Law of the Devil

Chapter 668: season finale


Standing at the gate of the imperial capital, everyone seemed to feel that they had already arrived at the imperial capital!

The number of defenders at the city gate seems to have more than doubled, and the thorn flower banner on the city wall has been replaced with a golden color that symbolizes celebration and ceremony!

At this moment, Du Wei was waiting for a group of people, who were injured and tired, but the girls were fine. Du Wei, Lan Haiyue and Rosecris, even their clothes were in tatters.

Such a group of suspiciously dressed people came to the gate of the city, and soldiers came up to guard from a distance.

Far away, there was a defender holding a weapon and shouting loudly: "Who is it! The imperial capital is closed under martial law today! Don't you know!!"

Du Wei sighed, walked up to the crowd, and smiled as he walked, "What year is it now?"

Among the defenders of the city gate, an officer couldn't help frowning - could it be a bunch of lunatics

"Bastard! It's the 970th year of the Empire! Today is the wedding ceremony of His Majesty Emperor Charles! Where did you guys come from! Don't you know?!"

As he said that, he was about to order his soldiers to rush up and surround Du Wei and others.

Du Wei got closer and closer, and looked at the officer in front of him with a smile: "You don't recognize me?"

The officer looked at it twice, and suddenly his face changed drastically! Suddenly a strange light flashed in a pair of eyes!

Amidst the dumbfoundedness of the surrounding soldiers, the officer almost scrambled and threw himself in front of Du Wei, and then knelt down: "Duke! It's the Duke! The Duke of Tulip is back! The Duke of Tulip is back!" !

Many soldiers at the gate of the city moved suddenly, and hundreds of people surrounded them in an instant.

The officer was obviously an old man from the imperial guards. He still recognized Du Wei's appearance, but many of those soldiers were young rookies. Hearing that Duke Tulip, who had been missing for several years, had suddenly returned, he couldn't help but become agitated.

Du Wei frowned, and glanced at the golden imperial flag on the city wall: "What did you just say? The wedding ceremony? Charlie... Well, is His Majesty the Emperor married today? Which family lady did you marry?"

The officer raised his head and replied cautiously: "It's Miss Muse, the younger sister of the Marquis Liszt. Besides, my lord, your younger brother, Earl Gabriel Rollin, has also returned to the imperial capital to attend the wedding today, and the present His Majesty the Pope, Maximus, personally presided over the wedding... "

"FUCK!!" When Du Wei heard this, his expression changed immediately!

Before the officer could react, he felt a blur in front of his eyes. Du Wei and other figures suddenly rushed into the city like a gust of wind, and disappeared instantly.

The soldiers around couldn't help being a little worried, and reminded: "My lord... I think something is wrong. It seems that Your Majesty has a bad relationship with Earl Gabriel Rollin. This time, Earl Rollin was specially transferred back from the front line to attend the wedding. Rollin The Earl seems to be a little bit wrong... Don't forget, the thousands of Thunder Riders brought back from the front line are still in the camp in the north of the city... The recent transfer from above also seems to be defensive... "

The officer smiled wryly: "What's the use of saying this... The Duke of Tulip is back... I see, that fellow Gaocha, hum! There won't be much time for fun!"

Du Wei didn't have time to waste, he almost didn't even come home in time, so he rushed to the imperial city in one breath. The guards guarding the imperial city came up to stop him from a distance. Some old guards saw Du Wei at a glance. At that time, everyone had weird expressions on their faces.

Du Wei? Lord Tulip? He is back? ! !

"Get out of the way! I want to enter the palace!"

Du Wei kept on stepping. The body rushed in like a gust of wind. He was the first favorite of the Prince Regent back then, so where did he need to be notified when he came in and out of the palace? Even if it is His Majesty the current emperor, he is still his disciple!

The Royal Forest Army just hesitated, but they didn't stop them—in fact, they couldn't stop them.

With a group of companions, Du Wei just swaggered in and went on a rampage. From a distance, I saw a person dressed as a court lady walking in a hurry with her head bowed beside the corridor. Du Wei went up and grabbed it: "Which hall will the wedding be in!!"

As soon as the maid raised her head, her body shook and she froze suddenly!

Du Wei took a look. Smiled: "Blue?"

Lan Lan still couldn't believe that the person in front of her was real: "You... Du Wei? Duke, Lord Duke??!"

At the next sentence, Lanlan suddenly screamed: "Where have you been all these years!

