Later On, I Was Known As A Fake Actor!

Chapter 53


After playing abroad for a few days, Chu Yuncai returned to the country with Guan Rui. However, it wasn't until this time that he realized that something was wrong.

In the past two days, the two of them didn't touch their mobile phones much in order to have fun. Naturally, they didn't know that on the second day of the Asian Film Festival, Jiang Qinglan's homosexual relationship with Shen Qi was exposed.

As soon as Chu Yuntian saw the news on the Internet, he immediately called Jiang Qinglan.

"Where are you now? Where's Shen Qi? Are you okay?" Everything that should be known is available on the Internet, and Chu Yuntian didn't ask any more questions. Jiang Qinglan wasn't worried. Instead, he was worried about Shen Qi. A newcomer and an actor were photographed together. One can imagine how much pressure Shen Qi would be under.

"I don't know." Jiang Qinglan's voice on the other end of the phone seemed extremely weak.

Chu Yuntian frowned, and could tell that Jiang Qinglan's condition was not very good.

"You are at home?"

"Hmm." Jiang Qinglan answered in vain, then stopped talking.

"I'll be there in a while." After speaking, Chu Yuntian hung up the phone, and then called Shen Qi again, but was prompted to turn off the phone.

"I'll go to Jiang Qinglan's place first."

Guan Rui also just saw the news, and knew that the company must have been devastated by Jiang Qinglan's affairs, "I'll go back to the company first."

Chu Yuntian nodded, the assistant sent Chu Yuntian to the company now, and then drove to Jiang Qinglan's residence.

When he saw the person who opened the door, Chu Yuntian wondered for a moment whether he had knocked on the wrong door. The man with messy hair and beard in front of him was Jiang Qinglan

"Why? Come in, didn't you come to see me?" As he said that, he went back to the house first.

After Chu Yuntian went in, he looked around, but fortunately there were no wine bottles or anything, so it seemed that Jiang Qinglan was not drunk.

"What's going on? Where's Shen Qi? I called him and he turned off the phone."

Jiang Qinglan threw herself into the sofa like a lump of cartilage.

"He was photographed, and then he left, saying that he went to study abroad." Jiang Qinglan said in a calm voice, but Chu Yuntian could feel the injury in it.

Chu Yuntian sighed. When the two were together, he was always worried that Jiang Qinglan would bully Shen Qi.

"why did you leave?"

"Who knows, after returning home, he came to me and told me that he was going to study abroad, making me forget about him."

Chu Yuntian frowned, Shen Qi wouldn't be the kind of person who would run away when something happened, right

"He told you himself?"

"Otherwise? Write to me and tell me?" Jiang Qinglan's eloquent appearance made Chu Yuntian's teeth itch.

"Is there any reason?"

Jiang Qinglan glanced at Chu Yuntian with a wry smile, then his face became sad, and his voice became much softer.

"When it broke out, I told him that I was responsible for everything and told him not to be afraid, but he didn't tell me anything."

Jiang Qinglan's voice became more bitter, and then he took an arm to cover his face.

"I'm ready to fight with him, he just turned around and left! He said he hoped I'll be fine in the future! Is he a beast? What a fart!" Tears gradually flowed from the corners of his eyes, Jiang Qinglan's voice was full of tremors.

Chu Yuntian didn't speak. He seemed to be doing the same thing at that time, ready to advance and retreat together. But his situation seemed to be worse at that time.

"You still said that I bullied him, and now I'm the one who's been abandoned! What a heartless thing!"

"I want to find him, but I don't know where to find him."

Jiang Qinglan cried while talking, scolding Shen Qi for being heartless, and saying that she loved him. Chu Yuntian listened quietly, letting Jiang Qinglan vent his emotions.

When Jiang Qinglan and Shen Qi were arguing hotly on the Internet, Jiang Qinglan suddenly announced on Weibo that she wanted to take a break from filming, and netizens' discussions on this matter became more intense.

Jiang Qinglan v: I am twenty years old and have been filming for ten years. During this period, he participated in the filming of 109 works and won 56 awards, large and small. I feel that I have achieved enough, and I am tired from walking on this road, and I want to find someone to spend the rest of my life quietly.

Below the Weibo text is a photo of an airline ticket.

