Later, He Became a Top-Notch Drag Queen

Chapter 49


The bouquet of roses that filled the boss's chest was as wide as his shoulders, and the number was conservatively estimated to be close to three digits. A large bouquet of red and bright red was handed to Cheng Zhi's eyes, waiting for him to receive it.

Cheng Zhi fell into a state of bewilderment, staring blankly at the face of Rose and the boss several times, before saying: "... what do you mean?"

Boss: "I mean."

The black question mark turned into a foot: "..."


Because the little fans who were waiting with joy suddenly turned into someone in front of them. The huge contrast caused a certain degree of psychological shock to Cheng Zhi, causing Cheng Zhi to stand in the parking lot with the big man holding a rose in a daze. It took a full minute before he gradually mobilized his brain nerves.

"... So, you are the... club minister that Viagra asked me to pick up?"

The boss smiled softly, "Yeah."

Cheng Zhi was furious, "You must be sick! Just play with me!"

The boss looked at Cheng Zhi quietly, without being affected by the other party's anger, and said calmly: "No, I'm here to visit the class."

You explore the class of a ghost!

Cheng Zhi's anger was rising. It was one thing to disappoint expectations, but another thing to find out that the person in front of him was Kang Chen. The two things that came were a man and the man who came was Kang Chen. These two things were not in the same order of magnitude. Cheng Zhi felt that I have been deeply deceived and played with.


Cheng Zhi immediately said, "I'm very disappointed."

The boss frowned and said, "I'm sorry."

After the words fell, the boss stuffed the rose sideways into the carriage, then raised his hand and covered his heart.

I don't know if he did it on purpose, but with a sad look on his face, he actually felt a little hurt.

Cheng Zhi didn't care whether he was hurt or not. Seeing the big brother's attempt to soften Cheng Zhi's heart, Cheng Zhi felt a bullet in his heart: A 1.9-meter-long man covered his heart, and he looked so damn good-looking!

What's wrong!

Cheng Zhi said angrily, "What are you pretending to do! Go!"

Cheng Zhi stepped forward to push him, but the big brother's body was pressed against the car door, and he refused to get in the car. "I'm here to visit."

"Visit the class of a ghost, you are still here to visit the class like you, you come to make trouble! Go away!"

The big guy didn't move at all, he put his hands behind his back, Cheng Zhi tried his best to push him into the car, but he couldn't push him into the car, he waited until Cheng Zhi retracted his hand tiredly, and then slowly said: "Chasing stars is not guilty."

Cheng Zhi: "..."

The big man tidied up the wrinkled front by Cheng Zhi, and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Damn it, I'm here to pick up fans for dinner!"

Cheng Zhi was not in a good mood. According to the plan, he planned to take the little fan girl to the best restaurant nearby for a meal, so he inquired with the staff, and made the whole crew know that there were fans coming to visit the set.

It's all right now, where is the fan girl fan, he only sees a dead gay guy who has unreasonable thoughts about him!

"Then let's have dinner together."

Cheng Zhi opened his eyes and said nonsense, "The restaurants around here are not good." In order to prevent the boss from taking out a form like last time, Cheng Zhi acted first and came up with his own plan for fans and fans The list, talking nonsense, said: "It's really bad, especially these few, it's so bad, I definitely won't go."

According to Cheng Zhi’s impression of the boss, the other party must have found out about the restaurants around him before coming here, and the conclusion must be similar to what the staff introduced. Cheng Zhi’s list almost covered all the delicious things around him. After all of them were rejected , he wanted to see what Kang Chen would do.

The boss listened quietly, then lowered his head and carefully looked at the list listed by Cheng Zhi, without raising his eyes, he said, "Well, just right, I've brought you a meal."

Cheng Zhi who was hit hard by reality: "..."

With a bitter expression on his face, the boss pushed the car door completely open, and turned sideways to make way for Cheng Zhi, "Get in the car."

Cheng Zhi: "..."


I can't get in this car!

Just about to refuse, Cheng Zhi's phone rang suddenly, and he took it out to see that it was Cao Wei. Raising his eyes to glance at the boss, Cheng Zhi turned and pressed the answer button.


Cao Wei's voice came neatly: "Have you received someone?"

Cheng Zhi smacked his lips and said in a painful voice, "Got it... But there is a problem, I'm going to send him away first."

Cao Wei didn't know the truth, so he said immediately: "Why send him away? He is your fan, what happened?"

Cheng Zhi rubbed his frowning brows, hesitating how to reply to Cao Wei: "... I can't say, there is something wrong anyway."

Probably this distress was transmitted to the other end of the phone. Cao Wei paused for a moment and said, "You can decide for yourself, but since he has come all the way, at least have a meal together. It's not easy for fans."

Cheng Zhi sighed, not caring that the voice would be heard behind him, "Viagra, you can't eat this meal... I definitely won't eat it, sorry, I have already made a decision, and it won't change... Hey, what's so bad about it fragrant?"

Cheng Zhi followed the scent and turned his head, and the boss in the carriage set up a small table on the seat, on which there were plates of dishes, all of which were delicious in color and aroma, making people's index fingers move when they looked at them.

Moreover, before the boss finished setting up, he propped up a second table on the seat in front, and juggled out vegetables from the insulated box, taking out one plate and another.

Cheng Zhi who chose to swallow what he said just now: "..."

Cao Wei called his name on the phone, Cheng Zhi came back to his senses, and quickly said: "Brother Wei, let's talk about it in the evening, I have to eat, and the food will be cold in a while."

Cao Wei looked confused: "Aren't you going to give away fans, who are you eating with?"

Cheng Zhi pursed his lips, feeling hungry, "Heji... no, just eat with fans. Cough cough, anyway... Well, I won't talk about it, eat and eat, Viagra, I'm hung up."