Du Wei frowned and looked around: "There's no time to explain! What's going on now?"

Lanlan took a deep breath, her face was a little solemn: "My lord! I don't know why you suddenly disappeared for several years and only came back...but today's things...something is not good!"

"Not good?"

"Your Majesty's wedding took place at Miss Muse of the Liszt family! But His Majesty was too extreme, as if on purpose, and summoned Earl Rollin and your younger brother Gabriel from the front line to attend the wedding! You probably haven't forgotten, Your younger brother is also an admirer of the Muse! Earl Rollin didn’t come back alone this time... He, he brought back five thousand Thunder Riders from the front line! He is now stationed outside the North City Gate!"

Du Wei's face changed: "What does he want to do?"

Lan Lan was a little anxious: "It's not that your younger brother deliberately caused trouble... In fact, this time he was suddenly summoned back to the imperial capital to attend the wedding. Apart from His Majesty's brooding over the events of the past... I'm afraid the Minister of State also had the idea! He seems to have suggested to Your Majesty, take this opportunity to anger your younger brother, and then... get an excuse, and attack the Luo Lin family!"

"Minister of State? Could it be..."

"It's Gaocha!"

Du Wei smiled.

It seems that these jumping clowns are very rampant after I have been away for a while.

"I want to remind's not four years ago!" Lan Lan's face was very worried: "You have been away these few years... the Tulip family, and the Luo Lin family, the not very good! Your Majesty seems to only trust Gao Cha One person. Repeated suppression of you and your brother's family... "

After a pause, she said with a wry smile: "Gaocha now has the same status in the empire as you did back then!"

"Where is the wedding?" Du Wei lowered his face.

"Forget about the wedding! You should go and see your younger brother Gabriel first!" Lan Lan stomped her feet and said, "He is in the side hall with Mrs. Lister now, and Gabriel is in a bad mood... It's not that he wants to do anything, but now It is clear that His Majesty deliberately provoked trouble, and he brought troops back. It was only for self-protection. But... the anger is not small! Mrs. Liszt is persuading him."

"Take me there." Du Wei sighed. Gabriel, a young man, was staring at Mrs. Lister with a gloomy expression.

Mrs. Liszt's face was calm and indifferent, and she was dressed in a luxurious lady's dress. But he met Gabriel's questioning eyes with those faint eyes.

"Why? You ask me why?" Mrs. Liszt said slowly: "What can I do? Du Wei suddenly disappeared, and he has been away for four years!! His Majesty's authority is getting stronger and stronger, and he is trying hard to force my family! The former Duke When my lord was here, he protected us from the wind and rain! But now, who will block it? I am a woman, even if I use all my methods... Can I stop His Majesty from going his own way!!"

"Brother..." Upon hearing this topic, Gabriel immediately became depressed like a deflated balloon.

"I'm a woman." Mrs. Liszt's tone was also a little helpless: " don't know the current situation. The current situation. Your brother is not here...even you are being suppressed to death. As a dignified Earl, but you have been left in the most miserable place on the eastern front. In name, you are the commander-in-chief of the first army. In fact, the commander of the central fortress and the western front is Alpay! Even you have to obey Alpay's restraint!! If Not in the Northwest. Philip worked hard to maintain the foundation of the Tulip family, and I am afraid that His Majesty has already withdrawn all your military power!"

After a pause, her voice was even more bitter: "You can't stop... let alone me? What can I do? That Gao Cha has been coveting me for a long time! Do you want me to take off my clothes and go to bed with that bastard!!"

Sighing: "This time you brought the soldiers back... you gave them a handle. After the wedding is over... I'm afraid someone will trouble you. I originally wrote to you, telling you not to come back, but you..."

"Can I do it if I don't come back? The little emperor personally issued a summoning order, ordering me to return to the imperial capital to report on my duties, and to attend his wedding by the way! Hmph..."

"You shouldn't bring soldiers back. After all, you are the earl of the empire, and you have no handle after the family. They can't do anything to you easily. But you brought soldiers back... the meaning is different!"

paused. Mrs. Lister suddenly sounded frustrated:

"Agreeing to marry the also Muse's own decision. She...she doesn't want to drag us down with this matter anymore.

At this time, a figure suddenly broke in from outside the door. Dressed in tatters, like a beggar, Mrs. Liszt subconsciously said angrily when she saw it: "Bastard! Who let someone in! Get out... ah

When she saw who was coming, Mrs. Liszt's charming face suddenly fell into a daze, her hands trembled, and she even knocked all the cups on the table in front of her to the ground! !

