Law of the Devil

Chapter 56: Carrion & Goldeneye Python


The first guy ran the fastest and almost collided with Du Wei. Just as the other two guys ran into the circle of dragon dung, the four snow dogs behind Du Wei had already pounced on it!

"Oh! My friend, watch your dog!" The fleeing people jumped in fright. One of them was injured and was not flexible enough to be thrown down by the dog, but the other two quickly escaped. The four snow dogs missed, Du Wei hurriedly shouted to stop the dogs' attacking intentions, but these dogs recognized Du Wei and were not attacking anyone.

At this time, the last guy covered in blood had already run over. This person was quite enthusiastic. When he saw Du Wei, he couldn't see Du Wei's face and age clearly in the dark, so he kindly shouted: "Friend! Run! There is a "rotting corpse" coming up from behind! Run!"

After speaking, he swayed, staggered twice, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground. His words made Du Wei feel a little good, went up to help him up, and immediately kissed the strong bloody smell on his body. What made Du Wei even more disgusting was that this guy still had some bloody blood on his body Meat! It was obvious that it belonged to one of his unlucky companions.

Among the three people running in front, the first one slipped away without looking back, and the two behind heard that the guy fell to the ground at last. They hesitated for a moment, stopped, and ran back to pull up. companion.

Although the man covered in blood fell to the ground, he still held his bow tightly in his hand. Shaking his head in his mouth, he shouted anxiously: "Go away! If you are overtaken, none of you will be able to escape! Only one who can walk is one! Hurry up!!"

The two companions tried to support him to walk, but this man's leg was injured too badly. He ran desperately for a while just now, and now he can't hold on anymore.

Those two companions were very loyal, and they refused to escape by themselves, trying to carry him up.

"You guys actually don't need to run away." Du Wei sighed, and the guy's reminder had already made Du Wei feel good about him, and this person was unwilling to drag his companions down in danger, and would rather be left alone. Asking his companion to run first increased Du Wei's favorability a bit. And these two companions refused to leave, showing their loyalty, which made Du Wei more determined to help them.

"You stay here, don't worry, nothing will happen."

At this moment, by the light of the moon, the three of them had already seen Du Wei's appearance clearly. Seeing that Du Wei's appearance was only a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, the three of them thought that this kid was crazy. Those two had already picked up their companions and were about to run when they suddenly heard a strong smell of blood coming from behind, followed by a mournful roar...

"Oops! I can't run away now..." The three of them changed their colors at the same time. The man holding the archer was quite decisive, and immediately shouted: "Put me down! Fight that monster!"

The two companions also looked desperate, one was tightly holding the half-broken scimitar in his hand, the other had no weapon and could only pick up a thick branch from the snow.

In the woods, there was a creaking sound from the snow... There was also the sound of something brushing against the trees, hanging the snow on the branches and falling down...

With the help of the moonlight, Du Wei saw clearly in the woods, at a distance of about 30 steps from his group, a monster emerged from behind the woods!

Du Wei just glanced at it, and almost vomited out all the dinner he had last night!

These guys call this monster "rotten corpse monster"... This name is really worthy of the name!

This monster has three legs! But the thickness is different, one is a horse leg, one is a deer leg, and the other is furry, but I don't know what kind of beast it is... It's just that the roots of these three legs are bloody, sticking to the body... It seems that they don't know After getting it from where, it is temporarily assembled to the body...

As for its body, it is even weirder! Above its waist, there are actually two upper bodies! One half of the body is like a bear, and the other half of the body... is actually a human torso!

This thing seems to be assembled from the bodies of several kinds of creatures. The assembled parts are bloody and covered with long black, white and white hairs!

"What the hell is this!" Du Wei suppressed his nausea.

"Rotting corpse monster." The man sitting on the ground gritted his teeth: "A kind of monster... This kind of thing can assemble the body of the killed prey into itself... Damn it! It fuses the captain's body to it Go on your own!"

There was grief and indignation in this person's tone, and the two companions beside him also looked sad.