In the incident between the two, Jiang Qinglan's situation was actually not bad, after all, there was a precedent set by Chu Yuntian. Instead, Shen Qi was scolded by everyone, saying that he hugged his thigh and so on. Jiang Qinglan's resting shadow not only shows his attitude of advancing and retreating with Shen Qi, but also resisting for Shen Qi.

Jiang Qinglan's fans, who were dissatisfied with Shen Qi's appearance in the sky, immediately burst into tears when confronted with Jiang Qinglan's disappearance incident, and unanimously begged Jiang Qinglan not to leave.

However, Jiang Qinglan never appeared again. Shen Qi turned around and ran away, no matter how unhappy Jiang Qinglan was, it was his own business. The fans made him a success, but he didn't want to see all the dirty water poured on his beloved at the critical moment.

Not long after Jiang Qinglan's incident, Li Peien's various scandals were exposed, and there was evidence for each scandal, even if Li Peien wanted to defend himself, he couldn't justify himself.

In this way, the recognized national actress stepped down from the altar in the saliva of everyone.

"I want to hold a concert." One night, Chu Yuntian suddenly said to Guan Rui.

"Come on, leave me a good seat."


The concert is in City A, on June 13th, Guan Rui's birthday. When the date was finalized, Guan Rui raised his eyebrows, but he didn't ask.

Tickets for Chu Yuntian's "Encounter" concert were sold out as soon as they went on sale. Countless fans who didn't get tickets cried and begged Chu Yuntian for more shows on Weibo, but they all ended without a problem.

On the day of the concert, when Chu Yuntian appeared on the stage, the fans below immediately burst into cheers, and many of them shed tears of excitement. Those who like Chu Yuntian's songs are those who watched how Chu Yuntian went through the most difficult period. During his most difficult time, many people gave up on him. But when he reached the top again, fans discovered that he did not abandon them. What an honor to have him, as he said, he deserves it.

As soon as Chu Yuntian appeared, he locked his eyes on the most conspicuous man sitting in the front row, and after blinking at him, Chu Yuntian withdrew his gaze.

"Miss me?" Chu Yuntian asked the fans in the audience.

"Think!" Everyone replied in unison.

"I miss you too, I give you the song "I Miss You"."

What the hell is "I Miss You"? Chu Yuntian has this song? Could it be that female singer's "I Miss You"? The fans in the audience were dumbfounded, but this was sung by their idols, and they liked it no matter what song it was!

The unfamiliar prelude sounded slowly, and everyone realized that they had never heard this song before, and they were a little excited for a moment. Is this a new song? This must be a new song!

After singing one song, another one followed, and soon everyone discovered that Chu Yuntian sang all new songs tonight! Before the album was released, they actually listened to the live version in advance! What an honor!

After more than ten songs were sung, Chu Yuntian was already profusely sweating and his breath was not stable. Everyone wanted him to stop and have a rest, but they were reluctant to let the concert stop like this.

Until another song was sung, everyone finally yelled for him to rest.

"I'm a little tired. Are you wondering why you didn't invite guests over today so that I can have a rest?"

Before everyone could reply, Chu Yuntian went on to say: "Actually, today is a special day, and these songs are all dedicated to a special person. But I hope to have fans to witness, I hope you can bless me, so I just You guys are invited."

As soon as Chu Yuntian said the words, the fans present already knew what Chu Yuntian meant.

[Brother Chu! We love you no matter what!]A sharp girl stood out from the fans.

Like an order, everyone cried out to Chu Yuntian, saying that they would always support him.

Chu Yuntian hooked the corner of his mouth, and then put the index finger of his left hand on his lips, "Shh."

The fans below fell silent for a moment.

"Stop screaming, don't spoil your voice."

Originally thought that Chu Yuntian wanted to say something to them, who knew it was because of caring for them, the fans were moved to tears by Chu Yuntian's actions.

"I originally thought that if I invited you to come and see my confession in this way, some people would just throw the stool and leave. Now I see, um, everyone didn't."

Chu Yuntian's words made the fans who were crying one second laugh out loud the next. They wiped their tears and grinned like a group of the craziest psychopaths.

"Okay, I'm going to confess, you all wipe away your tears and open your eyes wide to see for me."

The fans suppressed their tears obediently, then stared wide-eyed, looking around, trying to see who was the lucky one.

