Law of the Devil

Chapter 21: The Mystery of the Munn Clan


"Keep in formation! Don't panic! Don't panic!" In the midst of the chaos, Robert's majestic voice came, calming down the panicked soldiers.

The armor on Robert's body was torn, his hair was disheveled, and there was still some blood on his body. He grabbed one of his subordinates and pushed him vigorously, and shouted: "Form up! Protect the master!! Form up and evacuate! Don't run around!"

The griffins in the sky swooped down one by one, with loud roars. This kind of roar really had dizzying magic power. After hearing this, the subordinates of the Luo Lin family felt their brains buzzing and their bodies were on the verge of falling. He couldn't even hold the sword in his hand.

Robert snatched the bow and arrow of an archer lying on the ground, and quickly shot towards a griffin that swooped down in the sky. The arrow with fighting spirit turned into a beam of light and shot out. It was just the most common standard bow and arrow. , but it seemed that he couldn't bear the knight's fighting spirit. As soon as the arrow hit the air, it exploded and turned into a ball of light.

Fortunately, the griffin also seemed to be frightened, so Robert quickly backed away. He barely organized a dozen people to gather around and raised the sword and spear in his hand to protect himself.

At this moment, more griffins fell from the sky. From time to time, someone was injured by the griffin's sharp claws and sharp mouth, and screams were heard all around. From time to time, some people were caught by the griffin and thrown into the air. A few griffins flew up immediately, tearing people apart in mid-air with their sharp mouths and claws!

Such a scene made everyone terrified!

There was only half of Knight Spann's sword left. He was attacked by a griffin just now, and he escaped by rolling on the spot, but his thigh was dripping with blood, and he could barely stand still.

Whether it was Spann or Robert, besides the horror, there was also incomparable shock in their minds!

In the southern hinterland of the empire, how could a large number of terrifying and ferocious beasts like griffins suddenly appear? !

Under the voice of Robert shouting "protect the master", more and more cavalry from the Luo Lin family gathered around and rushed towards Du Wei.

And those griffins in the sky are still like terrible killers. Every time they dive, they will immediately make a scream, and every time the griffins attack, they will take the life of a soldier.

At this moment, the ground was already full of blood, and there were some terrible torn corpses. Many people died in a horrific way. In front of this ferocious monster, many people died without a complete body!

Du Wei saw a griffin pounced towards him just now. After he was thrown to the ground by Ruolin, he heard a loud cry from behind. A yellow halo...

"Master, get up, we have to leave here immediately." Ruo Lin's anxious voice came, and then Ruo Lin pulled Du Wei up hard, and then grabbed him and leaned towards a big tree.

At this moment, there are already many guards of the Luo Lin family around, and Robert rushed over quickly. After all, the guards of the Luo Lin family have a very high sense of family honor and loyalty. At this critical moment, they still did not forget their duties, and none of them escaped. Although everyone was afraid, they all bravely approached their master with their weapons.

"Solskjaer! Solskjaer!" Du Wei shouted angrily.

"I'm here." Beside, there was an answer from the ground. Solskjaer got up from the ground with a look of embarrassment. His robe was already dirty and his face was covered with dust. When it was time, he was the first to fall into the grass.

"What the hell are you doing!" Du Wei rushed up and grabbed the collar of the magician's clothes furiously: "My people are bleeding! Why don't you use magic! Quick! If you want to live, use magic quickly attack!"

The magician's hat was shaken off by Du Wei. He nodded quickly, then quickly raised his hand and shot a few fireballs into the sky... Every way Solskjaer has limited ability, in his current direct attack magic, only The lowest level of fireball. As for spells such as slowing, they probably won't have much effect in the face of groups of griffins.

At this moment, the Griffin was driving the soldiers of the local garrison under Spann to flee everywhere, but the members of Luo Lin's family showed different qualities at this moment, and gradually gathered them together, forming a considerable force . Although the griffin keeps attacking, every time it attacks, it faces rows of swords and spears. One or two times, but after all, this kind of monster is very powerful, and the soldiers of Luo Lin's family are still dying quickly! Almost every attack of the griffin can take away a life!

