Law of the Devil

Chapter 118: Father and son


It was not until a long time later that Earl Raymond seemed to come back to his senses, wrote a few strokes on the document, put down the quill, raised his head, and looked at Du Wei calmly. His eyes were very flat, neither happy nor angry, as if he didn't have any emotional fluctuations when Du Wei came back. Du Wei raised his head and looked at his father calmly.

After a while, Earl Raymond said slowly, "Well, you're back."

Du Wei took a deep breath: "Yes, I'm back... Father."

Earl Raymond raised his brows slightly, his originally calm eyes flickered a little, he opened his mouth slightly, and then slowly formed a vague smile at the corners of his mouth. As if with a trace of mockery: " called me Father...hehe! It's been more than ten years, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you've taken the initiative to call me "Father"?"

As soon as these words came out, even though Du Wei had already made full preparations in his heart, he couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart.

Quietly looking at his father, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional in his heart.

He... seems to have aged a lot.

Earl Raymond is now forty-nine years old, not much older than Alpha's guards, but he looks much older than Alpha! You know, Earl Raymond is the patriarch of the Rollins family. Born in a family of Wu Xun, his martial arts skills are definitely not trivial! It can also be called the strongest in the imperial military! The unique skills passed down by the Luo Lin family are naturally extraordinary.

But Count Raymond. But still old. Old and even a little tired.

That Gao Dawei back then returned triumphantly from the sea. The vigorous general is not yet fifty years old, and the corners of his eyes are already wrinkled.

Even sitting there, his body didn't seem to be as straight as before, but he was leaning on the chair a little tiredly.

Seemingly aware that his son was distracted, Earl Raymond coughed lightly, pulling Du Wei's wandering thoughts back.

The count slowly stood up from the chair. He was wearing a set of pure white cotton robes, which was a habit he had developed in the army before. It was simple and comfortable. The heroic general of the empire does not like fancy clothes like other nobles, but prefers this kind of clean and simple clothes.

He walked around the table slowly, walked in front of Du Wei, and stood in front of Du Wei, quietly and condescendingly looking at Du Wei.

Du Wei was also at a loss for a moment, not knowing what his father was going to do.

Covered by this majestic gaze for a long time, Du Wei carefully restrained his vigor and sharpness, and stood obediently with his hands down, without even raising his head to meet his father's eyes.

"You... have grown up a bit." Suddenly, the count sighed slowly, his majestic voice softened: "When you left home last year, your head only reached my chest, but now it has reached my shoulders!"

Du Wei couldn't help trembling slightly after hearing this... Did he stand so close to me just to see my size

At this moment, he has completely lost his identity as a general and patriarch—this is purely a "typical" behavior of a father!

But just as a touch of emotion surfaced in Du Wei's heart, another thought popped up immediately, and something seemed to flash in his eyes...

That flows out of the military... Bow and crossbow!


Taking a deep breath, Du Wei raised his head, with an awkward smile "shown" on his face: "Yes father... It's just that my body is still too weak, and I don't look as powerful as you at all... I'm afraid it will be another two years, brother They'll all be taller than me."

Seeing the "smile" on his son's face, Earl Raymond's eyes flashed a glimmer of haze. He sighed, stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to hug Du Wei, but his hand was in the air, hesitating for a moment, but turned into With a shoulder slapping movement, he patted Du Wei's shoulder twice lightly, and then retracted his hand.

Afterwards, Earl Raymond smiled wryly: "You... Forget it, I don't blame you. In fact, you must still hate me very much."

Du Wei didn't speak, just stood quietly.

Earl Raymond shook his head. He sighed, walked slowly back to the desk, sat down calmly, and then pointed to a chair in the study: "You can sit too. Starting today, you have returned to the imperial capital, you Every move of the land represents the Luo Lin family... I... I was wrong."

Admit it

Du Wei frowned secretly, not knowing what his father was going to say.

Earl Raymond looked at Du Wei's expression, snorted, then suddenly turned around and took out an exquisite crystal wine bottle from the cabinet under his desk, and gently unscrewed the bottle cap.

This is obviously a good wine.

Earl Raymond had a smile on his face: "Okay, no matter what you thought about my father in the past, now, I just want to have a good talk with you. Because from today onwards, your first step into the imperial capital ... Everything in the future is inevitable! Do you understand?"

The bright red wine was slowly filled in two exquisite crystal wine glasses. Du Wei and Earl Raymond held a wine glass each. The study room was a bit dull, both of them seemed to be immersed in the atmosphere of wine tasting, and neither of them spoke first.

