Law of the Devil

Chapter 60: Great Round Lake


I spent five days with the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group.

It can be said that Du Wei even began to like these guys a little bit. He likes this kind of unscrupulous, rough and unrestrained man. These nights he likes to hold wine bags, eat the meat of monsters, and then talk full of foul language and discuss unscrupulously. How about a whore in a certain city...

He even met a few mercenaries, such as the old one-eyed dragon who was in charge of cooking food for everyone at night. It was an old mercenary. It is said that he was a very powerful guy when he was young, but he lost an eye during an adventure. , also abolished a left hand. He saved Beinrich's life, but he refused to take a sum of money to go home for the elderly. In his words, he was reluctant to part with this exciting life, and would rather stay in the mercenary group and do something for everyone.

Although he has only one eye and one hand, he is not a burden. Not only can he produce food to fill everyone's stomachs... The old one-eyed dragon also has a unique skill, that is, he can always find food anywhere, even in a barren desert or a cold snowfield! He can even identify which mushrooms are edible and which are poisonous at a glance, and even look up at the sky to accurately judge the weather in the next few days. You can tell if there is a snowstorm a hundred miles away by listening to the wind.

These are the experiences of his life.

It can be said that in the Snow Wolf mercenary group, apart from the group leader, the old Cyclops is one of the most loved by the mercenaries.

There is also the eight-fingered archer Strell, whose little and ring fingers of his left hand were bitten off by wild animals during an adventure. But no one dared to laugh at this guy with only eight fingers: because of his superb archery skills, even with only eight fingers, he is still the number one marksman in the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group.

In five days, Du Wei and Dardanelle also won the approval of the snow wolf mercenaries.

In the next two days, the deeper you go into the woods, the more dangers you will encounter. Once when capturing a phantom leopard (this kind of leopard moves as fast as lightning, and can even use natural magic to transform into a virtual silhouette to confuse the enemy, just when the enemy can't tell which one is the real one , it may have approached you, and then bit your neck off!)

When capturing the leopard, Du Wei fully demonstrated the role of a magician. He threw a few slow spells in one breath, turning the leopard, which was originally moving faster than lightning, into a one that can only move. Slowly wriggling the guy who was slower than a tortoise, and Dardanelle went up to make up for it.

In the past, when encountering this kind of leopard, servants and regiments would lose their hands. But this time with the existence of a magician, it is always good to be able to not die.

And Du Wei's super mental power and sensitivity are also very useful to everyone. Usually, when walking, Du Wei would suddenly call to stop, and then everyone could know the whereabouts of the prey in advance based on the judgment of the magician.

During the five-day journey, because of the addition of magicians, the harvest of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group was more than twice that of the previous three days combined.

Even Captain Beinrich couldn't help having a bit of reverie: How great would it be if we could really recruit a magician in the team

Of course, after this thought flashed in his mind, Beinrich immediately laughed at himself.

Recruit a magician? Do not make jokes. Even the nobles of the palace, or the famous big families of the empire, can recruit any magicians. Most magicians like to be free and will not work for others...

With a small mercenary group, what capital do we have to recruit magicians? !

Du Wei himself is also very happy.

He has been holding back in the Rowlings' castle for too long. Moreover, here, he can use magic unscrupulously!

This is especially important. Although Du Wei's psychology is not a child anymore. But he has been studying magic all these years, and after learning magic in recent months, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

But in the castle, in order not to reveal too much, he never let others know the fact that he has magic. Solskjaer is the only one who knows the true strength of Master Du Wei.

Except for Solskjaer, no one, even Made, is allowed to enter the young master's magic laboratory. Moreover, the magic laboratory is also nominally used by Solskjaer.

To most of Luo Lin's family, Master Du Wei is just a noble boy who is very curious about magic... Maybe he knows a lot about magic pharmacy. But magic pharmacy, people don't think it's real magic.

It's like a child has a new toy and always wants to show it off. Although Du Wei is not that naive, but he can't show his abilities... And when he casts magic, the envious or awe-inspiring eyes of the people around him still make Du Wei feel very comfortable.

