Law of the Devil

Chapter 52: The magician creditor came to the door


Afterwards, Made lay in the room for two full days. After a serious illness, she still felt her legs were weak when she got out of bed.

However, Du Wei still gave this loyal servant a reward. Because that day on the hot air balloon, when faced with the inability to land, Made, who was still flustered, made a suggestion inadvertently: Can you turn off the stove below

This proposal immediately reminded Du Wei that the power of the hot air balloon is related to the temperature of the gas in the balloon. After turning off the heating furnace, the gas gradually cooled, and the balloon finally landed.

It's just that after the poor Mard landed, he almost vomited out his bile, and was finally carried back under the rescue of a team of cavalry who rushed over.

Just when everyone in the castle was guessing what new tricks this weird young master would come up with... Du Wei fell silent.

For many days, Du Wei didn't tinker with anything. Du Wei understood very well in his heart: he is not interested in doing too many things to involve energy. Whether it's fireworks or football gambling, they are all ways to make money in order to solve the recent shortage of funds in his hands.

Du Wei is even less interested in doing things that waste people and money like the industrial revolution. His purpose is to make money, in order to raise the consumption of burning money needed for magic experiments.

Now, not worrying about money for the time being, Du Wei stopped moving.

In addition to going to Solskjaer's laboratory every day to see the progress of this magic scientist, and then to visit the research and development team of hot air balloons and fireworks, in addition, Du Wei spends all his time on It's time to learn magic.

Every night, he would go to the balcony on the third floor of the magic laboratory to stay all night alone. He and Solskjaer have formed a tacit understanding. The laboratory is used by Solskjaer during the day, and Du Wei has the right to use it at night. The two do not interfere with each other.

It has been more than a month, but Du Wei's "star magic" practice has not been able to break through the first hurdle. The concept of the so-called "star power" is still too vague. There is no specific standard, no specific description, and even Semel himself can't say exactly what the power of the stars is... After all, the current Semel is not the real female astrologer herself, she just inherited A copy of a memory. Many of Du Wei's problems cannot be answered by this Semel.

In addition to learning star magic at night, Du Wei will also learn the orthodox magic on the mainland during the day... Solskjaer provided some help in this regard. After all, he is also a magician. Available from Solskjaer here.

After more than a month, Du Wei has basically mastered some low-level spells, such as simple fire magic, fireball, and wind blade of wind magic, which Du Wei can use calmly. Among these low-level magics, Du Wei mastered the most proficient "vertigo" and "acceleration".

In the end, even Solskjaer admitted that Du Wei's current magical strength has surpassed his own...whether it is magic or induction. If Du Wei is willing to participate in the assessment of the magic union, then with his current strength, he can easily obtain the qualification of a first-level magician.

This is the result of Du Wei hiding some of his own strength a little bit.

In fact, although Du Wei has never been able to learn star magic, Semel's spell for cultivating spiritual power is extremely effective in increasing his spiritual power. The strength of his magic power has now barely reached The level of a third-level magician.

As for the sensing power... With the "antenna" gifted by Chris on his head, Du Wei's sensing power is even more sensitive than many intermediate magicians!

This afternoon, Made was once again given an important task by Du Wei!

As the manager next to Du Wei, Made will be in charge of taking the gift carefully prepared by Du Wei to the imperial capital to congratulate the countess on her birthday.

Du Wei spent one night carefully writing a personal letter... For the beautiful and gentle countess, Du Wei still has considerable affection in his heart. Especially when I was seriously ill when I was a child, the Countess knelt in the Temple of Light and prayed all night, and then took care of herself without sleep... And even after the birth of her younger brother, the whole family ignored her, and Only the countess often came to Du Wei's room at night, hugging her young son, singing to lull him to sleep...

Du Wei was quite moved. This beautiful and gentle woman showed the greatest and most simple maternal love in her body. Although that love filled Du Wei with guilt... because he was not her real son. But because of this love, Du Wei is full of concern for this beautiful and gentle mother.

The birthday gift was "Forgiveness of the Goddess of Dawn" carefully prepared by Du Wei.

Du Wei is very confident that this unprecedented gift will definitely cause a great shock after it is delivered to the Earl's Mansion! Du Wei didn't care about the shock, he hoped to make the Countess happy at the birthday party.

Made took a carriage and took a few entourages on the road. The Countess's birthday is just seven days away. As long as there are no accidents along the way, they can probably arrive two days before the Countess's birthday.

After sending Ma De away, Du Wei felt a little more relaxed, and he also had a little selfishness. After all, the days of being grounded were a bit sad, and he couldn’t leave a certain area around the castle every day. After more than a month, he was really depressed. I hope this brilliant birthday gift can make my father change his perception of him a little bit. . Du Wei didn't care about the three hundred gold coins per month. I just hope that the earl is happy and lifts his ban, that would be the best.

On the night when Made left, the moon was clear and the stars were bright. On such a beautiful night, Du Wei suddenly became very excited. He asked his servants to prepare a stove, put it on the terrace on the roof of the laboratory, and let the castle The cook here has prepared some sirloin, lamb chops, and some fresh vegetables that have just been shipped from the farm behind the castle... plus a bottle of good wine.

