Law of the Devil

Chapter 107: return to the human world


"Dear Duwey Boy:

When you can open this letter, I must be no longer in this world...

In fact, I am also very curious now, because I guessed that this trip will be the last adventure in my life. However, how I will die in the end is really exciting...

When I found you, I knew you were the one in the prophecy. It must be said clearly that at the beginning, I was very dissatisfied with you. Because although you are smart, you lack some perseverance in your character. You may not always understand what you will take on in the future, but I firmly believe that to achieve great things, you must have a strong character.

So, I was not polite to you along the way, and even I will train you well, maybe, you must hate me in your heart.

Fortunately, even though I am dead, there is Hussein by your side. Although his temper is a bit stinky, the perseverance in his temper is what you lack the most.

One thing I appreciate about you is that you have clearly realized that in this world, the powerful are the ones who are respected. Although your ability is a bit weaker now...

You must be very surprised, why is there no advanced method of learning magic in the relics I left you? And those powerful magic spells, I haven't written them down for you.

Believe me, after I examine you along the way. I found that although you are very cunning to hide some strength. But I have seen clearly the weakness you exposed.

Magic is not child's play, magic is profound. Even hard. Your biggest weakness is that you didn't have an excellent teacher to guide you since you were a child, making you rely entirely on your own exploration in the process of learning magic. Although your theoretical knowledge is rich. But it's extremely complicated. I haven't even studied the most basic and complete theory of the magic system. The foundation is not stable, no matter how talented you are, it is difficult to understand the profound meaning of magic.

With the background of your Luo Lin family, if you join the magic union, it is not difficult to worship a mage as your teacher. But now those guys in the magic guild have high-mindedness and low-handedness. Even if they have some good skills, they are not good at training disciples. I thought about it, in this world, after I die. I am afraid that there is only one person who is most suitable to be your teacher to teach you. It's just that that guy has a weird temper, and his usual behavior is definitely not a kind person, and he has a little relationship with you. For my sake, I would accept you as an apprentice, even if I thought about it, I would not refuse.

You remember, after I die, it will be the night of the full moon in June this year. A hundred miles northwest of the imperial capital, there is a Pegasus town. Leaping Horse Stream outside Pegasus Town. At midnight, go alone, don’t bring your followers, and then use the things in the green bottle in my bag to ignite the flames, there will be green smoke, and people will come naturally, you just worship that People are teachers, let's learn magic well. That man's magical strength is superb, not inferior to mine, but he can be a good teacher. It's just that you have a weird temper and are unruly, but you have to be careful.

Behind this letter, I used the invisibility potion to draw a picture of my seclusion in the mountains, the practice method of the stars magic, I stayed in the hermitage of the mountains, the point of the hiding place is in the picture, and there are countless magics I have collected all my life The collection of props is also given to you. After you read this picture, burn it immediately after memorizing it. Remember, before your magic strength reaches the eighth level, don't try to learn star magic. Star magic is profound and powerful. If the magic power is insufficient, it will be backlashed by the power of the stars. If it is serious, it will kill your life, if it is light, the foundation will be unstable, and it will be difficult to make achievements in the future.

My little apprentice is still living in seclusion in a thatched cottage in the mountains, Wei Wei'an is pure in nature and poor in life, I hope you treat her kindly from now on.

Gandalf must write. "

Turning the letter to the back, Du Wei did a little trick. He is also very proficient in magic pharmacy. Naturally, this invisibility potion can't trouble him. He easily produced the map that hides the land on the paper and read it many times. After memorizing it firmly, he lit a flame and burned the letter.

After reading these things, I don't know what Du Wei was thinking in his heart, but he just stayed in this secret room for another day, and collected some fountains of youth and the passage of time. Finally, Du Wei came out to meet his companions.

Looking at Du Wei at this time, something is faintly different. Although he still had a childish face, there was a trace of deep color on his small face, his eyes were deep, and a kind of indifference and calmness that did not match his age hung on his face.

Even Hussein noticed Du Wei's difference and couldn't help but look at him more.

"Are everyone's injuries almost healed?" Du Wei smiled faintly: "If we are ready, we should be on our way."

On the contrary, Medusa, although her eyes were closed all the time, actually understood Du Wei's changes most clearly.

"Human nature... should face the earth, always face the earth." This indifferent beautiful snake said.

After recovering from the injury, the group bid farewell to the canyon and the territory of the tree-human tribe, and crossed the Dayuan Lake all the way to the south.