The team was slowly retreating, and Solskjaer's fireball technique somewhat hindered and intimidated the griffins, but more and more griffins surrounded them—they had completely eliminated Span's troops. There were corpses all over the place, and even Knight Spann himself was lying motionless on the ground in the distance, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Robert's complexion was extremely ugly, the knuckles of the hand he was holding the sword hilt were already white from too much force, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Master, I'm afraid today..." The knight shook his head vigorously, but suddenly Pulling past the female knight Ruolin, she said in a low voice, "I'll lead people to rush up, and you immediately lead the master to run down the mountain! Be fast! Be fast! I'll try my best to attract the attention of these things. Master... I will leave it to you."

Ruo Lin moved, "Are you going to die?"

Robert's voice was difficult: "I understand this kind of thing. They like to hunt and kill. We are their prey now. The distance from here to the bottom of the mountain is too far. According to the current situation, we can't retreat at all. We can only find ways to disrupt the situation. Let the master sneak away."

"But… "

"But what! Miss Ruolin! Don't forget that you are a knight now!" Robert suddenly became angry, and shouted with wide eyes: "You are not the little mercenary you were in the past! If you still don't know how to be a knight Spirit, then you are not worthy to be a knight! I am injured and can’t run fast, otherwise, I would not choose to let you escort the master away! Do you want to be a real knight? Ruo Lin! Then prove Show me!!"

Ruo Lin was shocked, and looked at Robert in surprise. At this moment, Ruolin's eyes showed a trace of excitement, she raised her long sword vigorously, and shouted: "I will definitely prove it!"

Robert laughed out loud, then turned to look at his master.

Du Wei kept squinting his eyes at the griffins flying around, looking for opportunities to attack people's queues. He was fascinated, as if he had forgotten everything around him, even Robert and Ruolin's just now. He didn't seem to hear the conversation, and this little guy didn't know what was going on in his mind at the moment.

Ruo Lin's face suddenly swept away the previous shock and agitation, and a strange calm suddenly appeared on this beautiful face!

Immediately under Robert's astonished gaze, the female knight suddenly stretched out her palm and grabbed her own blade forcefully, and yanked it hard...

Her palm was immediately cut by the sharp sword edge, dripping with blood!

"What are you doing!" Robert asked. Ruolin didn't answer, she took a few steps forward slowly, and gently parted the guards of Luo Lin's family in front.

Ruolin stood at the forefront of the team, watching a griffin rushing towards her, but the female knight suddenly opened her hands, made a strange fingerprint, and then saw a yellow halo flashing from her whole body! !

In the circle of light, blood suddenly sprayed out from the wound on her palm! Dissipated quickly in this aperture! Immediately, a huge beam of light shot out from her embrace quickly! The griffon that swooped forward was shrouded in the beam of light head-on, it didn't even have time to make a cry, its body was in the beam of light... bang! Disappeared!

Turned into countless light dusts, such a griffin disappeared suddenly!

Everyone was stunned! Not only the guards of the Luo Lin family, but also Robert, and Solskjaer, were all stunned! The only one who is still in a trance is probably Du Wei.

This female knight... Could it be that she is using magic? Could it be that she is a female magician? !

After Ruolin used this strange spell to make a griffin disappear on the spot, her body seemed to shake, and then she sang a strange and difficult sentence loudly, and then the yellow halo shrouded her body became stronger and stronger. It's getting bigger... At the same time, the speed of blood flowing from Ruo Lin's hands is getting faster and faster!

When the yellow halo gradually shrouded everyone, the surrounding griffins were all roaring, but they didn't seem to dare to approach the halo! With the protection of the aperture, everyone in Luo Lin's family was finally safe. It's just that the female knight's body softened and she almost fell down.

Among the shocked crowd, Robert was the first to wake up. He went up a few steps to support the weak female knight, and said loudly: "She is injured! Who has wound medicine on her body! She needs to stop the bleeding!"