"Du... Du..."

Gabriel turned his head when he heard the words, saw Du Wei clearly at a glance, seemed to be stunned for a long time, and then yelled, and rushed over with all his might: "Brother!

Du Wei smiled and looked at his younger brother: "Not bad, he has grown up. Hmm...has he inherited the earl's title? Very good..."

He looked at the two old friends with shocked faces, and immediately spoke first: "Okay! I heard what you said outside... Now I don't have time to explain! Go to the wedding with me first!"

"You... Do you want to stop it?" Mrs. Liszt's eyes lit up, but then she frowned again: "No, Du Wei, you are no longer who you were back then... the little emperor..."

Du Wei snorted, but turned to look at Gabriel: "Go, find me a decent dress! It's not easy for me to go to the hall to watch the ceremony!"

As soon as Gabriel saw Du Wei, he seemed to have infinite confidence in his heart. He responded loudly, and ran into the room.

Du Wei looked at Mrs. Liszt: "I are a woman, you can't stop it. But now, I'm back...I'll stop it!"

The wedding was held in the imperial hall in the imperial city, and a group of dignitaries from the empire gathered, waiting for the wedding to begin.

When Gabriel walked into the hall first, everyone was surprised to find that Earl Rollin was in danger. Unexpectedly, without the slightest worry, he strode in, with his head held high, and a confident smile on his face!

Where does his self-confidence come from? !

Can be followed. Everyone will understand!

Du Wei put on the duke's noble and luxurious clothes, and walked into the hall with a blank expression. Suddenly, there was a "buzz" in the crowd!

In an instant, countless exclamations and whispers interspersed.

he! He is back? !

He actually came back! ≌飧鋈司乩乩乩打打俊.

Seeing Gabriel's confident and proud face, everyone felt a little subtle in their hearts: I'm afraid that today's matter will not be easy! !

Du Wei looked cold and did not greet everyone. Go straight to the front of the crowd.

And here... the people around are a little strange: because Du Wei has been away for a few years, the position of the head of the ministers has already belonged to Gao Cha.

When everyone has different thoughts, the ceremony and music have already sounded.

Amidst the music, Du Wei frowned and looked coldly at Emperor Charlie. He walked in slowly through the side door.

In the past four years, Charlie has grown up a lot. Faintly, the outline of Prince Chen became deeper and deeper, and when Du Wei saw it, his heart softened.

The original anger disappeared for a little bit—forget it, for Chen's sake, I won't embarrass him too much.

Charlie is content today. Originally, I was very high-spirited. Wearing the most luxurious and grand dress, but after walking into the hall. Looking across the crowd, he suddenly saw Du Wei standing in the front! !

He was startled suddenly, as if he had been in a daze for a long time, unable to say a word for a long time.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Du Wei had already stepped forward.

The one who came out with Charlie was also an old acquaintance, the current pope, His Majesty Maximus. The new pope was obviously stunned when he saw Du Wei.

How did this person come back

Du Wei took the initiative to walk in front of Charlie and smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for many years. Why..."

"Old... Teacher." Charlie seemed to want to address Du Wei's name or title directly, but under Du Wei's eyes, he couldn't help but soften a little, and called "Teacher".

"Well, I'm back. When I heard the news of His Majesty's wedding, how could I not rush back." Du Wei smiled lightly, but that smile made Charlie feel a little uneasy, but then he felt overwhelmed: I am the emperor! !

But Du Wei stopped looking at him, and glanced at the new Pope: "Maximos... Your Majesty. After all, I can be regarded as the emperor's teacher, and at today's wedding, the bride can be regarded as my old family friend. Can you just let me come to preside over the wedding?"

Maximos was stunned for a moment, but he saw Du Wei's resolute eyes. Although he didn't understand, he still nodded: "Your Excellency... You are also the bishop of the Illuminati Church after all. It is no problem for you to preside over the wedding ceremony." of."

With that said, the old pope stepped aside.

Du Wei looked at the little emperor's forced calm expression, and smiled coldly: "Please invite the bride."

Soon, amidst the ceremony and music, it was the little princess Karina who walked in first.

The thirteen-year-old Karina has grown into a beautiful and graceful girl. As the emperor's younger sister, she acts as the female guest in person, which can be regarded as royal etiquette.

