Law of the Devil

Chapter 51: Madeleine Flying Apsaras


Du Wei basically handed over the gambling business to Made... He had no choice. Although he was leisurely, he was strictly controlled by the foot ban. He could not leave the castle to inspect his gambling business.

On the other hand, Made, the former groom, can be said to have completely overturned his current status! Originally, this "Master Chief" who was dispatched to the Luo Lin family's territory along with the downtrodden young master, everyone knew that his identity was a former groom. The highest leader of the family servants here is the old steward. Although Ma De, an outsider, holds the title of chief steward, he has always been just a polished commander.

It's different now! He is the chief manager of Master Du Wei! Commanded the gambling business in the entire Luo Linjia Plain and half of the Cote province!

Now whenever Made goes out, almost all the bosses of the major casinos send people to welcome the manager with great enthusiasm. No matter where Made goes out, there will be a bunch of people from the gambling industry behind him.

Just waiting, looking forward to it, Mrs. Made is happy, and something leaks out from between his fingers. Then, everyone can drink some soup when Mrs. Made eats meat.

Under Du Wei's instruction, Mader pretended to inadvertently reveal the compensation rules of several football games, which really made those casino owners who gambled on the periphery a small profit.

Du Wei knew how to behave well. Although the so-called exclusive right allowed Du Wei to monopolize the industry in name, secretly, there were still a large number of people following suit.

Even in the previous life, the underground gambling syndicate could not be eradicated.

Du Wei didn't want to let the hat of leading the trend of pornography, gambling and drugs in Luolin Plain be pinned on his head. Since the blockage cannot be blocked, there is only guidance!

Du Wei slapped his head and immediately made a decision! Starting today, all gambling businesses in surrounding cities are suspended! Du Wei wants to rectify!

It can be said that "the young master moved his mouth, Ma De ran and broke his leg."

Du Wei patiently gave Made an urgent three-day urgent training, no matter how much the poor former groom could understand, he taught poor Made a lot of things anyway.

As for what he didn't understand, Ma De could only slowly study and figure it out on the road.

First of all, Master Du Wei said that in the future, when gambling on football, it is absolutely forbidden to say "gambling"! The young master has created a strange thing that can be sold publicly before each ball game. Although it is the same test result, the tricks are slightly different.

"In the future, we will no longer be a gambling house that accepts bets! We are a store that sells products! What we sell is called... football lottery tickets!" When Du Wei said this, his expression was extremely serious, even It's a bit sacred. After a pause, the young master added: "From now on, you're not allowed to say "gambling" anymore! We don't call it gambling, but... legal gambling!"

As for the legality, Du Wei made the simplest standard: 10% of each profit will be donated to the local governing body!

All right!

No matter how much Made knows, he can only take a carriage and take a few servants to run around on the avenues of the Luolin Plain, commuting between various nearby towns, preparing to be the "soccer lottery" that the young master said buy and sell.

By the way, before setting off, Made still couldn't help asking one more question: "Master, since we plan to open a shop for business...then, our shop must have a name."

"Football Lottery Center!" Du Wei answered very simply.

Therefore, our Mr. Made Chief Manager, in the future, expected, he is destined to have an extra title on his head: Director of Football Lottery Center!

And the second thing Du Wei told Made was... Du Wei was going to make a huge adjustment to the current "league"!

It can be said that until now in the league, all the teams and players still come from the thousand guards next to the castle. And now, the soldiers' recuperation period is almost over.

If these soldiers are allowed to continue to play football all day without doing their jobs and neglect the training of the army, then Du Wei is worried that the old housekeeper may sue himself again in the letter to the imperial capital.

So... Du Wei is ready to build a real league!

In the current castle guard army, only the organization of the next team remains. And Du Wei asked Made to run to several cities, and will form a team in each city! Now the game of football is popular in almost the entire Luolin Plain. It must not be difficult to find a dozen or twenty players who play football well in every small city.

After that, the teams in each place can start to play games according to the league model... This idea makes Madd very excited!

According to the calculations made by Du Wei, this so-called league is still very profitable at present... First of all, players in Roland's era will not ask for high signing fees and wages. Most of the players are farmers, craftsmen, carpenters, blacksmiths, miners, and even barbers. Everyone is very happy to play football occasionally. Each person can be rewarded with one or two gold coins every month. I was so excited that I ran all over the game.

And the expected huge returns from the football lottery are more than enough to pay the paltry wages of these players.

However, Du Wei did not give up his attempt to extract the maximum benefit... He even asked Made to find the largest fur dealer in a nearby city... That merchant has been supplying various fur products to the Luo Ling family for a long time.

Du Wei promised that in the future "Football League", players in the local city will wear uniform clothes when they play... Each player's clothes will have the name of the fur dealer's shop written on it!

Considering how popular this kind of game is now and every time there is a game, the crowd of onlookers will surround the municipal square with water... Such popularity...

The fur owner generously paid Du Wei five hundred gold coins as the "naming right" fee for the next year.

In this way, the official name of the city's team has become "Old Kronel Leather Store Football Team, Emerald Town, Rollin Plains"!

Du Wei sold the naming rights of the league's first team in front of Made. Then, the job of Old Made is to find ways to sell the naming rights of the twelve teams in the future league to those wealthy local businessmen.

Adding all these things together... Ma De almost began to look at the young master he had raised since he was a child with almost admiring eyes!

