Law of the Devil

Chapter 65: Relic of the Holy Knight


Dardanelle didn't seem to care about this, he even squatted down, examined the knight's body carefully, and stretched out his hand to pinch his wrist twice.

"It won't take more than two days to die." Dardanelle stood up, frowning and said: "Look at his injuries... what can cut a fourth-level knight in half?"

"And this!" Du Wei frowned, pointing to something placed with the knight's body.

It was a long sword, apparently the weapon worn by the knight during his lifetime. But the sword was also broken in two!

"Maybe it was during the battle that the opponent cut this guy into two pieces, including the man and the sword. Is that so?" Du Wei frowned.

"Very likely." Dardanelle looked back at Du Wei: "This guy was buried. Look, this snowdrift is his grave. If it was a monster, it wouldn't bury the corpse, it would just put him in the grave." dragged away and eaten. Only a human would do that."

Du Wei thought for a moment, then looked at Dardanelle: "Dardaniel, what level of warrior are you?"

"I have the title of a third-level swordsman. My swordsman level is not high, but I am very confident in my archery." Dardanelle replied.

"I know." Du Wei said sternly: "My friend, then you should have experience. Look at this broken sword... the incision on it is very neat. It's not surprising that a powerful monster bit off a warrior's sword in one bite. But the incision The place is so neat, it was obviously cut with a sharp weapon! I don't think it was done by a monster, obviously, this knight was not killed by a monster, but was killed by someone."

Hearing Du Wei's words, Dardanelle immediately calmed down and carefully looked at the broken part of the sword.

After a long time, he raised his head: "That's right, you're right, I was too careless. In this kind of place, I just pay attention to the monsters."

"It's still the same question... Dardanelle. You are a third-level warrior. What kind of master do you think can cut off a fourth-level warrior with a single sword, both human and sword?"

Dardanelle's face became more serious:

"A fourth-level knight has already mastered the battle qi. A knight who has mastered the battle qi is not low in strength. If you want to cut it off with one sword..." Dardanelle thought carefully, while looking at the sword... Suddenly, he Eyes lit up!

"Look! Harry! Look at this knight's leather chest... look at this place!"

Dardanelle seemed to have discovered something. He supported the corpse vigorously, and then pointed to a shallow mark on the leather armor on the knight's chest: "Look, it's here. Do you see it?"

Du Wei leaned over: "Well, it seems that there was something hanging here, probably something like a badge... but it was taken down."

"Yes." Dardanelle nodded: "This is usually the place where knights wear badges. But, you see, he already has a badge on his chest, which is the badge of a fourth-level knight issued by the Knights Guild... On the mainland, What kind of knight would wear two badges?"

The two glanced at each other and shouted at the same time: "Holy knight of the Temple of Light!"

In the Roland Continent with strong religious influence, the Temple of Light has a strong religious influence, and in some respects, this authority almost threatens the imperial rule of the empire. The temple has its own taxes and a certain amount of armed forces. This armed force is the holy knight of the temple.

The Temple of Light will train some people from an early age, and after a certain age, they will be differentiated according to their talents. Those who are talented in martial arts will let them train martial arts. When they become adults, they will be baptized and tested. The outstanding and most devout people join the holy knights of the temple. Their mission is to defend the honor and dignity of the temple with their lives, and contribute their voices to the temple and the gods.

In the entire continent, only the holy knights of the Temple of Light will wear two knight badges on their chests. One is the knight rank badge established by the Knights Association, and the other is the glorious holy knight badge, which is the identity of the holy knight. symbol of.

In the same way, when the holy knight died in battle, the companions would remove the badge of the holy knight who died in battle, bring it back to the temple, and store it in a place called the "temple" to commemorate the sacrifice of the knight who died in battle.

Dardanelle's eyes flickered, and he quickly rolled up the sleeves of the dead knight. The clothes had been frozen hard, and it was very difficult to roll them up, but when the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, Dardanelle sighed: "It seems that my judgment is correct, look at this scar, it was done with the help of God. It is scalded with oil. This is a kind of baptism for holy knights in the temple. Every holy knight has a scar from this holy oil on his arm."

Du Wei leaned over, and sure enough, he saw a burnt mark on the corpse's arm. This mark was very unique, as if it were a dancing flame.

Dardanelle explained while making gestures: "When a young holy knight is baptized, there will always be a large pot of boiling oil beside him, and then the Pope of the temple will personally preside over the ceremony, holding a A special iron sword with a seal inlaid on the head of the sword... The sword and the seal together represent that the mission of the holy knight is to defend the authority of the gods in the secular world, using "force and power". At the ceremony, the pope will personally Dip the end of the sword inlaid with the seal in hot oil, then burn it red, and brand it on the arm of the baptized knight! This mark is the glory of every holy knight! It is also their glory... And Conversely, if you do something against the gods, become rebellious, violate your own beliefs, and commit felony holy knights, you will be punished by the temple... Even before you are executed, the temple will put the mark on your arm , Scrape it off with a knife! This means that even if you die, your soul will not be forgiven by the gods!"

Du Wei actually knew what Dardanelle said, and he nodded: "Well, so, although it is usually said that a holy knight wears two badges, the holy knight himself thinks that he wears three badges .And the third badge is this scar on their arms."

"So you know this too, Harry." Dardanelle sighed.

The two silently re-buried the dead knight, and their expressions were a little dignified!

A slain holy knight! Moreover, he is also a fourth-level knight with good martial arts skills!

This is not a simple matter!