The little princess originally had a worried face. Although she was wearing a white dress, she didn't have a happy face. When she walked in, she saw Du Wei standing on the altar, and her face changed immediately!

But then, Du Wei blinked at her, and the little princess immediately restrained her shocked expression—she is a very smart person, but she still can't lose her composure at this moment. It is also rare.

When he walked in front of Du Wei, his face was full of doubts. He knew in his heart that now was not the time to talk about anything else, so he suppressed the doubts in his stomach and just sighed.

It's time for the bride to enter.

When he saw Gao Cha walking in with a girl in a luxurious dress, Du Wei couldn't help sighing——Little Charlie really loves Gao Cha! This role of supporting the bride is not something that ordinary people can take on with qualifications. Not to mention the emperor's wedding

When Gao check met Du Wei, his face was extremely gloomy - but he obviously knew about it. In the palace, when Du Wei came back, someone quickly and secretly passed the news to him.

Gao Cha's face was gloomy, but he didn't know what countermeasure he was thinking of.

It was the muse beside him, in a grand gown. It's just that there is a thick layer of veil covering the head-this wedding custom was passed down by Aragon a thousand years ago.

After all, Aragorn came from another world. After he became emperor, he couldn't help but modify the wedding customs in the mainland, adding some oriental customs from the original world: head covering.

Although it is somewhat nondescript, but he is the emperor, who can object

Muse is taller again, but because of the covering of the head. Du Wei didn't see her face - could she be crying and sad at the moment? Will she be very excited when she sees what she said

Du Wei sighed.

Gao Cha silently sent the bride to the emperor's side, and then stood back to his position, but the eyes were still gloomy.

"Then, let's begin." Du Wei sighed.

when he speaks. Du Wei clearly saw that Muse's hands trembled—maybe she recognized her own voice

However, this girl seemed to have calmed down a lot and did not explode on the spot. Maybe it's forcible patience

"I think, for His Majesty's wedding, there is no need to do those useless efforts..." Du Wei said lightly: "Is there anyone here who opposes their marriage?"

Everyone was stunned!

Where is there such a wedding officiant? ? ! What does Duke Tulip want to do? !

Gabriel seemed to want to say something, but was stared back by Du Wei's stern eyes.

"No? Really no?" Du Wei's eyes looked at Muse who covered his head.

He made a decision in his heart, as long as Muse repented, even if he turned his face on the spot, he would take Muse away immediately!

But Muse didn't move. He didn't speak either.

Du Wei sighed—that's all. At worst, wait until the wedding ceremony is over, and then quietly take the muse away.

In this case. Don't openly cause chaos, as long as you leave some leeway for everyone.

"Sacrificial wine." Du Wei snorted coldly, and a court attendant next to him brought a golden cup with shallow fine wine in it.

Du Wei felt a little annoyed: "Let's start."

His voice was cold.

The bride took the cup with her gloved hand, put it under the thick head cover, tasted it lightly, and then handed it out again.

Charlie felt a little proud: Huh, teacher, even if you come back, how can you stop me? I am the emperor!

With a slight smile, he took the cup and put it to his mouth, but drank it down deliberately, with a smug smile on his face.

Tiger father and dog son...

Du Wei felt a little sad in his heart. Charlie's appearance is 80% similar to that of Prince Chen... but his brain is not even 1/8th.

"Then...the etiquette is over." Du Wei said sullenly.

I'm afraid that from the founding of the Roland Empire to the present, there has not been an emperor's wedding, which would be such an embarrassing situation.

Du Wei felt a little depressed, and just wanted to end it early, and then quietly picked up Muse behind his back—everyone, please take your time in the future! Let's see who is good!

But at this time, a sudden change occurred! !

The bride, the muse, suddenly lifted her head cover! !

When Charlie saw Muse, his eyes suddenly widened: "Ah.

There was an uproar! !

Du Wei was also stunned!

The bride in front of her is not a muse!

That brow and expression are somewhat similar to Muse, even the proud look of pursing his lips. so much alike...

Only, this girl is not a muse, but a "muse"! That girl who I saw following the little emperor at the gate of the imperial palace when I returned to the imperial capital—it was also the woman Gao Xun came to please the little emperor! !

"Why are you?!" Charlie was angry.

Du Wei was puzzled, but took a step back and looked at Gaocha who was standing aside—then Du Wei knew that he was wrong. Because Gao Cha also looked dumbfounded, and he seemed to be unaware of it.

