Law of the Devil

Chapter 22: Fear Phantom


This scene is really weird.

Du Wei just stood there, the injury on his body looked really scary, the huge blood hole on his chest could almost be seen from the front to the back, and the blood flowed like he couldn't feel it at all!

Just like that, Du Wei walked a few steps staggeringly. While everyone was stunned, another griffin pounced on him, knocking Du Wei to the ground at once, and his body was scratched by the sharp claws. , Immediately, bright red blood sprayed out...


Robert's eyes were red, and he rushed over desperately at this moment, but Du Wei's small body had already climbed up by himself, swayed a bit, and he seemed to be still smiling... At this time, Du Wei's face was still smiling. Showing a happy smile really made the people around feel a bit of indescribable strangeness!

The little boy raised his head, looked at the griffins flying all over the sky, and suddenly laughed loudly: "If this is the dream you created, then I have done enough dreaming now, if possible, let the dream wake up." bring it on!"

Robert rushed up, and the long sword in his hand turned into a ray of light and shot at the nearest griffin leaning against Du Wei. This loyal knight unreservedly burst out all his fighting spirit at this moment, and the strong fighting spirit even surpassed The endurance of his body, the majestic figure of a knight, every muscle exploded, as if blood was about to ooze from his skin!

The long sword with fighting spirit pierced the sky, pierced the hard feathers of the griffin, and shot a griffin down from midair!

Robert jumped on Du Wei's body, hugged Du Wei vigorously, and exposed his back to the sky...

"Robert." Du Wei in his arms was panting, he smiled and his mouth was bleeding: "Listen, we have been tricked, all of this is fake." He pointed to his wounds and said with a smile: "You Look, with this kind of injury, if it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago. But... "

After all, Robert is not a fool, and he is too far behind. This feeling was given to him by Du Wei... Such a thin boy, who suffered such a fatal injury, did not die! Even if it was a strong samurai, he would have already turned into a corpse with such an injury.

"My spiritual power is stronger than ordinary people, so I cannot be completely blinded by the dream created by the other party." Du Wei took a breath: "Unfortunately, I don't know how to break this dream... This may be a kind of spirit. Kind of magic, or a kind of illusion."

"Illusion..." Robert thought for a while, and shouted: "Solskjaer! Mr. Solskjaer!"

The magician who was protected in the innermost place by the soldiers responded when he heard the call.

Robert hugged Du Wei hard and rolled away, dodging the attack of a griffin that fell from the sky. There were a few more wounds on his back, and even the armor was scratched and bloody.

"Think of a way! The master said we used a kind of illusion magic!" Robert roared loudly.

Solskjaer was sweating profusely. After all, he was not a real magician, and the magic he simulated by opportunistic pharmacy was only good at fire, and he didn't dabble in much spiritual magic.

Robert had already rushed back with Du Wei in his arms, and Solskjaer said loudly: "I have no other way, to break the illusion... I think, if we can kill all these things, maybe we can. It's like we just killed That rhino is the same as that demon wolf."

Robert couldn't help cursing: "Nonsense! If we have that kind of ability, why do we need to talk about it!"

Du Wei in his arms suddenly smiled, and said in a low voice: "Robert, let me ask you a question... I heard that every knight in the empire who cultivates Dou Qi has his own weakness. Where is your weakness?"

"..." Robert was stunned, he didn't expect his master to ask such a question at this moment.

"Say it quickly." Du Wei whispered, "I have an idea."

Every knight who cultivates fighting qi will have his own weak point. When a knight uses fighting qi, the strength of his body can explode several times or even more than his physical body. But one's own weakness, that is the most precious secret of every knight! How can you say it so easily

But Robert looked down at his master, who was covered in blood, Robert trembled in his heart, and gritted his teeth: "It's on the right side of my chest, under the fourth rib..."

As soon as the words fell, Du Wei in his arms suddenly showed a strange light in his eyes! The frail young man didn't know where the strength came from. Suddenly he rolled and struggled out of Robert's arms. He quickly pulled out a dagger tied to the knight's leg, and then stabbed Robert in the chest. over!

