Law of the Devil

Chapter 75: fountain of life


Sure enough, instead of attacking, those treants retreated step by step with heavy and slow steps, but... the scary thing is that behind them, amidst the humming, more trees pushed their huge bodies out of the snow. Pulled out, turned into a living thing...

Du Wei only felt creepy. Looking at the large forest in front of him, all the trees within the range of his eyes were pulling out their roots, shaking off the snow on their bodies, and then they looked like sluggish puppets. surrounded...

"My God... how much does this have to be?" Dardanelle sighed.

"Genius knows, this is a forest. How big is the Frozen Forest? How many trees are there? One hundred thousand? Two hundred thousand? Damn..." Du Wei scolded, "But why didn't they attack? Instead, they surrounded there, as if What are you waiting for..."

Indeed, the Ents were indeed waiting.

Soon, the sound of thunderous heavy footsteps approached from a distance, and Du Wei could feel the heavy vibration of the ground. Impressively, among the large group of tree people, a road parted, and a huge monster slowly walked out of the tree crowd at a low speed.

Du Wei's first impression was: This guy is really fucking big!

If the other treants are like giants... the biggest guy is the giant among giants.

According to Du Wei's visual observation, this thing is at least seven or eight stories high. The whole body is black and hard. When walking, the branches and leaves all over the body made a rustling sound...

What Du Wei noticed was that this largest tree man... In terms of appearance, it is the closest to the shape of a "human", because its root has been clearly divided into two branches, like two human legs generally. And the trunk on the body is also clearly divided into a shape that resembles the English letter "Y". The branches on both sides are like two big hands, and the branched branches on the top seem to be fingers.

Du Wei saw that in the "hand" of the big tree man, there was a huge round thing wrapped with dense tree vines hanging on the finger. From the shape... it looked like a...

horn? What surprised Du Wei even more was that there seemed to be a "face" on the trunk of this big tree!

The sharp protrusion seems to be a nose, and under the nose, there is a horizontal opening. The bark turned up on both sides of the opening is extraordinarily thick, as if it is a lip...

All the other treants seemed to be afraid of this big guy, and retreated behind it one after another... It seemed that it might be the leader of the treants. Du Wei thought so.

"" The leader of the treant made a sound that seemed thick and deep. Although it was very jerky, Du Wei could barely recognize that it was human language...

Hell, it can actually speak the common language of Roland Continent

"You... you... why... why... massacred... my... companion..." every word of it echoed in the forest, with a long tail, a thick and deep voice There was anger in it.

Du Wei bravely jumped out of the rock, looked at this big guy, and shouted loudly: "You were the ones who attacked us first!"

"You... you... haven't... have... obeyed... kept... the covenant... the agreement!" The leader of the tree man was very angry, and its crown was trembling, "Evil... eye... tyrant... I promise... yes... every... ten Years...will...allow...we...send people...into...the canyon...once...!"

Its voice seemed to be asking: "Today is... the appointed day of... ten years... why... you... want to... massacre... my... people at... the mouth of the canyon? Could it be that... evil-eyed tyrant, are you going to... provoke again... ...the...war...with...our...entrants...!"

ten years? The appointed date? Evil-eyed tyrant? war

Du Wei immediately understood... This is probably a misunderstanding.

Seeing that the leader of the biggest treant was about to go into a rage, Du Wei immediately stood up straight and shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, can I ask a question first?"

The leader of the tree people looked at Du Wei.

Du Wei took a deep breath, then smiled as kindly as possible: "Excuse me, what is the "evil-eyed tyrant" you mentioned? I don't know that thing."

As soon as this remark came out, there was silence between the tree people and the three humans. Fortunately, those tree people had no eyes, otherwise it must have been a wonderful scene of "big eyes and small eyes".

"Aren't you... under the evil-eyed tyrant...?"

"No, I've never heard of that name."


Du Wei jumped out from behind the rock, opened his arms, looked himself up and down, raised his smile and said, "Do you need to ask? We are human beings, have you never seen human beings?"

The leader of the tree man was silent for a while, he took a few steps forward with his thick legs, then his huge body bent down slightly, and the tree crown was also pressed down, as if he looked at Du Wei carefully for a while, then the tree man leader Standing up straight again, his tone was filled with joy: "Oh, you... are... humans! I... remember... humans... a long... long time ago... a... humans... friends... church... I... speak... "

Du Wei heaved a sigh of relief, but although the treant leader was slow, he was not stupid. The joy in his tone turned into anger again: "But... you... hurt... my... companion!"

"It was your companion who attacked us first." Du Wei seemed to have decided that these treants were easy to bully, "We stood here well, and your companion appeared, and then attacked us first with stones."

"Hmm..." The tree man groaned for a while, as if he was thinking, and then he said loudly, "Okay... it's... my... companion... first..."

His slow way of speaking really made Du Wei a little impatient, so he said first: "In this case, can we go?"

"No..." The tree man leader was not good at words, but he quickly found the most suitable word to express himself, "Compensation!!"

compensation? Du Wei was stunned... Do you want to compensate the seventy or eighty tree people who were broken up by Hussein? How to compensate? With gold coins? God, what's the use of a tree man asking for gold coins

Do you want to pay for your life? Depend on! How many trees are cut down to be sentenced to death? How can there be such a reason in the world!

