Law of the Devil

Chapter 58: Snow Wolf Mercenary Group


Seeing the little magician use a bottle to collect the venom from the rotting corpse, Dardanelle and the three members of the Liszt family couldn't help but look sideways. Such a disgusting thing, but this little magician collected a full bottle like a treasure, and carefully stored it away...

Looking at the disgusting pile of rotten meat, everyone couldn't help but sigh: This magician is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The badly injured scimitar warrior and the guy who vomited blood will leave the forest on Duwei's sleigh. Du Wei gave them the four snow dogs to pull the sled... Anyway, these belonged to the old magician, and Du Wei was very generous with others. Moreover, the road behind will become more and more difficult to walk, and most likely there will be no need for sleds.

But before the two wounded left, Du Wei hesitated. After all, both of them were injured. If they encountered any wild beasts on the way back, they would have no ability to protect themselves.

Du Wei thought for a while, and collected the circle of dragon feces powder that the old magician had dropped last night from the ground, wrapped two packets in parchment paper, and ignored the strange eyes of the two wounded. spilled on their clothes.

"In this way, you don't have to worry about monsters attacking you on the way back." Du Wei's tone was very relaxed: "You have wounds on your body and the smell of blood. I'm worried that monsters will be attracted."

"What is this?" Dardanelle looked at the green powder. His expression was the same as Du Wei's expression when he asked the old magician last night.

"This..." Du Wei said with a mischievous smile, "These are feces, dragon feces."

"Oh..." The three of them were relieved immediately, except for some surprised expressions on their faces, they didn't show any discomfort at all, let alone any expressions of disgust or disgust.

The scimitar warrior even smiled happily: "Good idea! Haha, in the past when we were in the northwest, we would sprinkle lion urine on tents in the wild to prevent wild wolves on the grassland. Haha... But , Dragon feces, the magician is indeed a magician! Such a precious thing, even a magician can get it... haha."

This guy looked like he still felt that he didn't sprinkle enough dragon dung on his body, wishing Du Wei could throw a few more handfuls on him.

After sending away the two wounded, Du Wei packed up the remaining things. The old magician left inexplicably, and left behind a lot of magic potions and even a small piece of magic crystal. Du Wei studied it and judged that it was probably a piece of material used to arrange the magic circle. Du Wei accepted everything with a smile and put them all away.

Dardanelle took Du Wei back to their previous camp. After the camp was attacked by rotting wights, all that was left was a mess.

Dardanelle picked up two quiver bags and carried them on his back, and picked up two knives from the bodies of his two dead companions. Dardanelle then dug a hole and buried his companion.

There were eight of them when they came out, but now there are only three left.

There is also a sled here, but all the snow dogs that pulled the sled ran away in the attack last night, and there was another dog that was bitten off half of its body by the carrion monster in the attack last night. , the rest of the body has been frozen into ice.

The tent was tilted to and fro, and Du Wei did not avoid suspicion. He and Dardanelle rummaged through some useful things, and finally Du Wei focused his attention on the sled.

The sled was broken, probably because the carrion kicked the lever and broke it last night.

Under Dardanelle's puzzled eyes, Du Wei pulled out his knife, pried off a few boards from the seat of the sled, and then tied two rectangular boards to himself with the rope cut from the tent. on the sole of the boot.

"What is this for?" Dardanelle asked suspiciously.

"It's for snow walking, you can try it too, it's very useful." Du Wei smiled.

Dardanelle respected this little magician who did things unexpectedly. Although he couldn't figure it out, he followed Du Wei's example and tied wooden boards on the soles of the boots.

And then, as he was walking, he immediately began to admire the little magician.

The deeper you go in the forest, the thicker the snow will be! Often step on it, the snow can not even reach people's knees! With the wooden board under the feet, the wide wooden board has a large force-bearing area, so that when people walk, their feet will not sink deeply into the snow.

Moreover, Du Wei even taught Dardanelle to use the wooden board under his feet to slide in the snow!

Skiing was one of Du Wei's favorite sports in his previous life.

