Law of the Devil

Chapter 40: Du Wei's first ship


The sailors on the boat also saw the three people on the raft. As the boat approached, several sailors were already standing on the side of the boat, looking at the three of Du Wei on the raft with interest.

The two female magicians also saw that this ship might not be a good ship... It didn't look like a merchant ship, the hull was a bit worn out, and there were a few ballistas on board. But there is no imperial navy flag.

"Hey! Look, there are some little guys... Oh, and two women! Hahahaha..." There was a ghostly cry from the sailors on the boat, and then there was a burst of laughter, and more pirates crowded around the boat to see the raft Du Wei and the other three on board.

Du Wei sighed and said loudly, "We are in shipwreck, can you help us?"

The other party's laughter became louder and louder, and obviously, there was some malice in it.

Afterwards, a rope ladder was lowered. Du Wei heaved a sigh of relief, and then glanced at Joanna. Joanna understood what Du Wei meant, and was the first to climb up.

Joanna is a brave person with high skills. Although her magic strength has not fully recovered, it has improved by two to three times. She can barely reach the strength of a low-level magician, and at the same time, she has a burst of superb martial arts!

Although this kind of strength is not enough to meet a master, it is more than enough to deal with dozens of small pirates.

Joanna climbed up first, then Du Wei, and finally Vivienne.

The sailors on the side surrounded them, laughing and looking at the three young men, as if they were looking at a lamb delivered to their door.

"Oh! Look! Two beautiful chicks!"

"Yeah! Look at the one on the left, the legs are so long! The captain must like it very much!"

"Haha, I said you little devils, you are in a good boat!"

These guys were disheveled, most of them were barefoot, and some wore ragged coats with dirty faces, but grinned at Vivienne and Joanna.

Vivienne was a little scared, her courage was far from matching her strength, so she couldn't help leaning towards Du Wei's side, but Joanna's face was ugly, and she was already showing signs of going crazy.

This violent ice and snow beauty even dared to openly attack the local garrison barracks of the empire, let alone a pirate on such a small broken ship


A hoarse voice came from inside, and then heard the voice of leather boots, a tall man came out, this man was wearing a slightly tattered uniform of the Imperial Navy, but the epaulets and badges were torn off up. The uniform was a bit dirty, but the shoes were well polished.

He also wore a slender sword on his waist, as was the habit of Imperial Navy officers, a captain's cap on his head, one hand on his hip, and even a pocket watch in the other.

This man seemed to be the captain. Although he was born tall, his face was obviously ugly. Triangular eyes, bulbous nose, and two mustaches on purpose... A word immediately came to Du Wei's mind: wretched!

"Quiet! Don't scare my guests!" The captain smiled maliciously, and then glanced at Du Wei and the others. When he saw the eyebrows of Joanna and Vivian, there was a vicious look in his eyes light, but seeing the armor on Joanna, she was slightly startled.

Immediately, the boat was relieved: such a young girl, how good is her martial arts skills? Hmph... Most likely some kind of brat from a noble family!

As for Du Wei, he ignored it directly.

Du Wei's clothes had long since rotted away. He was barefoot, his clothes were torn, his hair was messy, and he even had five or six huge empty gourds tied to his body (those were used as swimming rings). It almost looked like a savage.

"Welcome to my ship... Let me introduce myself. I am the captain of this ship. You can call me on board Morales, or just call me Captain Your Excellency." Thinking of meeting such beautiful two ladies in this boring weather... oh, my captain's cabin is just behind, I think the two ladies definitely need to change into beautiful clothes first... and then, well... eat Meal! Right?"

Obviously, the three of Du Wei haven't had enough to eat for several days. Even the two beautiful female magicians inevitably showed a bit of sallow and emaciated state.

The captain couldn't help but thank God.

The last few days have been unlucky!

First of all, there was an order from the province of Lille, which actually ordered the entire eastern naval fleet of the empire to patrol the nearby waters. I don't know what these navies are doing!

In this way, it will naturally make life difficult for the pirates! Just the day before yesterday, the captain's pirate ship encountered a warship of the Imperial Navy at sea, and after a hasty battle in embarrassment, the captain immediately ordered to escape. The warship circled the sea for two full days! One ran and the other chased, until this afternoon, inexplicably drove into a fog, and then got rid of the pursuers behind!

I've been exhausted these days!

Unexpectedly, God sent such a few little fat sheep to reward me immediately...

Oh, look at the tender flesh of these two chicks, they are a thousand times stronger than those whores in the port! What kind of wonderful scene would it be if it was stripped naked, washed and pressed on the bed

"Come on! Beautiful ladies." The captain relaxed a bit, and he even pulled Joanna: "Beautiful ladies don't deserve to suffer! I will make you fall in love with my boat..."