Chu Yuntian put his eyes on Guan Rui. Guan Rui has never left his eyes since Chu Yuntian started singing.

Every song that Chu Yuntian sang has his traces. Even if Chu Yuntian didn't say it, he still knew that these were all songs written by Chu Yuntian for the two of them.

It turned out that before he knew it, Chu Yuntian had already recorded everything about them in this way. At first, he was very moved. When Chu Yuntian chose his birthday as the date of the concert, he knew that Chu Yuntian would make a move.

But then, the emotion gradually disappeared, and there was only this one person left in his heart, and something called "love" filled his chest cavity. When everyone was madly crying for him, he just wanted to jump on the stage and tell everyone that he was his.

"The most handsome male fan in the first row, can I have the honor to invite you to the stage to listen to a song?"

Guan Rui raised his eyebrows, stood up in front of everyone's eyes, and then jumped onto the stage nimbly.

"This fan is so handsome, isn't he?" Chu Yuntian asked everyone.

Immediately there was screaming below, and various whistling sounds were also mixed in.

"What's your last name, this fan?" After asking, Chu Yuntian put the topic in front of Guan Rui.

"Regardless of your surname."

"What a coincidence, the next song is just right for you." Chu Yuntian pretended to be surprised. However, the smiling eyebrows and eyes completely revealed his true emotions.

At some point, two chairs appeared at the front of the stage, and a guitar was erected beside one of the chairs.

"Please sit down." After inviting Guan Rui to sit down on a chair, Chu Yuntian also sat down, and then arranged the guitar.

"A piece of "Mr. Guan" for you."

It was the song Chu Yuntian sang on Christmas Day.

No cool soundtrack, no gorgeous lighting. Just one guitar, two people.

The scene was quiet, and everyone waved their arms along with Chu Yuntian's singing.

"Mr. Guan, you never forget your smile, even if you yearn to age like me"

"Mr. Guan, you are beautiful when the corners of your mouth are down, like the clear water under the Anhe Bridge"

"Mr. Guan, I am also a complicated animal. I say a sentence in my mouth but keep repeating it in my heart."

"Mr. Guan, the night time of the Drum Tower is in a hurry. Strangers, please give me a Lanzhou"

"So those may not be true, Mr. Guan, you are not a classmate with no story who fell in love with a wild horse, but my family has no grassland, which makes me feel desperate, Mr. Guan"

"Mr. Guan, you put out the cigarette and talk about the past, you said that the first half of your life will be like this, and there will be tomorrow."

"Mr. Guan, do you know that I said enough goodbye and finally lost my sleep on an October morning"

"So those may not be true, Mr. Guan, you are not a classmate with no story who fell in love with a wild horse, but my family has no grassland, which makes me feel desperate, Mr. Guan"

"So those may all be true, Mr. Guan, who will take the trouble to comfort that ignorant boy, I want to ignore those like you, so come with me, Mr. Guan, get angry, Mr. Guan, I love you, Mr. Guan"

The eyes of the two seemed to be glued together, and they couldn't tell each other apart.

On the big screen, the eye contact between the two was actually recorded, and everyone could see something called "love" from the eyes of the two. Gradually, the fans began to cry, feeling guilty for abandoning Chu Yuntian, happy that Chu Yuntian could stand up again, and wishing them a happy marriage.

After singing a song, Chu Yuntian put down the guitar in his hand, and then knelt down on one knee.

"Mr. Guan, although we only met for the first time, I fell in love with you at first sight. How about being my partner?"

Guan Rui was caught off guard by Chu Yuntian's marriage proposal, shouldn't this be his trick? He thought that Chu Yuntian would not propose in full view, so he was always confident! Why is Chu Yuntian's birthday behind her? Otherwise, he is the one who proposes now!

Guan Rui's forehead was only short of engraving the word "mistake" in big words.

"Mr. Guan, do you disagree?" Seeing that there was no response and he was not very happy, Chu Yuntian knew what Guan Rui was thinking, and he smiled slyly.

"It's my honor to pick up a great movie star home." The atmosphere was really good, if he refused, the two of them would say goodbye.

"No, no, it's my honor. I hope Rongguang's stock won't fall by this time tomorrow." Chu Yuntian replied calmly.

Guan Rui pulled him over, then kissed his ear, "Little villain."

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