Later, He Became a Top-Notch Drag Queen

Chapter 35


The moment he was attacked, Cheng Zhi instinctively bent down in defense. Although he was caught straight, he still bent down firmly.

Xu Fei and Cheng Zhi looked at each other, and suddenly stretched out their hands forward again. Cheng Zhi hurriedly bent down, this time a lot, and hit the chair behind him with a thud.

Xu Fei chuckled.

The young screenwriter and director who forcibly tore apart his style of painting because of his fiery red hair showed a teasing smile at Cheng Zhi, and jokingly said, "Small sample."

Comrade Cheng Zhi, who was frightened into a cold sweat by Xu Fei's two shots of 'monkey stealing peaches': "..."

"Okay, sit down."

Xu Fei stretched out his hand along the side of his head and smoothed his hair, and said in a seemingly casual but reminding tone: "Be smart when taking pictures of you. To be honest, I hesitated for half an hour. I just decided to use you, don’t think that you can go through the back door with the resources of the company. If the film I wrote is not good, then I will continue to NG it.

Cheng Zhi had a lot of things to complain about, but when he heard the business, he immediately agreed: "Understood, don't worry."

After finishing the answer, he had already missed the opportunity to complain, Cheng Zhi blinked in embarrassment, helplessly, he could only swallow back all the rich inner activities just now.

"Xiao Luo, come here! What are you looking at, I call you."

Xu Feiyang called over the little girl who had been staring at Cheng Zhi with twinkling eyes. This little girl was the one who applied makeup to Cheng Zhi just now and asked to touch her chest.

Cheng Zhi had already communicated with her during the conversation just now. The little girl's name is Luo Nian, and she is an acquaintance of Xu Fei, but she is not from the same school, but a student majoring in other schools and related to makeup.

"Get me some water."

Xu Fei frowned, and there was no guilt on his face for speaking unceremoniously to the girl. He stretched his hands forward, motioned for Luo Nian to pour water for him to wash his hands, and continued: "I don't have any eyesight, I don't see anything. Did I grab something dirty just now?"

Luo Nian was not angry at all, she continued to pour water for Xu Fei to wash his hands obediently, still looking shy and cute.

Cheng Zhi, who was attacked and called 'dirty things' and heard clearly from the side: "..."

Hold back.

The director can't afford it.

Cheng Zhi sat back speechless, and continued to read the script before filming started.

Xu Fei didn't stay beside him for long, and after washing his hands, he went in another direction. Cheng Zhi could see his head of brightly colored hair from a distance, and felt more and more that people should not be judged by appearances.

If it weren't for the script of "Jinyiwei" in his hand, who would have believed that Xu Fei's little gangster appearance would have such a hidden skill.

Cheng Zhi thought of Hou Junmei who liked to take photos secretly, and couldn't help feeling that all the recent screenwriters were very strange.

Simply terrible.

While reading the script, Cheng Zhi's cell phone rang suddenly. When he called, it was a message from the bank.

Cheng Zhi's bank card has not been moved for half a year since he was reborn, and just as he was wondering, a WeChat message was sent from his mobile phone.

The WeChat message is from Cao Wei, and the content is simple and clear—the payment for the cover of Candy magazine has arrived, let me know when you receive it.

Cheng Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and a sense of joy about getting paid filled his whole body. He excitedly opened the bank's incoming SMS to check the amount,'s pretty good.

He was in a good mood, and his fingers were brisk. He replied to Cao Weidao - received, thank you Viagra~

It is really a happy event to have money in the account, he first opened Chen Xiang's WeChat, and sent a big red envelope in half of the money just received. These days are too troublesome for Cao Wei and his wife, it is not appropriate to send the money to Viagra, and it is undoubtedly the best choice to send the money directly to Chen Xiang.

After the red envelope was sent out, Cheng Zhi came back and continued to send WeChat with Cao Wei.

— Viagra, the money came too fast, the magazine was published so soon

Cao Wei replied with a voice. The background of the voice was a bit messy, as if someone was talking nearby.

"Why didn't you mention to me that Kang Chen also went to shoot a magazine that day. I only found out about it after inquiring about it myself. With Kang Chen here, can the money come quickly? How big is Kang Chen? The magazine wanted to publish the photo on the same day, and it happened to be this Sunday, and it was said to be a welfare magazine, but in fact it wanted to gain popularity and use Kang Chen to attract people."

Cheng Zhi didn't respond, he felt a pain in the head when he heard Kang Chen's name, so he hurriedly replied casually to deal with it.

Chen Xiang just accepted the red envelope and replied with a question mark.

Cheng Zhi quickly said:

—Sister-in-law, go back and cook meat for me after filming~

Chen Xiang understood the meaning of Cheng Zhi's red envelopes, and she would be honored by returning them. She sent an emoji, and then replied - fuck off, it's a good idea.

Cheng Zhi couldn't help smiling, this way of getting along made him feel very good, he turned off WeChat and put the phone back in his pocket.

After a while, he took out his phone again.

Speaking of which, he was really not at all curious about what the magazines that Kang Chen photographed looked like!

He just wanted to see - how is the photographer Du Rui's technique, how well did he take pictures of his back!