The status of holy knights in the empire is very special. They are responsible for guarding the power of the gods in the world, and they are a special group. These people have practiced hard since childhood, are powerful, have pious beliefs, and... I have to say that most of the holy knights have very noble morals.

And most importantly... No one dares to murder a holy knight!

Even a holy knight who violated the law, or a holy knight who betrayed his faith, can only be judged and punished by the temple itself.

And let alone a sinner... Even if it is a normal holy knight, if one is killed, it is equivalent to challenging the authority of the Temple of Light! Challenged the authority of the agent of the gods in the world!

It is an enemy of the entire Temple of Light!

To be an enemy of the Temple of Light... Even the emperor of the empire, or the magic union would not dare to do this!

Anyone who dares to be an enemy of the holy knight, or even kill the holy knight, is those notoriously powerful and evil guys.

For example, decades ago, a powerful and evil magician killed tens of thousands of civilians in order to study necromancy, and even turned a small town into a ghost town overnight. He killed the Temple Knight and killed the magician at a heavy price.

There are many things like this in history, and they are all done by holy knights.

But that's all!

Besides, Holy Knight will never do other boring things!

Not to mention going to the frozen forest to hunt and kill monsters!

Holy knights are not mercenaries!

In this ghostly place, a holy knight appeared, so there is only one explanation: the holy knight came here to perform a mission! They are here to hunt down some evil strongman! Defend the honor of the temple with their swords!

"I think our journey will not be peaceful." Du Wei and Dardanelle met each other with complicated eyes.

After a short rest, the two re-buried the dead holy knight and moved on.

However, a day later, they found the tomb again!

There are three tombs this time! All three graves are buried with dead holy knights! But this time, after Dardanelle took a look at one of the corpses, he was stunned on the spot!

"Brother... Master Gefei Te! This is Master Ge Fei Te!!"

Looking at a man lying under the snow, wearing a silver armor... In this ghostly weather, he is not wearing leather armor, but wearing a metal armor, which is absolutely crazy to ordinary people! Metal things are more likely to freeze to death in such a cold place! Far less useful than leather armor!

But this dead man was wearing metal armor... If he wasn't a lunatic, then it could only show that he was very strong, so strong that he could no longer be affected by this cold weather!

This guy's face was clean, and there was not even a trace of blood on his body. This is different from other corpses that Du Wei and the others found. Obviously, the people who buried him also treated him with extra courtesy because of his different status. Even when the knight was buried, his face was shaved and his hair was neatly arranged.

He just lay quietly in the snow pit, with his hands folded on his chest, and in his hand, a beautiful long sword glowing with silver light lay quietly on his chest. This man was very handsome. Although his whole body was black and blue from the cold, Du Wei could still imagine how handsome he was when he was alive.

"Master Gofet... the high holy knight of the temple." Dardanelle said with a gloomy face after the initial surprise: "He is also... an eighth-level knight! Harry, you must know that a knight above the eighth level , have the title of great knight! Killing a great knight... I really can't imagine who has such strength, and dare to be an enemy of the temple!"

Dardanelle stood up, and then bowed deeply in front of the corpse of the knight named "Gofet", "Master Gofet, I didn't expect to see you here... the last time I saw you At that time, I was still by the Marquise's side, thank you that day for driving away the evil guy who cursed our wife."

Speaking of this, Dardanelle's eyes showed a trace of sadness.

Du Wei remembered very clearly that Dardanelle mentioned this name when he first met himself... When the Marquise Liszt was on an outing, she met an evil magician, and at that time there happened to be a holy knight by her side to protect her , that holy knight is the dead Gofet. Gofett went to see the Marquise Liszt on behalf of the temple, and thanked the Marquise for donating a huge fortune to the temple.

Du Wei looked into the distance... Except for the sound of the wind, there was silence without any movement.

The lake in the distance is still covered with ice, and there is not even a ghost on the vast snow.

"It can kill an eighth-level knight and holy knight, and this eighth-level knight has many companions to help..." Dardanelle said in a low voice: "A person with this kind of ability can already be regarded as a mainland knight. The ranks of the top powerhouses! When did the Roland Empire produce a guy who dared to challenge the temple and possessed such powerful strength?!"

Du Wei was in a trance, and seemed to have no reaction to Dardanelle's words. But soon, as if he remembered something, he suddenly squatted down, picked up Gofet's body again, and then dug vigorously under his body!

"Harry! What are you doing?" Dardanelle was a little annoyed: "Please don't disturb Lord Gofeet's deep sleep!"

"Dardanelle, don't you know... When the holy knight buried his companion, he would also bury his companion's relics under the corpse!" Du Wei replied, but his hands kept saying, "It just so happens that I I've heard that those devout holy knights often have the habit of writing diaries, because they need to pray every day. When they are outside, they cannot pray in the temple. These knights often choose to write diaries to record their inner words .”

Soon, after digging a hole under the corpse, Du Wei let out a low cry, and pulled out a cloth bag from underneath. After opening it, there was a small silver pendant with a small statue of the goddess of light on it, and a A dagger... and, a small notebook!

"Look, this is the diary of Gofeet Knight." Du Wei raised his head and glanced at Dardanelle: "I think there should be an answer to what happened."

Dardanelle didn't speak, he frowned: "I don't think this is a good idea. Lord Gofeet must not want anyone to touch his things... Harry, let's put it back."

But Du Wei didn't listen to him, instead he opened the diary and flipped through it. After a while, Du Wei said loudly: "Look quickly..."