Mess! It's all messed up now!

"Why not me." The girl said coldly, with a trace of resentment in her voice.

"Bastard! The old man pointed at the girl and said, "You! you! "

Among the officials below, some even exclaimed: "His Royal Highness! Is it Your Royal Highness?!"

The girl stared at Charlie. But he was not afraid at all, and said coldly: "How am I not as good as her? Why do you only like her? Only really love her? And I can only be a substitute for you when you can't get it? ? How am I worse than her! "

"Come on! Guards!!" Charlie became furious and yelled.

The girl was still not afraid, and smiled lightly, with a hint of despair in that smile: "You are like this... Even if you are the emperor, so what! Hmph..."

She was still smiling, but there were tears in the corners of her eyes: "I have been with you for four years! You are my first man... I really want to please you and please you. I just want to make you happy and make you happy. But But you never looked at me... When you looked at me, you were only looking at her! You were looking at her!!

Yes, I am a substitute! I'm just a plaything dedicated to you! For four years, I have tried my best to say every word to you. They try their best to please you and make you happy. Every action I make, I try my best to satisfy you... I even imitate her all the time! Many times, even I am a little confused. Am I myself, or a shadow of hers? "

These sad words are filled with heartbreaking resentment.

"But now, you still don't take me seriously! What's even more ridiculous is... In order to stay by your side, I can't even have my own name! ∧ Ke... Your Majesty! My Majesty! I am already by your side Four years!! Up to now, you don’t even know what my real name is! Right!! You only call me Muse Muse!

She suddenly threw the head cover on the ground forcefully, and hissed: "But I don't have that name!! I am your woman! I am a human! I am a human! I am a woman who has fallen in love with you and wronged you for many years!

Du Wei watched the woman scream almost crazily. Suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart, his eyes. Suddenly, subconsciously, he dropped the golden wine glass on the ground! this wine...

really! !

"Your Majesty, you don't need to call the guard... I know, you must want to kill me... No need!" The woman suddenly smiled sadly: "Because... I will die with you!"

After she finished speaking, her body suddenly softened, and bright red blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth!

And Charlie, as if at the same time, suddenly yelled in pain, and fell down straight under Du Wei's nose! Blood was bleeding from his nose and mouth at the same time! !

Du Wei froze for a moment, rushed over, and forcibly hugged Charlie, but felt that Charlie's body was already stiff! The breath quickly weakened...

"I hid the poison in my teeth, and when I drank the wine, I vomited some into it." The girl was also lying on the ground, moaning in pain, but there was still a trace of spiteful smile on her face: "I... I... I will die with you! You... you don't know my name! You don't know my name! My name is... called..." Finally, she failed to say the last sentence.

Du Wei immediately touched his mouth... But he reacted immediately!

Tears are no longer falling on her body! There Nicole! !


Du Wei yelled anxiously, but the whole hall was in chaos at the moment, and Charlie's body became cold quickly—I don't know what kind of strong poison this girl made.

Du Wei picked up the wine glass and took a quick sniff, but immediately smelled at least seven or eight familiar smells. He was horrified: This woman is really poisonous!

Nicole was still outside the hall, but when she arrived...

Little Emperor Charles of the Empire. With this girl, I have already died!

The poison was very strong, and the girl deliberately said so many words before she died, which delayed the time—even Du Wei couldn't save it. After all, strength is not everything.

Unless one reaches the state of Bai Hechou, one can manipulate life at will.

Charlie was dead.

In Du Wei's arms. In front of all the dignitaries and dignitaries of the empire! !

The scene was chaotic, and countless imperial guards rushed in. In the panic, the crowd pushed...

This kind of thing happened suddenly, but Gao Cha was already standing there dumbfounded... He was already stunned.

Ke Duwei's reaction. But much faster than him!


A thunderous roar! !

Everyone saw Duke Tulip jumping onto the altar, condescending, staring at everyone with his majestic eyes, his strong momentum opened!

"Quiet! ∷ If you move again, you will die!

As Du Wei said, he stretched out his hand and waved it. From a distance, the door of the main hall slammed shut! !

"Everyone is not allowed to move! Stand still! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!!"

Du Wei showed his iron side.

He quickly fixed his eyes on Gaocha. Gao Cha panicked. Du Wei had already rushed over, grabbed Gao Cha's neck, and lifted him up.