Robert could have dodged this blow, but as a loyal family knight and a loyal retainer of the Luo Lin family, he hesitated at the first moment. After all, this blow did not come from the enemy, but from the enemy. From... Own Master!

The armor on his chest had already been torn to pieces in the battle just now, and the cold dagger pierced in against the third rib under Robert's right chest! Robert could even feel the strange feeling of the cold dagger piercing his muscles...

Everyone was stunned when they saw their master suddenly drew out the dagger and stabbed it into the knight's body!

Robert was the most shocked. The knight looked at the little master who was close at hand in surprise. He didn't expect that the object he was loyal to protect would attack him at this time! However, Du Wei's eyes were calm, even with a hint of relief.

"Don't worry, Robert, I won't harm you, it's just a nightmare."

In Du Wei's deep voice, Robert snorted, his body softened, and he gave up his inner resistance...

Robert closed his eyes and fell down...

When everyone exclaimed, Du Wei stood up slowly, the dagger in his hand seemed to be still dripping blood, and when all the guards of Luo Lin's family were staring at him in surprise, Du Wei was standing up. Smiling, he dropped the dagger in his hand and smiled slightly: "The dream is over!"

When Du Wei's dagger pierced the knight's chest, all the griffins in the sky suddenly let out a shrill roar! Immediately, countless griffins rushed towards Du Wei from all directions at the same time like crazy!

Those sharp minions seemed to tear the young Du Wei into pieces!

Everyone closed their eyes, and everyone thought that this time, they were all dead!

But at this moment, a strange thing happened.

The first griffin that jumped in front of Du Wei suddenly burst out with countless light spots... Then all the griffins froze in mid-air! Their bodies seemed to reveal countless cracks in an instant, and dazzling rays of light shot out from each crack...

Finally, whoosh...

Among the countless rays of light, everyone couldn't help lowering their heads, as if they didn't dare to stare at those rays of light, but only Du Wei, he straightened up, looked at the vision in the sky with his head up, but his face still had a smile on his face. sneer…

The bodies of the griffins gradually shattered and melted in the light, turning into countless fine light dust, which dispersed with the wind...

The evening sky seemed to turn into day in this ray of light! Du Wei could even feel the space around him, yes, the whole space was distorted, the surrounding trees, bushes, companions, and the corpses and blood on the ground were all distorted...

Finally, with a bang, everything was quiet again...

The woods, or the woods.

The sky, or this sky.

The distant mountains, or this distant mountains.

The sunset, or this sunset.

And the blood all over the ground disappeared. The corpses that had been torn into countless pieces disappeared.

Instead, there are people scattered on the ground, Knight Spann, and his subordinates, the guards of the Luo Lin family who had been "dead in battle" just now. These people have their eyes closed, but it is certain that they are all alive. .

But, they all fainted.

Du Wei looked at his body, and those bloody wounds had long since disappeared without a trace.

Robert was lying at his feet... Surprisingly, the knight was not injured!

Whether it was the wounds from the battle just now, or the wound that Du Wei stabbed him in the chest just now... none of them!

His armor is intact, the only thing that can be seen is a scratch on the armor on the right side of his chest, at about the level of the third rib. That's where Du Wei stabbed with the dagger just now. How could it be possible for a thin young man with no martial skills to penetrate the armor? At most, it just left some marks on the armor.

Du Wei patted Robert's face hard, waking up the sleeping knight.

Robert opened his eyes and saw his master looking at him. Then Du Wei smiled and said: "Sorry, I had to do that just now... because these are the environment, and you are the source of this illusion. All the griffins are because of the memory of your terrible experience. It was created based on your inner fantasy... Therefore, I can only faint you in the dream first, and when you faint, the other party's illusion will have no source, and it will naturally disappear."

As for Du Wei stabbing Robert just now... he just stabbed him in a dream.

The remaining guards of Luo Lin's family who were still standing at the scene also looked at their body and their companions in surprise. They couldn't understand what kind of strange method their little master used to make him Those terrifying monsters disappeared... and the wounds on their bodies just now are gone.

Those companions who had died, even those who had been dismembered and died tragically, were lying on the ground intact.

