Later, He Became a Top-Notch Drag Queen

Chapter 241: Last shot


In the tenth year of Cheng Zhi's debut, all the friends around him have found companions one after another.

A man and a woman in a normal relationship get married and now their children go to elementary school hand in hand. Back then, the sweet and homosexual men and women tried to register and get married abroad. Regardless of the couple, they all lived an ordinary but peaceful and beautiful life while their careers were successful.

But among a group of heinous couple dogs, there is one person who insists on exuding the fragrance of a single dog. After ten years, he is still alone. Fans unanimously regard him as the light of hope. Whenever it is mentioned that he is in the same period as Cheng Zhi The star who debuted will mention him in the way that XXX is not married and we still have hope.

The great image of being single without any scandals is simply the last line of defense that will never be broken in the hearts of fans.

That's right! Xiang Yanguang will fall in love? Unless it rains red!

I don’t know if it was because I was hurt too deeply or because it was too difficult to meet someone I love. Xiang Yanguang hasn’t moved much these years. When Cheng Zhi got married, he was the best man. When Wei Heyu got married, he was the best man. When Tao Yuwang married, he was the best man. , Du Shuitian gets married... yes, he is still the best man.

The reputation of the professional groomsman is getting better and better, but his own relationship has not even sprouted, not even a seed.

It can't be said that there is no one around, but he just doesn't talk about it.

In this way, with the passage of time, there are only years. During this time, the friends who met alone at the beginning became a small circle of daily fixed contact. Everyone kept in touch and became daily friends who knew everything. Even Lei Yin, who was the least acquainted at the beginning, developed into a friend relationship after ten years of meeting and occasional contact.

In mid-March, Wei Yu Xinghua, Cheng Zhi and Kang Chen returned from filming abroad.

It was a dinner appointment in the evening, and a few people I knew happened to have time. At eight o'clock in the evening, the people at the dinner table were counted, and all of them were present except Xiang Yanguang.

Among the couples, Lei Yin drank wine alone and drank a glass. He was usually awe-inspiring and suddenly heaved a deep sigh.

The people at the dinner table knew his situation very well. Even if they didn't know each other at the beginning, they already knew the bottom line of his situation after being friends for ten years.

Tao Moguan, who has the most violent temper, said indifferently: "It's not done yet? Why don't you just give up?"

Lei Yin didn't respond, everyone knew what they were talking about, so they simply changed the subject and started eating and drinking again.

Cheng Zhi was drinking his drink, and occasionally glanced at Lei Yin, who was leaning on the chair with a somewhat decadent expression.

The passage of time did not leave any traces on their appearance in the entertainment industry. Although Lei Yin is not an actor, he is not much worse than them. Add some charm.

Such a person has not succeeded in chasing Xiang Yanguang for ten years, and Cheng Zhi, who was on the sidelines, began to wonder if there was any hope for them.

At the time when the Qian Lu incident ended, Xiang Yanguang, who knew Lei Yin's troubles, hated Lei Yin to the extreme. Even if he could resist punching and kicking each time they met, he would never give him a good face. As time went by, every time Xiang Yanguang encountered any difficulties, Lei Yin was the first to step up. After ten years, Cheng Zhi clearly saw that Xiang Yanguang gradually softened in the process, from an indifferent attitude to being like a friend now friendly manner.

On the whole, if there is hope, it has been ten years since Xiang Yanguang has not agreed, but if there is no hope, judging from Xiang Yanguang's attitude, from the perspective of Cheng Zhi, a bystander, he clearly feels that Xiang Yanguang is clearly Moved...

Just don't know why, they are still not together.

"Any suggestions?"

The question that was forced out of his mouth with great effort did not attract the attention of his friend. Lei Yin held back for a long time, and asked again: "How did you all do it?"

A sentence was thrown, and three pairs of lovers were thrown. The old dog of the three couples immediately opened up the chatter box. Tao Yuwang started by himself, and even couldn't help crying when he got excited.

"It's not easy! It's really not easier than you. You were beaten by Xiang Yanguang, and I was beaten by my parents! My brother and I are a new family formed by our parents' second marriage and their children. After being found out, my dad beat me, my mother beat him, the one who whipped was called one... Hey! This is not over, we told our parents that we really love each other, and then guess what, beat me instead! Damn beat me, My dad whipped him, it hurt me so much..."

Before Tao Yuwang finished speaking, Tao Moguan slapped him loudly on the face, and Tao Yuwang immediately slammed his face on the table, trembling for a few seconds before wailing: "Brother, I Biting my tongue QAQ!!"

Before the narration was over, Tao Moguan followed what brother Gou said in a bad mood: "Anyway, they got together smoothly later. To put it bluntly, the relationship between the two of them must be him. You just admit that you have nothing to do. If Xiang Yanguang likes you, can you?" Delay until today? It’s not because you have been stalking me!”

Tao Moguan is best at serial fights, Lei Yin's face turned black instantly, Wei Heyu and Wang Wenhang watched anxiously, and quickly interjected: "Don't make noise, don't make noise, there is always a process in falling in love, like me and Wenhang, isn't it also a trial?" It’s only after getting along for a long time that the relationship is confirmed.”