After a long time, Earl Raymond's eyes flashed with surprise, he smiled slowly, and said, "I really didn't expect, I have such a good son! Good son! I have really misjudged all these years... Don't Not to mention, your patience and calmness have already surprised me."

"Ever since I drove you out of the imperial capital and returned to the Luolin Plain, I have actually received news of your every move there." Earl Raymond said slowly. Du Wei is not surprised. As the patriarch of the family, it would be strange if he said that he knew nothing about all his actions in the Luolin Plain.

"It's only been a year, and you've come up with something that amazes me. My son... Huh, what football, you can turn a small game into a money-making machine that makes money, and you've created those businesses , and that hot air balloon... I know, on your mother's birthday last time, that so-called "Forgiveness of the Goddess of Dawn", that thing is called... Fireworks, right? It's very good and amazing. Luolin Plain is our family Land feudal, although there are other channels for family income now, the Luolin Plain can bring hundreds of thousands of gold coins to the family in taxes every year. But within a year, you can earn money by yourself without taking a single gold coin from your family. ... Oh, let me see ... there are more than 140,000 gold coins?"

Du Wei was slightly startled. He didn't expect his father to investigate so clearly! The only people who know about the tent of his private property are himself and Made. Du Wei firmly believes that Made will never reveal the slightest bit, and he is absolutely loyal to himself. But my father actually figured it out so clearly, it seems that he spent a lot of effort on investigating the property under his name!

"It's only the first year. If it's two years later, your annual private income will probably exceed the annual family tax in the Luolin Plain! I didn't expect that the son I was born with was actually a business genius."

Now that his father had a direct showdown, Du Wei didn't intend to hide anything, he just smiled: "Those are some nonsense things I made up, although they can make money, they are just tricks, and the family is not doing it now. Lack of money. The ability to make money is not of much use to the family."

"So, what about your fleet?" Earl Raymond smiled.

Du Wei was not surprised that his father knew about the fleet. He shrugged his shoulders: "It was just an accident. I happened to meet a very good fighter. Without her help, I wouldn't be able to get such a ship." Team… "

Earl Raymond sighed. He stared deeply at Du Wei, frowned, and said slowly: "I am very strange...why?"

"?" Du Wei glanced at his father.

"You are very smart." Earl Raymond said in a deep tone, word by word slowly: "I even think that your intelligence is rare in family history! Even me, when I was a teenager, absolutely You don’t have brains and skills like yours! But why, when you were in the imperial capital, you deliberately kept a low profile, and people misunderstood you as an “idiot”? Now that I think about it, although you didn’t pretend to be stupid on purpose, it seems that you did it on purpose No excuses for those misunderstandings at all, as if you are still happy to see that situation! So, I want to ask you...

Why! "

Earl Raymond looked at his son, his tone was very firm, waiting for Du Wei's answer.


Du Wei was silent for a long time on this question. It's really hard to answer... no, it's not hard, it's impossible to answer!

Back then, although I didn't do it intentionally, but intentionally or unintentionally led everyone to misunderstand me, and I was misunderstood as an idiot, but I was very happy to see that situation.

Because I... don't belong to this world. The feeling of being disheartened, lazy, and just wanting to live freely and freely... How can I explain it to others

Yes, I just want to live freely and peacefully. But in the imperial capital. But can't do this!

But these reasons, but can not explain to his father.

Looking at the silent Du Wei, Earl Raymond couldn't wait for the answer. He sighed again and shook his head: "If you don't want to say it, I won't force you. But I know very well... you. Like me. Right?"

Du Wei still didn't speak.

Earl Raymond didn't wait for Du Wei to answer this time, instead he continued talking on his own.

"When you were born, I was not by your side. As the patriarch of the family, I shouldered the honor and responsibility of the entire family! As the general of the empire, I had to bear the heavy responsibility of expanding the empire. Even when you were three years old, I I just saw you for the first time... In fact, in my heart, I feel deeply guilty towards you and your mother." Earl Raymond took a sip of his wine slowly and laughed at himself: "It's just that , you should be able to understand. As a man, many times, these thoughts will not be expressed. "

Du Wei didn't speak.

"You don't like me. This can be seen from your eyes when I came home and hugged you for the first time. You never refused to speak. If it wasn't for Made... hehe! You don't even want to contact me. Although I don't know why you have those thoughts at such a young age. Maybe you are a rare genius of the Luo Lin family... Maybe it's because you were young. I am not by your side, not with you Mother and child, don't like me. I can understand all of this."