Hussein's grudge has recovered forty to five percent, and Medusa has roughly recovered seventy to eighty percent of her magic power. With Gargamel and Du Wei, naturally there is no need to worry about the attacks of the surrounding monsters. It's just that the "divine beast" left by Aragorn in the team still doesn't know what it is capable of... At least along the way, this guy's combat effectiveness is almost zero.

Before leaving, Du Wei spoke up about his perseverance: "Since we have returned to the human world, there are a few things we need to pay attention to. The first one is Hussein. Although you are powerful, you are now considered a continent. The most wanted criminal is here. If you don't want to be hunted down endlessly, it's better to hide your identity and change your face. Otherwise, there are many strong people in the temple, and they will come today and tomorrow. Even if we are tired, we will be exhausted. "

Hussein snorted at this point. There is no objection. Although extremely arrogant. But the disastrous defeat at the hands of the patriarch of the Dragon Clan also calmed down the knight's temperament a lot.

One of Hussein's eyes was injured by the breath of the golden dragon, and he might not be able to recover in a short time. He simply made a leather mask and put it on his face, pretending to be one-eyed, plus he left a beard. Bushy beard. It also covered a bit of the original ground, and a knight armor had long been left in the canyon of the Treants. At this moment, he was wearing leather, and deliberately tore off the two sleeves, revealing his muscular arms. I got some tattoos that are only available to foreigners in the Northwest. In addition, Du Wei found it in the frozen forest again ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ literacy, and also deliberately shaved the hair on both sides of the head. The hair is tied into a few braids. It seems to be a Northwest alien dressed up. Although he still couldn't hide his killing spirit, he looked more like a mercenary warrior in this way.

"And you... Her Majesty Queen Medusa." Du Wei sighed: "Since you have decided to travel with us to the human world, I'm afraid your name will have to be changed."

This is of course to be changed. Otherwise, if someone yelled a name like "Queen Medusa" in public and was heard, they would be scared away immediately.

"I've already thought about it." Medusa is worthy of being a highly intelligent monster: "I once heard Gargamel tell some ancient legends on the mainland, and there are many beautiful names in it... From now on, my name will be Nicole. Stop calling me Queen. Please call me Miss Nicole."

"Good, Miss Nicole." Du Wei smiled.

After the arrangement was made, it was strange that all the companions agreed with Du Wei's idea, as if after the death of the old magician, there was still the prophecy of Aragorn, and everyone secretly regarded Du Wei as the most important person in the group. characters. Although he was very young, even the proud Hussein did not object.

A group of people walked south out of the frozen forest, and came to the defense line of the Northern Stormtrooper's patrol team. This is also the place where Du Wei and the old magician passed by. Du Wei had seen the team guarding the checkpoint guarding the road leading to the frozen forest.

The difference this time is that the number of these defenders is more than three times more than when they came here, and there is a wanted notice on the checkpoint, the portrait on it is not someone else, it is the wanted person in the whole continent Hussein!

The matter of Hussein's betrayal has been spread throughout the continent by the imperial capital. Moreover, the people from the temple chased him all the way to the frozen forest before, which aroused great attention. The imperial officials couldn't ignore the affairs of the temple, and they also issued a joint arrest warrant symbolically, and also ordered that the defense force of the Storm Legion be increased by three times, and the patrol density has also been greatly increased. Although anyone with a discerning eye understands that these are just gestures... You really met the number one knight in the mainland, and you still expect these hundred and ten soldiers to capture the Grand Knight Commander of the Holy Knights

The old magician Gandolf's relic still has the order valid for one hundred years. Although the order has expired, after all, the officer guarding here saw Du Wei and the old magician go in. When he came out of the forest and recognized him, he naturally let him go! However, the last time the old magician took Du Wei into the Frozen Forest to show the pass jointly signed by the former emperor of the empire and the former chairman of the Magic Union, the defenders here had already notified them. Leaving, immediately send someone to deliver a letter to the nearby military camp, saying that the person holding the pass has come out of the frozen forest.

Du Wei and his party continued to go south, and came to the small town on the southern edge of the forest. Du Wei exchanged the magic cores of a few prey he hunted in the frozen forest for some gold coins—this was what he had to do. . Although there are mainland powerhouses among the group. There are also wealthy children like Du Wei. But it's ridiculous. Everyone didn't even have a single gold coin on them.

When Du Wei came, he brought a bag of gold coins, but the old magician had already spent them all.

