Law of the Devil

Chapter 78: animal kingdom?


Evil Eye Kingdom...

Evil Eye King

Du Wei smiled wryly and said, "Could it be that this guy has already built a country here and made himself king? An animal kingdom? The Kingdom of Warcraft?"

Seeing this announcement, Du Wei became more and more curious about this "evil-eyed tyrant". "Offer one eye..." Hussein sneered, and he suddenly took a step back. Before Du Wei and Dardanelle could react, the knight had already slashed out with a backhand sword, and then he heard a click, and the boulder in front of him was gone. It split in two and collapsed with a bang. A golden light flashed in Hussein's eyes, he took another step, shattered the stones on the ground with his foot, and said coldly, "I really want to meet this king."

At this time, there were a few crows singing in the distance, and the three of Du Wei couldn't help being taken aback. Looking from a distance, they saw a few crows flying over a dead tree trunk at some point in the canyon. The crows croaked at the three of them a few times, and one of the crows actually uttered human words and said loudly: "Outsider! Outsider!"

After finishing speaking, he fluttered his wings and called out "Quickly report", and then several crows flew into the canyon at the same time.

With a sneer on his face, Hussein kicked a few stones at his feet casually. Suddenly, the two stones shot out, shooting down two crows from a distance. Immediately, two feathers were scattered, and the two crows were shot down. The two crows smashed to pieces. fell far away. But deliberately left one and went back to report.

"Oh, you should have shot them all down." Du Wei sighed: "Now that the other party is prepared, it's not very good."

"I did it on purpose." Hussein looked arrogant, and then strode into it first.

Dardanelle pulled Du Wei a bit, he looked serious, touched from his arms for a while, took out a small bundle, and opened it layer by layer. However, a few dark things were revealed: "This is something we carry with us specially to deal with the golden-eyed python. The most powerful thing about the golden-eyed python is its eyes, as long as you look at its eyes, you will be petrified It was lost. Our Liszt family spent a lot of money to get these things, and after reading a lot of ancient books, we came up with these things... "

Du Wei only glanced at it, and couldn't help but blurted out, "Sunglasses?"

"What?" asked Dardanelle.

"Oh, nothing." Du Wei shook his head immediately. Dardanelle took out these things. In terms of appearance, it really looks like the thing called "sunglasses" that Du Wei knew in his previous life.

Everything is very small, two thin black polished translucent crystals, fixed with a pure gold frame, and two more leather cases on both sides. It is used to fix on the ear.

"These black crystals are rare. We spent a lot of effort to buy them." Dardanelle said with a smile: "Don't underestimate these things. These few things cost a total of 80,000 gold coins. We have a total of 80,000 gold coins. There were eight people who came to the forest, and they brought eight of them, and put them here with me. Now the three of us are more than enough to use, and each of us wears one, so we don’t have to be afraid of the golden-eyed python. And... I Thinking, what is that thing here called "Evil Eye Tyrant". It is probably related to eyes, I am afraid that it is also something strange about eyes. Maybe it is useful for us to carry this thing."

"Thank you." Du Wei didn't refuse, and reached out for a pair of "sunglasses" to put on.

"You don't need to thank me, I should be the one to thank you." Dardanelle's face was a little strange, and he whispered: "I know very well that with my strength, I can't even protect myself in this kind of place. Without you Without such help, it is impossible to come here. No matter who you are, I, Dardanelle, owe you a great favor."

"It doesn't matter who you are," Du Wei couldn't help being a little embarrassed when he said this. He originally reported to Dardanelle under a false name. But later, as Hussein joined the team, Hussein knew Du Wei's identity. In his speech and behavior, Hussein would inevitably call Du Wei's name, even if he didn't call Du Wei's name, occasionally The previous title of "the boy of the Luo Lin family" is enough to indicate Du Wei's true identity.

Dardanelle heard it, but didn't say anything.

Today this window paper was punctured, and Du Wei couldn't help being a little embarrassed. Dardanelle had always been very honest with himself, and he had deceived him and his companions who had been together for so many days (and met Hussein that day. At that time, Dardanelle knew that he was invincible, but he still fought desperately with Hussein to protect Du Wei), such feelings Du Wei cherished very much.

With a shameful expression, Du Wei whispered: "Okay, Dardanelle. I didn't intend to lie to you... well, my real name is Du Wei, and I'm from the Rowling family. Earl Meng is my father. Because I don't want too many people to know about my learning of magic. So... I gave you a false name. Please forgive me for this."

Dardanelle smiled, opened his arms and hugged Du Wei: "No matter who you are, you are my friend and benefactor of Dardanelle. Whether it is Du Wei or the wizard of Harry Potter, you It's you. I swear, I will help you keep this secret."

The three of them continued to move forward. Faintly, there was a noisy sound in front of them, the collision of stones, shouts, and yelling.

The three of them glanced at each other and speeded up. Du Wei tucked his hands into his sleeves, and Dardanelle had already taken off his bow and arrow. Only Hussein strode ahead.

After turning the last corner, the ground in front of him suddenly opened up, but Du Wei couldn't help but feel a little surprised by the scene in front of him: the ground in front of him was about the size of a football field, maybe even bigger.

Here, there is actually a city wall under construction!

It's the ground, that's right, it's the city wall! !

Something like a tall giant. Walking around, laboriously carrying stones that have been cut into squares and piled up...