The only one with injuries is the female knight Ruolin.

The injury on Ruo Lin's hand is real! What she used just now was the secret technique of the Muen tribe... the field of breaking demons.

In her secret technique, all magic is broken. When she uses this secret technique, she has actually jumped out of this illusion, so her injury is "real".

It's too late to explain too much. The only person who understands at the scene is Solskjaer, a magician. Although his magic skills are not very good, his magic theory is very profound. female knight with wraps on hands.

Du Wei picked up the dagger on the ground and took a look: "Sure enough, there isn't even a drop of blood."

He held the dagger and walked forward. At this moment, everyone realized that there seemed to be some small thing slowly wriggling in the grass in front of him.

This is a thing about the size of a big mouse, with light green fur, and it is really hard to be spotted by the naked eye in the grass... unless you look carefully.

As Du Wei approached, the little thing immediately let out a cry of panic, but it moved very slowly. When it rolled out of the grass and tried to run, the dagger in Du Wei's hand shot out quickly and nailed it to the ground in front of it. Du Wei went up and stepped on it...

Only then did everyone see clearly that this little thing was round and round. Under the green fur, it had a body that looked like a ball of meat, but it had a huge tail... just like a squirrel.

In fact, the thing almost looks like a squirrel—except that its fur is an eerie shade of green!

What's different is that there is a small raised horn on its forehead. This sharp horn is not bony like other animals, but shiny, like some kind of crystal.

Du Wei stepped on its tail, the little thing struggled a few times, and let out a "chirp" scream. It grinned at Du Wei a few times, and suddenly a shot shot out from the sharp horn on its head. A ray of light hit Du Wei's body...

Du Wei was hit by this ray of light, but he didn't suffer any physical harm at all, but he suddenly felt countless memories flooding his heart, as if he remembered many things quickly in his mind...


Yes, it seemed that he remembered the thing he feared the most in his life!

As if sensing something scanning his memory, in his heart, those dusty, not belonging to this world, fearful memories were turned out one by one, Du Wei shook his head vigorously...

He is irritated!

Du Wei, who seemed to have always had an indifferent smile on his face since he came to this world, now looks ferocious, and his eyes are full of anger!

Du Wei looked at this little thing coldly, then he bent down, and said in a calm voice: "Why, are you looking for something that I fear in my heart... Then, I'm afraid you will be disappointed!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Du Wei grabbed the little thing, his fingers tightly held the neck of the little thing, and lifted it up, then Du Wei approached it, and whispered: "You can read other people's The fear in my heart, you should be able to understand my words? Tell you... don't try to play your tricks on me... Although I have fear in my heart, the things I fear are not in this world! The dreams you can create should be Only limited to the things in the rules of this world... Then, I'm sorry, because I... don't belong to this world at all!"

The little thing struggled desperately, and the horns on its forehead shot out rays of light continuously to hit Du Wei's body, but finally, fear and despair appeared in its small eyes... because those rays of light It is the magic that creates illusions, but for this person in front of him... it is completely ineffective!

"Owner… "

Just when Du Wei was bursting into anger, behind him came the surprise voice of the magician.

Solskjaer quickly ran to Du Wei's side. He stared carefully at the little thing caught in Du Wei's hand for a long time, and shouted with joy in his voice: "My God! This is a " Fear phantom"!! According to records, this kind of thing has been extinct for hundreds of years! Oh my God! Look at the horn on its forehead, it is already as long as a finger! This little thing is still a juvenile phantom, it It should be less than a hundred years old!"

Du Wei's voice was very cold: "Why, is it also a monster? Illusory demon? Is it rare?"

Solskjaer couldn't help showing a hint of greed on his face, licked his lips, and said: "This kind of "fear phantom" can use the fear in the enemy's heart to create illusions to deal with the enemy. It is a kind of monster with superb wisdom. The magical beasts are not comparable to those ordinary magic wolves! And, and... "

"And what?"

There was light in the magician's eyes: "Hundreds of years ago, this kind of thing was the treasure that every magician dreamed of. Just grab one, kill it, dig out the horn on its forehead, and carry it on your body , it can be immune to most spiritual magic! Its horns are materials that can be used to make top magic defense props!"

