Law of the Devil

Chapter 4: Magic idiot


Clark was very satisfied with the child's reaction, and looked at the crystal ball in his hand: "Come on, let me see your talent. I promise your father to teach you, but the prerequisite is that you must have magic talent, otherwise..."

Du Wei raised his head: "What should I do?"

"Put your hand on the crystal ball and hold it tightly. Then, try to think of something in your heart, be it happy or angry. In short, use everything possible to mobilize your emotions." Clarke He also replied with an indifferent tone: "Let me see your talent."

Du Wei took two steps in silence, stroked the crystal ball with both hands, and clenched it tightly. The tentacles are cool, but smooth.

"Concentrate, start now... think about it, try to think about the things that impress you the most. Be it anger or joy..." Clark's serious voice sounded in Du Wei's ear.

Du Wei closed his eyes, and then began to search for memories in his mind...

Clark watched the crystal ball in his hand emit light little by little. The light was dim at first, but soon, it became brighter little by little!

The proud magician couldn't help showing a surprised expression. He looked at the crystal ball in his hand, then at the little Du Wei in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a "Yi".

Du Wei's feeling at the moment is not very good. He feels the excitement in his heart, and faintly recalls the past... He came to a world inexplicably, and everything before that, ideals, dreams, life, pursuit, everything , all turned into emptiness! And the longer I have been here, the more I adapt to this world, the memories of the past gradually become blurred... Although people's memories will always decline, this is a normal phenomenon, but it still makes Du Wei Feeling sad, really sad...

Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly, am I living in a butterfly's dream, or am I dreaming of a butterfly

Du Wei's breathing gradually became quicker, and the power in the crystal ball seemed to expand his inner emotions gradually. And the pounding of his heart also made him feel unspeakably uncomfortable, as if his chest was being squeezed by something...

Finally, a big cold hand pressed on his head, and then a trace of coolness rushed down from his forehead, forcibly cooling down Du Wei's already hot head.

"Okay, my child." Clark's voice was indifferent, but he had already changed his title from "boy" to "my child", which proved that the magician was still satisfied with Du Wei's talent.

"Very good... I have to say, quite good. You are just a child under six years old. But your magical talent is already comparable to that of a magic apprentice. Your mental power is almost twice that of ordinary people. Considering your age... I am very satisfied with your talent." The proud magician even showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Is it mentally strong? Du Wei smiled wryly in his heart. This is probably because I have gone through "reincarnation", but still have the memory of the previous life. It's because a person possesses the spiritual power of two lifetimes.

Master Clark put away the crystal ball, and then he instructed Du Wei to sit down: "Now I need the second talent in the test... I will teach you some of the simplest and most basic magic. I need you to meditate with your heart and feel the natural beauty. Power, let me go, tell me what you sensed."

Du Wei carefully memorized a spell that Clark said, and the simple and primitive pronunciation carried a sense of mystery.

"You meditate with your heart and concentrate. This is a very critical level. Whether you can become a magician... Many people who are more talented than you fail to pass this level."

"What do I need to do?" Du Wei frowned.

"You don't have to do anything. You just need to recite the mantra silently, let your heart think, feel the surroundings, use your heart to feel, cold, heat, or sound, whatever. It's not difficult."

Du Wei did so. He sat down, and naturally assumed a cross-legged posture. The pose felt fresh to Clark. Then the magician took out an hourglass from under the gray robe and put it aside to count the time...

The fine sand flowed, and little Du Wei sat quietly for a long time. Finally, he opened his eyes and hesitated: "Mr. Master..."

"Oh? What do you feel?"

"I..." Du Wei was a little helpless: "I feel hungry."


Clark was a little frustrated by the answer. Obviously, although this child has excellent magical talent, he doesn't have a delicate heart that can sense the world.

Although the size of magic power is important, it is not the only criterion. Spiritual power can also be gradually improved through hard work and meditation the day after tomorrow. People with stronger natural mental strength can only start higher than others.

