Law of the Devil

Chapter 77: Evil Eye Tyrant


"You are not the first batch of humans to come here!"

Just over twenty years ago, some human beings came here. Those people did not conflict with the tree people, but they also met Old Wood, and then entered the canyon, trying to kill the evil evil-eyed tyrant. As a result...

Old Wood kindly pointed to the stone statue of the human knight at the mouth of the canyon... Unfortunately, it had already been trampled into pieces by a fellow treant in the previous battle.

Du Wei immediately remembered what Beinrich, the head of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps, told him: According to current records, this canyon is the place where humans go to the deepest part of the frozen forest. It was about twenty years ago that a great magician brought some high-level knights here, but the entire army was almost wiped out. And the magician escaped alone, and all the senior knights accompanying him died.

Even the map presented by Captain Beinrich in Du Wei's arms is said to have been handed down by the magician who escaped.

The expression of the tree people is a bit clumsy, but the underlying meaning is still obvious: I have seen some powerful humans who came here, but they were all defeated by the evil eye tyrant, so we tree people do not believe that you can defeat the evil Evil Eye Tyrant...

"Thank you for reminding me, but this is not a loss to the Ent, is it?" Du Wei smiled, "Let's kill that evil guy. If we fail, it has nothing to do with the Ent, and if we succeed, Treat it as compensation for what happened just now."

Du Wei's words gave Old Wood no reason to be picky, but the tree man once again showed its unbelievable kindness and simplicity. Old Wood slowly bent down, and then groped for a while from his trunk , Pulled out a golden leaf... Du Wei noticed that the leaf was golden.

"If... there is danger... stick it... in the ground, maybe it can... protect... you... for a while."

Du Wei was stunned, you know, they are still in a state of confrontation with the tree people now, the kindness and simplicity of these tree people, forget the speed of hatred... Du Wei sighed, no matter how large the population of this race is, I'm afraid It's hard to survive.

With a sigh, Du Wei went back behind the rock and looked at his two companions: "Hey, did you hear clearly? I think we have something to do now... Evil-eyed tyrant, what kind of monster is it?"

Hussein said lightly: "No matter what it is, I don't think there is anything that can be my opponent in this place. I am only interested in that spring water."

"Oh, yes." Du Wei smiled, "That spring water should be able to heal your injuries."

"No!" Hussein sneered, "I don't care about my injuries...but that's where Aragorn has been, I must go and see it!"

"What about you?" Du Wei glanced at Dardanelle, "My friend, what do you mean?"

Dardanelle had a serious face, he pulled the bow behind his back, and said sternly: "Maybe there is a golden-eyed python in the canyon, that stone statue has obviously been petrified, maybe there is a golden-eyed python inside !"

Well, Du Wei muttered, and he said with a smile: "Then let's go in and have a look."

Old Wood commanded his "companions" to remove the stones blocking the mouth of the canyon, and the powerful treant "companions" easily moved those boulders away, freeing up space at the mouth of the canyon, then Du Wei and Old Wood waved bid farewell. Together with their two companions, the three set foot into this canyon...

Du Wei and the others don't know how big this canyon is. Although it is said that the canyon is "not big" from the introduction of the tree man Old Wood, you must know that it is measured by the tree man's height and volume. At least at this moment, Du Wei felt that this place might be "not small".

After entering from the entrance of the canyon, there was a turning about ten meters away. What made the three of them frown was that what they faced was a dense fog.

This is a real "dense" fog. Du Wei can clearly feel the dampness in the air, which is so strong that it seems that if he walks in the fog for a while, he will get a lot of water vapor on his body.

The visibility here is quite bad. Visually, the effective range of sight does not exceed five paces. Du Wei has never seen such a dense fog.

It is undoubtedly very unsafe to walk in such a place with poor visibility, and there is an evil and powerful guy living in this canyon, so Du Wei tried many methods. He tried to use magic to attract a small gust of wind to blow away the mist, but after the wind passed, there was still a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and Du Wei was sure of one thing... The mist was made by magic.

Barely lit a torch... This was a branch that Du Wei tore from a fellow treant before he entered the canyon. Hussein, who was the most powerful, walked in the front and opened the way without hesitation, while Du Wei, who was the weakest in melee combat, walked in the middle after Dardanelle was cut off.

After walking in this thick fog for a while, Du Wei kept his mental strength at full strength, carefully sensing the movements around him. But neither Du Wei nor Hussein, who was sensitive, noticed anything suspicious.