Moreover, no matter how you say it, Du Wei feels that he is on the side of the truth. After all, the three of them are standing here in good order, and it was these tree people who threw stones over first—those stones that are enough to smash people into flesh. , Then, our own side is just fighting back in self-defense... Could it be that we three humans just stand like this and let a group of trees fall to our death

However, obviously, it is not feasible to reason with this dull and stubborn tree man. Du Wei thought for a while, and remembered what this guy said before, and he immediately had an idea: "Dear Mr. tree man, may I ask, just now you What about the evil-eyed tyrant? And... I heard you mentioned... war?"

The tree man is not a qualified narrator. Its slow and deep voice is like the old-fashioned sound player that Du Wei has seen in his previous life, and it has severely skipped discs. It is a short thing, but it fully talks about it. It was only after the sun went down that I barely made things clear.

It is almost the same as what Du Wei guessed:

In this land, according to the leader of the tree people, the entire frozen forest belongs to the tree people's territory... This statement made Du Wei feel that it was bragging, because Du Wei had entered this forest for many days. He had never seen a tree that came alive.

The Treant Leader—oh, by the way, this hulking hunk introduces himself, and he has a very fitting name: Wood. (Du Wei: WOOD?)

In Wood's words, it was born in this land and lived in this land. It is a standard tree man with pure blood. As for whether the tree man has any so-called "bloodline", Du Wei doesn't care, but Wood's words revealed two pieces of information that Du Wei found very interesting: First, the large tree people standing in front of them... were not real tree people. The real tree people were only Wood. And Wood claims that it is also the last tree human race left on this land. As for the companions around it, they are all "companions" that it wakes up with the horn covered with vines in its hand.

Du Wei guessed that the so-called companions probably meant "subordinates".

The horn has a magical name "Natural Horn" that Du Wei thinks is very magical. It is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the tree people. Blowing the horn can wake up the surrounding trees, making these trees become "companions" waiting for their command.

Du Wei was also surprised by the inheritance of the tree people. They have no gender distinction, and their inheritance is also through the "horn of nature".

The general way is: the "companions" awakened by the horn of nature have no intelligence and self-awareness at the beginning, they will only act according to the orders of the real tree people, and simply act.

"But why did they attack us?" Du Wei asked.

Old Wood's answer made Du Wei feel very sorry: because the evil evil-eyed tyrant has been killing this forest, all the trees hate that guy, and everyone thinks that the three humans standing at the mouth of the canyon belong to the evil evil-eyed tyrant My subordinates... Forgive these tree people "companions" who have no IQ, they don't know how to distinguish what is human.

Awakened "companions" are not very self-aware at first, but they slowly develop self-awareness over the years - and only very rarely, very rarely Only then can self-awareness appear, and only then can they become real "tree people" instead of "companions" in Wood's mouth.

Originally in this forest, according to Wood, there were a few real treants, not many, about three or five. Ents have always been a sparsely populated race—well, this kind of statement made Du Wei feel very helpless. There are trees everywhere here, but there are too few people who can become real Ents. Stay in the mindless "companion" class.

Among the original three or five tree men, Wood was the oldest one. According to what Old Wood said, they lived happily in this forest, and they had no natural enemies... because neither monsters nor other things would pose a threat to them.

until one day...

In this "beautiful and harmonious" (Old Wood's original words) place, an evil and powerful existence came. That guy is called "Evil Eye Tyrant", and he plundered the most precious wealth belonging to the tree people : This canyon!

Although this forest is infinitely vast, this small canyon is the most indispensable thing for the tree people!

Because... In this canyon, there is a treasure that is related to whether the Treant Race can be passed down from generation to generation. It's a pity that the treasure was taken by the evil evil-eyed tyrant for himself.

What's even more hateful is that when the angry treants brought their "companions" to this evil guy to argue, the strength of this guy caused the treants to suffer heavy losses. The evil-eyed tyrant possessed such powerful magical powers that he even brutally killed Wood's people. There were three or five real treants in the past, but now only Wood is left. The others were all killed by the evil-eyed tyrant, and the evil evil-eyed tyrant used their bodies to create His own palace is in this canyon.

Angry Wood blew the horn of nature and summoned a large number of companions to attack the canyon, but the strength of the powerful evil-eyed tyrant was invincible to the tree people. That evil and powerful existence could use magic to drive the nearby canyon Warcraft! There are even dead bodies and undead crawling out of the ground! In the face of these monsters, Wood lost many, many "companions".

But fortunately, this is the forest, and Wood can summon endless "companions" to come out. The evil-eyed tyrant also has some scruples. In the end, under the stalemate, the two sides barely reached an agreement: a truce.

Wood asked for the canyon to be returned, but the evil-eyed tyrant disagreed. In the end, the agreement between the two parties was to allow treants to enter the canyon once every ten years.

"What's in the canyon?" After hearing the story, Du Wei was most interested in this.

"Fountain of life...!" Old Wood replied, "The source of the Treants... the continuation of...!"