Lei Yin hurriedly asked, "How long have you been trying?"

Wang Wenhang sighed: "It's been a long time, probably more than half a month. I was in a hurry during that time, for fear that Brother Yu would go back on his word."

Lei Yin: "..."

Invisible fight is more TM terrible than serial fight.

Lei Yin rubbed his temples, looked at Cheng Zhi, Cheng Zhi thought for a while, and replied: "I think the main reason why I am with Kang Chen is because of Sister Yue, and I fell into Kang Chen's trap because I liked Sister Yue. Living together, if you want to be a straight man, you should work hard on someone the straight man likes."

Lei Yin: "..."

As soon as the person Xiang Yanguang likes was mentioned, the effect of the conversation was like a killer. Lei Yin drank another glass of wine, got up with a pale face and said, "You guys eat, I will treat you to this meal."

His back was so lonely that everyone was in tears. Tao Moguan, Wang Wenhang and Cheng Zhi looked at each other, and then the three of them spread their hands at the same time, showing a look of "I'm really helpless, can it be my fault?"

Tao Yuwang: "..."

Wei Heyu: "..."

Kang Chen: "..."

I really blame you but they still think their lovers are cute, how could they talk about it

The three husbands looked at each other, their expressions were full of helplessness and indulgence. After a while, they each found an excuse to leave temporarily.

Lei Yin downstairs didn't go far, and was intercepted by three patriarchs one after another. Tao Yu watched the wind and fire, dragged Lei Yin to the corner, and whispered carefully: "I'll tell you but don't tell others, especially me. Brother, did you hear that! Cough, let me tell you the truth, based on my experience, the reason why my brother and I have developed from brothers to lovers is all because of... because of that! That! That's that! Do you understand! As long as that's it , the nature has changed! No matter what the relationship was before, it will be rearranged in the future, and you have a great chance to settle the relationship in a different way, you know!"

Before Lei Yin could react, Tao Yuwang patted him on the shoulder impatiently, and said earnestly, "My brother, I'm done talking here, you should understand it! Remember! That! Absolute truth!"

Tao Yuwang withdrew for a while, and as soon as he reached the door of the hotel, Wei Heyu, who came after him, stopped him.

After calming down, Wei Heyu and he said gently: "It's hard to say in front of Wenhang just now, but I think you may ask someone because you really need advice from others, so you can feel free to tell me about the experience I'm talking about now." Take a look. Hmm... I think the decisive factor in the reason why Wenhang and I crossed the ambiguous line is that we got together in a good atmosphere, in a physical sense, you should understand."

Wei Heyu finished speaking sincerely, smiled at Lei Yin, and said patiently: "It's hard to tell about the situation between you and the elephant, but if you want to ask about my experience, I can only provide this. I hope you can have a good one someday." In the end, Wenhang was still waiting for me upstairs, so I left first."

Lei Yin nodded with emotion, and after watching Wei Heyu leave, he stepped out of the hotel, and there was a tall man hiding in the shadow of the door.

Lei Yin came out for so long, but Kang Chen was still waiting for him at the door, and when he thought about it, he knew that someone stopped Lei Yin.

Needless to say, Kang Chen simply said: "I'm not waiting for you, but for Xiao Zhi, who is worried about Xiang Yanguang."

Lei Yin nodded, and Kang Chen seemed to have predicted what Tao Yuwang and Wei Heyu said just now, as if the leader was summing up: "Generally speaking, you can't lose face when you break a straight man."

Lei Yin: "..."

Kang Chen: "You can do things like having sex after drinking."

Lei Yin: "..."

Kang Chen: "I think you just drank a lot, so you should be drunk. I call you and say that you are called Xiang Yanguang, and no one can drag you away. He will come to pick you up in ten minutes."

Lei Yin: "..."

Kang Chen: "Do you understand?"

Lei Yin: "...very teachable."

Kang Chen stared at him, showing a subtle expression, half a smile but not a smile, the meaning was not easy to understand, it was like a big boss expressing disdain for the scum, but also with a feeling that if you don't succeed in getting here, you will Don't be despised with delusions about being friends with me.

In a complicated mood, Lei Yin saw a familiar car gradually approaching from a distance, he hurriedly turned his head and nodded to Kang Chen, then bent his legs, pale and began to retch.

Realistic, engaging.

The acting is still okay.

Kang Chen waved to say hello to Xiang Yanguang, when Xiang Yanguang got off the car and ran over, he went back to the restaurant without looking back, when passing by the waiter, he ordered a new glass of orange juice for Cheng Zhi with a relaxed expression.

Hey... the next meeting, even if there are eight people.

What a hassle.

Kang Chen suddenly became a little envious of Xiao Zuoren, who has been able to maintain the world of two people for ten years. To be honest, he also wants to be alone with Cheng Zhi, but Cheng Zhi's personality is different from Xu Fei. It is to make friends and relatives.

no way.

Kang Chen went upstairs with fresh orange juice, and the moment he saw Cheng Zhi's face, before thinking about it, he was too used to it and automatically showed a slight smile on his face.

Regardless of ten years or a lifetime, Kang Chen loves Cheng Zhi so much, what else can he do.

I can only pamper him.

—I have spoiled him all my life.

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