On the contrary, Dardanelle, who had experienced adventures before, raised a question: "Have you noticed...the snow on the ground here seems to be getting less and less."

Having said this, Du Wei and Hussein were reminded, and the two of them also suddenly found that the snow under their feet was getting less and less. Du Wei sniffed his nose hard, frowned and said, "It's not that there's less snow, but that the canyon seems to be much warmer than the outside. You see." Du Wei pointed to the ground, squatted down slowly, and stretched out his hands to grab With one hand, he picked up some snow and some moist and soft soil, "If it is in the forest, the frozen soil on the ground is difficult to cut in even with a knife, but the soil here can be lifted up once you grab it." .”

After walking forward for a while, almost all the snow on the ground disappeared, and the muddy land under the feet was the muddy land after the snow melted. The three of them walked all the way, their boots and trousers were covered with mud, and the leather boots stepped on the ground. In the slippery mud, people's feet are extremely uncomfortable. But fortunately, the further you go in, the terrain gradually gets higher, and there is more and more dry land under your feet...

Du Wei stopped again, his eyes flickering: "Did you find it?"

Hussein and Dardanelle also stopped and nodded at the same time.

Du Wei touched the ground skillfully, and then said with a smile: "The ground is hot, hell, is this canyon a precious geothermal area?"

"That's why the snow here has melted." Dardanelle laughed.

Du Wei thought about it carefully, and suddenly figured out one thing, the thick fog after entering the canyon mouth!

This is the cold air outside the Hesitating Canyon, colliding with the warm air inside the canyon, condensing at the mouth of the canyon, melting the snow here, and the water vapor rising, forming more and more fog... And here it seems that the other party has intentions Some kind of magic froze the mist, turning it into an area where the wind couldn't disperse and the water vapor couldn't evaporate.

The further you go into the canyon, the drier the ground becomes, and the temperature of the air gradually rises.

What made Du Wei and others helpless was that the three of them had been walking in a valley that was not too wide from the beginning to the present. This valley seemed to have nine turns and eighteen turns. The three of them turned a few turns, turned left and right, and finally waited until the thick fog in front of them gradually thinned, and the ground was already dry under their feet. Underneath, you can even see some green weeds and moss!

Compared with the ice and snow outside, the cold wind, the temperature in this canyon is much more comfortable.

"It seems that the evil-eyed tyrant snatched a good place." Dardanelle couldn't help laughing, "In this damn forest, there is such a good place. If it was me, after snatching it I’m absolutely reluctant to give it up to others, it’s freezing outside!”

Du Wei has already unbuttoned the top buttons of his fur coat, exposing his neck to let in the air. It is very warm here. Wearing the fur coat, Du Wei felt that he was about to sweat. He even took off the fur hat. He took it off and stuffed it into his bosom, then looked around carefully.

The dense fog here is so thin that it can be ignored. Du Wei felt a little more comfortable: the thick fog just now not only affected his vision, but also the heavy humidity made Du Wei cough. Du Wei had no doubt that if he stayed for a long time in the dense fog that contained too much terrifying moisture, he was afraid that people would suffer from pulmonary edema.

Now that there is no thick fog, the three of them can finally observe the place well.

The farther you go to the depths of the canyon, the road gradually widens. The mountains on both sides are still rocky, and the exposed rock faults are blue-gray, and in the cracks of the rocks, occasionally, tenaciously stick out. A few clusters of unknown plants, and even Du Wei saw many piles of decayed and withered wood on both sides of the canyon. I don't know how many years old the decayed tree roots are.

"Look, there's something interesting here." Hussein, who was walking in front, suddenly let out a strange cry.

Du Wei and Dardanelle followed immediately, and saw Hussein standing in front of a "stone tablet".

It is somewhat reluctant to say it is a "stone tablet". This is clearly a large rock on the side of the road, as if a piece has been cut off, and a few lines of words are densely carved on the neat cut surface exposed... It is the common language of the empire. !

"Announcement from the Xieyan Kingdom: Please note that you have set foot on the territory of the Xieyan Kingdom. This is a land under the rule of the great Xieyan King. According to the decree issued by the great Xieyan King himself, anyone from this kingdom Creatures passing through the territory, whether they are monsters, treants, humans, or anything else, must pay a consecration tax to His Majesty the Great Evil Eye King: Every creature that passes through the border must donate one of your eyes! This notice is based on The highest law of the kingdom, if outsiders do not obey the laws of the kingdom, they will be killed!"