Law of the Devil

Chapter 64: Hiding corpses in the snow


"Okay, first a "Psychedelic Lake Demon" appeared, used magic to make everyone lose consciousness, and committed suicide by jumping into an ice hole on the ice surface of the lake one by one. I can't organize it, and I can't crack it. That kind of magic... Then, you, my dear Semel, you stepped forward. Not only did you see through the magic of that lake monster, you even showed a powerful side! Your magic strength surprised me! You just But you moved your little finger, and you created a crack in the ice seal of the entire lake, and then you moved your finger again, and you cleaned up that lake monster, and even took its magic core... In the end, you still Standing in front of me like you don't know me, you call me "Zack" and then say you love me."

Du Wei was sitting by the edge of a fire, breaking a branch in his hand and throwing it into the fire, while talking casually.

There was no one around him, all the mercenaries were busy, some of the mercenaries were bandaging their wounds, some were busy making a fire, and some were busy warming the fire. A few mercenaries jumped into the ice cave after being unconscious, but they were rescued by Semel's magic, but their whole bodies were soaked in the icy lake water. In this cold weather, they almost died Lose.

"That's it?" Samel stood beside Du Wei, her beautiful face was full of confusion: "Did I do that kind of thing? But I don't remember it at all."

Du Wei laughed, and gave Semel a complicated look: "Look, you showed your power, killed a powerful monster, and saved so many lives here. Then stood upright in front of me, and then stood upright Passed out... Woke up and you said to me "I didn't do anything". Well, Semel, stop looking at me like that, if you really don't know, then we kind of Trouble! We must find out what happened to you!"

"… What?"

"Magic!" Du Wei jumped up suddenly, took a deep breath, and stared at Semel carefully: "You can cast magic! And according to my judgment... the magic power you showed is very strong! Very strong! But Isn't that a strange thing? You don't have a human body, you're just a shadow, a phantom! A phantom, but can cast magic! How is that possible?"

And you call me "Zack" - Du Wei added mentally.

Only the real Semel, the whole female astrologer would speak in that tone!

"Do you feel any, even just a little weird feeling? Or, do you have any traces of these strange things in your memory? Even just a little bit." Du Wei looked at Semel seriously.

"No." Samel answered quickly and with certainty. She shook her head: "My memory from being created is a magical creature sealed in an oil painting, a virtual phantom. I only have some information about Samel. Urbenjo's memory... I don't know any magic. Really not."

There was innocence and bewilderment in her beautiful eyes, and even a trace of helplessness.

Such eyes made Du Wei have to believe what she said. This woman doesn't look like she's lying... Otherwise, she's an extremely good liar.

Du Wei is still willing to believe the former.


A purple crystal-like thing was thrown on the snow by Du Wei: "This is the magic core of the psychedelic lake monster. This can't be fake, I can't kill an adult psychedelic lake monster You killed that guy with your own hands, and then took out the magic core."

Semel's eyes were blank, and the expression on his face seemed to be trying to think about something: "I... I don't know. I don't remember at all..."

At this moment, Dardanelle and Beinrich strode over in the distance.

Semel glanced at Du Wei, she sighed softly, and then disappeared.

"Your Excellency the Magician." Beinrich had a serious face. He strode up to Du Wei, and then gave a deep salute: "Thank you for saving me and my people!"

Du Wei sighed, but he didn't speak. Although he didn't do it, he couldn't justify it, let alone tell the truth. I had no choice but to take this great favor.

Captain Beinrich took out a leather bag from his arms, held the heavy bag in front of Du Wei with both hands: "Dear magician, I know this is far from enough as a reward, but please accept it, At least this can show a little bit of gratitude from our Snow Wolf Mercenary Group! In the future, no matter what you need, the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group will always be willing to serve you!"

As he said that, the group leader opened the skin bag, and there were large and small colorful things everywhere... all of them were magic cores! !

The magic core of various monsters. These are also all the snow wolf mercenary group has gained from coming to the frozen forest this time! Although the fur of those monsters can also be sold for money, the most valuable thing is the magic core! There are more than thirty magic cores in this bag, and they are all of good quality. Beinrich paid off almost all the rewards of the adventure.

These are all the fruits of the snow wolf mercenary group's hard work of several lives and so many days in this adventure.

"No, Captain." Of course Du Wei would not accept these things. Not to mention that these people were not saved by him, even if he really saved them, he would not accept such a heavy gift. In his heart, he already regarded Captain Beinrich as a friend: "I can't accept such a heavy gift." s things."

"But you saved our lives!" Captain Beinrich insisted: "If it weren't for you, the name of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group would have been erased from this continent by now!"

Du Wei thought for a while and changed his tone: "Well, if I'm just a magician, then I think these things in your hands are valuable, but they are far from enough to buy a magician to work for you ,Right?"

"..." Beinrich's face changed. Indeed, although these things are all the gains from this adventure, they are still too little for buying a magician. Who doesn't know that a magician has a unique identity, and if he wants to hire a magician, the price he has to pay is something that a small mercenary group of him can bear!

"Don't get me wrong." Du Wei smiled immediately: "I don't think I'm too young. And... Mr. Captain, I mean, here, my identity is not just a magician! And you are not just a magician! A mercenary. Do you know what I mean? Remember what the two of us said last night behind the snowdrift? I consider you my friend! Friends help each other, or see a friend in danger, Then help, isn't this a matter of course? Oh, put away these things of yours, otherwise, this is disrespect to your friends!"