Sure enough, the human body above this monster was obviously bloody and bloody, but it was still vaguely wearing a yellow tattered leather jacket. Above the neck was half a human head, as if half of it had been bitten off by some wild beast! The brains had been drained away, and on half of the head, the turned-up flesh and white bones were clearly visible! What's more disgusting is that the eyeball of the left eye is drooping outside...

This monster was also running very fast, but when it ran outside the circle of dragon dung, it suddenly stopped. It had two heads, one was a half-human head, and the other was a bear-like head with a sharp mouth. As if sniffing hard, he let out a strange roar. I took a few steps back, and walked a few steps around the circle of dragon dung...

There was doubt in its roar, it clearly recognized the dragon's feces, and it dared not move forward. But the prey in front of him was within sight, and the bloody smell stimulated it even more...

The guy shook a few times, but leaned over hesitantly.

The faces of the three guys except Du Wei were already pale. The man with the bow and arrow quickly pulled out the last three arrows from the pouch on his back, and shot them out in quick succession!

Du Wei's eyes lit up! This man's archery skills are really good. Although he was seriously injured, he shot three consecutive arrows together, but the hand holding the bow was very steady!

Three beeps, three arrows pierced the monster's two heads and one leg respectively!

Three beeps! The monster was hit by three arrows, but it just shook its body, turned around suddenly, stretched out two furry claws from behind, pulled out the arrows from its body forcefully, then split the bear's head, and sent out a few calls...

The monster didn't care about the bleeding from the wound. The blood dripped on the snow, and there seemed to be a trace of blue eyes!

"The blood of this monster is poisonous, and it will be over if it touches it." The archer finished shooting the arrow and shook his head: "But there is nothing to be careful about, we are all finished...we are not opponents." He looked at Du Wei and smiled wryly. : "Who are you, you are such a young boy, why did you come to the frozen forest alone... I'm just sorry, we got you in trouble, this monster came here with us."

With an angry roar, the guy holding the branch went all out. He held the thick branch with both hands and ruthlessly swept towards the monster's waist! With a bang, the branch swept across the monster's body. The monster didn't even shake it, but stretched out its furry claws and grabbed the branch, then shook...

With a cry, the guy holding the branch flew out and slammed heavily on a tree. After falling to the ground, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth. The guy holding the scimitar had a pale face. The scimitar in his hand was originally a weapon for melee combat, but now there is only half of it left, which is even more disadvantageous. This monster is extremely powerful, and its whole body is covered in venom. If you get close to it, you will definitely die , but seeing one of the two companions finished shooting arrows and the other was thrown out, he still uttered a cry, raised the scimitar, and suddenly a faint silver light appeared on his body!

Du Wei narrowed his eyes... Fighting

The scimitar warrior shouted loudly, and slashed twice on the spot! Two faint wind blades shot in the air immediately, and with two pounces, the wind blades accurately cut the monster's body, leaving a deep bone wound on the monster's left leg...

The samurai had already rushed over, and the scimitar in his hand went straight to the monster's head!

The speed and strength of this knife are quite good, but unfortunately the monster suddenly took a step back, and a long bloody thorn suddenly protruded from its body! This samurai was in the air, unable to dodge in time, his shoulder was immediately pierced by the barb! People are hanging on the barbs on the monster's body like candied haws!

The barb was covered with curved bone hooks, and the scimitar warrior immediately let out a heart-piercing scream! The scimitar in his hand had already shot towards the monster's head recklessly, and with a pounce, the scimitar slashed on the monster's bear head, and just stuck on the monster's head, but the monster seemed to be fine. feel the same...

The archer sighed, the three of them were not opponents of the monster's attack, so they simply closed their eyes and waited to die.

At this moment, Du Wei looked at the scimitar warrior hanging on the barbs of the monster, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his eyes. He immediately took out a bottle from his arms and smashed it hard at the monster. past!

boom! After the bottle hit the monster, it immediately shattered, and most of the yellow powder inside was stained on the monster. Then Du Wei took a deep breath, and quickly chanted a spell in his mouth!