In the main hall, guards are not allowed. Even if there is a direct descendant of Gaocha, how can Du Wei be stopped

Du Wei carried Gaocha. Standing tall, he covered the noise of the audience with his sonorous voice, his voice was full of undisguised murderousness!

"The imperial concubine murdered His Majesty! And the imperial concubine is the same family of Earl Gaocha! How dare a woman do such a rebellious thing! The mastermind of this matter is not who you are!!"

This is clearly framed.

It's a pity that Gaocha was held by Du Wei's neck, even if he had something to say, he couldn't speak.

"Murder His Majesty! Treason! Die!

Gao Cha's eyes showed fear.

But at this moment, Du Wei couldn't care less about anything else—the first thing to do! ∷ Without hesitation, I squeezed it down hard!

Kaka! With a clear voice, the majestic Earl of the Empire, the Minister of State of the Empire, was spared even interrogation, and Du Wei directly pinched his neck!

Everyone around was stunned.

But after all, Du Wei's past prestige still exists. Those imperial guards. How dare you do anything to him? For a moment, they all looked blank. at a loss.

The emperor was murdered by the concubine...the concubine died...Duke Tulip crushed the minister of state to death? !

"His Royal Highness Karina!" Du Wei reacted very quickly and yelled with all his might. Karina has already jumped on Charlie's side, even though Charlie is so bad, but after all, the relationship between brother and sister is very good, Karina has been crying so hard that she can't even breathe.

Hearing Du Wei's roar, Karina suddenly came to her senses. When she saw Du Wei's hand, Gao Cha's neck was broken, and she was even more surprised!

"Now is not the time for chaos! Control the situation first!" Du Wei gritted his teeth.

Karina immediately understood that she was the royal child who had truly inherited all the wisdom of Prince Chen, and immediately stood firmly beside Du Wei. Although her eyes were still sad, she mustered up her courage and shouted loudly: "The court Magician!!"

In an instant, more than a dozen figures in red robes appeared around the main hall.

"The Imperial Forest Army listens to the order! Guard the hall, and everyone is not allowed to enter or leave! Anyone who disobeys will be killed on the spot!"

The little princess gave a few orders in one breath, after all, she is the real son of the royal family, and she is also the daughter of Prince Chen. There are court magicians as the backing of strength.

Initiating an order is also more logical than Du Wei's name change.

Those imperial guards were already at a loss, the emperor was dead... who did they listen to

Fortunately, Karina came out and issued an order, and the Imperial Forest Army regained their backbone.

"Guard the hall! Order, the palace is under martial law! The whole city is under martial law! The public security station is on the streets! The royal guards are dispatched!"

Du Wei finally issued an order: "Open the north gate, let Lei ride into the city!"

At this last order, the little princess hesitated. He did so.

After letting Lei ride into the city, Du Wei didn't worry anymore.

Although with the strength of his side, himself, plus Lan Haiyue, plus old Chris... a few extremely strong men, what are you afraid of? But such a sudden regime change is always impossible without the army.

Leaving behind the guards armed with dangling knives and guns, the hall was completely surrounded. Du Wei and Karina left quickly, and went to the back through the side door.

Du Wei held Little Charlie's body.

Both of them are extremely smart people, and in the back side hall of the main hall, Du Wei and Karina finally met alone.

"Teacher... Did you do this thing!"

Karina's eyes were a little terrified.

"No." Du Wei sighed.

Karina was relieved: "I believe you."

Du Wei smiled wryly: "A woman... a woman."

do not know how. He suddenly remembered Messiah... When Messiah killed Aragorn, he must have had this kind of thought.

There is only a thin line between love and hate!

"But... what should we do now?" Karina looked at her brother's body and couldn't help crying.

Soon, the imperial army searched the whole palace and found the muse in the bride's room.

Muse was stunned by some drug and was tied with a rope. Tucked under the table. Du Wei felt relieved... But Karina became more and more anxious.

"My brother is dead! What about the empire! Teacher! What should we do?"

Du Wei walked to the door, closed the door, turned around, and stared at the little princess.

There was a hint of majesty in his eyes that made Karina afraid.

Afterwards, Du Wei said softly, "Karina. Do you still remember the part about Queen Sofia in the "General History of the Mainland" I showed you?"

Karina's eyes moved.

"Didn't you also ask me what the phrase "Hate Wu Zhou" means..." Du Wei seemed to be smiling, a little bit uninterested.

but. But his eyes became more and more menacing, staring at Karina closely: "Now... I can tell you what it means to hate Wu Zhou!"