It's not pleasant to be able to show one's abilities, the feeling of traveling at night in clothes and brocades.

Five days later, the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group finally arrived at the destination of the trip: Dayuan Lake.

After passing through a forest, the scene in front of him suddenly became brighter!

Standing under a tree at the edge of the forest, looking at the large open area in front of him, Du Wei couldn't help sighing a little.


In front of him was a flat snow field. The soft snow and its flat appearance made people unable to resist rolling on it. And forward, about three hundred steps, is the Dayuan Lake!

As Beinrich described along the way, this is a very big lake. Standing at Du Wei’s position and looking to both sides, the dividing line on the lakeside is long, with no end in sight at a glance, and the snow-capped distance, On the surface of the lake, there is a thick layer of ice!

In such cold weather, the lake cannot be seen, but the ice on the lake is like a huge mirror, reflecting the sunlight and looking radiant...

"If the lake is blue when you come here in summer, then the scenery will be beautiful." Captain Beinrich walked to Du Wei's side, looked at the big round lake in front of him, and said in a low voice: "This is the lake. This is the fifth time for me to come here. Do you know... Many of the brothers in my regiment came to this place for the first time... In the adventure career of mercenaries, the death rate is very high, and there are several in the regiment This subordinate has been with me for several years, but it is also the first time I have come here." Beinrich's voice was a little lost: "Unfortunately, many old brothers who followed me here last time were all buried by me."

Du Wei was just about to say a few words of comfort, but Beinrich had already cheered himself up. He patted Du Wei's shoulder vigorously, and laughed loudly: "Okay! Don't comfort me, Your Excellency the Magician. Because, this is us ! This is mercenary! This is adventure life! Some people come, some people go! Some people die, some people live!"

After saying this, Beinrich strode down, and then began to direct the mercenaries under his command loudly to start working.

"Camp! Stryer! You show people around, cheer up, watch out! We're staying here tonight! Hey! You! You guys, stay out of the lake! Damn! You I don’t know what’s in this lake! Stay away from the lake!” Beinrich yelled.

"Boss!" The two boys in the distance had already reached the edge of the lake, and laughed loudly: "Boss! How many days have we not seen water... Besides, I just want to open the ice and see if it can Can't catch two fish! Eating wolf meat every day makes my teeth sore! Hahahaha... "

"Eat fish? You will be eaten by fish!" Beinrich yelled and called two of his men back, but with a small number of people, the head frowned and said: "There is one more! Bayer! Damn it! Bye What about you!!"

The head of the group looked around nervously, and suddenly saw in the distance that one of his subordinates had already walked to the edge of the lake, smashing the ice cubes on the lake with the handle of a knife.

"Damn! Bayer! What are you doing! You bastard!!" The head of the group changed his color, and ran towards the guy as he yelled: "Get out of that lake! Get out of the damn lake!!"

Because of the wind, the boy by the lake in the distance couldn't hear the captain's voice. He looked back blankly, but didn't hear the captain's roar, as if he also shouted something loudly.

Du Wei saw from a distance that the young man was still smiling.

At last he had made a small hole in the ice, and he gave a loud cheer: "Hey! There are fish! Here are fish!"

This time Du Wei heard his voice! But... it's too late!

This guy seems to be a good fisherman. After a hole was opened on the lake, many fish that lived under the ice in winter came up to the hole to breathe. The young man moved very quickly, grabbed a big fish from the hole, and lifted it up vigorously.

"Leader! Look what I caught! The old one-eyed dragon can make fish soup at night, hahahaha!"

The wind started to blow again, and his voice came intermittently. Beinrich ran over with all his strength, cursing while running, and shaking his hands vigorously at the same time...

Suddenly, the fish in the mercenary's hand struggled vigorously, and then the fish's mouth opened suddenly, and a thin silver light shot out from the fish's mouth, right on the mercenary's forehead!

From a distance, Du Wei saw with his own eyes that the mercenary suddenly fell backwards, and the fish in his hand fell to the ground, bounced vigorously a few times, jumped into the hole again, and ran away.

Du Wei ran over immediately!