When the captain's hand was on Joanna's shoulder, Du Wei had already sighed, and then he couldn't help closing his eyes...

A scream!

I saw a ray of light suddenly burst out from Joanna's body! That is a skill that can only be possessed by warriors above the intermediate level!

Fighting! !

Amidst the captain's screams, he was already flying up, and that beautiful hat fell on the deck... As for himself...

See that parabola in the sky? In Du Wei's smile, he gave an ordinary sound, and the captain had fallen into the sea...

Everyone was shocked for a second!

Soon, these pirates reacted! Everyone picked up their martial arts and rushed over, shouting!

Joanna just snorted... The anger she had held back for so many days finally had a place to vent!

She only had empty hands and didn't hold any weapon. She just grabbed a guy who rushed in front of her with a random grab. She waved the huge guy in her hand and used it as a human weapon!

Then there were screams, and amidst the ping-pong-pong, there was the sound of someone falling into the sea.

Du Wei went from one to ten silently in his heart, and one-third of the pirate sailors in front of him fell down!

"Okay! Joanna, stop." Du Wei felt that it was almost done.

Joanna still refused to stop, she kicked the guy in front of her into the sea again, and there was no one around... The pirates looked at Joanna as if they had seen a ghost, and retreated far away in panic.

"I said, stop!" Du Wei frowned, he gently raised his hand and grabbed Joanna's shoulder, Joanna said angrily, "I'm not on the island anymore, do you think you can still order me!"

The woman grabbed Du Wei's wrist with her backhand, but Du Wei didn't resist. He just looked into Joanna's eyes and suddenly shouted, "Look at me!"

Joanna was shocked! I couldn't help looking into Du Wei's eyes...

Is it... hallucination

Joanna only felt that this kid's eyes had never... never... never looked so beautiful!

Those eyes seemed to have turned black... a black that was so deep that it made one's heart tremble! It seems that his eyes are as vast as the starry sky at night, as long as he looks like this... it seems that everything will be sucked in...

Joanna just glanced at it, and suddenly felt her spirit relax, and her hands softened. She didn't even notice it, as if her body didn't listen to her own orders! Just quietly looking into Du Wei's eyes...

It was as if my soul was being sucked in!

"I said, stop." Du Wei's voice was slow, word by word, extremely clear! It was like a hammer hitting Joanna's heart deeply!

"...Understood." Joanna agreed involuntarily, her tone was submissive and gentle, without the slightest hint of domineering and flamboyant before.

"Very good." Du Wei still looked into Joanna's eyes, but his voice suddenly became so pleasant to Joanna's ears at this moment, people couldn't help but want to follow his words and do anything...

"Now, stand behind me, don't make a move without my words." Du Wei whispered.

Joanna's eyes hesitated for a moment, as if her stubborn heart was still struggling a little, but she still succumbed to that strange feeling... That feeling was so comfortable!

Joanna obediently backed up and stood behind Du Wei... When she got out of Du Wei's eyes, Joanna suddenly felt relieved! As if she had lost some shackles, everything around her became clear again, and she was also a little puzzled...

What's wrong with me? Why should I listen to this guy!

Thinking about it, she became a little angry with herself, and wanted to go up to question Du Wei, but she couldn't resist in her heart. She just felt that resisting Du Wei's order would make herself very, very uncomfortable...and standing like this Being behind him, listening to his words will make you happy.

This feeling is so strange.

Joanna's face was weird, Du Wei didn't give her time to think, and immediately smiled and said: "Joanna, if you keep are so powerful, maybe you can kill everyone on this boat. Kick it into the sea... That's okay, it's just that the three of us can't drive such a big boat! Some people must be left behind to help us steer the boat! We still need some sailors."

Strange... What do sailors do... After a day, I'll be able to fly back by myself.

Joanna thought so, but nodded involuntarily: "Okay."

Du Wei picked up the hat that the captain dropped from the ground, and put it on his own head... With this thing, you won't be afraid of being seen.

"Listen! You dirty trash!" Du Wei raised his voice unceremoniously, looking at the fearful pirates around him.

They are indeed afraid! Joanna's strength is too strong, Yuan Fei they can resist.

"You! You're a bunch of dirty garbage! Parasites! You're a bunch of lowly fellows!" Du Wei glared at these guys fiercely: "You rob, kill, plunder... You people are only worthy of being hanged in the end On the rack! Now, you are all captured by me! I am right! Now, this ship, and you, every one of you! I have captured you all!"