But whether you can sense the magical elements in nature is the most critical hurdle!

Clark has taught several magic apprentices, and even those people's magic talent is not as good as that of Du Wei, but there are many outstanding talents. One of them, when he first went through this level, sat in less than half an hourglass, He stood up, then stretched out his palm, and a little flame sprang out from his fingers. Later that student majored in fire magic.

As for the other apprentice, when he went through this level, he could already hear the voice of the wind in the sky. Later that kid majored in wind magic.

One of Clark's most outstanding students, when he first passed this level, when he sat down to think, all the water in a vase in the room floated up and condensed into a water ball the size of a fist, which would not disperse!

All in all, people who are truly gifted to become magicians will have all kinds of visions when they first go through this level! However, this young master Du Wei, who seems to be born with a good magical talent, seems to have no idea at all.

It can only be said... he is not suitable to be a magician at all.

"Well, it's just a pity that the gods gave him the natural spiritual strength. If he can pass the test, then with his spiritual strength, he will start higher than others." Clark felt a little regretful in his heart, but soon, proudly The magician immediately dispelled the regret in his heart.

Hmph, what's the use of having a higher mental strength! Just like fighting, a strong person may not necessarily be able to beat a weak person. Another example is that although a cow has great strength, it is not an opponent of a leopard.

It's just... a pity.

When he saw Mage Clark coming out of the room with a gloomy expression on his face, the count, who had been waiting outside for a long time, already knew the result.


"My lord, I'm sorry. Your son doesn't have the talent to become a magician. It seems that the gods didn't choose him. I think you should find another field that he is better at." Clark couldn't bear it I added: "Forgive my presumptuousness... In my thirty-six years of magic research, I have never seen a son like yours..."

Having said that, Mage Clark sighed, and he turned and left without even saying goodbye. After taking two steps, he suddenly seemed to remember something: "Oh, if you really want him to become a magician... I suggest that you let him choose magic pharmacy. After all, a potion master can barely It's a kind of magician."

After speaking, Mage Clark waved his hand, he casually sprinkled a handful of golden powder, and then his body disappeared in a ball of flames.

The count was lost in thought, his face was gloomy. At this moment, Du Wei came out of the room and looked at the count quietly.

Lei Meng and his son looked at each other for a moment, he sighed and said nothing, but the disappointment on his face was beyond words.

" thirty-six years I have never seen a son like yours..."

Um, like... what? Such a fool? Such an idiot? Such a fool? Such a talentless person

The count sighed in despair.

But obviously, because of Master Clark's arrogance, his unfinished sentence misled the earl.

In fact, what the magician wanted to say was: such a person with excellent magical talent but no sense of natural magic elements, such a contradictory combination.

However, the result and the facts made the earl finally conclude to his son: "It seems that he is indeed an idiot".

It has to be said that for the result of such a misunderstanding, the old scholar Rossiat and the mage Clark both have some responsibility for the vague words they uttered because of their scruples or personalities!

Because although Du Wei didn't have the talent to become a magician, he was certainly not an idiot. On the contrary, because his natural spiritual power is higher than ordinary people, these make him appear smarter than ordinary people. The advantage of mental power makes him more energetic than ordinary people, and his memory is also better.

Such a person is almost labeled as an "idiot" now!

He started by making an outstanding warrior believe that he had no talent for learning martial arts, then he left a well-educated scholar in anger, and finally disappointed a famous magician.

And the result is... All of these together made the aristocratic circles in the entire imperial capital more interested in this little idiot of the Luo Lin family. Even some nobles can't help but say something similar to "No matter how stupid you are, you can't be worse than that little idiot of the Luo Lin family!" when educating their naughty children to motivate their children.

In this way, Du Wei was regarded as a negative teaching material.

And where is the future of this young master? This question plagued everyone in the Rowling family... except Du Wei himself.