Du Wei is going to make an open-air barbecue here.

The steak was placed on the iron rack on the stove. Du Wei took a brush he made by himself, dipped it in the seasoning he had prepared, and smeared it on the steak over and over again. His movements were extremely careful, as much as possible. Let every inch of the steak be fully and evenly coated with the seasoning.

Under the grilling fire, the aroma of meat mixed with spices overflowed. Du Wei took a deep breath enjoying it, and he even couldn't help humming a ditty.

Seeing Du Wei's comfortable appearance, Semel's eyes were a little strange.

"What tune are you humming? It seems to be the work of a bard... But why can't I understand a single word?"

Du Wei didn't bother to explain, he snorted, then turned over the steak with a fork, picked up the wine bottle and took a small sip.

"Red wine with red meat." Du Wei sighed contentedly: "The wind is light and the clouds are calm, the moon is bright and the stars are bright... Such a comfortable night, with a small wind blowing, some barbecue, and a bottle of good wine... It's a pity, It would be nice to have some more music."

"You little nobleman, you will enjoy it." Semel curled his lips: "Aren't you going to learn star magic tonight?"

"I've been studying for more than a month." Du Wei smiled bitterly: "The mental power is very effective in training, but the power of the stars, I still don't understand it. It's not that I'm lazy, but since I don't understand it, it's okay to think about it." It's not something that can be solved in a day or two. The so-called combination of work and rest, I've been tired for more than a month, and I need some time to relax."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the cooked steak with a fork, and took a bite carefully. The aroma in his mouth made Du Wei almost bite his own tongue. He smiled vaguely: "Delicious! Delicious! It's just It's a pity that you can't eat such a delicious thing."

Semel rolled his eyes directly. She is a magical creature, and generally nothing more than a psionic object. Without a physical body, she is nothing more than a phantom, needing no food, drink or sleep.

And Du Wei unlocked her seal, so that her spirit body has been deeply imprinted with Du Wei's magic mark, almost becoming Du Wei's shadow.

"You don't eat or drink like this, and you don't need to sleep... so life is boring?" Du Wei sighed, and he looked at Semel in front of him.

Semel was still wearing the bright red robe, but after Du Wei reminded her many times, she finally learned to pay a little attention to her appearance, and stopped jumping on the railing and swinging her beautiful legs.

Semel rolled his eyes again.

"By the way...well, I never asked you before." Du Wei blinked: "How long can you live?"

"Same as you." Semel felt a little helpless when he said this: "I was released by you, the spell that unsealed the seal made my life firmly connected to your spiritual power .As long as you can live, I can live as long! And if you die, your spiritual power disappears, then I will disappear with it."

"In this way, can't we be regarded as "living together and dying together"?" Du Wei looked strange.

"Pay attention to your words, my little nobleman." Semel smiled maliciously: "Don't forget, I am your great-great-great-grandmother."

Du Wei let out a bang, and stared at Semel unflinchingly: "You are just a copy, not the real Semel. And... great-great-great-grandmother? The grandma dangling in front of her grandson?"

Semel turned his face away angrily, looking up at the starry sky.

Du Wei leaned comfortably on the armchair, chewing a piece of grilled sausage, and looked at Semel who was standing by the railing. The moonlight sprinkled softly on her face, her red robe fluttered, and her long silver hair was like snow. Looking from the side, the outline of her face is very soft, but there is an inexplicable expression on her face...

"What are you thinking?" Du Wei asked.

"I don't know. That's why I'm thinking." Semel's answer was a little strange, but his tone was a little low.

Turning around, Semel looked at Du Wei, with a hint of confusion in her eyes: "Actually, I think I am very strange... In the days when I was sealed in the painting, I looked forward to breaking the seal every day. But After I untied it, I found that I didn't know what to do... I am not human. But... Semel gave me a memory of hers, which gave me human thinking. Following you these days, I feel a little Confused... I don't know what I should do. Although it is very leisurely to stay by your side like this, it is much more comfortable than being sealed in a painting. But it makes me more confused... You are a human being. I can live for decades or even hundreds of years... Could it be that in the next hundred years, I will just stay by your side, talking to you alone, as your shadow? Just look at, look at, Watching, watching... just watching for a hundred years, and then quietly disappearing with you when you die?"

Du Wei sat up a little bit, and his face became more serious. He took a deep look at Semel, and Du Wei sighed: "I'm surprised... your thinking is very close to human beings. Really... It’s just that I can’t answer your question either. Because the question you’re thinking about is a big topic that even the wisest of human beings can’t answer: the meaning of life.”

"The meaning of life..." Semel recalled these words lightly in his mouth.

Seeing the sad expression on Semel's face, Du Wei suddenly remembered a fairy tale he had heard in his previous life: The Adventures of Pinocchio.

Naturally, Du Wei immediately told the story to Semel.

The magical creature listened so fascinated that she didn't even say a word from the beginning to the end.

When Du Wei mentioned that the puppet "Pinocchio" would have a longer nose if he told a lie, Semel couldn't help laughing. She laughed happily, happily, and even... naively.

