Law of the Devil

Chapter 110: The power to play dumb


In the city of Keluo, in a hotel closely guarded by the garrison.

In a room, outside, several magicians from the Imperial City Magic Union guarded the door, and even surrounded by a sound-suppressing magic circle by several magicians, so that there will be absolutely no words in the house. A voice came from outside.

Du Wei and Clark sat facing each other, Clark's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and he looked at Du Wei in front of him with suspicious eyes.

Du Wei looked relaxed, and even took a sip of the black tea in front of him. In the north, tea is a rare commodity. This black tea must be the southern goods brought by those caravans, but after being dried and preserved, the taste of drinking will inevitably be worse.

Du Wei was quite comfortable, but Clark was a little embarrassed. After listening to Du Wei's narration, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you telling the truth?"

Du Wei immediately straightened his face and said seriously: "Master Clark, you are a man of great status in the imperial capital. Although you are a high-ranking magician, you can't question the honesty of a gentleman for no reason! What I said Everything is true, I dare to swear to the great God of Light!"

Clark was a little irritable, but looking at Du Wei's awe-inspiring face... He is a famous archmage after all, so he can't get angry at a child, right

However, what Du Wei said was too much...

How many magical beasts will die in the frozen forest, the last magistrate in the mainland, and Mr. Gandolf, who is known as the number one magician in the mainland

say it. Who believes it

Are there monsters on the mainland that can kill Gandolf? Unless it's a dragon! Unless it's a beast.

"That's how things are." Du Wei said with emotion on his face: "The teacher said that he would take me to travel through the frozen forest. I hope I can gain more knowledge and practice more. I didn't expect the frozen forest to be so dangerous. We were forced to A few ice and snow demon wolves... Ah, it should be the wolf king! After being besieged by the wolf king, the teacher showed his power and killed a few wolf kings. After encountering an evil-faced spider in the north, the teacher ran out of magic power, and finally Fight to the death with that spider queen..."

"You said "teacher"?" Clark realized that there was something wrong with Du Wei's address!

"Yes." Du Wei continued to weave nasty lies: "A month ago, the teacher came to the Luolin Plain, hit it off with me at first sight, and then said that I was talented. He accepted me as a closed disciple. This is absolutely true! "

"Taking... disciples?" Clark felt that he was starting to break out in a cold sweat.

Who is Gandalf? The last magister on the mainland!

Magisters do not belong to the rank of magicians. Some magicians, even if they reach the level of tenth-level magicians, cannot become magisters.

In a sense, a magister is not a standard to measure the strength of a magician, but a kind of honor, or a kind of qualifications.

According to the magic system of Roland Continent, only disciples who have taught two or more eighth-level magicians can be considered to have the title of wizard. Only after training a ninth-level disciple can he be called a magister!

It's like being a professor at a university. is a qualification.

Of course, since a ninth-level magician can be trained. Then the teacher's own strength, naturally needless to say.

Received as a disciple by Gandolf? What is that concept

In fact, Gandolf's position, according to his seniority, is an old guy in his 260s, an apprentice he had accepted during his lifetime. There are not many, but if you pick one at random, they all become famous and powerful magicians in the mainland!

The first two presidents of the Magic Union were both apprentices of Gandolf! In this way, Du Wei is of the same seniority as them... What kind of position is that

Strictly speaking, Yago Dogan, the current chairman of the Magic Union, is a disciple of Gandolf. In this way, isn't Du Wei the same generation as the chairman of the Magic Union

Moreover, it is now in the magic union. There are also many old magicians who do not care about worldly affairs. They are all disciples of Gandolf. Du Wei suddenly became the junior brother of these people...

Clark sat up straight involuntarily, and swallowed: ", Your Excellency, have you been accepted as a disciple by Master Gandolf?"

"Not bad." Du Wei said calmly. Seriously, lying is like eating cabbage.