His chanting speed was very fast, and soon a wind blade of the wind element was shot out!

This wind blade didn't cut the monster directly, but it accurately cut on the monster's barb!

With a click, the barb was cut off, and the scimitar warrior on top fell to the ground. Du Wei immediately shouted: "Get out of here! Quick!!"

Although the scimitar warrior was in so much pain that he could hardly cry out, when he heard the sound, he instinctively rolled to the side!

Du Wei's robe swelled up, he quickly pinched the fingerprints on his fingers, and then chanted loudly, several fireballs smashed in the dark night like a red sun!

Du Wei's mental power and sensitivity are both super strong, and he can shoot three in one go with ordinary fireball skills! Three fireballs hit the monster's body and immediately ignited the gunpowder...

With a bang, flames shot out, and most of the monster's body was shrouded in the flames. Amidst the sparks, the monster screamed, but it aroused its ferocity even more!

Without hesitation, Du Wei immediately blessed himself with an acceleration technique. Then, as if magic power does not require money, he rushed over quickly, then ran around the monster, and then kept his fingers, shooting at the monster with an unknown number of stun spells in one breath!

The light blue light clusters of the vertigo technique hit the monster one after another. The huge body of the monster screamed in the flames, trying to catch Du Wei, but Du Wei accelerated himself on the one hand, and on the other hand he shot down After seven or eight stun spells, the monster's footsteps became slower and slower. Finally, it suddenly let out an unwilling roar and fell down...

Du Wei didn't hesitate even more, he took out the last two bottles of gunpowder on his body, and threw them hard at the monster...

As soon as the gunpowder touched the sparks, it exploded immediately, and the monster was immediately blown up with flesh and blood, and there was still a smell of burnt flesh in the air...

Seeing the monster lying on the ground, Du Wei heaved a sigh of relief. He pushed back and leaned against a big tree...

Damn it, why hasn't that old guy come out yet... He's dying!

Du Wei looked back, only to find that the tent was empty at some point! The old guy is gone!

He was about to shout, when he suddenly felt something stuffed into his hand, and he heard the voice of the old magician: "I hate trouble, I don't want to see people, so let's take a step first, and I'll come back to you later."

This old guy's invisibility is really powerful, Du Wei didn't feel any movement of the old guy, he had completely disappeared.

Look at the hand again, it is a burden, squeeze it, but it is a bottle of things.

Seeing that the monster was knocked down by Du Wei's series of magic attacks, the three of them stared at Du Wei with wide-eyed eyes. After a while, they finally let out a cheer!

Magician! This kid is actually a magician! !

The three guys were all injured, and Du Wei carried them back one by one... The scimitar warrior who was stabbed through the shoulder was the worst. A rotten smell...

Du Wei quickly flipped through the bag, and the bottles and jars inside were all medicinal powders. Fortunately, Du Wei had carefully studied magic pharmacy, and found two bottles of something that was specially used to treat wounds.

Just the carrion from that scimitar warrior...

While Du Wei sighed, the scimitar warrior was very tough. He grabbed a branch and bit it, and then pulled out a dagger from his boots. The carrion of the wound was cut off!

"It can only delay the venom temporarily..." The scimitar warrior was sweating profusely, his voice trembling: "I can't cut off the whole shoulder... The venom of this monster can only be found in a temple after going back, please The people in the temple can only get rid of it with the magic of the light department... "

The guy who hit the monster with a branch and was thrown to vomit blood laughed loudly: "Okay, we are lucky that we didn't die! You just suffered for a few days... It's nothing."

The archer took a deep look at Du Wei, with gratitude and respect in his eyes: "Dear Mr. Magician... Please forgive our offense just now... I didn't know you were a magician. I... Thank you Thank you for your assistance, for saving our lives! If possible, please tell us your name, we will keep your name firmly in our hearts!"

Du Wei was hesitating for a while, but the archer immediately seemed to understand, and said with a smile: "I know, in this place, it is inconvenient for a magician to reveal his name... But I swear on my life, we will not reveal your name! It’s just that you saved us, if you don’t even know the name of the savior, then you’re such a bastard!”