After a pause, he walked up to Karina, leaned down, and put his hands on her shoulders: "Charlie is dead, you are Chen's only Do you want to be the queen?"

female. Queen

Karina's body softened and she fell into Du Wei's arms. The voice trembled: "Old, teacher..."

Nine hundred and seventy years of the Empire, September. His Majesty the Emperor of the Roland Empire, Charles, was assassinated on his wedding day, and the mastermind was the imperial concubine.

In the 970th year of the empire, at the end of September, the new queen was crowned, Her Majesty Karina I ascended the throne, and the Duke of Tulip was appointed as the Prince of the Protectorate. Lock! During this cleansing, the wings cultivated by Earl Gaocha in the past four years were wiped out. The number of officials involved in the case reached 62, most of whom were in the military, and 103 officials from various places in the Gaocha family were arrested.

In the end, ninety-three people were executed, and the rest were all exiled in Nanyang.

After this case, Queen Karina was called "Bloody Thorn Flower" by later history books for her fierce and iron-blooded tactics.

Nine hundred and seventy years of the empire, in October, the commander of the northern Kaspersky defense line, the lieutenant general of the empire, Alpay refused to surrender his military power and returned to the emperor for trial, and erected an anti-flag to openly rebel! There was an uproar in the north of the empire for a while!

Three days later, Alpay, the leader of the rebel army, was mysteriously killed in the army. Ten days later, the Northwest Army of the Tulip family marched to the north, and the rebellion was put down half a month later.

Empire Tunnel Flat.

"Do you think I'm a bad guy?"

Du Wei stood under the snow mountain and sighed softly.

He rides on a horse and looks at the snow-capped mountains.

Vivienne and Jojo behind them both smiled and said nothing, but Nicole shook her head: "You are not."

"Oh? No?" Du Wei smiled wryly: "Calculated carefully, I murdered and set fire, smuggled, and coup d'état... isn't that considered a bad person?"

But Qiao Qiao couldn't help but said: "You are now the prince of the country. You are not in the imperial capital. But you came here..." I miss someone. "Du Wei looked at the snow-capped mountain, and suddenly smiled, with a trace of sadness: "I always seem to feel that one day, that guy will suddenly come down from the snow-capped mountain, and then pat me on the shoulder and say, in fact, I don't like you so much. call me. "

After all, he shook his head. Sighed.

"You are already very strong now." Nicole said lightly: "He has told you the true meaning of power - it won't take long before you will be able to reach the realm where the world is me, and I am the world. At that time, you can open the door to that world... Aren't you afraid you won't see him?"

Qiao Qiao also nodded: "That's right! It's been ten years outside, but only one day inside. Maybe it's not long after you go back."

Du Wei was silent for a while...

"I won't go there."

He looked at the snow mountain: "He said... it was a war between the two of them. It only belonged to the two of them."

Seeing Du Wei's lonely look, Qiao Qiao's eyes moved, and he deliberately changed the topic: "I see, why did you let the Prince of the country protect you and take us to the grassland to ride horses?"


"You're hiding from Karina." Jojo squinted his eyes: "Don't think I can't see, our Queen is really interesting to you. Hmph... If you marry her... you will have a baby with her in the future Your next son is the Emperor of the Empire! Although she is only thirteen years old. However, you seem to have always liked such an old girl... Well, I remember you seem to have mentioned a word called... "

"LOLI." Vivian blushed, and suddenly interjected.

Looking at the little silly girl's appearance, Du Wei felt hot in his heart. He went up and hugged her from another horse, and kissed her on the cheek: "Haha! Not bad! You are my little Luo Li!"

After a pause, he laughed loudly: "I'm not that interested in having a son to be the emperor... But I'm going to give birth to a little duke or two. You might as well give it a try."

After finishing speaking, he galloped away on his horse. Jojo and Nicole behind him both sighed and rode their horses to catch up.

Only Vivian, who was riding the same horse with Du Wei, blushed, turned her head, and stared at Du Wei's face with soft eyes. Qiqi Ai said: "Little... little duke... Already. Already have... I, I..."


Jojo and Nicole in the back. I saw Du Wei fell off the horse directly, leaving Vivian alone on the horse, covering her mouth and smiling, looking at Du Wei who was sitting on the ground dumbfounded [End of the book]

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