With this kind of simple and crude "skis", the two of them are much easier on the way forward.

"By the way, Dardanelle, five of you ran away last night. I saw the first one run away by himself... Is that person also from your Liszt family?" Du Wei was very casual while walking on the road. asked a question.

"Hmph, the Liszt family doesn't have that kind of waste that is afraid of death." Dardanelle was very disdainful: "That's a fur dealer in a town in the south of the forest, we gave him a sum of money to act as our guide, But that idiot led us around in the woods for three days and didn't even find a fart. After I go back this time, I will definitely take his skin off!"

After a pause, Dardanelle said in a low voice: "We are different from other adventurers. We are members of the Lister family, and we cannot forcibly break through the guards of the Border Patrol. We cannot cause trouble for the Lister family. So, too. Relying on that guy’s relationship, he bought off the officers of the patrol team before letting us into the forest. But now it seems that that guy probably embezzled the money we spent to bribe the officers.”

The two walked from sunrise to noon. Walking in the snow for a whole morning, despite the snowboard made by Du Wei, under the test of cold wind and icy climate, there is also the difficult walking in the snow... All this is against the physical strength and perseverance of the two. A severe test!

Dardanelle is a warrior, and his body is naturally much stronger than Du Wei, but he was injured last night. Although the wound healed under the action of the magic potion, the lost blood cannot be replaced by magic. It's a little weaker.

Du Wei was also exhausted. Although his body has improved a lot after the old magician's strange body strengthening exercises recently, how strong can a thirteen-year-old boy be? Without this ski, Du Wei would have been unable to hold on.

It would be great if I could learn the flying technique of the wind element. Du Wei muttered something secretly, but seeing the biting cold wind here, Du Wei sighed...

Even if he knows how to fly, with his own magical strength, he may not be able to fly very far in this level of cold wind, and his magic power will be exhausted.

The two were still heading north all the way, heading deep into the woods. Dardanelle obviously knows how to survive in the wild better than Du Wei. During the conversation, Du Wei learned that Dardanelle was a mercenary when he was young, but he had never been to the frozen forest. When he was young, he used to serve as a bodyguard for fur smugglers on the northwest grassland.

He is used to this kind of days of eating and sleeping in the wild.

Because the Marquise Liszt is not a hereditary title, this kind of nobleman does not have her own territory and private army. It is even more impossible to recruit a large number of private warriors and armed forces like other nobles.

Therefore, the people sent out to the forest this time are all the Marquise's guards. This Dardanelle is the vice-captain, and the captain died in the attack last night in order to cover his companion's escape.

"We didn't bring too many people here, because in such a dangerous place, those people with ordinary skills will only die if they come too many, and they will become a burden." Dardanelle's nose was red from the cold, he He stopped and took a rest for a while. In fact, he was not tired, but he just showed consideration for the young magician.

During the communication on the road, Du Wei felt that this Dardanelle was a very nice person, very enthusiastic, and respected himself very much. After coming to this world, Du Wei, who had no friends, soon gave birth to this enthusiastic warrior. Got quite a good impression.

Dardanelle grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into his mouth, and waited for the heat in his mouth to melt the snow into water before swallowing it little by little.

After quenching his thirst, Dardanelle glanced at the sun above his head: "Your Majesty the Mage..."

"Call me by my name." Du Wei said with a smile: "There is no need to use honorifics, Dardanelle, there are only two of us here, and now we are companions. Besides, I am not very old."

"Okay, Harry." Dardanelle smiled cheerfully: "I think it's already past noon. In this extreme northern place, it gets dark very early. We'd better hurry up and move forward in the sky. Heiqian is looking for a place to camp. By the way... do you have any more of your dragon dung?"

"There are many more." Du Wei laughed.

"That's good." There was a gloomy look in Dardanelle's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Unfortunately, if I had met you one day earlier, and you had dragon dung in your hand, we would not have been attacked by monsters in the middle of the night. The captain will not die either."