After he was questioned by Clark before, he also carefully told Clark a lot. First, he found out the old Gandalf's position in the Magic Union... Push the ground clean. But seeing that Gandolf seems to have a high position in the Magic Union, Du Wei naturally has a great relationship.

Gandolf's disciples are alive now, and there are about three more in the magic union. They are all old monsters close to 200 years old, and they are all ninth-level magicians. , even the current chairman of the Magic Union must be respectful when meeting him.

And the last time I learned that Mr. Gandolf still has apprentices, it is said that he brought a girl to the Magic Union to participate in the assessment a few years ago. A bunch of old guys were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

However, this matter has been classified as a secret. If it wasn't for the things Clark came out to do this time had a lot to do with Gandolf, he wouldn't have known these secrets.

After all, Clark was hanging out in the imperial capital, so he naturally wouldn't believe Du Wei's words, and questioned him a few more times.

"Your Excellency Du Wei." He coughed, and the address was much more polite. Originally, if Du Wei was just the young master of the Luo Lin family, he would not have to be so polite as a magician, but he has a relationship with the legendary figure of the Magic Union. That is very different: "You have to know, this matter is not trivial. I have to clarify the details and then report to the union. Then, regarding your identity, the magic union will have an official recognition... Uh, first of all, Can you tell me first, when you first met Lord Gandolf, how did he take a fancy to you and accept you as an apprentice?"

Du Wei grabbed an apple on the table in front of him, took a bite hard, and said with a straight face: "Ah, so, when the teacher saw me for the first time, he saw me from afar and called me , and then said to me, "Boy, I see that your bones are amazing, but you are a unique magical genius. I have basic magic books for you. From now on, I will entrust you with the important task of eradicating violence and maintaining world peace. "Then the teacher took out the basic magic books, such as Tathagata Palm, Nine Yin Manuals, etc. I just picked one, and it was regarded as my apprentice."

Clark: "..."

Looking at Du Wei who was munching on the apple, Clark suddenly felt dumbfounded. I was facing a half-old child who was under fourteen years old, but listened to the other party's childish words in such a serious manner.

However, whether he is Gandolf's apprentice or not is the key question.

Clark asked a few more questions, Du Wei pretended to be stupid while coping vaguely. I really couldn't be fooled, so I pretended to be childish, and just said that I didn't know and couldn't remember.

Anyway, Gandolf is a legendary figure. If they want to accept me as an apprentice, they naturally have other ideas. I am a child, how do I know so much? ——This is an excellent excuse. Du Wei suddenly discovered that his age is a very good umbrella for him. After all, no one can be serious with a child. Children are born with the power to pretend to be stupid.

After talking for a long time, although Clark was in a daze from Du Wei's words, he couldn't help but believe it 80% to 90%.

He knew Du Wei, and he had personally tested Du Wei's talent in the early years. It had outstanding magic power, but his induction was so poor that it was absolutely impossible to become a magician. But how long does it take for the updates to be separated? Moreover, the records from the feedback show that before the young master of the Luo Lin family was taken away by Gandolf, he was a young master who could only mess around. I have never heard of him being able to use magic.

But now, Clark can see Du Wei's magical strength! When dealing with those two holy knights just now, Du Wei instantly cast two fireballs in one breath, that's true! And when releasing the fireball, the technique is proficient, and it can be seen that the potential is not small. The level of magic power is already quite good.

Clark can do two fireballs in one go, but he can't do it instantly. From this point of view, if a kid who doesn't know magic at all, and a guy with absolutely no talent, can be trained into an outstanding magician in such a period of time, from the perspective of the entire continent, I am afraid that only Lord Gandolf can do it. A legend now!

You know, when Wei Wei'an passed the eighth-level assessment back then, the example was vividly before her eyes!

If it weren't for Gandolf, who would have the ability to turn decay into magic

After confirming this point, Du Wei's status as "Master Gandolf's closed disciple" is confirmed. Clark didn't dare to say anything more. After all, if the other party was Gandolf's disciple, he would not talk about strength, but his seniority, and he was two or three generations older than himself.