Who said our young master is an idiot

Have you ever seen an idiot who can earn tens of thousands of gold coins just by talking about it

Old Made almost broke his leg. He ran from south to north, from east to west in the Luolin Plain, and almost ran all over a dozen large and small towns! Twelve teams have finally been established, and the naming rights for all twelve teams have finally been sold.

As for any weird names such as "XX Jewelry Store Team" or "XX Weapon Shop Team" among them, Du Wei ignored it... He was very satisfied with the thousands of gold coins brought back by Mad. Twelve teams sold a total of 5,000 gold coins.

"This is only the first year, my dear Mad. After our league is successful, you don't need to run away for the annual naming rights. Those businessmen will come to you with boxes and boxes of gold coins! That At that time, a few thousand gold coins may not even be able to buy the naming rights of a team!" Du Wei looked at the loyal servant who had been running outside for a month, and couldn't help feeling a little moved, so he decided to give this loyal servant A little more reward.

"My dear Mad... are you interested in serving as the first president of the Rolling Plains Football Association?"

In this way, in addition to the titles of "Master Manager" and "Supervisor of the Football Lottery Center", Ma De has another title that sounds amazing: Chairman of the Football Association!

Although he still couldn't fully understand what this "Chairman of the Football Association" was, Mad was still very moved by the young master's respect for him, so he readily accepted the young master's suggestion.

Du Wei was obviously in a good mood.

After all, the five thousand gold coins that Made brought back were enough for him to solve his urgent needs.

The football league has not yet started, and the football lottery revenue has not yet been seen. The naming fee of five thousand gold coins seems to be the only liquidity in Du Wei's hands.

Damn Solskjaer... That guy burned a few thousand more gold coins, still no progress.

With the thousands of gold coins brought back by Made, Du Wei can breathe a sigh of relief. Taking advantage of the joy, Du Wei took some of our Football Association Chairman to visit his new invention.

At the place behind the castle where Du Wei specializes in developing fireworks, Made once again gave his young master admiring eyes...

Although, he still doesn't know what the young master is up to this time.

The thing in front of him seemed to be a huge basket.

Well, yes, it is indeed a big basket. It is big enough for three or five people to stand in. The edge of the basket is very high, reaching the height of a person's waist. Standing in it is like sitting in an open carriage.

And on the top... an extremely huge, huge spherical thing sewn out of more than a dozen pieces of cowhide, floating gently on top of the basket!

Yes, that's right, a gigantic sphere!

A furnace below is desperately baking the balloon, baking the gas in the balloon.

The color of the flame burning is very bright. Du Wei used a little bit of magic in this link... This is a fire magic he just learned. Solskjaer made some additives that can further enhance the burning effect of gunpowder and the like thing.

"This thing is called a hot air balloon! My dear Made." Du Wei smiled happily.

This is the result of his one-month hard work! Although during the period, nearly 50 pieces of high-quality cowhide were damaged... Those cowhide were bought at a very low price from the fur dealer who first bought the team's naming rights.

Regardless of Made's blank eyes, Du Wei briefly introduced his new invention.

The former groom, the current general manager, the director of the Football Lottery Center, the chairman of the Football Association, and Mr. Made felt that he was about to faint. He looked at the young master and stammered, "Master... you, you mean, this thing, it Can fly? You mean "fly"? Did I hear you right?"

"That's right, my dear Mad!" Du Wei said with a smile: "So, now I give you an honor! Come and experience the first test flight with me! This is a historic moment! You are the first A human who can fly into the sky without the help of any magic or other magical creatures!!"

What happened next seemed like a dream to Old Made!

Du Wei swung his knife and cut the rope tied to the basket, and the huge buoyancy of the hot air balloon slowly lifted up the basket below, as well as Du Weimad in the basket!

When the baskets left the ground little by little and got higher and higher... Everyone stopped breathing, not daring to make a sound, just opened their eyes wide, opened their mouths and looked up at the rising and falling. Taller Duvey and Mard...

Some people even forgot to wipe their mouth when they drool!

For people who lived in an era without any flying machines, this scene was really... shocking! !

It wasn't until the hot air balloon flew Du Wei and Made that it was almost at the same height as the top of the castle that the craftsmen on the ground let out a huge cheer! Everyone fell to their knees and praised the great god with the most devout voices...

Compared with the cheering people on the ground, Ma De only felt that his legs were so weak that he could hardly stand up!

It was the first time in his life that he "flyed" into the sky, making Made's legs tremble non-stop since he left the ground. His face was pale, his eyes were as big as a bull's eye, his teeth were chattering, and his hands were rigid. grasping the edge of the basket...

"How is it? My dear Made..." Du Wei looked at his feet... The hot air balloon was slowly floating. From this height, the scenery around the castle, the mountains in the distance, the forest nearby... had a panoramic view!

"Is this scene very unforgettable..." Du Wei was intoxicated.

"Master..." Ma De swallowed hard, and asked cautiously: "This... I don't know how to say it... This, this is simply amazing... But, but what I want to ask is... We have already flown so far It's so high...but how do we get down?"

"..." Now, Du Wei also changed color. He took a deep look at Made, and then said strangely: "Oops... I only know how to fly... but I don't know how to make this thing land."

Made: "Master... you are really the most talented person I have ever met...%※%×;※...×;(...※"

Du Wei: "Made! You vomited on me!"

After getting excited, the people below began to look at each other: "When will the young master and the others come down? It's almost time for dinner, right?"

Under the setting sun, the hot air balloon floats higher and higher in the infinite sunset glow, farther and farther away...

What a wonderful world! Is not it