"Dead people cannot be resurrected. My dear Dardanelle." Du Wei comforted: "The dead are dead, and the living will inherit their legacy. As long as we can successfully find the golden-eyed python, then the dead The sacrifice will not be in vain."

Dardanelle cheered up, and said seriously: "You are right! Harry, what you said is really reasonable... Magicians are all knowledgeable people, right? Tell me about you, you are so young, you have become Magician, you are really admirable! Tell me about your situation, you must have a good background, right? Only rich people can have the opportunity to contact magicians and learn magic.”

Du Wei couldn't help but be speechless.

He began to regret having concealed his identity from this hearty man. Facing this guy's smile, Du Wei was a little embarrassed, and he casually said a few perfunctory words, skipping the topic about himself.

In the evening, the sun was about to set, and the two finally found a place with a slightly lower terrain. Camping in this kind of place can protect them from the wind.

However, when the two walked around the forest, they found that this place had already been occupied!


Suddenly there was a whistling sound in the woods, and immediately, two snow-white people jumped down from the tree. Du Wei took a closer look, and found that these two people were both dressed in snow-white leather clothes, and then came out from behind the woods. A dozen or so men in full armor! Some of these people were wearing leather jackets, some were wearing leather armor, and they had different weapons, some with swords, some with knives, and some with hatchets.

The people behind were holding bows and arrows, and the arrows were aimed at Du Wei and Dardanelle.

Seeing that it was two human beings instead of monsters, these vigilant guys were relieved.

"Okay, there are two people. It seems that we have met together." A man who looked like a leader walked over and said with a smile: "Oh, it is rare to see two people who dare to go so far into the frozen forest. !"

Dardanelle put his hand on the handle of the knife and looked at these people vigilantly. Du Wei smiled and said loudly, "Who is the boss here?"

"It's me." The leader-like man looked at Du Wei with a trace of contempt on his face: "Oh, it's a child... Ah, I see, are you looking for a place to camp? I'm sorry, this If you don't mind, we can allow you to camp in the woods next to our camp. Just be careful and don't break into our security circle."

"No, no, no..." Du Wei repeatedly shook his head: "We don't want to be the dinner of monsters in the woods! Let us in, can we join your camp? There are only two of us, and it won't take up a lot of space. ... Besides, you are a mercenary group that came to hunt monsters, right? Maybe we can help each other."

These people looked at each other, and suddenly they looked up to the sky and laughed loudly at the same time. The leader-like man looked at Du Wei with a look of disdain: "Little boy, what can you help us? Could it be that you got up in the middle of the night to pour urine on us?" Pot? Haha... let’s go! Since you’re all fellow adventurers in the frozen forest, I won’t make things difficult for you. As long as you don’t cause trouble yourself.”

Du Wei took a step forward instead: "No, I insist on my request."

The leader's face darkened a bit: "Oh, do you want to cause trouble? Kid..."

Dardanelle gently pulled Du Wei, and said in a low voice: "I know the badges of these people. They belong to the "Snow Wolf Mercenary Group". There are many of these guys, so let's not cause trouble." Neil looked at the badge on the leader's chest and whispered, "Let's change places."

When Dardanelle was young, he had the experience of living an adventurous life. He knew a lot about some famous mercenary groups on the mainland, and he also knew that these guys were not easy to mess with... They were all desperadoes!

Even in the adventurous activities, there will be fights between each other, black and black behaviors, which are commonplace!

Fortunately, Du Wei and Dardanelle didn't have anything on them. Seeing how they were walking lightly, these guys didn't take it seriously.

If Du Wei and Dardanelle have a lot of gains... I'm afraid these guys will see the benefits and get evil!

It is not a smart move to conflict with this kind of guy. Although this little magician is quite capable, the dozen or so people in front of him are obviously just peripheral security personnel. There are more than a dozen people on guard, and there are at least a hundred people in their camp .

With two people on my side, it's better not to cause trouble.

"Hey, Dardanelle, listen to me." Du Wei is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and he is sure that the old magician is still around him somewhere...