Chao Wei in the wind: "..."? ?

What the hell is going on

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Zhi solemnly turned around, Kang Chen had already prepared the food, and was sitting in the car watching him.


Cheng Zhi scanned the food on the table with his eyes, compared the box lunches in the crew in his mind, and made a decision. "You promise me two conditions, and I'll get in the car."

The boss who invited someone to dinner and agreed to the other party's conditions said calmly: "Say."

Cheng Zhi rolled his eyes, and jokingly said, "I eat, but you—you can only watch."

He stared into the big brother's eyes, his eyes were full of seriousness, the big brother paused, then smiled suddenly, with a doting tone, "Okay, I'll watch."

Cheng Zhi was secretly relieved to avenge his revenge, but this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is——

"You have to promise that you will never have any unreasonable thoughts about me when I get in your car."

The boss was suddenly quiet.

Just when Cheng Zhi's hairs stood on end, and in the silence of the other party, he felt that the terrifying conjecture that the boss aimed at his chrysanthemum was confirmed, the boss slightly tilted his head, and asked in doubt: "... shouldn't I say this?"

A screen of Cheng Zhi who went to Nima suddenly flashed in his heart: "..."

Damn something is wrong!

Who will have unreasonable thoughts about you!

Lao Tzu is a straight man!

"Okay, get in the car, it's not good for your stomach if the food gets cold."

Cheng Zhi let out a cold snort, and finally climbed into the car slowly. The autumn wind was cool, and there was no need to open the car door. As the car door closed, the space suddenly seemed a little closed. Being alone in the same space with Kang Chen, Cheng Zhi immediately opened the door. There was a retreat.

Damn it!

Although he was afraid, it was obviously too late, Cheng Zhi glanced at Kang Chen coldly, and after the boss handed him the rice, he raised his chopsticks—let’s eat!

The big brother really did as he said before, he didn't eat a bite, and when Cheng Zhi was eating, he sat by and watched.

It was precisely because he didn't eat that his eyes were able to focus on Cheng Zhi's body, making Cheng Zhi feel hairy.

To be honest, compared with Wang Wenhang secretly watching him in the crew, this kind of lethality is really the difference between the best and the best. However, Cheng Zhi's fighting ability is also very strong. With each confrontation, his immunity increases a little bit. At least now, he can bravely give his boss the middle finger.

The meal was quiet and peaceful. What surprised Cheng Zhi was that he remembered all the dishes here. Last time when a big boss brought him home, he made a whole table of dishes. Because of the deep resentment, he put I remember the appearance of the dishes, and I always plan to eat enough when I have time.

Unexpectedly, before he went to the restaurant, he actually ate these dishes, and the boss who didn't let him eat them made them himself!

Ok? Cheng Zhi reacted, ran all the way here and brought a meal he cooked himself, and gave it to a man, this——he really is a gay!

"Admit it, you are obsessed with me..." Cheng Zhi swallowed the word beauty, and to avoid being ridiculed by the boss, he changed the word in time, "Soul! You are in love with my beautiful soul! Do you want to soak up my beautiful soul? I!"

Boss: "..."

Boss: "Where does your self-confidence come from?"

Cheng Zhi: "..."

Boss: "Maybe a little blind."

Cheng Zhi: "..."

Believe it or not, I will strangle you to death with one finger!

Cheng Zhi was very angry, he got up and was about to push the door to get out of the car, but he was so angry that he bumped his head on the roof of the car.

Astonishing history repeated itself, Cheng Zhi hugged his head instantly in pain, the boss came to see his situation, his expression was a little nervous.

You are so nervous, it's not your fault.

The moment the boss approached, Cheng Zhi suddenly pushed his body forward.



Xu Fei rolled his eyes suddenly, and said to Luo Nian and Wang Wenhang in front of him, "Why? Is it annoying? If you want to come and see it, you have to call me!"

Luo Nian's voice is cute, but his eyes are looking around. "Anyway, Ah Fei, you're in a bad mood, so you just came out to relax. I just wanted to come out and bump into each other, in case I could see Brother Cheng Zhi."

"What's so interesting about picking up fans? I guess I'm leaving early now." Xu Fei was very upset, and when he saw Wang Wenhang, who was also eagerly scanning the parking lot, he immediately became angry.

"Look at your seriousness, why don't you put so much effort into filming! Wang Wenhang! Talk about you!"

Wang Wenhang immediately froze, looking back at the toes of the person looking for him.

"It seems that there is really no, we may be late."

Luo Nian sighed. Although Cheng Zhi firmly believed that the other party was a woman, Luo Nian and the makeup artist in the crew held the opposite opinion. In order to satisfy his curiosity, Luo Nian immediately ran out to take a look as soon as the work was over, and for some reason, Wang Wenhang also wanted to be together, so Luo Nian pulled Xu Fei, who was angry because of Zhou Peiling, and the three of them drove away together. come over.

"Forget it, they must have already left, even if they don't, there are so many cars, we don't know which one it is." Luo Nian was very disappointed, she curled her lips, ready to return in vain.

Suddenly, just in front of them, a black nanny car jerked.

Luo Nian who just saw it: "..."

Xu Fei who also saw it: "..."

I don't know why, but Wang Wenhang suddenly found that the other two were frozen: "...?"

Luo Nian was very embarrassed, she was still a little girl who didn't graduate from college, she didn't want to think about that.

Maybe she was wrong. She was about to cough and call Xu Fei to leave together, but the car suddenly moved again, and then creaked and started moving one after another.

Luo Nian blushed to the point of explosion: "..."

Xu Fei with an indifferent face: "..."

Wang Wenhang finally saw the car moving: "Hey, why did that car vibrate?"

Luo Nian: "..."

Xu Fei: "..."

Damn, come and drag this honest man away! ! !