Retorting blindly in his heart, Cheng Zhi found Candy's official Weibo. When the physical magazine was launched, the cover of the magazine and some of the most attractive photos were also released on Weibo.

The moment I clicked in, there were a row of nine square pictures printed in my eyes, without exception, all of them were some big boss.

Cheng Zhi once again felt Kang Chen's popularity. In addition to the practice of the magazine's official blog, there was also a storm of forwarding volume within an hour after the official blog was released.

This number reminded Cheng Zhi of the fear of being dominated by the rising number of Weibo.

He added 1 contempt to the culprit N in his heart, and then clicked on the photo to start watching.

There are a total of nine pictures, the front and back are single photos of the boss, and the center is the last "big bed photo" taken by Du Rui with the theme of 'temptation'. Cheng Zhi turned from head to back and back again, and finally stopped in the middle.

Looking carefully at the cover of this magazine, Cheng Zhi couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and a feeling that could almost be called trembling swept his whole body.

What kind of species is this.

It turns out that in the entertainment circle, there really is a man with such aura.

It was just a two-dimensional photo, but Cheng Zhi felt that the man was alive in front of his eyes, looking straight at him.

Those eyes seemed to be able to drive the air around him, causing all the beings in the entire space to scream at each other to prove his presence.

Du Rui took this photo really well. The lighting and angles are perfect, and the post-processing is also very natural. Kang Chen's eyebrows and eyes look charming and profound.

In the photo, the man is sitting on a gorgeous bed, holding a slender figure with long hair in his arms.

That is his lover.

There were no words to explain his identity, but the man's eyes were clearly possessive. The camera was facing him, and he looked straight at him, with a subtle smile on his lips, and dangerous and cold eyes.

Cheng Zhi felt his heart beat violently.

Kang Chen's ability to become a bigwig in the entertainment industry is not only due to his unique face, but also the shock he brings to others that can only be described as extremely touching.

Cheng Zhi could hardly focus on his back in Kang Chen's arms, his eyes were all about this man, and Kang Chen was telling with his eyes: don't look, don't look.

It was a deterrent, and it really stayed alive in the photo. Kang Chen was too eye-catching, and the people in his arms were really rarely seen.

Cheng Zhi was stunned for a long time, all kinds of gossip and complaints faded away, and he developed a sense of admiration for Kang Chen's strength.

He is an actor, and Kang Chen easily aroused his excitement and enthusiasm with a graphic photo.

"... I really want to film..."

Cheng Zhi said aloud, and the little girl Luo Nian asked, "Brother Cheng Zhi, what did you say?"

Only then did Cheng Zhi come back to his senses, and replied with a smile: "It's nothing, you are busy with your work."

Luo Nian nodded suspiciously, continued to tidy up the makeup tools on the table, Cheng Zhi exited the picture, and clicked on the comment section.

Cheng Zhi's mood was a bit complicated at first, but as soon as he entered the comment area, he was immediately shocked by the high-energy picture. As he swiped all the way down, he was once again crushed as a little heart who was once a fan of countless girls but now had to be touched to confirm his gender.

—I’m Nima¥%& excited to garbled characters! ¥%... Type with both feet to show your innocence!

— Kang Chen! It's Kang Chen! Kang Chen! Kang Chen!

— Why is my screen so dirty! Fuck, don't stop me! My tongue won't listen to me! what! Lick it! Lick lick lick lick!

— No way! I can not! Pregnant at a glance! I can't close my legs! So handsome I can't close my legs! Come on quickly! I'm going to give birth!

— Kang Chen ah ah ah! Recently, I suddenly read your news continuously, and I have died without regret! How can you be so handsome! You are so handsome!

— Don't get excited, everyone! do not get excited! Line up and let's go one by one! Awwhhh Kang Chen! You are the treasure of the world!

—When I saw Kang Chen’s fan club forwarding it, I thought I was reading it wrong, but when I found out it was true, I hugged my phone and cried! Kang Chen! I love you!

— Kang Chen is the world's first love! When I saw the news, tears filled my eyes! I'm sorry everyone! Such a handsome man actually married me!

— Kang Chen took a photoshoot! I'm going to eat dirt next month... no! Today, I have to buy, buy, buy, eat soil for a year!

—Take me, take me, the small wallet is ready to go! Kang Chen is mine!

- Save all pictures! My desktop can finally be changed! happiness!

-what! The more handsome you look! I will always be so proud to be a princess!

Cheng Zhi turned all the way down, and fully understood Kang Chen's abuses. The abuses were so extreme that even in his previous life, Cheng Zhi couldn't compare at all.

Cheng Zhi was about to quit when he suddenly saw a comment pop up, and then similar comments started popping up in all directions.

-I say! Has anyone noticed who the male god is holding!

—Only the back, wait, what's the situation! Kang Chen's hand! on her lap!

— Fuck! who is who! It's fine if you hold her in your arms, and touch your legs! Oh shit! Whose leg did Kang Chen touch

—Take out my forty-meter broadsword! If you surrender yourself, I will allow you to run thirty-nine meters first!

—Although I am very envious, I still have to say something! If you seduce my husband, he will be stripped of his clothes in the street and made a short video!

The new Dou E Chengzhi of this century who is godly "seduce other people's husbands": "..."

Damn, I don't spit out this slot!

Do you hear me

I don't spit!