Du Wei made a proud expression on purpose, looking at the guy in front of him. This person is wearing a leather armor, and the weapon in his hand looks quite extraordinary, but it should be a small character: "Oh, you are from the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group, right? As for you, you should be just a small Captain, can you represent the will of your mercenary group?"

Du Wei was right. This guy is just a small team leader who is in charge of guarding the surrounding area. He frowned and said, "What do you want to do, kid? If you want to suffer, I don't mind moving around."

As he spoke, he straightened the long sword in his hand, with a strange smile on his face, and strode towards Du Wei.

However, he only took a few steps, and immediately froze!

Du Wei was still standing there with a smile on his face, but he had already raised his right hand with the palm facing up, gently dragging a burning fireball in his hand!

The members of the mercenary group are all knowledgeable people who have traveled far and wide! Seeing this little child smiling, he conjured a fireball in his palm!

"Is this how the Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps treats a magician?" Du Wei smiled with disdain: "Okay, then I will remember."

After Du Wei finished speaking, he pulled Radha Daniel: "Let's go, my friend, it seems that these people are so powerful that they don't need a magician. In this hellish place, they even help each other at the very least. I don't understand the principles."

Magician! This kid is a magician!

Including the captain, everyone was stunned, looking at Du Wei no longer with disdain, but with a hint of awe!

"Stand back! A bunch of idiots!" There was a shout from the woods, and then a tall man strode out.

This man was wearing a rhinoceros leather armor, but in this kind of icy and snowy place, he was shirtless, revealing his muscles. He also had a snow-white cape behind him, and a yellow beard on his face. He looked very mighty. He didn't hold a weapon in his hand, but when he came out, the guards backed away: "Regimental Commander!"

The captain immediately walked up a few steps, but the group only glared at him: "You've embarrassed us, my brother, back off."

After finishing speaking, the group leader ignored his subordinates and walked up to Du Wei. With a smile on his face, he said loudly, "Master, my subordinates are not polite! I apologize for their irrationality!"

Du Wei smiled: "You are?"

"This is the leader of our Snow Wolf mercenary group, Captain Beinrich!" A mercenary next to him replied loudly, his voice was loud and full of pride.

A gleam flashed in Dardanelle's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "This guy has a nickname, "Son of the Storm". He is an outstanding figure in the northern mercenary circle of the mainland, and he is known as one of the three outstanding northern mercenaries. I heard his name."

Beinrich laughed, and said, "Son of the Storm, it's just a nickname given by someone else. Alright, I'm done introducing myself. Your Excellency, Magician, can I tell you your name?"

"Harry Potter." Du Wei replied with a smile, "I didn't wear a mage's robe or badge, but this is the custom in this ghost place, I believe you can understand." Looking into the captain's eyes, Du Wei Wei said slowly: "My companions and I have no malicious intentions. We have our own business to do in the frozen forest. I believe that in such a ghostly place, if your mercenary group can have a magician to join... even if it's just Just a few days is good for both parties, isn't it?"

"The snow wolf mercenary group absolutely welcomes the arrival of magicians at any time!" Beinrich laughed: "I am worrying, every time I come to this expensive place, those annoying monsters are very troublesome, if there can be With the help of the magician, the business will be much easier!"

As he spoke, Beinrich glanced at Du Wei, waiting for Du Wei's answer.

"I'm happy to provide some help." Du Wei's answer made Beinrich very happy: "Mr. Commander, you have also seen that there are only two of me and my companion. In this ghost place, we can have more companions. Always a good thing, isn't it?"

"Please, Your Excellency the Magician, our camp is just ahead, and I still have two bottles of good wine in my tent!" Beinrich laughed and enthusiastically led the way.

Dardanelle frowned, but Du Wei pulled him over and said in a low voice: "Dartaniel, stop talking! It's the first time for you and me to come to the Frozen Forest! Neither of us is familiar with this place. Familiar! But these guys are all old fritters who come here often! They are familiar with the terrain and environment here! It’s better than the two of us blindly looking around in the vast forest!”