Law of the Devil

Chapter 62: The Great Round Lake Murders


The night by the lake is extremely cold. There are also dense woods in the forest to block the cold wind. And beside this open big round lake, the cold wind can sweep across the wide area without hindrance.

Du Wei felt that his body was getting colder little by little. The cold wind, as well as the icy ground, are pulling away the heat from the body bit by bit.

But Beinrich got along well with Du Wei these days. When he saw his friend in trouble, Du Wei volunteered to stay and help. Even if he was frozen into a popsicle, he would just grit his teeth and endure it.

"Actually, you can stay in the tent." Beinrich lowered his voice, his eyes were full of gratitude, everyone knew that most magicians were not in good physical condition, and Du Wei, a thin-looking boy, But insisted on keeping watch at night with a strong warrior.

Although Beinrich was extremely angry because he had lost eleven of his subordinates, he did not lose his mind. The experienced mercenary captain knew very well that if he could make his eleven equally experienced subordinates evaporate collectively without making a sound... then the opponent must not be something ordinary people can handle.

So he picked some of the best men he brought to watch tonight.

Beinrich's assumption is very reasonable: if Warcraft did it, then it must be a powerful guy! And since a monster dared to attack a camp of hundreds of people in the middle of the night, and evaporated eleven of them! Well, this guy is definitely not a coward, and he will probably attack again!

"Because, in this cold winter, monsters also need food."

When Beinrich said this, his eyes were cruel. He knew very well that the reason why he stayed was not to rescue the missing eleven people! In this ghostly place where the sky should not be called and the earth is not working, eleven large living people disappeared for a day and a night, and the possibility of surviving was very small.

Beinrich insisted on staying, purely because he couldn't stand the shame! If after losing eleven people, they don't even know what they are attacking, and they run away in despair... then it will be a fatal blow to the morale of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps! It is very likely that everyone will leave this feeling of fear and frustration in their hearts in the future!

As the regiment leader, he absolutely cannot let this kind of thing happen, so even if it is dangerous, he has to try and do something.

Du Wei didn't speak. He was probably the only one among all the people who could understand Beinrich's thoughts. He just moved his frozen feet a little, and then smiled: "We are already friends, Commander Beinrich. I don't think it's a big deal to get cold for a friend."

The entire camp of the mercenary group was quiet, most of the people held their weapons tightly, and no one was hiding in the tents. The mercenaries used their various skills. They dug ambush pits in the snow, and some even buried themselves under snowdrifts wearing thick leather clothes.

Sterrier took a few archers to ambush in the surrounding trees.

The old one-eyed dragon volunteered to act as a "bait".

The old guy built a big bonfire, and then sat in front of the fire, holding his arms and drinking heavily, while cooking a large pot of meat on the fire.

Smelling the aroma of wine and meat from a distance, but no one envied the old one-eyed dragon. Because everyone knows very well that the old guy is using his life as a bait.

It was a long night because everyone was looking forward to discovering something.

This night was very short, because after the time passed, but nothing was found, everyone found that the sky was already bright at some point.

"Obviously, our opponent is smarter than us." Du Wei shook his head: "It didn't come. Maybe it has already realized that we have already prepared... Or maybe, it has already taken away eleven people and has enough prey , there is no need to attack us again.”

Beinrich grabbed a handful of snow and wiped his face vigorously, his face was flushed red, the heat melted the snow, and dripped down his beard into his collar, but the commander didn't care at all. His face was very serious: "Maybe what you said is right, but it's just a possibility. But we can't just leave in such a disheartened way. Otherwise, if we go back with this setback, the lads of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group will not be able to hold their heads up in the future." Here we come... We are not afraid of death, since we dare to come out to live this kind of life, none of my subordinates are afraid of death. But we must not lose our courage, this is the most important thing."

During the day, the mercenaries took turns to rest in the tent to replenish their sleep and physical strength, and Beinrich decided to stay here.

And this night, there was also no gain. The well-prepared ambush did not welcome any guests.

In this way, three days passed.

Even the resolute leader wavered in his resolve.

His men were exhausted, and no one slept for three nights, resting only from the hasty rotation of the day. Moreover, after all, they have been adventuring in this forest for many days, and the mercenaries are already very tired.

Even though he was not reconciled, the leader also understood that the hope of continuing to consume like this was too slim.

"The last day, if nothing is found tonight, we will leave here tomorrow."

Beinrich had to make a decision.

And this last night was finally not in vain!

Staying up late for several consecutive days made the mercenaries very tired. This night, although most of them tried their best to persevere, in the second half of the night, everyone was obviously exhausted.

Beinrich's eyes were bloodshot... In the past three days, other mercenaries could take turns to rest during the day, but he, the regiment leader, couldn't rest. For three days, he only slept for less than an hour at noon today.

In the middle of the night, some mercenaries even dozed off uncontrollably, and even the old one-eyed dragon sitting in front of the fire couldn't help squinting his eyes.

After all, Du Wei is a magician, and his mental strength is much higher than that of ordinary people. Lack of sleep will only affect his physical strength, but it doesn't mean that he is sleepy.

He is the most sober among the hundred people.

He took a deep breath, the cold air at night made his nasal cavity ache, but his spirit was refreshed! Glancing at Beinrich next to him, Du Wei clearly felt that the leader's mental strength had reached its limit. Although his eyes were red, he was a little sluggish. On the other side, Dardanelle couldn't help but half-closed his eyes, and moved his chin little by little...

Du Wei was about to whisper something to the head of the regiment when suddenly... his mind shuddered! As if I felt something!

This feeling is very subtle! Du Wei, who had a strong sense, felt a chill behind him rushing up along his back and back!