Du Wei kicked a guy lying under him hard. He was a poor guy whose leg was broken by Joanna's kick. Du Wei stepped on him unceremoniously, and with the screams of the people below, Du Wei's voice clearly fell into the ears of these pirates: "As captives, I have the right to dispose of you. I can throw you all into the sea right now and let you fend for yourself! I can also find a port and hand you all over to the local garrison! Watch you all be hanged!" Du Wei's face With a smile on his face: "But, I am merciful! I can spare your lives! But start today! From now on, you are no longer dirty pirates! You are all my slaves now, my slaves. Servant! According to the imperial decree, I, a nobleman, have the right to do whatever I want with my captives! Now, I pardon your sins and accept you as my slaves and servants! Do you understand me? "

All the pirates: "..."

"I'll ask again! Anyone who doesn't answer this time can jump into the sea to accompany your captain!" Du Wei looked at everyone: "Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone scrambled to answer.

Du Wei nodded in satisfaction: "Now, clean up the deck! Throw all these guys lying on the deck into the sea!"

Without any hesitation, these pirates did it!

These people are villains with their lives in their hands, and at this moment, in order to report themselves, they immediately attacked their former companions without hesitation!

A person was thrown into the sea with a scream, and Du Wei gave a second order: "Throw down two lifeboats."

There are already more than 20 pirates in the sea who are jumping in the waves. Seeing the two small wooden boats thrown from above, they immediately swam over with all their strength.

"Listen! I should have killed you! But I am merciful." Du Wei stood on the deck and looked down at the pirates who fell into the water like dumplings: "Now I will let you live... These two boats are for you. You won't be drowned... as for the rest, leave it to your fate!"

Immediately there was a burst of screams from below, some cursing and pleading.

In the vast sea, there is no food, no fresh water, just these two small broken boats... It is almost a narrow escape!

"Of course, I can be more merciful..." Du Wei raised his hand and pointed to the distance, he smiled slyly: "There, in that direction, there is a small island, as long as you row hard, maybe at noon tomorrow Where have you come! Go, this is the last of my mercy!"

After finishing speaking, Du Wei ignored the howling pirates below, and turned his head to look at the stunned "servants". Du Wei smiled and said, "Food, and water... as soon as possible! Do you understand what I said? "

The servants immediately ran off to get ready.

"Du Wei... you, you, you, ma'am, too..." Vivienne stammered with some unbearable expression on her face, looking at Du Wei.

"Too cruel? Too cruel?" Du Wei said lightly: "None of these guys are good people. You don't need to give them real mercy! They are pirates! My poor little Vivian, do you know what pirates are? They Sailing on the sea, attacking those merchant ships, killing the crew, robbing their cargo, and even raped the women on board! They are a swarm of sea locusts, killing many people and committing crimes! No one here has ever been a murderer , murderers, with bloody hands! Do you think I need to show mercy to them?"

"But..." Vivienne still had to distinguish.

Du Wei sighed, looked at this girl who was too innocent, and said in a low voice: "You know... If what they met was not us, but three ordinary people... Then, now you two women have been raped by several people." Ten filthy pirates taking turns queuing up and ruining it!!"

This time, even Joanna glanced at her sister and said coldly, "He's right."

Although the food on the boat was not exquisite, for Du Wei and others who had been gnawing grassroots for a few days, it almost burst their stomachs!

Bacon, dried fish, and some simple dried vegetables, and the most rare thing is a barrel of ale.

Even the two girls couldn't care less about their appearance and image, so they ate and stuffed hard with Du Wei!

As for whether you will worry about those pirates poisoning

joke! Master Du Wei has studied pharmacy for so many years, is it for nothing

After drinking and eating, Du Wei called all the sailors to speak on the deck.

"Now I declare that your ship will join my private fleet. You will also become a warship of my Duveroline fleet! Do you understand? I am a nobleman, and according to the law, I can have a private army." Du Wei thought for a while: "Oh, by the way, I have to find a new captain for you..."

Du Wei glanced at the crowd below, and casually picked the guy who looked the most handsome and pleasing to the eye.

"You! Come out! Tell me your name."

The man froze for a moment, walked up a few steps, and looked at Du Wei nervously: "I, my name is..."

"Wait." Du Wei shook his head: "Forget it, since everything is going to be new, let's change the name too!"

Suddenly, this kid couldn't restrain a spoof of joy in his heart.

"You, from today onwards, are on board this ship. Your name, from now on, is called... Jack Sparrow! Do you understand? Captain Jack Sparrow! And this ship... from now on , changed its name to "Black Pearl"!"

Looking at the stunned people below, Du Wei couldn't help laughing.

The Black Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow, the famous Pirates of the Caribbean... Hahahaha... This is the first start of my private fleet.