Looking at the wound on Ruo Lin's hand, Robert was stunned!

What kind of wound is this! The wound has almost doubled in size, and the flesh around the wound has turned white! This is clearly the appearance of excessive blood loss! But how could such a small cut bleed so much blood? Even now, Ruolin's blood is still flowing fast! This kind of flowing speed made Robert feel chills in his heart when he saw it!

"No! I can't stop the bleeding." Ruolin bit her lips hard, and said in a low voice, "My spell needs my blood to maintain it. Quick, fast back, fast back now."

Although he didn't know what kind of spell this was, but Robert knew it was not time to ask questions, so he immediately shouted: "Everyone back up! Let's get out of here!"

"Let everyone be careful not to let your body stick out of the aperture." Ruolin added.

However, when everyone backed away, the only one who didn't move was Du Wei. Robert frowned, and pulled the ecstatic little master. He thought that the little master might have been frightened into a fool.

"Master, let's get out of here! Quick!"

"No." Du Wei didn't move, but still looked at the griffins in front of him with thoughtful eyes.

Robert was a little impatient: "If you don't leave, you will die!"

"No." Du Wei still shook his head, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

Robert couldn't help being annoyed!

His soldiers are bleeding, and the female knight beside him is using his own blood to maintain the spell! If the bleeding is not stopped as soon as possible, I'm afraid she will die!

But at this moment, what the hell is this ignorant little master doing! !

Just when Robert was dissatisfied, Du Wei finally laughed...

hell! This guy, he can still laugh!

Du Wei turned his head to look at Ruolin, and said, "Ruolin, put away your spells. Although the "Demon Breaking Field" of the Munn Clan is the bane of all magic, it is at the price of blood. Thank you for your sacrifice, but... we seem to be playing tricks."

Robert was stunned for a moment. Could it be that the little master is delirious? What do you say but you can't understand

"Robert! Stop the bleeding of our female knight, do you want to see her bleed to death?" Du Wei shouted, the order became clearer this time, Robert froze for a moment, but Du Wei had already gone up and grabbed Ruo Lin's hand, and pushed Robert hard: "Why are you in a daze!"

Then Du Wei glanced at Ruo Lin, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, your courage today is respectable!"

After finishing speaking, Du Wei suddenly separated from the guards in front of him, and laughed loudly at the group of griffins outside: "Come on! Let me see what else you can do?"

In the exclamation of everyone, Du Wei suddenly ran forward a few steps! Robert was scared out of his wits, and hurried up to grab his master, but at this moment, the griffin, who had been anxiously looking for opportunities outside the yellow light circle, saw Du Wei running out by himself, and one of them rushed over quickly!

Robert tried to save Du Wei, but the body of the griffin bumped into him. He only had time to block it with his long sword, and his whole body was knocked away! While everyone was stunned, the griffin's sharp claws easily pierced Du Wei's thin body! It's like piercing a thin piece of paper!


All the guards of Luo Lin's family felt that their eyes went dark, and Robert almost fainted, and the weak female knight yelled, and her body went limp.

Seeing that Du Wei was thrown out by the griffin like a leaf, and fell to the ground through the air, everyone felt that their hearts had fallen to the bottom!

It's over! It's over!

If the little master dies here, then everyone like myself is finished! Even if he could go back alive, but the master who made him responsible for protecting died, such a crime would definitely be executed by the family!

Robert had already stayed on the ground, and he didn't even realize that the sword in his hand fell to the ground. At this moment, the knight was completely hopeless...

"hehe… "

There was a weird laugh, and then on the ground, Du Wei's "corpse" suddenly wobbled and got up by itself!

This scene made everyone almost stare out of their eyes!

Du Wei's body was bloody, and there was a huge blood hole in his chest, which almost pierced his body! The blood kept flowing, but Du Wei just frowned, looked down at his wound, and then smiled: "This feeling really hurts. Hehe... it seems real!"

He touched the blood from the wound again, raised his hand to look at it in front of him, sniffed it again, and said to himself: "Well, it is indeed very realistic, even the blood seems real..."