As he spoke, he struggled to stand up: "I, Dardanelle, am the vice-captain of this adventure team... Our captain is dead. The guy with the scimitar is called Fran, and the other guy is called He can do it in Montenegro. We are all the personal guards of the Marquis Liszt, and we came to the frozen forest to find a kind of magical beast... "

Speaking of this, Dardanelle hesitated for a moment, but continued: "We are looking for a kind of magical beast called "Golden-eyed Python". Our respected Marquise is seriously ill. "The eyes of the lady can cure the lady's illness, that's why we came to the frozen forest... I also have the honorary guardian knight status awarded by the Marquis. I swear on my knight reputation, I will never reveal your identity to outsiders Name. But you saved the Liszt family, we must remember the name of the benefactor! The Liszt family will repay the favor!"

He bowed deeply, and then looked at Du Wei expectantly.

"My name..." Du Wei hesitated for a second. He didn't say his real name, sighed, and said slowly, "Okay... I'm a magician... What's your name... My name is Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter..." Dardanelle kept the name in mind repeatedly, and said solemnly: "I will definitely remember this name! Your Excellency the Magician, if you have the opportunity to go to the territory of the Liszt family in the future, please report My name, you will receive preferential treatment as a distinguished guest!"

Du Wei smiled.

Just by virtue of his status as a magician, he will receive preferential treatment wherever he goes. But this Dardanelle's tone was very sincere, obviously he was really grateful.

Du Wei was a little embarrassed about giving up his pseudonym, but he didn't want too many people to know that he was a magician. So, he simply skipped the topic: "Oh, by the way, what is the golden-eyed python you are talking about? Is it a kind of python?"

Dardanelle's face was a little strange... It stands to reason that magicians should know a lot about monsters. Why doesn't this young magician even know about golden-eyed pythons? !

However, the respect on his face did not diminish at all, and he immediately replied: "Golden-eyed python... is indeed a kind of python, but it is also very dangerous. Its eyes can emit petrified magic. Any creature that looks into its eyes will be killed. It will be petrified! In the frozen forest, the golden-eyed python is also considered one of the most dangerous monsters."

Although Dardanelle tried his best to cover it up, but the weirdness in his eyes still let Du Wei see his thoughts, Du Wei smiled, he poured out a little medicine and applied it to Dardanelle's legs, and said with a smile : "I'm still young, and I haven't studied magic for long, so I don't know much about Warcraft... Because of this, I came to the frozen forest this time to see more."

After a pause, Du Wei couldn't help asking: "Excuse me... Since this kind of golden-eyed python is very dangerous, are you sure you can catch one?"

The implication of Du Wei's words is obvious: These guys can't even deal with a rotting corpse... That golden-eyed python is actually recognized as one of the most dangerous monsters in the frozen forest, so it must be better than that. Carrion monsters are even more powerful! How do they catch it

Dardanelle didn't care either, and said with a smile: "Our life belongs to the marquise, and we don't have to think about the dangers to serve the lady... However, we came prepared... Before we set off, we spent a lot of energy I bought a treasure, relying on this treasure, I can be immune to petrification magic! As long as there is no petrification magic, the golden-eyed python is just an ordinary boa constrictor, so it will not be difficult to deal with."

As he said that, Dardanelle suddenly showed a hint of shame on his face, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, please forgive my presumptuousness, I know that it is really unreasonable to make such a request... But the eight of us, since we set off, We have been circling this forest for three days, and now several of our companions have died, and the remaining three have been injured... I am afraid that we will not be able to find the golden-eyed python in the frozen forest by ourselves... You are a A powerful magician, I think, can I... "

Du Wei pondered for a while: "Do you want to ask me for help?"

Dardanelle straightened up immediately: "The matter is related to the life and safety of the Marquise, I know this kind of request is unreasonable. But if you are willing to help, after the matter is successful, you will be the greatest benefactor of the Liszt family! Li Si Everyone in the Te family is willing to sacrifice their lives to repay the benefactor who saved the Marquise's life!!"