months but failed to get the Commander's nod. She had no choice but to give birth to the child unwillingly.

Who knew that Han Yue was born with good fortune, when he gave birth to him, it was extremely smooth, and when he landed, he burst into tears and was in good health, and his eyebrows and eyes looked very much like his father. Before Commander Han had time to be happy, the appointment of promotion and transfer came down suddenly, and he was asked to immediately move to other provinces to take up his post.

After all, Commander Han has been in politics all his life. As soon as he got the appointment, he knew it was a matter of accumulating qualifications. When his term of office ends in a few years and he returns to Beijing, he will still have a promotion.

Therefore, the birth of Han Yue is like a war. It was bumpy at the beginning, difficult in the middle, but a happy ending for all, and a bright and bright future.

At that time, the whole Han family moved out, but they only brought their eldest son, Han Qiang, who was relatively easy to move. Han Yue was born in a difficult situation, so he stayed in Beijing with his nanny, guard, wet nurse and other related figures. Commander Han worked in other provinces for eight years at once, and he only went to Beijing twice in these eight years, each time not exceeding half a month. Eight years later, when his family moved back to Beijing, Han Yue and his parents faced each other, neither of whom knew who the other was.

This caused great differences in the personalities of the two Han brothers—Han Qiang relied on his parents since he was a child, and he had a deep relationship with his mother. Most of his playmates were children of officials from other provinces when he was young. Most of these children were not in Beijing when they grew up; Since I came down, I have never had a sip of milk from my mother. Since I was a child, I have relied on myself for everything. When someone smashed a brick, I took a group of children to fight and kill in the compound of the military region. Their academic performance was a mess.

Although it is said that the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are all flesh, the hearts of the world are mostly biased, and parents are no exception. Han Qiang was raised by his mother since he was a child, and he dressed neatly and smartly. Since kindergarten, he knew not to fight with children, not to wipe his nose on his clothes, and not to make noise when eating and drinking soup. Han Yue didn't know who his parents were since he was a child, and he couldn't read dozens of characters when he was eight years old. He only knew to hang out with a bunch of military children all day long. The contrast between the two is so stark, the commander's wife is naturally biased - she is more doting on the eldest son, and more harsh on the second son.

Children's hearts are very sensitive. Since you don't like me, there is no need for me to like you. Later, even if Old Commander Han treated his two sons equally, he still couldn't change Han Yue's character of not being close to his parents. He joined the army just after his 18th birthday, and other people's children would cry and see each other off on the 18th, but he was happy when he left, and he called his buddies in the army one by one to catch up on the old days, and planned to go to the army as soon as he arrived. Throw a party to welcome him.

Han Yue is turning 30 this year, and he has lived with his parents for no more than ten years. Even if there is a family relationship in blood, how deep is the relationship in reality? In addition, Han Qiang killed someone by driving a car later, and when he covered up the evidence, he asked Han Yue, an iron buddy in the court, but Han Yue was not willing to help. For this matter, the commander's wife has been blaming Han Yue for the past two years, and rarely gives him any good looks.

So recently when Han Yue returned to Beijing from Nujiang, he went straight to Chu Ci right after he got off the plane, and it was the first time he went to his house today.

Han Yue slammed the door of the jeep, stepped up the steps in three steps, and shouted loudly: "I'm back!"