And Du Wei talked about the time when "Pinocchio" longed to become a real human being with a real human body...

Semel lowered her head, her head was so low that even Du Wei couldn't see her expression clearly.

Finally, Du Wei finished telling the story, and at the end, the puppet finally became a real person...

"I also want to have a real body." Semel said suddenly.

Her voice was very soft, but in such a soft voice, Du Wei could hear a longing!

When he heard the story of Pinocchio, Du Wei never felt anything. But tonight, seeing this magical creature sitting in front of him, he expressed such a wish with a sad face...

He suddenly felt a little sympathy in his heart, but he didn't know how to comfort Semel in front of him.

"Maybe..." Du Wei thought for a while: "Perhaps, we can try...Maybe we can use magic..."

"It's getting late, I want to rest." Semel suddenly interrupted Du Wei, her words were very strange, because a magical creature does not need to rest.

Obviously she was running away from Du Wei's impossible comfort.

With a bang, Semel's body disappeared, and Du Wei sighed, knowing that Semel didn't want to talk anymore. Although it is a magical creature, when Semel doesn't want to talk, he can possess anything around Du Wei.

Rings, badges, clothes, even boots. As long as Semel is willing, she can even be attached to Du Wei's belt. Otherwise, if he just floated beside Du Wei all day long, Du Wei would inevitably feel as if he was followed by a hanged ghost.

Du Wei sighed, he didn't stop Semel from dodging... Although Du Wei could order Semel to come out, after all, Du Wei used a spell to unlock the seal, and magical creatures must obey all of Du Wei's orders. But at this moment, Du Wei knew that she was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to say anything more.

After taking a sip of the wine, he turned off the fire, and Du Wei lazily curled up on the chair, looking at the sky.

The starry sky was still bright, and Du Wei suddenly asked himself: "For me... what is the meaning of life?"

After sitting like this for a long time, just when he felt a little tired and was about to get up and go back to sleep, suddenly, Du Wei's heart moved! With his powerful mental power, he could feel a slight fluctuation in the surrounding air!

The weak fluctuation of the airflow could not conceal Du Wei's current mental power, he suddenly sat up, looking around with flickering eyes!

"It seems that your senses are very keen." In the darkness, a melodious voice suddenly came over!

The voice sounded very old, but the tone was very gentle, even with a hint of a smile: "According to what I've heard about you before, it seems that you shouldn't have this level of mental power... Du Wei Luolin gentlemen."

A shadow suddenly appeared from outside the balcony railing in front of him!

In the dark night, this person was actually wearing a white robe, which was a magician's robe. He has an old face, long beard, fine eyebrows, and a peaceful smile on his mouth, but the eyes that look at Du Wei are like needles!

Being watched by such eyes made Du Wei a little uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" Du Wei frowned: "Your Excellency a mage? I don't seem to have any contact with the mage union."

The body of the old man in a magician's robe floated over the railing and landed a few steps away from Du Wei. There is still a smile on his face... I have to say that although he is very old, he has delicate skin and shining eyes that do not match his age!

Du Wei had never seen anyone with such bright eyes!

"You surprised me...Because before, I thought you were just a noble kid who would play tricks." The old magician smiled and looked at Du Wei: "But now, it seems that you still have outstanding talents. The mental power... oh, do you know magic? You don't need to hold the fingerprints of fire magic... don't be on guard against me. Because... that's useless at all."

Du Wei looked at this guy more carefully: "Who the hell are you?"

"What about me..." The old magician walked up to Du Wei's side suddenly, bent down and picked up the wine bottle on the table, took a sip by himself, and sighed: "Very good wine, Luo Lin The family's wine collection is always so good... You should be honored, my child, because you are the first member of the Rollins family to invite me to drink in the last hundred years."

"You... were peeking at me just now?!" Du Wei lowered his face! The existence of Semel is a big secret, and Du Wei doesn't want others to know that there is an invisible magical creature by his side.

"No. I won't do that kind of boring thing." The old magician smiled: "I just arrived here... Alas, I haven't been to the Luolin Plain for many years, and I almost lost my way. By the way... it's so late, You are not in the room, but you are drinking in such a place... Is the current Luo Lin family's discipline on their children so loose and free?"

Du Wei became vigilant: "I seem to know the Luo Lin family very well?"

"No, no, no..." The old magician smiled calmly: "I just knew a few members of the Luo Lin family when I was young. Oh... that was a long, long time ago."

"Okay..." Du Wei sat up straight while speaking cautiously, his hands had been tucked into his sleeves, and he gently clasped a magic scroll: "Your Majesty, you are visiting late at night, you will not just pass by That's it?"

"Me... I came to see you." The old magician thought for a while, as if he suddenly remembered his own reason for coming: "Originally, I just wanted to ask you to return a few things."


"A few things." The old magician sighed: "You extorted a lot of good things from my little foolish apprentice... Although that child is simple-minded, as a teacher, you can't just see your apprentice like this!" Being teased."

Du Wei finally understood: " are Vivian's teacher?!"