There are not many magic cores on Du Wei. Because when I was with the people of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group, most of the hunted demon cores were given to the people of the Mercenary Group. Du Wei was also reluctant to sell some high-end good things in the magic core presented by Captain Beinrich. So there are not many gold coins in exchange.

After buying the scimitar, and after trading with a passing mercenary group to buy their four horses, Du Wei's pockets have been cleaned again.

Du Wei sighed, thinking that he had achieved quite a career in his hometown in Luolin Plain, and he could be regarded as a rich man with a lot of money, but it's a pity that he is so poor now.

Think before and after. They rode all the way south with everyone on horseback, but headed towards the Luolin Plain. Du Wei was concerned about the industries he was running, and also asked Joanna to take people out to sea to wipe out those pirates and collect the fleet. Counting the days, there should be results, if he can't make it back in time. If Joanna's violent girl gets impatient, there may be some troubles in her hometown.

Due to the snow and ice weather in the north, the roads are muddy and slippery, and the horse-drawn carriage does not change. We can only change to a horse-drawn carriage in a warmer place in the south.

A few people left the small town and rode their horses south, but they only walked for half a day when they heard the sound of horseshoes behind them. Hussein stopped his horse and looked back, seeing a faint snowflake flying up on the road in the distance behind him. , The dense sound of horseshoes trampling on the big one, I am afraid that at least more than a hundred horses are galloping, and they are coming in a hurry.

There are not many people on this road, Du Wei couldn't help frowning, worried in his heart, could it be that Hussein's whereabouts were seen through

Sure enough, they saw the more than one hundred horses behind them gradually approaching. Both Du Wei and Hussein are people with sharp eyesight, and they immediately saw the knights sitting on the two horses running in the front, wearing armor specially made by the temple. It is the Holy Knight! And in the sky behind him, there are still a few mages in white robes who have already floated up, but they cast wind spells and chased here extremely. Look at those sorcerers flying in the sky, the wind whizzes past while flying, they are obviously people with strong magic power!

Hussein had already put his hand on the handle of the scimitar, and his eyes showed murderous intent. If the other party really found him, then he had no choice but to fight. It would be best to kill them all and leave no one alive!

There were only four horses for a few people, and they were bad horses bought at a low price. If the horses walked away, they would definitely not be as fast as the pursuers behind them. At that moment, Du Wei and Hussein exchanged glances, and simply got off their horses and stood by the roadside , all sneered, secretly gaining momentum. There is a paladin and a Queen Medusa on their side, and Du Wei and Gargamel are not weak players. If the opponent wants to arrest someone, I am afraid they will kick down the iron plate.

However, the group of people galloped on their horses and rushed all the way to Du Wei, but they didn't stop, as if they were not coming for Du Wei and Hussein. The robes worn by the soaring mages that day were not the authentic magician robes registered by the Magic Union, but the robes of the priests of the temple, and all of these guys have white beards and hair. When flying, the magic power fluctuates From the perspective of induction, they are all strong. A group of cavalry behind them were all low-level holy knights. Such a group of people ran past Du Wei and others, but they did not slow down and roared past.

It's just that the two holy knights riding at the front of the queue are obviously high-ranking knights, but when they passed by by mistake, they glanced at Du Wei and others intentionally or unintentionally.

Du Wei heaved a sigh of relief as the group of people crossed his side and left. He was not afraid of these people fighting at all, but what Du Wei was most worried about was that Hussein's identity would be exposed while his own identity was also exposed. I'm afraid it will bring trouble to the family.

It seems that Hussein's identity has not been exposed, which is the best.

"It's a member of the Holy Knights... The few enclaves above are members of the elders in the temple. From a standard point of view, they are not difficult to deal with." After Hussein and others walked by, they said something in a low voice.

However, as the group of hundreds of holy knights and several temples left, when everyone got back on their horses and was about to leave, there was another burst of hooves behind them!

But this time, the hooves of the horses roared densely and neatly. After a rough listen, there were probably nearly a thousand horses!

Du Wei's face changed, and he stood on the horse and looked behind him. On the road in between, a mighty troop of cavalry was galloping, with flags flying, and the sound of horseshoes shaking the sky! What's even more rare is that these cavalry are neatly lined up, even while galloping at high speed, the lineup is still neat, and the cavalry on horseback have bright armor and are extremely mighty. A kind of killing spirit unique to the regular army rushed to the face!

The thousand-man cavalry came galloping, and someone shouted loudly from a distance, but it was a magic spell concentrating: "People in front, please go slowly! Master Du Wei of the Luo Lin family is here with you!"