Beinrich was stunned. The bearded leader took a deep look at Du Wei, suddenly spread his arms, hugged Du Wei fiercely, and then whispered in a suppressed and excited voice: "My friend! Thank you! Did you say that, you are a friend! I'm sorry, my behavior insulted your character! I take back what I said before!"

However, the head of the regiment is still a bit clever. He grabbed a large handful of magic cores from the leather bag, about seven or eight, stuffed them into Du Wei's arms, and then held Du Wei down. Wei tried to resist, and said seriously: "Okay! These are not rewards! I don't give you these because the magician saved our lives! I give you these because my good friend is about to leave, these are friends A farewell gift! It's a gift, not a reward! So you must accept it!"

Du Wei smiled, let go of his hand, and hugged Beinrich tightly. The two laughed in the snow.

"Anytime, anywhere, the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group is willing to do anything for their friends!"

This is the promise made by Captain Beinrich when he said goodbye. Du Wei believes that this man who believes in the spirit of adventure all his life is a man who keeps his promises.

When saying goodbye to the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group, the grateful mercenaries gave up some of their best equipment.

The old one-eyed dragon got some dried meat and brought it to Du Wei. And Captain Beinrich also gave Du Wei his last small bottle of wine soaked in the magic core of the flame rhinoceros. There were other mercenaries, who took out two of the best knives, and Stryer, who had eight fingers, gave Dardanelle his own bow.

If it wasn't for worrying that the heavy luggage would affect their journey, the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group would have been eager to stuff them with more things.

Walking along the lakeside of Dayuan Lake, two sets of footprints were left on the snow. Dardanelle carried most of the luggage, but still walked in front of Du Wei.

According to Captain Beinrich, he bypassed the Great Round Lake and continued northward, at a place where he had heard that golden-eyed pythons had been caught when he was young.

"Dardanelle." Du Wei suddenly asked this guy a question on the road: "You don't seem very excited. I mean about what happened last night."

Dardanelle smiled. This loyal warrior of the Liszt family said in a serious voice: "Harry, plus last night, you have saved my life twice! This kind of thing is not just a casual sentence." Thank you" is fine! I will not focus on boring verbal thanks. I will firmly remember your affection. I have already thought about it. If I can go back alive this time, after saving my wife , I will leave the Liszt family, and I, Dardanelle, want to be the servant of Lord Harry Potter, the wizard."

"What did you say?" Du Wei was surprised.

"You heard me right, I want to be your squire." Dardanelle replied very frankly: "I owe you two lives, and I owe you more... You are a very good person, Harry I like you, and I like to be your friend. And I think, you are so capable, I am afraid that I will never have the chance to repay your life-saving grace, so why don't I just be your assistant for the rest of my life? You are Magician, you can't be alone with a magician. You need servants... Unfortunately, I'm not a magic apprentice, so I can't be your servant. But I'm a warrior! I can be your squire! I think I It will definitely do well."

In Roland Continent. Many magicians will also recruit some warriors to be their followers.

Because although the strength of the magician is strong, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the weakness of the magician is close quarters! It is a recognized fact that mages are poor in melee combat. Therefore, many magicians will also recruit some warriors to serve as retinues by their side, and in battle, if an enemy approaches them, there will be warriors around them to protect them. weakness.

Of course, only some well-known powerhouses on the mainland are qualified to do this. After all, it costs a lot to recruit powerful warriors! Moreover, if you want to recruit, you will definitely not recruit some low-level warriors, otherwise, it will be useless. And those powerful warriors are often proud! If it weren't for the famous powerhouses in the mainland, how could they be willing to serve

Therefore, Dardanelle mentioned the issue of the magician's retinue, which surprised Du Wei a little.

First of all, Du Wei thinks that he is far from qualified to recruit a magician's retinue! Many magicians above level eight don't even have this qualification!

Second, he felt that Dardanelle's intentions were too serious, and he might not be able to accept such kindness.

Looking at Dardanelle's resolute eyes, Du Wei sighed... Forget it, at worst, he will leave after returning. Anyway, he doesn't know his real name, and even if he wants to repay his favor, he won't be able to find him.

The two walked along the Dayuan Lake for two days. The Dayuan Lake was indeed bigger than imagined. After two days of walking, they could not completely bypass the lake.

At noon that day, Du Wei, who was on his way, was suddenly grabbed by Dardanelle.

"Wait a minute, Harry!" Dardanelle carefully held Du Wei, and then pointed to a snowdrift beside him.

Du Wei froze for a moment. Dardanelle had already walked over, then pulled out his knife, and gently poked at the snowdrift...

The thick snow on it was pushed away, and soon, a frozen human hand was revealed!

Dardanelle's face was serious, and he continued to use a knife to dig out the ice and snow beside him, revealing a person... To be precise, it was a corpse!

The dead body was that of a knight. The knight badge on his chest showed his identity. He was a fourth-level knight. This guy died a terrible death. His body was cut in two from the waist by some sharp weapon! ! There was still a distorted expression of pain before death on his face. The body has been frozen to the point that it is harder than ice, and the skin all over the body is blue, which looks a little scary.