After a pause, Earl Raymond suddenly asked, "Do you know why I drove you out of the imperial capital?"

"... I know." Du Wei finally spoke, and he whispered: "Because you are disappointed in me and think that I am not a qualified heir to the family."

Count Raymond nodded: "Do you hate me?"

Du Wei shook his head: "No, what I want to say is... I don't hate you."

"Oh?" Earl Raymond was slightly surprised.

"Yes." Du Wei sat up straight, with a very solemn tone: "You are the father, but more of the patriarch of the family. So you can't treat your son like an ordinary father! You have to consider the future of the family , the heavy responsibility in the future, the rise and fall of the entire family. Under such circumstances, I understand this kind of behavior to give up a son who is considered to be a worthless son... So, I don't hold any grudges."

"You really understand." Earl Raymond didn't seem surprised: "But your guess is only half right."

He stood up, walked over gently holding the wine glass, and looked at Du Wei: "The other half of the reason you don't know is... I am to protect you! My son! You... are my son after all! I am to protect you you!"

Du Wei could not help but tremble.

"The emperor is the power center of the Roland Continent! The most prosperous city, but at the same time, it is also the most man-eating place on the entire continent! Hmph... Look, His Majesty the Emperor, the royal family group, the wealthy group, the military group, The power of the temple, the power of the magic union... For hundreds of years, you eat me, I bite you... Hmph, how many glorious and glorious families have disappeared in history now! I was wrong before You, thought you were a... Well, although I am disappointed in you, you are my son after all! I can't watch my son grow up in this man-eating place of the imperial capital, and watch you flow into this messy circle of aristocrats I thought you were not smart enough, I thought you were mediocre. In that case, I am afraid that you will be eaten anytime and anywhere! So, I threw you back to the Luolin Plain, in fact, to protect you!"

Earl Raymond looked at his son. At this moment, the expression on his face was that of a father.

"My idea is very simple: Although you do not have the talent to inherit the family, you are my son after all! Let you stay away from the complicated and dangerous place of the imperial capital, and live a free, happy and safe life in the collar. There , you are safe, even if you are mediocre, you can at least live a comfortable and stable life for decades. As long as the family is in the emperor, you can at least live a prosperous and happy life! And even... "

"What is it?" Du Wei couldn't help asking.

"Even if the family suffered a catastrophe in the imperial capital one day, just like those wealthy families that have never landed in history, they ransacked their homes and wiped out their families... Even if all the people in the imperial capital died, you are far away in the Luolin Plain, and you still have time to escape! If you keep your name incognito, you can still leave a seed for the Luo Lin family!" The imperial official said slowly: "This has always been the case for wealthy families! The best people stay in the imperial capital to fulfill their responsibilities for the family, but they also have to stay. Some seeds are from the imperial capital, just in case!"

Du Wei's face was serious.

"You are my son." Earl Raymond said seriously, "Although I used to think that you were far less intelligent than your brother Gabriel, in my heart, I still love you."

Du Wei was a little moved suddenly. Although he had a tough mind, the moving emotion at this moment surged up from his heart uncontrollably!

"I told you this today not because of anything else. Because our father and son have misunderstood for too long! And now I understand that you are far smarter than I thought! So, I don't want to waste any more time, I have told you all of these things in my heart, because I understand that with your intelligence, you must be able to understand. At the same time, I also want to tell you one thing... "

"whats the matter?"

"You must be very strange..." Earl Raymond said with a gloomy expression, "It stands to reason that I should have called you back to the imperial capital immediately after the news came out a month or two ago after you were recognized as Gandolph's disciple. But I have dragged on for so long! Aren't you surprised?"

Du Wei smiled bitterly: "I... thought you didn't like me."

Earl Raymond was stunned, then shook his head: "No, what I want to tell you now is that even now, I am very unwilling to call you back! This time, I really delayed calling you back to the imperial capital. I pushed and pushed. But the pressure from all sides made me unable to delay any longer, so I had no choice but to call you back! It was absolutely not my intention to bring you back!"

Du Wei frowned: "But although I have the status of Gandolf's disciple, is this identity so important? Why did it cause so many things?? How many of Gandolf's disciples are still alive now? I don’t have many, and I’m not a lot. Why is it me that caused so much trouble?”

Count Raymond suddenly sneered, pointing to the magician's robe on Du Wei: "It's because of this robe on you!!"