Du Wei immediately realized: something is coming! !

He immediately widened his eyes and looked around!

At night, the snow on the snow field is still glowing with white flowers. On the lake in the distance, apart from the occasional crackling sound of the ice layer, there is only the whistling sound of the wind...

At this moment, Du Wei suddenly felt a chill in his heart!

He saw it!

Far, far away, on the surface of Dayuan Lake, there was a crisp sound of ice cracking! Then in the distance, in the dark night, Du Wei could vaguely see a vague shadow slowly crawling up from under the ice!

Du Wei could even hear the rustling sound of the other party's body rubbing against the ice due to the keen induction... and the sound of the ice breaking and dripping water droplets...

"That... what is it..." Du Wei couldn't help muttering to himself, he was about to remind Beinrich and Dardanelle, but at this moment, a strange voice came!

There was a groan, which seemed to be a sigh.

That's right, the sound was like a person moaning... The sound was hushed, but it was extremely soft and pleasant. In a trance, Du Wei seemed to feel that the sound seemed to be alive, and it got into his ears. Then bit by bit it occupied my mind!

The voice was long and leisurely, but it carried a trace of indescribable weirdness! After the voice penetrated into the mind, it seemed as if the strength and consciousness of the whole body were being withdrawn bit by bit...

His body became weaker and weaker, and his consciousness began to gradually blur...

The voice is still going on, melodious, like a beautiful movement, like the moonlight in the sky, cold and gentle; like the breeze at night, people are irresistible; like a woman dancing lightly, people are addicted in…

Gradually, the voice changed from melodious to mellow, as if with an invisible hand that seduces people, people can't help but tilt their head slightly... as if the ears are going to follow the sound... and then It's the whole head...and then the body!

After all, Du Wei is a magician, and his mental power is the strongest. After a short period of confusion, he immediately woke up instinctively!

And then, he was horrified to find that he stood up after not knowing what, and even walked seven or eight steps away from where he was!

This discovery surprised him! As if just now, I was still sitting there!

Looking around again, something horrifying happened to Du Wei!

The mercenaries in the tent, the mercenaries hiding in the trees, and the mercenaries buried in the snowdrifts... These people came out one by one, and then swayed their bodies in the snow, as if Like sleepwalking, everyone's eyes are wide-eyed, but their eyes are empty, their faces are numb, their eyes are slack, their bodies are swaying gently, but they are facing the direction of the lake... one step, one step, one step, just so slowly Slowly walked over!

No exceptions!

Even Beinrich and Dardanelle are the same!

The head of the regiment had a quiet and peaceful expression on his face, his eyes were obviously out of focus, and the weapon in his hand had already been thrown into the snow, his body was clumsy and loose, and he just swayed forward on the snow Walking... Dardanelle looked like a drunk person, grabbing forward with both hands, with a demented expression on his face, his eyes half-closed and half-opened...

Du Wei tried to stop Dardanelle, but he pushed him away!

Seeing that the mercenary at the front had already walked to the edge of the lake, and one foot had stepped on the ice layer of the lake, Du Wei left and shouted loudly!

He yelled loudly with all his strength, but none of those guys responded!

Du Wei ran over with all his strength, trying to grab a mercenary, Du Wei even kicked him to the ground, but the man struggled to get up, and then it was like Du Wei watched in a movie in his previous life. Like the kind of zombie I saw, I hobbled and continued to walk towards the lake!

"Damn! Damn! What's wrong with you! Wake up! Wake up!!" Du Wei jumped and shouted, but those guys seemed to be deaf all at once, and all of them were stupid!

Seeing that Du Wei couldn't wake up these guys, he immediately ran to the lake, and then quickly chanted a series of spells, and a fireball shot towards the ethereal shadow on the lake from a distance!


The fireball pierced the night sky and instantly illuminated the scene in front of us! Through the firelight, Du Wei seemed to see the appearance of the thing on the lake in the distance for a moment... Although it was a little blurry, Du Wei was sure that he seemed to see a person!

Yes, that's right, it seemed to be a person!

And... what the man looked like: he was wearing a soaked mercenary's leather jacket, and his wet hair was sticking to his forehead... There was a big hole in his forehead! With a weird, miserable sneer on his face...

Half of his body is under the ice layer, and half of his body is on the ice layer... What makes Du Wei feel chills from the bottom of his heart is: the appearance of this person is impressively the first day when he came to Dayuan Lake, he was catching fish The mercenary who died unexpectedly when he died! !

Du Wei saw everyone sink his body into the lake with his own eyes!

... Could it be a ghost

Du Wei also felt that his idea was too absurd.

However, the scene in front of him made him startled!

The mercenary who died unexpectedly had a tragic expression on his face, his face was swollen by the lake water, showing a frightening blue and white color, with a sad sneer at the corner of his mouth, he was staring at Du Wei's direction!

It was that strange, pleasant, ecstasy-like sound that came out of his mouth! All the mercenaries seemed to lose consciousness under this sound, and walked slowly towards the lake like puppets!

The fireball that Du Wei sent didn't shoot too far. After hitting the ice, it turned into sparks and scattered. And that ghost on the ice... let's call him that, but those vicious eyes immediately glared at Du Wei!

Du Wei could clearly see the vicious mockery in this guy's eyes, as if mocking Du Wei's overreaching!

No matter how hard Du Wei tried, he could only watch that the mercenary walking in the front had already reached the ice layer of the lake, and then, a big hole suddenly appeared in the ice layer of the lake! The mercenary who was at the front stepped in, and fell into the ice hole, and immediately sank and disappeared!