As if it could understand the magician's words, the fearful phantom heard the magician say that he would kill it to take its horn, and suddenly its fat body trembled desperately, and the strength of its struggle became stronger and stronger. Eyes as big as beans are full of fear.

At this moment, most of the guards of Luo Lin's family surrounded him, and the others were busy waking up the fainted companions, and even Knight Span was shaken awake.

Du Wei looked at the little thing in his hand and sneered, "Immune to most spiritual magic? It's a very precious thing... How can I use this thing? Can I just kill it and take off the horn?"

The magician was almost drooling: "Yes! That's right! Not only its horns, but even its fur are very precious magic materials. In pharmacy, it is also a precious raw material! I can use it the fur of the…”

Solskjaer hadn't finished speaking when suddenly there was a sharp whistle from a distant mountain, and then a fireball shot into the air like a meteor and exploded. That was a signal from another search team, and it seemed that something had happened.

Everyone froze for a while, and saw a ray of light flashing across the sky in the distance in the forest. It was the place where the other team of searchers shot a flame signal!

That ray of light flew in the air, and immediately shot in front of everyone! A group of green flames appeared on the ground, and then a person walked out of the flames!

"Be careful! This is the advanced magic "Blue Flame Teleportation"!" Solskjaer was a little nervous.

This person who walked out of the green flame was wearing a standard magician's robe, a tall and pointed hat, and the robe was actually golden! There is a gold clover wormwood badge on his chest!

Du Wei, who already had a good understanding of magic common sense, was surprised to recognize it at first glance. This is a badge that symbolizes his identity as a "great magician"!

Magicians on the mainland are divided into ten levels. Below level four are low-level magicians, between levels four and eight are generally called intermediate magicians, and those above level eight are called "great magicians".

And this gold clover wormwood badge shows that the identity of this magician is standing in the upper class of the magician group in the entire continent! This guy is at least an eighth-level magician!

The slightly short body was completely covered under the golden robe, and under the setting sun, it looked extremely luxurious, and the face of this magician was also completely covered by the pointed hat, and even the face was covered with tall His collar covered it, not even a trace of skin was exposed on his whole body.

Although he couldn't see the opponent's face, Du Wei clearly felt that the opponent's gaze was on the little fearful phantom he was holding in his hand!

Suddenly a senior magician appeared here, which surprised both Du Wei and Solskjaer. Thinking of the preciousness of the little fearful phantom that Solskjaer said just now, Du Wei naturally thought of whether the other party would be a With a coveted heart...

"Who!" Du Wei shouted sullenly.

Immediately, Knight Robert, who responded quickly, beckoned, and many guards of the Luo Lin family protected Du Wei.

A lot has happened today! Suddenly a powerful senior magician appeared, making Robert Knight a little nervous... Whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, God knows!

"I am a knight of the Rowling family. Your Excellency the Mage, please tell us why you are here!" Robert blocked Du Wei and spoke first.

He revealed his identity first, and then asked the other party, which was the best plan. I also hope that the name of the Luo Lin family will also make the other party a little jealous.

The magician didn't speak, he first raised his wide sleeves, and then gently took off his tall pointed hat, revealing his own appearance.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked! !

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry..." The magician's voice was soft and sweet, even with a hint of nervousness and timidity... Most importantly, this magician actually stuttered badly!

"I, I, and I are here to look for it, it, it, it..." The slender fingers lifted up, pointing at the fear phantom in Du Wei's hand.

This magician not only has a delicate voice, but also her appearance. After pulling down the hat, this senior magician wearing the mainland gold clover wormwood badge turned out to be a girl with a shy expression on her face! There was a hint of blush on her round cheeks, as if she was a little shy under the gaze of everyone, her nose and mouth were small, but her eyes were big and bright, but there was a hint of pleading in these beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry... it's my teacher's pet, I'm here to find it and go back." It seemed that the more nervous the female magician was, the more she stuttered. , her expression seemed like she was about to cry: "Can you give it back to me? I, I, I... If I don't take it back, the old teacher will punish me."