And next to it, a group of small, gray fur-like creatures, who looked like groundhogs, ran around with whips in their hands, as if they were supervising work!

These supervisors are almost all a little shorter than ordinary people. But it seems that mice have evolved into humans. These mouse-like things walk upright like humans one by one, with "clothes" made of bark or animal skins hanging on their bodies, and walk back and forth one by one. , holding a small vine-like whip in his hand, and from time to time he whipped the giants who carried the stones twice. Then he shouted and cursed in a high-pitched voice.

And those giants who carried stones... Du Wei was surprised.

Those poor "coolies" are all treants!

No, to be precise, a group of tree people's "companions"! ! But soon, Du Wei noticed something strange.

The coolies of the "companion" class of tree people are not wooden anymore! Their bodies have turned into stones! As if in some kind of petrification. It has become a tall stone sculpture! A group of dynamic stone sculptures! Working back and forth laboriously, mechanically, clumsily.

Moreover, those mouse-like overseers are obviously short, but these petrified treant companions seem to be very afraid of those mouse overseers-or rather, they are afraid of the whips in their hands!

The whips in the hands of these mice seemed to have some kind of magical power. When they were whipped down, although their height could only hit the legs of the fellow treants at most, they could make the fellow treants howl in pain.

After the three of Du Wei approached. Immediately noticed by those overseers, these mouse-like guys watched three strangers walk in. Immediately one screamed loudly, shouting: "Outsider! Outsider! There is..."

It's a pity that Hussein snorted before he could finish his sentence, and then a golden light flashed, and the mouse's head was beaten into a meat sauce and fell down.

At this moment, the other supervisors were all frightened, and they all ran in all directions, yelling loudly at the same time. Without a supervisor, those petrified treant companions dropped the stones in their hands one after another. However, he stood there sluggishly and did not move, but instead, many supervisors ran. He bumped his head against the leg of his tree man companion, and he fainted first.

"Oh, you're too quick." Du Wei sighed.

"Anyway, it's going to turn heads." Hussein didn't care. The city wall was already half built up, but suddenly heard the sound of horns, and then a group of... soldiers rushed out from behind the city gate

Du Wei felt that his trip was really an eye-opener. These mouse overseers can walk upright and speak human words, which has already made Du Wei very curious about this "animal kingdom". But the group of "soldiers" who ran out from behind the city wall almost made Du Wei burst out laughing.

This is a group of... cavalry

About a dozen mice, much stronger than those overseers, sat majesticly on the "mounts". These mouse soldiers were all wearing armor of the same style... It's just that most of the armor seemed to be made of animal skins On the ground, there was even someone behind holding a flag, which was woven with hemp, and a pattern in the shape of a huge eyeball was simply drawn on it.

And the mounts on which these cavalrymen sit are of course not horses... Instead, although a whole group of giant "trees" are not horses, these giant trees are very complete. Looking from a distance, a group of mice riding on the trees is speechless.

However, these guys rushed out of the city gate in a murderous manner, and then quickly surrounded Du Wei and his party of three. Pointing at the three of them with a long spear, he shouted in a sharp and harsh voice: "Outsiders! Why did you come to the territory of the great evil-eyed king! Tell us why you came here and pay your taxes!"

Du Wei covered his sleeves and smiled slightly: "Evil Eye King... I have never heard that there is such a king on the mainland... Excuse me, what is your business?"

"We are His Majesty's cavalry!" Captain Mouse raised his chest proudly: "Under the order of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, we will build a city wall here and be in charge of the checkpoints here! Outsiders, pay your taxes quickly, everyone digs out One eye and we'll get you out of here safely!"

Your Excellency the Prime Minister? Du Wei didn't know whether to laugh or stare... This evil-eyed tyrant seems to be addicted to playing the game of building a country... There is even a prime minister

However, in any case, being pointed at by a dozen mice with sticks, it is really difficult to make three highly capable humans feel any threat. — despite the size of the mice. "We are here to meet the evil eye king." Du Wei said with a laugh.

The captain of the mouse cavalry was stunned for a moment... In fact, few outsiders came here in this canyon kingdom. It also gradually became meaningless. Seeing these three outsiders, this guy was still quite excited. He shook his prestige, and shouted: "Nonsense! Your Majesty the King is what you want to see! Quickly goug your eyes and get out!"

Du Wei sighed and stopped talking.

Hussein started to attack, and the sword in the knight's hand only swung in a circle. After the golden light spread, the sticks in the hands of the mice suddenly fell apart. When the tree fell, they all jumped away and fled in all directions.

Looking at the dead rats all over the place, Du Wei was a little disgusted: "Can't you clean it up?" He kicked his shoes, shaking off a few rat hairs on them, Du Wei shook his head and continued walking.

He actually yelled a few words to those petrified treant companions, but these treant companions without much intelligence could not speak, so Du Wei gave up his intention and could only walk through the building with two companions. Halfway through the city wall, continue to go into the canyon.

After passing through this city wall, the scene in the canyon immediately changed again.

There are big trees neatly arranged on both sides... all of them are petrified trees. The trees that were originally full of vitality have been petrified.

There is also a stone pavement under your feet... All the buildings here seem to be made of stone.

There are actually many stone buildings built on both sides, houses, low-rise buildings, those square houses, the doors and windows are all dug out of the ground, Du Wei can see that there seems to be something vaguely looking outside.

Three outsiders walked into this strange "kingdom" in such a grand manner.